t hj rif d.iprtv liters end FroTJrietCXS J tax-pay.rs aud baMQ 88 ni-n . - v . , rnslon Election Law. dU .Dd wwa -h-r O""or oh . Th liw" in8uad of being a Bufe. floil8 b-8ide, 8,m, -Pr.BlJ.ntlal .pl J , f nn, Election i8 an owners 6Mfl,u'"' encourager aua pruuiutc u Mv. OFFICE IN BKi(JK KtJ poiote-a, and and thre now exists here the mo inteoe ffelintf against an eort of rPr QmivTttjturt lu t HI illlClh f.f I avery daj (rfuuday excepted) ami ! negro domination delivered by carriers. 1 There i n treater flin delivered by carriers RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : One year. ... ..... ... . v . :-$4.00 Six montne. ........... . 2 00 Three mouths ......... . i-pO. One moiitb . . -35 ; Single co uy. . . . .-. ..... .05 The Wefjji Standkd is a our-page, e .t-culuuQu paper. It lias a larr jircuiaiioo in Cabarrus than ar Au r paper. Price 81.00 er anuu ro- iu advance. ADVERTISING HATES : Termd lor regular advertisements snade k do wu on application. jqAddfebd all coouiuuriicatious to THE STANDARD, ;Concord, N. G. OONCOyD. OCTOBER 120 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. SOR JUDGES SUPERIOR COUET First District Geo. YL Brown, J r , of B.auforc. Second D. strictHenry R Bryan, of Craven. Fifth District Thos. J Shaw, ef Guilford. Sixth District Hod. H Al'eu, of .Lenoir. Seventh District Thos. A Mc Xeal, of R .beeoh. Eleventh District W A Hoke, of Lincoln. FOR CONGRESS. Sev nth District Theo. F Kluttz, Roirun. FOR SOLICITOR, Eighth District Wiley Rush, of Randolph. COUNTY TICKET. Senate R L Smith, of Norwood. Honcp L T Hart8el, of (JoncoJ. Sneriff J Lawson Prck. Clerk of Superior Court Jno. M Jook. ,, Register of Deeds W Keeoe John sen . Treasurer Caleb W S wins. Ootton W eigher John W Propst ; Surveyor Jno. H Long. - Coroner A E Lentz. Coinmipsioners Jno. P Allison, M FNabit and Jno. 8 Turner. of un- rest and uncrrtuinty about the niAint-nHnCrt rf order than I have ever seen, and ?iin,y, even ,t he mot conservative, feel rhat a rce con flict in imminent, than whicn noth ing could be more disaatious. not on y to this city and connty, but to our party in the State; and rather thnn have riot, n son and bloodshed prevail ht-rp i R-pnblicn tboib I m, itdvia giving ap the locil offices in this county, 8 there are n on1 an nhatAnln to the' way of free and fair elections. Tne registration law is Riraidy infamous because un der it there is no way to priv-nt fraudulent registration if the tine who ofifefa to rgtater will hwear THE RACKET STORE i 1 Phone No. 102. Ladies' capes 65c up.. Plush capes $1.48 up. . Dress Skirts black and cols national polifical principles involved j oq the books there is nothing to iQ thU contest. ! pravent him from voting, for tl is I bad thoueht at first that it was i ao much extolled election law de- i that ne is entitled lo egr. , A , ggc tQ negro fro n South Carolina, on. t. Ladie8 .Dre88 Shoes 81.10 Southern border, or from Virginia,) tQ x.g0 on the Northern border, may crops t inch Black Brocaded over into North Carolina, walk up ' Brilliantine 18c. to the registration placa accompa- 32 inch Black Queens Cloth nied.by some negro or white man 25 cents. who will tell him, what to do, and Nice lot of Shirt Waist how to do it, and got his name on , Silks. No two patterns alike the registration books in epite of ( from 25c per yard up. any efT )rt that may be made to pre vpht it. Having eotten his name All Wool Flannel at 12Jc merely the usual political cry and the fight for the tffice. but I am now convinced the feeling is much deeper than this, as it pervades the whole community, and there eeems to hi a settled determination on the part of the property owners, business men and- tax payers tht they will administer city and county govt rn ment. Your friend, . VV H iiatboup.n. the Slatler Cbadbonrn Nets W H Chadbourn, the postmaster and leading Republican, of Wil. - ming ton, wrote a letter some time go to Senator Pntchard that wss tjeing used to create the impression that negro rule in Wilmington is greatly exaggerated. The fusion ipapers made a campaign document of it. Mr. Chadbourn, however, 1 J A. ' 1 J 1 viuuiu uui matte iiie impres;ions ere Jited in his letter fit the condition in 7his3ity and county, and has written ihe Senator' another letter which leavesio more room to doubt the deplorable condition. The follows ang is his letter: Wilmington N. C, Oct. 18, 1898 . Senator J O Pritchard, 'Dear Sir: Since writing you on -September 26thy eyents have taken ce8Sitates some further explanation cn my part in order to put myself Tight before the community here, and .also to correct any mistaken -impression I may haye made in your injd. iior the sage ot an lancied polit ical advantage I cannot afford to make a one-sided presentation of the situation in this city and county, uuu ujf uaiuiug uuij tut) wuiie OI tf rials and lp.avircr nut tha nnlnrH dcubtlesa some advantage has been Aalrfin- and a falflA nnlnr iivpn fn tho actual situation, to which the husk ixess people and tax-payera regards Hess of patty have made objections. As a matter of fact, there are in hi8 county thirtysix colored mags Beats liie Klondike. