f!scovercI Ily. a Woman. Another great discovery has beeo made, and that too, by i lady in ihia country. DUeafr fastened it clutches upon her and for eer, years she withtoud its severest tnte, but her vi al orars were uq dermined and ritith seemed itomi rient. For tfyvo monthfl .she coughed incessently, and could not bleep. . She finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of us a b ott'ie of Dr. King's New Discovery f..r consumption, and was so much relieved on taking '.the first dose, toat she slept all night; and with two bottles, baa been absolutely cared. Ker name is Mrs Luther Lutz. .Tnus writes W C.Hannick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle free at P. B. Fetzer's dmg store Reglar size 50c. and ;$1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. .TAX NOTICE. :o: The Town Taxes are now due, nad the books have been placed in nay haucte with instructions to col lect. J. K. 'Patterson Town Tax Collector. Office in. Dry & Miller's shoe store oi21tf. ' . SS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. - PRICS 50cts. GALi TIA, ILLS., Nov. 16, 1503. rarl3 Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentleraen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three proaa already thia year. In ail our ex prience of 14 yenrs, jn tho drug business, havo rravor sold nn article that save such universal satis iiiCiioa as your Tonic "Sours truly, , ASNEY.CAE3 &CO. A. 1 dealers guarattee Groves Taste less Chil) 1'cnio to cure chilis, fever and malaria in all its formp a v (1 1 ."J f j : 'i t '. -.1 r i t 15 - 1' ' " 1- r : 'J i . : i , f fMHMU ' il 1 " 3 r D. G.Caldwell, Ul.u. M .L. Stevens, M.D rs, CA.LD WELL & STEVENS. Concord, N..O, .,vr-. Qce in oid post office Tbiiiiding vippoeite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone No 37 rHE ONE.T True iWd Furiflei ?rominent!y..-lxr. t- i,ubiib Qye to day is Hood'w KirvaiKu-iu Therefore- : ;: TASTELESS : 1 ira- iilll QS53 psgj S 3 PPj1 - ' , J y V. . 4f O " -s ihj D : rv ? AF r "TJ w' i .,.'; V For Oveur Filly Years Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup been need for over fifty yrts bv millions of mothers for their ehi': ren while teething, with perfect suc cess.? It soothes - the child, softens the gutss, allays all pain, curee wind colic, and is the beet rejaydy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve ih? pvev little' 6 offerer jmmeiwtely. ?Vhi by drugiatb in cvtrry faciei u.i-; wm iu, Twenty-five cants a 'botfcle, Bos are md ask. for "Mrs. Win'sTow' JSotL..- For Mothers! THE discom forts and dangers of child-birtn can be almost tirely avoided Wine of Cardu relieveser pectant moth ers. It givea t etotbegen italorgans,and condition tot do tlAli work perfectly. That me&et preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes tsarren for years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts .hat long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. fj.oo per bottle. I k Per advice in cases requiring1 special directions, ddres3,: pivini? vsy(r-ptprr.3, the "Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta nooga, Tenn. it ti Hrs. LOUISA HALE, - of Joffferson, GaM says: "When I Hrsi took Wine cf Cardui wa had been married three years, but eould net have &ny children. Kino months later I had a flue girl baby.1' 79 MANUFACTURING CO, MANUF&.CTUREKS OF Fine Ginghams, Outing Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting H and Salt Bags. - ; 0- DEALER IN GENERAL - MERCHANDISE. BUYERS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE and 4r-foot,wood always wanted. Best prices for same. - ; -. f , j .. ... i We invite an insioec tion.of aU the goods we manufacture. - - oncordN. o 1 4 Jeff! mi mrTrwn-mfat: i ODELL Ho I no ! Te Cyclists. It is i.ow proposed to add to our ttyAVa on Saturday t .feature .of i lacie parade. : M&. Evl. F White hi? c;aiiHt-l look at er its fori;i tion and its dmcuon. He ssSa throng h na that the cyclists of the town and county will come oat in beautiful