Vol. Xw-No.- 270$. THK C0LDSB0K0 RESOLU- TION8. Kin?mK Words Endorsed By 5.000 people, Calling On north Caroli nians For North Carolina's Make. We, a portion of the citizens .ojt pastern North Carolina, In mass meeting assembled, being mindful of the obligation "we are assuming and being desiroas of .informing our fellow citizens of the condition of affairs in our section of the State, do publish to the; . world the following plain statements of facts;' ' "''I. ' First, The population of this seov tion of our Stas is divided into two distinct faces the Anglo Saxon and the African Second, That in some counties the whites exceed the blacks and in j others the blacks largely exceed the ' whites, but in all of them the negro is found in large nu rubers. Third, It is not claimed, even by his white leaders, that the negro is capible of administering a "govern ment; on the contrary, the man who ia the present Governor of the State has declared in the most ems phatic language that he is wholly unfitted for it. ' Fonrtb, That in many of the counties, citie3 and towns of the east the local governments have I been turned over whollv or in nart ; to the negroes. Among these we mention Bertie, Craven, Edgecombe, Halifax, New Hanoi er, Warren, Greenville, Newbern and Wilming ton. In these counties, cities and towns negroes may be found holds ing the offices of register of deed?, deputy sheriff, constable, justice of the peace, school committeeman, town commissioner, policeman and the like. In several uther counties many of these offices are filled by negroes and many cf the pcstoffices are filled bv them1. Fifth, That counting offices of ris'.er of deeds, deputy register of deed?, deputy registers, deputy eher iff a, constables, justices of the peace, echool committeemen, town commissioners postmasters, collecs tcrp; storekeepers, gangers and the :'ke, there afe nov7 in office in the counties and -towns in eastern North Carolina nearly 1,C00 negroes, thpre v-inc; nrarly 300 negro magistrates felon e. fc-intb, That 3 a consequence of tnrnmsj; these local offices over to the negroes bad government bus followed, homes have bren inyaded and the sanctity of women endans ?cre:l, business has been piral)Zid ,8&d property rendered le33 yalnable, tte majesty of the law has been -.discarded and lawlessness encour aHd. In many localities men no former rely upon the officers of the law for protection, ' for they are known to be incompetent or corrupt, tuitions have become so intolera; iu these communities that they co be no longer tolerated or en dured. ' Seventh, That this negro domina- tl0& was made possible and these des Parable conditions -were brought t'Out through ar division "of "the hite men at the ballot box. Had white men remained together as J did for many years these things culd not have beei; ' ' ghth, That knowing these' CONCOWJ, N; C, eyila came about through a division of tne wnite men, the white man's for months to reunite the white men at the ballot box, where these wrongs can be righted and these evils remedied. ' In view of these things, it is re solved: "First, That the Republican leads ers'have a second time clearly detn onstrated their inability and their unfitness to govern North Carolina , ; VSecondy That - the time has cpme when those who have followed these leaders should no longer - do so and that all men who love their State and their homes should unite in one supreme effort to redeem the State and to pi ac a honest, capable men in office in State, county city aid town. , ; : ' 'Third; That our appeal has - ' -. been, is now and shall continue to bo to the ballot box and to honest white men . We have contemplated no violence, but we are determined to use all proper means to free bur- selves of this negro domination, which is pafaljzing our business and which hangs like a dark cloud over our homes. 'Fourth, that we declare it is not our purpose to do the negro any harm. It is better for him, as well aa for us, that the white man shall govern; th'at while we propose to protect and encourage him in all his rights and duties of citizenship, we affirm that North Carolina shall not be negrojzed. It is of all the States of the Union pecnliarly the heme of the Anglo-Saxon, and the Anglo-Saxon shall govern it. 'Fifth, That we affirm that no such conditions exist in this State as 'jastify- Senator Pritchard in calling upon the President to send troops to this State or the Governor in issuing his brutal proclamation and He hereby condemn in the most un- sicasared terms the conduct cf Sen ator Pritchard and Governor Ros sell in attempting to make it appear to th8 ou48ide world that the des scsendants of the men of Mecklen burgj Halifax, Albemarle, the fcape Fear, of Alamance, Gailford Conrt House and King's Mountain need the military power of the govern ment which they helped to create and organic to compel the;m to ob serve the law. The white men of this State, above all others, are in terested in maintaining law and ors der, and for them to be charged by Senator, Pritchard and Governor Rudsell with having a purpose to be cocae insurrectionary citiz9na ia a fcui slander, and .we denooncy them. They have been leaders in establiaho ing negro domination among cs and they are therefore responsible for the conditions now existing and in appealing to the President to send troona into this State to aid them in maintaining negro domination, they have shown they care less for toe honor and reputation of their State than they do for then official posi tion. "Sixth, That it is in the power of the .Legislature to restore- to the white men of the east the manage ment and control of their local af- fairs ; that if the .Democratic party shall be placed in 'control of the Legislature this will fbe .done. If thkHepublican ' party is in control it will- not be done. We, therefore MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 L89& appeal to our white brethren in every section of the State to go to the ballot-box on the day of election and vote for the Democratic candU dates for the Legislature. 