Vol. Xi-No. 2709 CONCOULVN; C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 1895: Whole No 11799, HE WAS DOWNED. Kopnblican in Rowan Connty I rit d to rnt Up a Scarecrow In De fence of the Fusion Administration, pnt Had to Take Bach Water. ve ponce in the Salisbury San tat !!r. Juo. M Julian, the Demo raric county chairman there, had a ;tte (liecaasion some nights ago th leading Republican out in Twe country. After Mr. Julian had ifliabed his speech, tLe Republican jfced Mr. Julian to answer a quee- 1CI1 for him 1 hia of coarse suited n ,rritif sneaker: aa r!1 napa lm t.L! V -" ( I 1 T " . tj05,j can be answered. The Re- i osVofl Mr .fnlin if it. wrnsi ro: true that a Democratic sheriff in Wake county deputized a nes grota arrest two white ladies. Mr. :Ja!isn quickly denied the states cent. Then the Republican made i. . i 4. i .i. i j the ptoposiiiou iiiai. ujiu ub auu lvir, Jaiiaa send a representative to RaK i ...... -Vt f ho rannrAa Tf Mr Ja'ian's statement' was true the other man was to bear all of the ex penses and also vote the Demo critic ticker, and if the Repub lican statement was true Mr.. Ju lian wa3 to bear all expenses and Tote the f usionist ticket. The agreement waa made tht night, but ?&s to be written out the next morning. The Republican showed up, but after talking awhile the Kepnblican asked that the contract gay that the negro arrested black voajen. This changed the matter l<ogether, and the Republican found out that hia scarecrow coald not fool the people after all. Jake Newell Orates at Sossamon's School Ilonse. Hon. R L Smith was sent to Soss samon a ecnooi nouse xnursaay m m f night to set a division of time witn Mr. Jake JNeweii, wno is now going about over the county making peeches in favor of the fusionists. Mr. Newell's epeecb, as reported to us bv one whose word cannot be doubted, was devoid of argument, but full of abuse from beginning oend. The News and Ob3erver, Charlotte Observer, Concord Times and Standard received a plenty of abuse from his lips - The latter two,. he eaid, were all right except that brains was one of their. un hown quantities. He said that he know from much experience that fcraiiia were necessary to run a newspaper, else it would soon topple wtr. Everv Uamocratic sneaker. j - A -7 e!-cr of State or county renown, deficient and incapible for aythin . lie was at the speaking Ko.:iO township Thursday when Mr. Harteell told the audience that 3 nomination for the Legislature 8 unponahfc for. vet when Mr. jJ-5 J . fell .rt to Soeeamon's ecbool boueo that night he eaid in his ePeech that Mr. Hartsell had wrki dishonestly and untiringly r the offioe. Mr. Sm minnffia rnf. fnll nf hna fnr Mr, lie wellt as he somewhat ig nored his opponentbut epoke upon 1 -S 11 a nnnr nnn -f irri f in cr n a ann hich are the foundations of Dems cracy. ' Overcome evil with annd. Over come your coughs and colds with VU6 IVl 1 nil to, nrU rM- , T ia on a children cry for it. It cures 4yuP, bronchitis, pneumonia, la I lPpe and ail throat and lung dis- STATE FAIR A 8UCCE3S Col. Cunningham Re-elected Presi dent and F II Arendell Secretary Capt. Denson Eulogizes Ex-Governor Bolt. The North Carolina Scale A'grN cultural Society met in the hail of the House of Representatives Thurs day evening and heard the address of Capt. Denson on the life and character of ExGovernor Holt. The reorganization resulted in the election of Col. John 8 Cunning ham for president and Mr. F B Arendell as secretary, Mr. Nichols declining reelection. The financial statement was en thusiastically received, as the pro ceeds this year will show a hand some profit and place the association in good shape. Relief At the Connty Home. Superintendent Barnhardt of the county home, tells us that he ha3 relieved the home somewhat bv takiDg Mary Lucky to the hospital at Goldaboro. Mrs. Talley also has been taken away by friends. This Mrs. Talley is not altgether indigent nor really insane, but ef forts are being made to get her into the hospital at Mdrcanton.4 She is doubtless diseased, but it is chiefly hypochondriasis that makes life a burden to herself and those in con tact with her. She is evidentlv a fit subject for the hospital care "and treatment. WANT GOOD GOVERNMENT. Popnlists in Dnplin Retarninff to the Democratic Party. Editor Star : I see the Caucass lan says that Populists who go ; to the Democratic party are bought out. Now I wish to eay that I am- one who has left the party and am again in the Democratic party and there to stay. I am glad that I am not alone in this movement. Others f my neighbors and quite a number of honest, patriotic citizens of thist R se Hill townshfp, are with me. We did not1 "come in at the back door," either. We are not bought out we expect no reward except that which we believe will come to the who!e people by good govern ment brought about by the success of the Democratic party. Ira.T. Young. Their Iiittle Infant Dead. The 8ix.Lnonth8old child of Mr. and Mrs. George Murr died Thurss day night. The little child had never been m good health, having had a spinal affection . Only a week or more ago had little Charlie been chri3tened. The remains were in terredthia (Friday) afternoon after the preaching of the funeral by Rev. 0 B Miller. Will Come Next Weelc. A letter from Rev. Chas. F Ran kin, who W8S married last week in