Vol. Xx-No. 2709 CONCORD, N. C THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2? 189b Whole No 11799 COUNTING SILVER COIN. 1 II off iheVorR is ueing ione i Thi uir ib H nogers of twenty pairs kf ftDiniiiti ,iHnus were iu nuLa -ca o'hirti at the snbtreasurj .... i! :l J I Lolatm2 ten minora 01 enyer uoi ,a3tcm bcnse vanh..i. The task is not L e ,7 ou3. .by any rneond, and 25 i ? . i. - i ! i IB ('XfK'C-ca, win ua uodbuui?u ccrri ,Vsrion . V7is cf the treasury deQ :5t a- Washington, has - come T -ip to SOperinuuucui it an, u.o jb vUted by Miss Julia Booth, of this Vh twenty women who are dcir? the work are all expert hand- in Vers if coin and have been employed in the- mint here. The count is made to nr.fy tbe accounts of ex-Assist- an TreaBurer uigier. i Vj i!au i a rco in on the second floor a 0rjf table, aiyiaea inio zu compans . . t ljrV I c&:L.ts, ia placed behind a stont iron screen, high n5uh to keep out ins rnat u ""6. j , h C I AiiLu iwvw tuo wouvjr utC1B into eacn compHnraen is I - i. I damped 1,000 shining new tlollar 1 the contents of a Btout canvas bag in which they ha?e been signed, sealed and stored- awav. Quickly rtiv fhfl .nnp.rAtnr tb' nn I handful of the coins, and almost be fore jcu can say "Jack Robinson1 she has stacked them up in little pilea of ten each in a box which holds exactly 100 such piles.'. Then a man comes along with ano her canvas bag, tbe counterpart of the first one, and' 100 little $10 piles are dumned into it. It is then tied, sealed and the name of the , , ' counter, written by herself on a tag, ' . . is attacnea to it. xnen n is cartea away to give piace io a eucceBsor, i i and to go again to the subterranean vaults from which it came. The process pursued is a little different from that followed in other Tears, for then the monev was mere. It wrfriiMH..' th haa nd if nn of -w a n . , , s , n - f opened and the contents counted. This time indubitable proofs are to had byVthe actual handling of every piece of coin. . The bank note? which are always disposed of by actual count, have aK ready been verified, as has nearly all the fractional coin, halves, quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies, to the amount of $5,000,000 or more, and gold to the amount of. over $1,000, 000. Philadelphia Press. His Hand Only Is Off. As was merely Loted in Wednes day's edition, Mr. il'eper Parish, eon of Mr. V b Parish, who lives near White Hall, had the misfortune to get his hand caught in a corn husk -er that afternoon . The young man, ahoiit 18 year3 of age, had on gloves while feeding the machine. After his hand went Ic. ween the roller he almost instantaneously threw the machine out of gear with the other hand but it was too late. His hand B8 badly lacerated, and to add to the suffering of the young man, the rollers were as if locked and his band was fast, until some of the bolts were loosened. Only his hand is torn off after all. The physician tmjointed the wrist, not leaving aoch bad wound to heal. COMMITTEES APPOINTED To Noticit Snbscrlptlou for thenar becne to be field on ftatnrdny, Soy. Sib To be Known in Every Corner of the County A Grand Time Ex pected. Not in a while- ia there as large a crowd expected to be in Concord as on Saturday, Nov. 5th. Let. every body tell their neighbor, and let all bring their families, as this is to be a day to be remembered in Con cord. The following committees have been appointed in the different townships and wards for the nur poge of 80iicitiDg contributions for the Democratic barbecue to be held Concord on Saturday, the 5th day of November nest. At which time and place there will be a grand Democratic rally and speeches: T t k T i i a r r ito. i oon jx .Darnnarai, ivl iu Morrison, D Henry Whito and S F XX A n xj.iio. , No. 2 J S Hams, C L Cannon, W W Morris and P PTownsend. w V A V .4.-1. i.lUUAiUl 0 Alelander and M P Nesbit. No 4H w Ludwjg, C A Sher- WQod Rufua cline W D GiUon and John A Scott No. 5 E K Mieenheimer, GElam Cruse, R F Cline and W B Earn- hardt No. 6-Oeorge & Ritchie, A & Furr, Addison Crowell and W D Barrier. No. 7 John Eluttz, George W Dry, D L Barringer and Reid Mi 8enheimer. No. 8 L J Foil, Titus Moser, C D Barringer, T H Ridenhour, D D Barrier and E D Lentz. No. 9 Dr. J R Jerome, E T Tx- i-l T n !iL J TV T7I T O08l u omua auu u r arer. I xt m or tt n at t an . . ings, H C Cook, J C MoEachern, D B ' . 1 . ' W Turner, M M Furr and DP tj. No nQ A Robinson, M A Walter, W L Morris, A F Heglar and W Reece Johnston. . Ward No. 1 W C Houston, W G Boshamer, J FK Hurley, John P I Hi J T TV T. 1 unison ana u u uuvai. Ward No 2R 0 Montgomery, u iu oumer, joe r vannon auu u -,r ri -., t T! n-: 3 Tv M Fun. w rd N 3A Q Bo8ti P A Cor rell, R A Brown and H McNamara. Ward No. 4 D P Day vault, G T Crowell, M L Brown, J L Miller and Jackson Ritchie. The foregoing named committees have tne P0Wbr t0 aPPot sub-corn mittees consisting of ladies and men, and it is hoped that they will canvass their respective townships and wards for meats, bread, and such other provisions as their peo ple may aee proper to donate, and, in addition thereto, have as many ia they can to bring baskets of edi bles. A Good Meeting. We are informed that the Popu hat candidates tried to hold a secret meeting at the Plott echooi house Wednesday night. The result was two Populist candidates present and plenty of Democrats, but not a Populist auditor. It was of course a good meeting with a pair of forlorn exceptions. t-- Rally on tne 5th, ye that W8nt no more fusion government in North Carolina. Let the White Government Unions feel especially charged them selves with a lively interest in the in the grand rally on the 5tb. