Vol. Xi No. 2709 CONCORD. N. C. MONDAYNOVEMBER 7 l89fe A GRAND DAY IN THE HISTORCJ OF CABAR RtlS. over Five Hundred Horsemen In the ProcessionConveyances of the ! Town and Conntry Fall in Line. t ii i . . . . canea together since '76. He was nnont P,e ,hhe ,0j:z srisTTbLr eon., out and with the visible marks thousands turned their faces east- wuuere ana loiioitnde lent force ward where three tables of good and vigor to the great movement, width and eaAi mi...,;S-isn ; For the many years of good, govern, in length was .filled with eatables ment the perple had not been so for the satiafvin? of all .r;.. I stirred. This great throng assem- The dinner, as had i been intended oiea at we close , of the campaign was not of dainties but of subatan- meant that there is anmptw, tial food, such as haVhpno rAn THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE GAZE AT wrong and that the people are , de toðer with nicely cooked meats THE PARADE. termined to right that wrong. from the people of Cabarrus county He criticised Governor Russell and of cncord. Fx.Gov. Jarvls Pronounces It One of , r -n.U8.eu . , , . th Grandest Days of the State. Vi bUO ppu""ineni or negroes to ..?" W"WM via, uummumy US8Q lor After much untiring effort on the ffice whom he had Baid when a ..." private citizen were as unfit to mia Dirt of the 'management to make Y 3 uuuo lo ruJe M Saturday a grand day in the Africa. He deplored the ne2ro cowa and p were barbecued at bister of Cabarrus county's Demo- rnle in 80me of the counties and D farly hour Saturday morning, cracy and one to be remembered for cities in eastern North Carolina. beside the immense amount that years, and the day came and with it The people had borne it long but pEd bfen cooked and prepared in came the crown of success, the time has come, that this must Uat.on Friday evening by the One cou!o hardly realize how fast cease. The white people of intelhs added to th mwd were nomine-that morn eence and nronertv am anmir fn ml 6 amonn Saturday . ..... . t.L ' ' " morning when the good women of m mere wua u. oi men of the surrounding neiKhborbocda from every part of the county. The He denoucccd the effort-to .get carao and emptied their baskets of townships endeavored to keep their charitable institutions in o poU good things. It can truly be said hortemen together when they ar- "ICS- Gfeat Preesare had been that there was a plenty for all, and rived here to show the people of the ronhl to bear against bim when a plenty left, so muchio that these county how they stood politically . pernor to mke removals on ac who came to the table last could Alter a gr.at amount of whoopins that hB. 7 f' uul JDB l Urty 6 r I tnat ne wonld sacrifice hia on v themsfl rna TKa omftM I , uiuu uu WJlOlOU Whole No 11709 don't wait " " J A V A the carrying of butter,- there were some pieces of cold meat together with nice bread. A number of hogs, and veering the horsemen were whole arm beforfl h . iM mvJrtr ll v, . commanded to go to the depot to the institutions objects of political The management had bought form their line for the procession , spoil. r ' 5.500 trays for the tables, and there AU showed respect for the omcers The speaker happily illustrated were hundreds of people who did and soon the hundreds of horsemen I many strong points, and with hia not take dinner, but who we're there that had been jamming the streets forceful presentations carried the to "ear the speaking. be seen. After auoience witn nim, but it was when -oesiaes tne crowds around the he pictured the attitude of the 8peakinS grounds, the streets in the ; . . . - Ii : . , . wives ana daughters in the east in UU31oeB8 pari oi town was almost their fear at home and in the h. crowded at same time. While ways that his whole being Beemed fche parade was going on, there was animated with earnestness, and he very likely eighfc or ten thousand wfts inspired as he said bv annuls people to bo seen- : u; r A few of our citizans wer& intmr- were nowhere to forming their line they came up Corbin street to the Litheran churc 3 to await their orders. From the Lutheran church back down towards the depot nothing but columns of i ill aorsebacK riders coma oe seen. ringing in his ears from the women A IeW 01 0Ur cltlZ3s.were intox- The Steel Creek band headed the and children in his home section 1Cat but tbe number was very procession, followed by the carriaees commanding him to speak as he had 8ma11 when compared to the crowd containing the speakers and other never spoken to the noble people of present: . v!ral difficulties were prominent m n who have been th.se Cabarrus to come to their help t he dabutnone davs past trying to save our Stae He remembered wflll th- Unntr. ulted m anythlg venous or fatal. " 1 e u rememoerea well tne gallantry There was one difficulty on the from a repetition of such govern of the Cabarrus company on the speaking grounds and two on our c itas we now have. Next came field of our bloody war, and he Greets. c the Coat bearing beautiful maidens could trust the people of Cirrus , Precins of the county, at of our ton and county, whose cos- to aid thfim b., v.Hnfr fnr wMf a o tJ leaat four ot them, are to be highly l - . toaia inem d voting tor white sav commended and ronaratnlfttpil fnr tnme was pure white, and wnose QrtTT Q.u commenaea ana congratulated for , . j t c j vuc o.u, meir epjenuia aeiegation or