ArrlvnJ of t raini. 1 I Mi?s Wa;de Brown, who rama' . - V. .!! v ' "V w July 4. 1SQ7. 18 o'clock. j bm Slck 80m n,Ph,8 uuk jHuuuemr worss ounoay aoou: noon but is much hotter at ibis timn. ;0.. 7 eoaicrauc . NORTHBOUND. Q arrives at 6 27 a m, i! " " 1 A Art o rv 12 4 " 7-03 p ir, S3 " 44 8.53 p rc, G2 " w.lS15pm(iieiai S.OUTHBuUND. & j. '57 arrives at 8 49 ui, w Jl " 44 11 23 a m, - 7 " 44 8.53 Dm. 85- " 9.25pm, Dr. M Holden will leave tomor- fll " " 7.40 a m frofrrritl ; . .. . . V v . -'. . row as soon as tie can poll his vote No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char f .u'Tr.t; , ' totte, Concord, S aJsbury, Greensboro r the Democratic party, ou a visit cud Danville. Passengers for local to his da asters in the eastern part jxnnts Deiween inese stations win nave to eae the other trains. Photographer Scott came honie last Saturday night. He came fir two reasons to see his family and j etteviile d return at rate Special Rates. . "Cumberland County Agricnltui a Fir, Fayattevijle, N. C. On acs count above occasion the Southern lUiUay Co. will sell round trip tickets from Concord, N. C. to Fy- to vote thy straight ticket. Wade Barrier,' City-'. Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. WHAT HAS MADE Stieff. Pianos ' F&s&ous (ho vorld over? Superior quality of tone. Touch anu - workmanship, IriBtautaneona repeating action. . s3 ''e n n es a of sea ! i Fineness of fuuh. Fifty eix 3 ears $f honest de&ling. fold direct from factory. Write of the State, He fays he will re turn at January court. J nst received A lot of new furs niture, and can sell it as cheap as the cheapest. Get prices anywhere and I will compete in quality and prices. Also a complete line of un dertakers' supplies. dn7wlt J.T. POUNDS. ot one hrat "class f arp, plus fifty cunta.- for .'one .dmi3sion to fair ground, $4.85. Tickets on B-tle Nov. 7-11 inclusive ; final limit Nov. 14, 1898! Continuous pasa&gr in both directions. - South Carolina State Fair, Co lumbia, S. 0. Oa account of above occds on the Southern Railway Co. will a&il rouhdjrip tickets, Concord, N. 0., to Columbia, 8. 0., and re turn at rate of one flrat class fare for round trip, plu3'50i3t?. for ad mission to fair grounder OqNoy 12-18, inclusive (and to Fir officiaU the stores will he closed tomorrow during the whole, day. The butch ers will do no business ibetween the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. The drug stores will only keep a pre scription clerk in tho store during the day. SCHEDTJLlii mi ions Uai:e in ' prai8t-n tha beauty and eiipfiriar merits of th u PRIZE f or prices and ttrma. Fine tuning and repairinej. Cirarlotte Branch WRreroom, 213 N. gard to the State election. It will, rrOfi Street . H WILMOTH, Manager.. bHORT LOCAL?. 7 W ith but one exception, all of ur,,.,, a.;u.i Mecbanicai Society) Goal Iiluic Nop. 41, 1878. Continuous passage in 2 both directions. Greenville Tobacco Fair,; Green ville. N. U. Oa account of a'oo?e Every improvement that is shown in the now x&rlor stoves for '98 is combined in the "PRIZE." We have a splendid as sortmetit of COOK arlor : Stove. occasion the Southern Railway Com nanv will sell round trio ticketB The Standard will receive news frorn Concord, N 0. to Greenville. from Raleigh tomorrow night in re- N 0 acd rfetura at rate of.ODe firat "li.l ft.-. T" . .til claaa fare olu3 fiftv cents for one of course, ba a late hour when the r j mo nt Vi w00, wo uum ttwou aUmiBBion to fair grounds, $8.95. resuu comes, oui il is mcugni "aiirPl xt r n .i.:.r - ... . ; . & I lickets on sale .ft ov. 711 inclusive. the drift ot the election xan be told p-na, UmU Noy 18g8 that night. As regards the news e r j Irom this Congressional aistnct. we Dr. Jesse Hamilton spent Satur- wiU .be informed trom Salisbury At asyaaa oanaay ai.ois nome nere that night. 