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Luther Boat and wife left this morning for Raleigh to take in the State Fair. , Chairman A B Young is back from a visit to hifarm in Catawba county. Mr. Jno. Go'odman- wentr to Ralegh this morning to attend the State Fair. Mr. P C Pagl will return to Raleigh tonight. His little child i is very much improved. Dr. Fetzer retnfned home this morning from Raleigh, where he at tended the meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy. Mr, W E Furgon, of Phila delphia, advance agent of- Pawnee Bill's Wild West show, was here yesterday. Their advertising car will be here next Wednesday. A FRESH SUPPLY Oif And Cahes deceived. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GROCERS The Second Lecture. ; - i - The. lecture ;by Rey, Sttibblebine in the court house; Wednesday night was a success in every particular axoept a large audience that we feel sure would have been richly repaid for attendance, sare the considera tion that the stoves were not yet put tip and the room was rather chilling to admit of the highest degree of appreciation. The scenes on tne canvas were very good and with the fluent 'lec turer gaye ineighte into human ex istence in the packed, Equallid re cesses of the great city that we who breathe the free air of an open and sunshiny region can scarcely con ceive. Had the lecturer shown but the dark side and fed the pessimist only on the decaying and degenerating food of moral, intellectual and spiritual decadenne, it might have been without merit, but the progre s shown ix ameliorating the conditions in various wayp, by tbe wealthy and the pious, was the- silver lining to the daiK picture. The beautiful hospitals, Bchools, nurseriep, etc., where but a few years ago was hts terally a hell on earth was calculated to giye comfort to those who daily pray "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done." Overcome evil with good. Over come your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure, It is so good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis eses. J P Gib8o"n. Oar dear noble women in the ru ral districts know full well, and need only to remember thai Demo cratic success means much for their safety and happiness. ROOD'S - si over hyu rhen all ot;i i proved ly irp curt HhESE WAFERS r ang.aroo School Nothitig more important to the h'altb, comfort and well being of children than to-have them well shod . . . Nothing worse for 'their health than to let them go with cold wet feet. f - i . Where can you get the best shoes for the least monev ? We claim that light here is the plac-. We give jou the greatest variety to make your selections from. We make the lowest prices for kind of shoes you buy. IN FACT, OUR PRICES ARE BOUND TO BE THE LOWEST, BECAUSE WE PAY MO SEY BACK IF PRICE IS NOT RIGHT We want to show you onr line of KlNGAROO SHOES. All sizes, all styles- Th best Bhoe for the money m the State. Call for our Kangaroo Shoes. Cannon & Fetzer Company. hoes COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US ! Give us your ear and we will telllyov their ectson why. FURNITURE is theburden ofour sorig. We study it by day, we dream of lit by night. Our highest imbition in a business way is to give the good' people of Concord and country for miles around the advantageof a FURNI TURE STORE EXCELLED B Y NONElan d)EQ Ujl LL ED by few in JVorth Carolina Buying in carUots for spot cashfrom the best factories in the United States gives us allong lead inlthe direction that interests buy ers. Welhavelthe BES1WSTOCK tithe best prices that has ever $een our pleaeure to offer our customers. We thank our friends ior the splendid trade given us in the past We hope, byclose lattentiou to your interest to merit it in the future- Dont ail to see those handsome "Golden Oaks"lCom e and sedus, we will do you Good. v Belli, Harris & ..Company.; " git Lilf i SWrf4efc- J-Ji .i--xrrrynt , .'A w m- m f . if , - v. v j. a?.- f---v I e m . i The Master Piece of an Artist In the shoemakiritf trade is the handsome and stylish - 2:00, $2.50 and 83.00 Shoes tVr La dies that we are showing in onr exquisite fall stock. Dnr able, pretty as a picture and the acme of perlection in foot wear, we claim for our fine shoes. We are showing a splendid line of shoes for the little folks from the little soft soles to the mo9t durable school shoe. Those felt hoes and slippers, sizes f, ire just the thing you want for beds room use.;.- Our shoes are as good as they LOOK, and that is beyond competition. I L PARKS & CO . i

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