2709 thanksgiving procla- I : MATION. Itnmefc Thursday the Twenty-rour in. President Mckinley issued tne j 11 Tl 1 ' I Vol. Xx- No. olio wing can rriaay evemug iui eral weeks ago a negro, Joe Jack . national thanksgiving : son, was accused of an assault on X5y f-be President of the United' States: A Proclamation : The approaching November bricgs to mind the custom of our ancestors, hallowed by time and rnnted in our most sacred tradi- tions, of giving thanks to Almighty Goa for all the blessings He hath having been out only twenty mm-c.-u3b3afe'd to us during' the past utes. The judge at once sentenced vcv years in our history have af- nnkdstich cause for thanksgiving this. 'We have been blessed by abundant harvests,' our trade and , .o-merce have been wonderfully increased, our public credit has j improved and strengthened, all sections of our common coun- tn have been brought together and knitted into closer bonds of rational purpose and unity. The skies have been for a, time darkened by the cloud of war, but as we were compelled to take up the sword in the cause of humani- ty, we are permitted o rejoice that the conflict has been of brief duration and the losses we have w mnnm thnnp4i grievous 1AU vi v " " O O and important, have been so f6W, considering the great results ac complished, as to inspire us with gratitude and praise to the Lord of Hosts. We may laud and mag nify His holy name that the ces sation ot hostilities came so soon as to spare both sides the count less sorrows and disasters that at tend protracted war. I do, therefore, invite all my fel- - - 11 ll A. U lov citizens, es well those at home as those who miy be at se, or so journing in toreign lanas, to tec apart and observe' Thursday, the m m M A 24th day of November, ai a day of national Thanksgiving, to come to crplhpr in f-hpir onrprfll olaP.pfl nf , . - " V'-: thufa to Almighty God for all the for the mild. nessof the seasons and fruitfulnesa of the soil, for the-continued proa I-'Ciivy tuc ucuuiCt lui iiLic uc l Tction and valor of our countrymen, for the glory of our victory and the hone of a righteous peace, and to pray that the divine guidance which bag brought u3 heretofore to cafety and honor may be graciously con tinaed in the yeara to corae. In witness whereof, etc., (Signed) William McKinley. By the President. JOHN- Hay, Secretary of State SOME .THINGS. or Which We Must Givo the Stanly ' . Enterprise Credit. Mrs. W A Stone left yesterday r Concord, where she will visit veral days. Hev, W W Russell died at his h-jme in New London laU night. "Uncle Wash" was well known in Albemarle, which he made bis home for many yearp. He was over 80 years of age. A committee has'been appointed our town commissioners to con4 fewith the Wiscaesett Mills Com Pany, looking toward securing elec tfic lights for this town through tQeir electric plant. - CONCOIU), N; C. AN APPEAL TAKEN. Joe Jackson Is Convicted of 4ssanlt anil Noilt AnAPll 1 1 Htx (Yo.n-.Kl III Attorneys Take an Appeal From the 1 Decision. lt win be remembered that sev- , . . T . Minnie Brown in Meoklenbuig county. Since that time the ne- gro has been confined in jail, awaiting xhis destiny. . A special term of court has been held and on Friday evening the jury re- turned a verdict of guilty after mm to oe nanged on tne zvth day ot December, but Jackson's attor- pey s made an apoeal tor another wiai, wnicn nas been granted When the people of the com- canity where the deed was com- mitted found thathe would not be punished yet and probably not at all, their avenging spirit became somewhat wrought up and they tried to get . Jackson from the hands of the sheriff while they were on their way to jail. : The sheriff took the prisoner out of the city that night, in order to save his life m case a lynching crowd might organize. There was quite a crowd on the streets dur- i"g the night but the prisoner's whereabouts were not known. Mrs. Dnsenbury Entertains. The entertainment of the Thurs . A day Afternoon Whist Club by Mrs. Gowan Dusenbury last even ing was the fulfillment of a week's anticipation. The players were Miss Robin son and Dr. Means ; Miss! Belle Means and Mr. Lentz; Miss Kate Affifins rind Mr. Moss: Miss Janie .q nd M R tA Uis8,Emi. ly Gibson and Mr. Frank Smith; Miss Margeret Cannon and Mr. Richmond, Mrs. Young and Mr. Dusenbury, and Miss Lalla Hill and Mr. Harsell. Mrs. Dusenbury, as hostess, was charming as usual, and made the eveniDS deliRbtfnl for each ol her Sue8lB- The elegant luncheon served a8 the least of the enjoyment of tne evening. -A. - ' Tlie Cannon Mills Will Close Down. As next Saturday is the. day that we want everybody to be out on the.streets in the processsion, steps are being made to get every body to come. At 11.30 o'clock next Saturday morning the Can non mills will close clown to let their people enjoy themselves in a grand rally day. r. Overcome evil witn good. Over come your coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure, It is so good children cry for it. It-cures croup bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis eseer -J P Gibson. The Bleachery Annex Finished. The large annex building of the Kerr Bag mills has now been fin ished, adding much more room to the building and presenting a fine appearance. . The .buildingis four stories high, and is used almost solely for the storing of cloth $ to bei shipped at times needed. Two more large napping machines liave been added, there now being six of these ma chines in service: w" SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29 PERSONAL PC ENTERS. Mrs. J P Durant, of Charlotte. 