array with their wheels trirjamwd iu red, white and b ue; al though the inftlter of orDHmentirg: is entirely optional. Ladies are asked to take epecjal iutere3t in this ftas tare of the day.. We are sorry that this feature :was developed souly after the Weekly St and a ud wfia issued, but we hope 3tiU o--r-acV6ome of the country ayclitits who would ride u wheel ins 3 read of a horse. The cavalcade, howeTer, is to be cur treat pride and our conntrv frient;a will be our best contributors on the cceaaion. Aphorisms Odndor ia.. the brightest gem of criticism Disraeli. - ' - In business three things are necs e8sary, knowledge, temper and time Feltham. A brave man is-sometimes a des perado, but a bully is always a-cow ard. Hahburton. Men resemble the gods in nothing so much as in doing good to their fellow creatures. Cicero. There ere few wild beasts more to be dreaded than a talking man having nothing to fay. Swift. More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes when it obeys the watchful eye c f caution . Thomp son. Worda are like leaves, and v?here they most abound .much fruit of sense beneath i3 rarely found Pope. Nature often enshrines gallant and noble hearts in weak boaom?, oftereer, God bless her, in woman's breast Dicken?. if, . Talkativeness hs another pJagBe attached to it, even curiosity, for praters wish to bear much that they may have much to gay, Plutarch. Wntcti tlie Case. Now we have the spectacle of a negro in Halifax county by the name of S'.eptoe swearing out a warrant against' W H Kitchen, Claude Kiich on, Dr. A C Liverroan, Thomas Fenner, E T Whitehead and John Gray for breaking into his house and extorting at the points of guns his resignation as registrar in hia precinct. We would refrain from prejudging the case further than to predict that about the time it is proven to be a desperate effort and, like the call for troop goes, to kickV ing- the wrong way it will be said that Democrats4 hired him to do so. Watch the mm this thing. r ! ! Judge Greene Bead. Judge L L Greene died "Wednes day at his home in Boone. Judge Greene will be t remembered as pre siding when ' Frank Howard Was tried and sentenced. This creates a vecancy in the 10th Judicial dis trict, but the. law provl4es injthe case, and the Vacancy . will be fijled by the Governor till the next eleotio'n two years hence. - '. t Bneklen't Arnica iinire. The Best; Salve in the world ; for pte, Bruises, - Hores, Ulcers, alt Rheum, Fever 6orfg, Tetter Chapped Hands, i ChUblains, Oorns and, all 8 Sin JErupticms, and positively enrea Piles or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to give atatisf action or monev .refunded. Price 25 centsj per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drne store,' v ' -i -i : ! 1 tONDEFUL ere the cures w liooci'a Barsaparilla, And tyet they are simple andnatural. -3 Iloods arta f eariila makes PURC DUOQpi Trm!MHiiiiiMiiiii;iiiiiiii'i'imii!iiiiii;iiiiiiii;iMi.Hi....h, !pit. AVceetablcPxeparafiOiifor As- similatirig ilisTcodatidReguIa; Mm Promol:esT)iesUonCIieerful tiessandRest.Contains neither Optura,Morphiri nor Hiaeral. KotNarcotic. tot if ft! Pumpkm SeaZ sfLxScrwa T RocktU. Sail Anise. Setd. . Jtypernnnt ' Jft CarianateSadaf fVctmSccd -Clarified Satjar . ltfalpyrwt flavwi P. Aperfect Remedy f or Constipa tion, SourStoiimch.DiaiThoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish tiess andLoss OF SlJEER TacSimile signature of I Hi i "NEW VOEK. XACT COPY OF WRAPPER Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored l&GNETIC NERVINE tSS 3.ntee to Core Insomnia, Fits, Dtzziness, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Seminal Losses, Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worry sickness, Errors cf Youth or Over-indulgence! Pncc 50c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. 