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in tie Klondike. For years he suf fered untold aony from consump' tion, accompanied by hemorrhagee; and was absolutely cured by Dr. Kiog's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. - He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundied dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung afiectione are positively uured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at Pb Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 c uts and SI 00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. The i'Hcts Make a Very Different; . Mr. J N Price said iu his speech here that negro jarors hbd served in the jury box in Uuion county under a Democraiic administration Thai's where Jim b'ew put the gas again . We happen to know about that bueinesd. It war during a court held by Judge Mcorc, a Republican. He ordered Mr. Hanan Preslar, then dfputy sheriff, to call some ne groes into the jury box. Mr. Pres- prives the citizen of the right to challenge a voter on the day of elec tion, so, all the fraudulently regis tered voter has to do is to deposit his ballot for the men in whose in terest he was imported, and then if he fears subsequent proceedings, skip for other parts, as they very frequently do. The next day after the last election car - loads of im- ported negroes left Winston for. their homes to Danville and other Virginia points after having done the work which they were imported to do. The Democrats of Winston knew, they had run in on them a great many Virginia negroes but there was no way under this beauti fully manipulated election Jaw of preventing them from voting. That's what the fusionis's call a good, honest election law, a guarantee of free and fair elections. It ia a vood law for them because as it give8them two-thirds of the regis trars and poll-holders they have the machinery in their own hands. Wilmington Star. Our Peace Commission has been suffering much delay, from Spanish diplomacy that seemed about to ingnore results of the war. Spain wanted the United States to accept the sovereignty of Cuba and assume the debt. A flat refusal has been given, and she is opening her eyes to the fact that her contentions will amount to nothing, and she cannot long delay the work of the com Baeklen'ii armca saive. The Best Salve in the World for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns and all lar did not do it, whereupon the In ruPtlon8 aAl positively cure. i , ' F . . "ePiles or no pay required. It is judge himself ordered some black men to take seats in the box. That is a sample of about all their cases where they say Democrats pnt ne groes into office. Monroe Journal, guaranteed to give atatisf action or monav refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store The Spaniards want to delay the evacuation of Cuba. Admiral A Narrow Escape. r Thankful word? written by Mrs! Sampson has put his foot down on Ada E Hart, of Groton. R. D WflB taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and final ly terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband .was ad vised to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a. trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50c. and 1.00 Guaranteed or price refunded. Admiral Dewey is expected home about Dec, 6th unless some fresh trouble should arise. He seems the right man to have around in emer gencies, and any serious huch in the it that Spanish rule ceases Decem ber 1st. Lieuntenant Hobson will come home to attend the Philadelphia Peace jubilee and also get some more appliances with which to raise the Colon. A man convinced against his will affects the same opinion still. See defenders of the fusioa record. peace commissioners' work mav de . . i ... . urates, and a colored regiaterof f prive him of the trip, gffijgg Ask Your DRUGGIST for a geuerous -10 Cent TRIAL SIZE. CATARRH ELY'S ' CREAM BALM contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once, It. opens and cleanses tne Xsasai Passages Allays Inflamation. mm COLD "N HEAD Heals and protects the membrane,.restores the senses of taste and smell. Fullsizeloc, trial size tt!H,SBBl ely BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street. New York 1 lengths of Embroidered White Flannel for Children's Skirts at 74c per yard. Cotton flannel 6c per yard up. ; : 40 inch Sea Island .c. 1 yard wide Bleaching 5c u p. Lonsdale 7ic. Ticking 7 12c up. Good Calico 3 1 2 tc 5c. 7 l-2c Gingham at 5c, This is the; best gingham offering you ' have had lately. We only have them in small checks. - 7 l-2c Outing in dark colors at 5c. Light colored Outing in small stripes and checks at 6 ls4 and 7 ls2. These are especially servicable for In fants wear and ladies' nigbt gowns. ijadie85 Jersey rib vests at 15c up. Remnants of nice Drapery Sateen at 10c, worth 25c yard. RemLunts of Wool Serge 25 cents per yard. Remnants - Wool Cashm 40c lb. r Remnants Cotton Blanks 25c lb. 18 White Remnants Fine Goods 25c lb. Remnants Good Bleach 18c lb, 1 Remnants Unbleached Mnsv linl5clb. I j Turkey Red Table Damas ' 15c up Bleached Table Damask 27ic to 95c per yard. - Plain White and Fancy Oil Cloth 15c per yard. Lace Curtains 68c to $450 per pair. Feather Pillows 50c each. Towels ar: 2c each. I tC T" : t m ' . - . I you page irencii raoiet for 5c. 2 penny tablets for lc. Other stationery as cheap. Gents Percale Shirts 24c up I t4 White Shirts 25c up " ; Silk Club Ties 15c I worth 20 and 25c. New stock .of. Tinware just in. 1 Why pay 15 and 20c for Perxsaline when you can get it here in white, black or colors at 6 3 -4c per yard, or Selicia at 7 l2a Very Respectfully, D. J. Bostian ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER TO T Hj S A Home Paper Containing Home and Other iJVews That Is of Interest To Our Readers. 1 SEND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. IN ORDER THAT A PAPER MAY THRIVE IN OUR CITY IT MUST HAVE -T THE HEARTY CO-OPERATION and PATRONAGE of its PEOPLE Price of DAILY STANDARD.- One week. ................... . ... . .. One month.. . ... ?. ........... .... CIThree months'. . ...... .......... ZlSlx months.. .......... - .......... . . .. ..... . . . . . . One year. . . . . . ..... ioc; 35c $1 00 2 00 00 I.