1 . Concord, N. C. STOVES. Call ua'd'sea our tee anee with his parents. FOR SALE 98 Columbia bi 42ycie, cheap, good ai new. dnl6,2t Our prices are away rlown. N'-vv ru2rf, Hawsocks, Sample C r poc. and other new arrivals today. Carpet, by sample (a fine line). Furniture-Dealers AND Funeral Directors. A I rk mm TOI, rTnm AnrA IT. r i news x rum iiciujingvi ( i ur. Ufuu.i. kiii uw v ( i i r- -r-. . . -r y t r TT rvrTITT Rev. W M Sbaw, of Southport, For over a -month Dr. Victor Ul A V La in JjiAUlllu, j . pnvn Brunswick county, N". C, former Mean who served s surgeon paator oi .botnpagp, preacnea at on tne caitiesnip jjacroir, na3 Mrs. Ann Fink and Mrs. W D that church the 30th of October to been visiling hia relatives here. It Anthony have returned homo from (quite a large congregation. He h&s been his desire to go to San Winston, where they visited Mrs. stayed and visited among his friends FraDCisco next, and it nosr seema S E All6n. until the first of this month, then that hia desire will be cr&nted la WANTED Fifty' carloads of returned to his hooae. Hia many the Navy Gazette of the New York cotton seed. Will pay highest market friends were lad to see him back Herald or JNovember b'.n it appears : i T7 t I . ... . . , . n " . . . I . . c tt t r I l - ouu. jx jraiiereuu. again, tnis Demg D13 nrst visit since tnac onrceon v u & menus naa ueen K T O n"D Ben- Mi JLi- JjnUYYlN JDJAU. In Effect Sept. 4, 1893. This condensed schedule is pub Ilsh d as information, and is subject to change without notice to tb- r public : . , Trains Leaye Concord, N. 0 . 8:49 a. ii. No. 37, daily, Waahs ington and Southwestern Jico ited for Atlanta, Birmiughain, . Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and:r Nw Orleans, and all points Sou til ud Souihwast. Through Pullmnn sleeper Mew Yor to New Urle.ius and New York to Memphis. I'bi ing car, vestibuled coach, betwroav. Waamngton and Atlanta'. 8:53 p. m. No; 7, daily, from Rich- - tnond, Washington, .Goidshoio,. Solmo, "Raleign. Greensbo,:x ' Kuoxvilie and Ashtville to Ohar otto. N. C. - 11:23 a- m. No. 11, daily, for Al -anta and all points South. Solid traio, Richmond to Atlanta. 10:00 a. M. No. 36. daily, for W-ahingtou; Richmond. Raleign . and all points No eh. Carries Pu.l-' man drawinffrcom huttet sieepe. NewOrleaaivto New York; Jakson-i vil'e to New York: Pullmtsn tourist crs from San Frai ciS) via New Orleans and Southern Pa cific Thursdays. 8:5:3 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern Inn ited, for Washington and ajl points North. Through Pullman car Memphis to New York; New Orler to New York; Tampa to New Yorfe, Also carries vestibaled coach and dining car. Close connection fc Greensboro with sleeper for Norfu.? 7:C9 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Richit mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, RaN jigh, Norfolk, and all point, Sortie 6.27 a. m, No. 8, daily, f or RiciN nond ; connects at Greensboro f Or Raleigh and GoldBboro; at Selmi . for Norfolk, at Danville for Was ington and points North, at Salis bury for Ashvillo,- Knoxvillo and pomts West. . First sections of regular through or local freight trains carry passen gers only to points where they stop according to schedule. v Fkank S. Gannon. 3rd Vice Pres. , and Genl manager, Washington, D. C. John M . Cdlp, W. A. Tube, Traffic M4gr. Gen '1 Pass. Ag Washington, D. C. S.H.Hardwick, Ass'tGen'lP. Agt Atlanta, (i!a Miss Ola Hamilton has eone to ett lor nis new nome in j anus oraerea to Marine ecrnumg a ' I I . a rt n a . I T TTTWr.V T7IT7ITTT. A XT n O T 'Nawellfl to snend va whilft at the ary. aczyous at Dan rraLCisco anu Bptuwi juiv cjrl , xn&u tvvu oun hflm.ftfUn,.nl-Prft fi H TTflm. TVta fall onmrnnninn Ttorh dUtV attending OlllCer8 Ot M avy anQ 1 AiiLiilife. ti - i 1 i tk!j t- i Marino i mmn nr. ivipana at rnia " w. v. ww.. -w - "tun, icnurcn win commence rriuay, imoy. i n oaor. a;ra till Snnday.there ha3 not Jet ceived his official Qutfits Qf &u kindg fumighed W.;H. Tayloe, As3't Gen1! P. Ag - " Louisville, Hy. Gowan Dusenbsby, Local Agfc, Concord N. 0. We have just opened a first-class llth and continue 'meat market. Give us a trial. a!8. Goodman & Sehorn. . Mrs. Martin Boger and childieia returned home from Charlotte last Saturday morning, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. W A Foil. All persons indebted to Dr ' Archsy by account will please Bet" tie same at once. WG Means. being two services each day. Weekly Beader. orders. A tVordtotbe Wise Is Sufficient. , Ely's Cream Balm has completely cured me of catarrh when every thing else failed. Alfred V Ste vens, Caldwell, Ohio. Ely's Cream Balm works like a charm; it has cured me of the most Headache stopped in 20 minutes by Dc BIG LINE OF Tan - Shoes We have just gotten in the lareestimcL best line of Men's Tan Shoes ever shown to the promptly and at reasonable prices Horses and muks always on hand or sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hoqa tf O o .A L ! JELLICO. ANTHRACITE and SMITH. obstinate