13 Spending today With MtQ. J - s- .. . . M Odell. Miss Maggie Beaeent returned home from Salem Friday night to epend Sunday. Miss Florence Fray passed through the city today on her way to Mt. Pleasant. Presiding EiderJ Brooks went out to JMt. rleasant yesterday even- ng, where he will hold quarterly conference. A FRESH SUPPLY Of CHEESE . WAFERS And Cafees Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 estaurant, R. WILL JOHNSON, Proprietor. Booms opposite Court House. Open at all hours, Birdg on toast, fish, oys ters, etc., served in nicest style. Every thing olean and attractive. We cater to the patronage of ladies especially. We will keep only polite and accommo dating attendants. The negro does not regard as. bis equal the white man who puts him self with him just to secure his vote, The colored people have more sense than fusionists credit them with, and they know the pnrpose of every political bargain. In the end the white man who votes the Deroo era tic ticket holds the highest es teem of the colored people. Com mon wealth. ' . Indications are that Mr. Kluttz wiliget a majority in every county in this Congressional district and that he will ba elected by from 3,000 to 4 000 majority.' Nawton Enterprise. The cotton picking record in Cleveland county has been moved up a few notches Jby one of, Cleve land's fair daughters, Miss Ida Jolly, of Boiling Springs, who picked .403 Dounds of the fleecy staole last Wednesday. Cleveland Star. The habit of complaining is one that grows and growsand the man or woman that becomes subject to it is sure to lose influence with all his associates Ex. ' The Fashoda affair will fl ten no powder odor it is to be hoped. ' A scientist observes . that in only three indiyidnals .'oat of ten are the two ejesjeqaajlyipod. pariila makes PURE. I X BLOOD Miles' PfcrH Pilla are guaranteed to stcri aeudicheln2Q zninute& "Que cent a doseP" CITY PnMQti O U u are vtne cures i HocL's ursaDanlla. and. vet the; 1898 j3ok Oe This icxure: We don't sell every suit and every overcoat we have for 30 cants each. We carry a great variety of fine goods as well as an immense stock of cheapgood8. One of our friends who had ordered an overcoat from New York s epped iato onr store with a package and asked us to pack up foi hi'm to return to Rogers, Pest & Co., N: Y., Neither oyercoat fits. "Alright," our obliging salesman answered, "certainly, glad to serve you, but why not let US sell you a coat ?" "You rave nothing as good as I tvuut, u t 'Why rot?" answered our sales man, we'll sell you as fine coat as you have for $5 less than price you are to pay and'make a fair profit be sides. "Let's see it." On went a "Cfack&jack" $22,50 silk lined extra superfine beaver overcoat thai fits perfectly. "That coat is alright. Til take it. I didn't know you had such a coat as that." Find the moral. Cannon & Fetzer Company. P COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US ! Give us your ear and we will tell y on y the reason why FURNITURE is the burden of bur song. We study it by day, we dream of it by night- Our highest imbitionin a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURNI TURE STORE EXCELLED BT NONE and EQUALL ED by few in North Carolina 25 Buying in car lots for spot cash from- the best factories in the United States gives us a long leadL in the direction . . . ... .i, .. ... .. . , that interests bwers. We have the BES1 STOCK the best prices tfyat has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- . - ;t Y . . - .... We lhanh our friends for the splendid trade given its in the past We hope, bylclose lattentiou to your interest to merit it in the future. !3Do7it fail to see those 7ia?zdsome "Golden Oaks." Come pitd see. us, we wUl.do yoii. Goodf . ;:' 'r-;-- Bell ' Hariris;, ' Company. Whole No 11799 Glove S a A BARGAIN. ' A KKAL SELU. .U!ViEt '"VALUE. That's the story cqneerr ing GLOVES today. The maker is the- man who looses bur his loss helps him fo a quick ad-, justmeiitof his butiiiiess. HERE ARE THE GLOVES! Fosters fast black four burs ton jersey gloves only 25c. Every pair is fleece liDed and fastents with either white or smoked, pearl buttons. -These gloves v made up to selh for 35 and 40 cents a pair. Foster's line SILK GLOVER-, neece iinea, a real. 'oc. value. for 49c. a pair. A full line of Foster's KID GLOVES for ladies in black and colors only 98c. Eyery pair of Foster's gloves are warranted from jerseys to fine kids. You have to see these gloves to appreciate their value. Lend us your band, H L PARKS i CO,