'Irength will give strength ani tone vc "very pari ioo Pills $2; maii. sREE A bottle of the famous Japanese Live Pellets will be given with a $i box or raore of Mag netic Nervine, free. Sold on!:" t M L Marsh & Co., Agents, Con cord, N. C. . ; TtelEC8rilli8Ei Offer the buEiness public a re liable, permanent, conservative akd accomodating bsnmng institution- We solicit your business with' the assurance Of honorable treatment end due appreciation of your : patw If w.e can serve you at any, time b- cflad to have you come and fipo us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO' CUSTOMERS Gapitaland Sulplus$70 000 D. B. GOLTRANE, Cashier J. M. ODELL". Pres. MADE' MERMAN AJAA TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE ALT.2:rvous Diseases Failing Mea- by Abuse or other F.t cosaea and India- fi " oia or youn?. and ?S?" immediate mprovo- rirt . X, rj "U1' wnore an otner tail In-f?-B!P9?.aTlnsf the genuine Aiax Tablflt- Jif If EvFia tnoasands end will enre yon. We eive iTdo itive written cuarimto tn. fr rr oJi Jr.1?-? P?8 -vT.lcego, 111. For sale iu Concord, N. Qti by J P Gibson, Dr tagist. . ... Many a household is saddened by death because of the fail on hand a safe and absolutely cer, ;ni,u uure croup such as One Minutq Qpuh Cpre.. gee that your little ones -are -protected against emergency; J-P pihsoni & j Overcome evil witn good Over come your coughs and colds with One, Pte Cough t Cure,- It is so good children cry. for -it. It urea croup- bronchitis,, pneumonia! la grippe and all throat and lung dis eses.-jB Gibson. ais ,Wh fin TrrlT-t r t TT,.0l c.i': Wilis, m & a h a u w m w r a v .ive aonrt accept a counter , auon' inere are rure San eiDg re(1Vby i8 man j an nthora j . 6 r mmtniuiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiil.iMli'i'iiiiiiiiiiuiiiit.n.iiiiii.iiiii.iini i-or quick, positive and lasting: results in Serusi Weakness, ImDotencv. Nervous I hiiity and Lr-i i i a i '-r nin For Infants and Children. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. MWlMIIMIfWWflWWIITWWWII. III. ..Hll'li.M .aft rtfi . WANTED To buy 100,00'j pounds of old cat-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for wnich w"e will pay a fsir price. No burnt iron wanted. alGtf. Concord Foundry Co Robbed ttke Grave A starling incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated as follow?: kkI was in a most 'dreadful conition. My skin was almost yellow, eye? sunken, tongue coated, pain con tininually in btack aod sides, no appetite kept on gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given mo up. For tunately, a friend advised tryicg Electric Bitteraand to my ; great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I; continued their use for thiee weeks, and am now a well man. I knew they saved my life, and robbed the other victim." No one should fail to trv therxrOnlv 50 cnts per botti at P. B Fet zer's Drug Store M11H6D8 Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who -ir. uot afraid to be generous to the needy and sufler ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, CoughB and Colds, have given away over ten .million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it;has absolutely cured thousands of hcipfiless cases. Asthma, - Bronchitis, Hoarseness and: all diseases of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at P. B. Fetzer'a drug store and get a triiil fe)ttle?iree. Keg ular size5Qc."and' $l! Every bottle ranlteed; orprice refunded. It has been demonstrated that Ely's Cream Balm is a specific for Nasal Catarrh and cold in the head. This distinction' has been achieved PJy as the result of continued suc sfurusey A'mcrbid'eondition of v., 6 rahe in the nasal passages can be cured by this purifying and HiRg treatment. Sold by drug gists or it will be mailed ffor 50 cte. by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New York. It. spreads over the Imembrane, is absorbed and relief is immediate. ' Tfe M You Hsvq Always " Bought Bears the : J' The You Have Always Bought. EvSrt tt? 6 .""u ci limuent are tiy f :curs" py-Hood 'ISuripkrilla, tc cause; iti:iikjkarqi!jiT Mel i .t ie".lth7.

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