Richmond, Va , informs us that he and his bride will not be in Con cord before next Tuesday night. He will not makehis appointments at his churches on Sunday, as he had expected to do. The Raleigh Fair seems to be up to promise, the greatest yet. It al most surpasses the name fair, Bays the Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer, and aesames the proportions of an exposition. r a fk r f ache ana khettmatism renevK5 SACli Mr Mils' Hem Piaster PERSON AL POINTERS, Mr. 8 J Lowe is spending the afternoon in Charlotte. Mr. Will White, of Mill Bridge, is here today on business. Dr. W H Wakefield, of Char lotte, is here today. Mr. Bachman Miller, of Rowan county, spent Thursday night at the home of Mr. John A Cline. Mr. W R Harris went to Troy, Montgomery county, this morning on business. ' Mis Lottie Parker, who is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Burleyson, is attending the State Fair. She will return here tomorrow night. Mrs. Fred Stephenson and Mrs. J C Barnhardt, of Charlotte, came oyer this mowing to visit at the home of Mr. Baxter Parks. Misa Lauri Ballard, of Grjen s boro, is spending eeveral days with lier brother, Mr. B T Ballard, at the St. Cloud hotel. -rMr. A J Whittimore went to Charlotte this morning to buy a roller covering outfit for a company in Salisbury. He will be employed by the company in the near. future, and will not go to Rockingham, as he had at first intended. A FRESH SUPPLY OF And Cahes Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 - CBE2 Rlnelnsr Peals'That Fit. I do not hesitate to say'thoB pub licly that if a race war confliot oc curs in North Carolina the very firtt men that ought to be held to ac count are the white leaders of the negroes who wi i be chiefly respons sible for it, and the work ought to begin at the top. of the list. I scorn to leave any doubt as to whom I mean by this phrase, I mean the Governor of this State, who is the engineer of all the deviltry and meanness. I trust that no snch duty will be thrust upon us, but if it is, I trust that it will be rigidly and fearlessly performed. It .is an abuse of language for such men to talk about the free torn of elee tions and the purity of the ballot. There never has been any freedom in the negro's exercise of the right of suffrage. They have invariably voted blindly and solidly aa a race, Bgainsf every interest of the white people among whom they live and on whom they depend for. employ ment It is a part of their religion to do so, and wherever there is an exception to this rule the offender is an object of hatred and persecution to them. The terrorism practiced by them in this respect has no par allel in any free country, and yet their leaders talk to them abeut be ing ' 'bulldozed' by the white peo ple ! A M Waddell at Wilmington. HOOD' cvuaj;.u il:i has over aiK, ' over n':r.n prvet? ' y iti cure. hen all Qth r ir,,',t!'iis f'ulod.that a he Oae ri TZLG O 2 Purifie GHEESE WAFERS Look Oil This Picture: We dont sell every suit and every overcoat we have for 30 cents each. We carry a great variety of fine goods as well as an immense stock of cheap goods. One of our fpends who had ordered ' an overcoat from New York s epped iito our store with a package and asked us to pack up for him to return to Rogers, jPeet & Co., N. Y, Neither overcoat fits. "Alright," our obliging saleeman answered. certainly, glad to serve jou, but why not let US sell you a coat Y "You nave nothing aa good as I want." 'Whynot?;' answered our sales- man, we'll sell you as fine coat as you have for $5 less than price you are to pay and make a fair profit be sides." "Let's see it," On went a "Crackajack" $22.50 silk lined extra superfine beaver pvercoat that fits perfectly. "That coat is alright. I'll take it. I didn't know you had such a coat Fisihat." f Find the moral. Cannon & Fetzer Company. i COTTON CUTS NO Give us your ear and we will tell vy on" .the reason why FURNITUREis the burden of our song. We study it by day, we dream of it by night- Our highest imbition Yin a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FTJR3STI TVRE STORE EXCELLED B Y NONE and EQUALL ED by few in North Carolina 35 Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead, in the direction thai interests buyers. We have the BES1 STOCK the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our : customers. . Welhank our friends for the splendid trade given us in the past We hope, byXclose latteniiouto youri interest to merit it in the future- MDont ailto see those handsome "Golden Oaks." Come and' see us, we will do you Good - , Bell, Harris & Comparay. A BARGAIN. A 11KAL SELLISG UDEft VALUE. That's the -story concerr.in Gr LOVES today. The ioakr is the man who looses but his loss hnlps hirn to a quick ad justment of his'bnsiiieds. . HERE ARE THE GLOVES ! Fosters fast black four bu ton jersey gloves only 25c. Every pair is fleece lined and fastents with either white or smoked pearl buttons. These gloves vere made up to sell for 35 and 40 cents apair. Foster's fine SILK GLOVES, fleece lined, a real 75c!, value, for 49c. a pair. A 5ull line of Foster's KID GLOVES for ladies in black and colors only 98c. Every pair of Foster's gloves are warranted from jerseys to fine kids. You have to see these gloves to appreciate their value. Lend us your hand. H L PARKS & CO. ICE WITH US !