'Seventh, That a learned and pure judiciary is necery to the presers vation of the rights of the weak, as well as to the strong . The Demos oratio candidates for this high posi tion are men learned in the law and of eminent fitness- for this great of fioev We, therefore, appeal to atl men who desire learned and pure men tb bi t urn 4the" bench to work and to yote for the Democratic can didates...' ; ' - y i u 'Eighth, That the president and secretary of this meeting are hereby directed to cause this statement of facts and these resolutions to be published in all the papers of the State, and that the Democratic ex eoutiya committee is requested to give them the widest possible cirs culation among the people." PERSON XL POINTERS, -'Mr. Deems Carpenter, of Char lotte Supply Co, spent yesterday twith his aunt, Mrs. J L Boger. Mr. Ed. Hislop, of McAdens ville, spent yesterday with his brother, Mr. Chas. Hislop. Messrs. Frank Cannon and Charles Barrett spent yesterday in Salisbury. . . Mr. Jas. Webb, of Hillsboro, who i attending school at Chapel Hill,spent Snnday and today here. A FRESH SUPPLY- OF ul 1 1 il jiULj Rfcceived. They are fine. Try them. Ervin & Morrison 0R0CER5 CITY estaurant; R. WILL JOHNSON, Proprietor. Kooms opposite Court House. Open at all hours. Birds on toast, fish, oys ters, etc, sei ved in, nicest styJe. Every thing clean and attractive. We cater to the patronage of ladies especially We will keep only polite and accommo dating attendants. ' China Grove's Sew Factory, u Some time ago it was mention t mt Ohm Grove would have an other cotton mill in the x ear future; The enterprise is by no m;ans dead, though very little can be found out. The deed for the forty acres en this side of town on the east side of .the railroad has been made oat by the oner; Mr . Goodnight. The papers which were dra wn np some time ago say that the'; wyork is to com mence this comingBpring and to be finished about August, 1899. A test for, their water supply has ah ready been made satisfactorily.' Most of the grtiea connec ed with . this enterprise are J citizens who live in and near China Gro Ve . . ' WAFERS And Cahes Look On T his Vf e don't sell every suit and every overcoat we have for 30 cents each. We carry a great variety of fine goods as well as an immense stock of cheap goods. One of our friends who liad i ordered; an overcoat from New York s epped into our store with a package and asked us to pack up foi him to return to Rogers, Peet & Co., N. Y., Neither oyercoat fits. 'Alright," our obliging salesman answered, certainly, glad tp serve you, but why not let US sell you a coat ?" M You rave nothing as good, as I want." "Why rot? answered our sales man, we'll sell you as fineoat as you have for $5 less than price you are to pay and make a fair profit be sides, v "Let's see it." On went a "Crackajack" $22,50 silk lined extra superfine beaver overcoat that fits perfectly. "That coat is alright. I'll take it, jl aian t know you had such a coat as that." Find the moral. Cannon & Fetzer any. Picttare Comp COTTON CUTS , NO ICE WITH US ;i i , ;' " ': " Give us your ear and we wilHell yov the reason why. FURNITUREis the burden of our song. W J study it by day, we dream of itby niht. . Our highest imbition in a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURNl TURE STORE EXCELLED B Y JVOjYE and EQ UJlLL ED by few in JVorth Carolina ) Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories iithe United States gives us a long lead in'the direction that interests buyers. We have- the BES2 STOCK . th c, best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- ; " ; We ihanh our friends ior the splendid trade given us in the vast' We hope; bylclose attenii6utohjour interest to merit it in the future L Dont fail to see tlwse handsome u Golden Oaks' Come and see us, we will do you Qood .w ' Bell, Harris Compaey, Whole No 1170 Glove Sale. A BARGAIN. . A KEAL HELLiae UWOEK VALUE. That's the GLOVES today. The aakr is the man who looses but hie loss helps hiin to a qnlck ad justment of his bnsmess. : HEM ARB THE GLOVES I Fosters fast black four bait, ton jeTsey gloves only 25c. Every pair is Heece lined and fasten ts with either white . or smoked pearl buttons. These gloves were made un to p1I for 35 and 40 cents a pair. Foster's fine SILK GLOVES. fieece lined, a real Tc. value ior 4yc. a pair. A full line of Foster's KIB GLOVES for ladies in black and colors only 98c. Eyery pair of Foster' gloves are warranted from jerseys to fine kids. You have to see theee gloves to appreciate their value. Lend us hand. your H L PARES & CO -7-Ji