case of cold in the bead; I Re5LL ?S K' U CRAVEN , spending some time hre at the would not be without it. Fred'k OTHER MAN. A r 4 v -k -k nrm rtnotTTT a r homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. FrieSi 283,Hart St., Brooklyn, N. Y. leather ined Barbecue Man's w m. rropst. A 10c. trial size or the 50c size of Uq on Tn STm .1 I W A. k.U M"W V , . . . I tji n ti !ii i-- :l . J I . FOR SALhi F ony, buggy, nar- a uream omm win do maueu. w K 7U.Z4. ness, naing saaaie ana nriaie. uau xvopw uruggiow. uiuww,iyy IIillVW Vx III on Thomas Kirkman, on Spring 56 Warren St., N. Y, street, or Bleachery. n5. Mra Pint ate to bea and early to rise, 'Phone 74. COAL 2 GOAL! Phone 6. visiting at the home of her parents, prepares a man for his home in the Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Litaker. who live skies. But early to bed and a Little near Poncord Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and wiser. J P Gibson. m.r. jno. J Dims came nome iaet Friday night from Raleigh to spend A FRESH SUPPLY OF several days, with his family and also to vote. The Old and Reliable 1847 ROGERS : BROS. Triple Silver, Plated I am now prepared to furnish you with Anthricite and Jell ico Coal. best of quality and we guarantee the price. Don't use wood when you can get coal at suon prices. J. A. C. Blackwelder, Knives and Forks AT Misses Connie Cline and Ella NmnillSllly,S Fine candies C O R R E ' JL: L The Leading Jeweler. Earnhardt, of Elizabeth college, snftnt. Rnnfltr in nnr , n?tv. Mica Rrnhardt t.nnrJrl with her friend. , mL--L Fine Watch Work a bpeC- . -rr just receiveu iruuu iiie mauuiuui.ui' Miss Fannie Leslie. Mr. and Mrs." Wm. Stuart will entertain Rev. Ohas. F Rankin and wife, Mr. R K Black and wife, and Surgeon V C B Means tomorrow evening at their home on Gorbin street, ' Mr. Frank Rogers spent Sunday hsre with his parents on his way back to Chapel Hill, after playing a ame of football in Charlotte Satur day against the Davidson boys. The Varsity boys beat in a 6core of 11 to 0, ers. Remember Nunnally's is superior in quality to all other on the market It is the finest candy produced. Try a package. Also send us your order for Florida Oranges. 'Phone 21 . Dove & Bost ialty. Soothing:, healing, cleansing, De J Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the imolicabie enemy 01 eores, ournb and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. You may rely upon it. J PGib3on. The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the sufifarer the better. Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is dis tressing. One Minute Cough Cure auicklv cures it. W ny sutler when such a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste.--J P Gibson. At Store 23 6m d on' West Drpot Street. Phone No, 68. All' persons indebted to me will please call upon W U- Means Jiq., and settle. 1 have left all accounts and notes in hia hands for collection L. M. Aechby, M. D. May 21898. STATEIOF OHIO. City op Toledo, t Luoas County,) Frank J. Cheney makes oath tfi&i he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business n the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sumjof ' One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bKcured by the use of Hall's Catarrh!Cure. Fbank J Cheney. Sworn to before me and subneribs edin my presence, the t?6th day Of ' December, A.jD. 1886, a. wJgleason. Notary Public Hail's Cdtarrh Cure is taken ins ternally and acts "directly on the blood and mucous surtces of tiro sytem. Send for testimonials, free. Jb V J UJLlliiJSJliX & uu . Toledo.SO. old by druggist?, 75c. j seal, j Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar-coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. J P Gibson. Overcome evil with good. Over come vour coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure, It is so good children cry for it. Jt rcures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis eses. J PGibson. L. T. HAPTSELL. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. . Office in Morris building opposite court house, M. B. STIOKLEY Attorney at Law, Concord iV. C SFM1AL ATI LM ION QlVhi 10 COLLECTIONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postoffice. ' - M0RK1S0N H. CALDWELL ATTOBlsraY AT ULW, CONCORD, Nt O Office in Morri3buil lin, Ipposit Court house. I STeo4laeleln20mlniit "Cne centaur

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