norjses voices could be heard at all times. He eaid tlie3e evis had not eXs men and it shows that they are ens rne siaes or tne noac were tne i3ted in h ' SfcatV- Wf or tnusiaatic this year and are filters appealing words "Protect Us." This mia insecurity and dread, begottei appropriate part of the procession' by negro insolence, had grown up was under the guidance of our nader fn6ion rae and ma3t be townsman, Mr Jao. McDowel. checked. The proc.sjion of horsemen was He r'f.'pj fn fho ':, then hd by the Mt. Pleasant band. in Cabrna "d e""d "." ,:f ollam Dy K.g emf' ' T, , , , , . . ln -aoarrus ana seemed in danger of the eo ora of red, white and blue and u,ai8U''B luu .ueu pantuu iu choking with R.nnHnn whila rn.ra takf no- a nrnminflnt Tart m tha nw. the front of the horseback brigade, LimmArt (u OT?fia rtf t,;a cession i Sevtral other of onr fintpr. . u. u. vv v u v.j via vi uio ileal Cio.j . " . - .- , His peroration was erand and it P"81.UB meronauw snowea intir en- Long. The first chill of Winter is the most 1 . uangerous. Buy your "Winter Un derwear Ttfow. We have every kind. Soft, Flexible Ee-vn- bifctjLL vjttionea cotton. Heavy Fine Knit fleeced Back. Fin a Ribbed Cashmere. El egant All Wool Switz uonde suits. - We have the greatest varietv. We can pie-see you in goods The prices are bound to be the lowest, because if price and goods are not right we give the moaey back. Cannon Fetzer Company. Fine Plush apes. No Two Alihe, Elaborately trimmed, something new, and all go at half or two- thirds value. Prices run from .$1.25 to fine Seal Plushes worth $25 to go at $15; come and see some grand cape bargains. L - II L PAIS i CO mined that Democracy in their prts shall win. NOTES. M.e38rs. Graeber and Lew. the outcners, snowed their zeat ana pas triotism by bedecking ttemselves in followed by at least five hundred Norsemen. Last came the bicyclists Wlth their beautifully decorated steels. To add to the beauty of the occasion some of our boys were gaily dressed . After paradiEg to.the O Jell and Cannon mills all wended their wav to the old Lutheran church on East Corbin street, where seats fcad keen arranged for the accommoda tion of the people to hear the speeches of the-iay. A very im pressive prayer, asking for Gd's guidance and mercy, was rendered byHev. J D Arnold, of the Forest Hill Methodist church, before the speaking commenced. GOV. JARVIS' SPEECH, ov. Jaryis said the audience was 10 large that like the little man who lth a large wife could hug but one J afc a time, so he - would' have to Peak firgt in one dlrection and then - another. The immense audience !: said was 8ignificant. No such drably a3 that could have teenJ was only to be regretted that the Two from thfl Pflafflrn W whoie immense audience could not of our county were here with their hear him; . red shirts on and will vote the Dem- Mr. Klnttz being called rose nd ccratic ticket this year as usual, threv. hims.if vigorously into the U as a sight uousual to our peo r , . . t, , , pie to view the bodies of about diacuion of the issue. Probablv : in, none, of his campaign speeches barbecue pic on Saturday morning, has he made a finer appearance or A number of people went thereat an cptivted his audience mure com-- Giiriy hour to see the work going on. pleteiy than io this speech of about Pfmtendent Duyal demons tA . , tt j . , , ' strated the fact that he not only had Wmi-ntef; He-was in his best a knowledge of mill maoaiBery but YHin' v that he had attended Georgia barbs. Mr..Hartsell was called for and cues in the days gone by. He wa3 rose, but had to stand halfsembar- the master of this part of the day . rassed at the outpouring of eothuv Df- " ?ettiD h,imf lf n.n fc , ' " -' properly fixed on his beast, and when Siaam for Oil ivailftnh xnnntr 1 parlor - r r. J. . " nunareaB or eyes were gazmg upon He knew that the people were him, gave his horse the command to wanting their, dinner, and he made move forward but the animal devised his remarks short and to the point. a scheme by which to move the doc The purpose was accomplished, the tor'orw1? instead. The doctor was 0 , U1 j ' . not hurt but had a nice slide down grand assembly saw and heard him the neck of the 8teed t0 the gronnd sustain their . admiration for him Xhe "Big' Four," Messrs. Ed. and will send him to Kaleieh to heln Moss. D Frank- Cannon. JrL Chaa n jg- -.9 - - - wipe out the staina of fusion rule Barrett and Louis Brown, had their and place Cabarrus in the proad trap and steeds decorated and were ranks of her sister counties. there. . Their horses were hitched After being treated to such elo tandem; COTTON CUfS NO ICE WITH US 1 Give us your ear and we will tell yon the reason why. FURNIT URE is the burden of our song. We study it by day, weldream of it by night. Our highest irnbitionin a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURJVZ TURE STORE EXCELLED B Y NONE andEQ UaLL EE by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots -for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests buyers. " We have the BEST 'STOCK . the best prices that has ever been our pleaewre to offer gut customers- Welhank our friends for the splendidl tradentgiven us in the vast. We hoppby close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future Bont fail to seethose handsome "GoldenlOaks."&Com e aiid see us, we will do youlGood. Bell, Harris Company. ' "