fI" q7i)q .. CQiaOOltl), ET; 0. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 ISSfc ; ; g ' , - WhoxeKo 11709 I - i i i . - PBOFIT--THKBBBY- ilic i upil "s ,XU ,deK f strategy on the part of the teacher . The teacher who has read up on animals may tarn the circus to tfood Virc3-" ti Ttrcst-' Rrnnnnt bv taking an interest a!30 m atiai History. ' the elephants,- e c. It is a good ., v.o,'n nou u uuv wnwv tupn tfl lean inose lessons u Vv.. Lt'ii ' I w'v - - fact that each child ol has ideas of i. l fni va t I ' t'-.'rvs learn d at home. The tren ' would, be very well edu f if ull the facta they have on . thpv enter school were red m jhe proper order, loey . , i , hut tney nave no eyBieui a i v l vi . - - - 1 .f IV which tneir lueaa mo fuu r Uher. ; , . : . r love teacher who goes into the w house believing that he car- all the ideas in uia " ..... that are in that school, will not da w in finding out that he is won- r'ullv mistaken. . When he comeB at realize the trne situation m which placed if he is not something of a hero, he will find it easier to back "down than to proceed with the work. . , , Suppose that a teacher goes into ih school with hia head containirg oae hundred ideas, and Suppose that thre are in the school ihirty pupils, thirty little heads, each containing ten ideas. So -far as numbers, are concerned the odds against the the readers that treat of animals. If a circus is coming the average boy will take aa reading about an elephant. It is also a good time for the teacher to get in a sory ?.hnnt lra?, - , tigers and the whole list of animals that" -appears on the posters For one time the pupils will think that the teacher is interested in the same things they are. That will go a long way towards raising the teacher in the estimation of the cln'dren. By baiDg thus interested the teacher with n littlft tact can work in -quite M - r a quantity of reading, spelling arithmetic, as well as preserve good order in the school . Bat old. Santa 01au3 can beat a circus in demoralizing a school. His reinforcements ideas already m th echool will be FLECTION NEWS BY 'PHONE. These Cities Are Qnies 'resell ai Chadbom Vote. B? telephone from the Charlotte Ooeerver-t 2 p. m. we learn that Mecklenburg is going to come up to the full measure of her expectations . - ... in a Democratic maionty. Disoatches eav that all is queit in Kociiinghara, Laurinburg, Wilmings ton and Raleigh. Gov. Russell and W H Chadborn yoted the straight fusion ticket. don't wait Too Long. The first chill of Winter is the most Dangerous. c " Buy your Winter Un derwear NOW. tie Plush ReimbllCRH9 Vote Democrntlc. Special to The Standard from the Raleigh News and Observer , 3 P.m. - Wfi'haVO eVei'V Mild. The Repab.,cSn mayor BBdall 01 goftj Flexible Egyp th6 white Republican aldermen of "R.ihhfid COttOll. Newbern voted the Democratic ticket. The two Hancocks tcratched all negroea. 13 tian Ribbed cotton. f40 IVVO AllKC, tti - "P1.! ?i. x nr a,telv trimme Q QfYQTi All Won! Rwitz cnmAthinp; new. and Latent Election News, f u w - - T . - At the time of going to press the COUae SUltS- all 8fO BX nail Or WU otes strod about as follows : v We have the greatest variety. We valUei Prices In ward JN o. l, there had been can pleese you m goods. The prices brfi-n lizing a school. His 303 TOte8, 271 of which ia Demon are bouod to be the lowest, because lUlliiuiii x. to the, number of cjati0i fusioniat Tiiere is a if price and goods are not right we geal plushes WOrth Vi pphnol will be- kofnn that. No. 1 ward will give the money back. 6or; A rr q. Sfel F fiOme &in t, arrive about two eek8 bef! c rr & FetZef and 866 SOme grand Christmas. iSiOQ aay,wiii:wii5 ; in ao. wiuu ; " V : Uoqvo-qitiq . . ... , , L-f ' Hrtvfla Mat. and 82 for nTDe DarSctlllb. orriva a till tUO aav DCiure ubuiuwomu mu.,- 1 wMrOnr - " Ohris.mas when the heads of the fnsidnists. . . K . -q children maybe filled with vieione .-In ward No. 3 there had bi79 uullu J ro tvViinVi wprfl Demos of candy,, home, drnms, fires YT Company lPMher are three to one: He has to Cracker8, etc. .t . I ,t"J iilnal Wftt. .1T1 I Tk Z Win loaf. k before meet tnree nuiiureu moaouw wr xjunug iuo ; cratio and 27 fusionists. J In ward No. 4, tie PUS CO. fusionists During the last week betore j . - f .lhead. The fu- nected with the school with his one Qhristmas the teacher will do weU BioniBt8 had a TOte of 143, and the bundrea. xne cuuuicu n i- iio mamntiu mo i uemocrais yj- DUUUICW. , I mMv. - . t hontine:. 1 nntrnl nf the sclool; He will Oc oUUUw lauunu) ""tj-j : i iucg c.u: K,-niop hasphftll. marblesuavo tn nsA the srreateat skill in iiSUlUJij uivj ww y I um f v x- a ia otn . whilst his mav be! rtaincr and ffcvernine the school about reading, grammar, geography, land may ficd4 it best qn the day be etc That will be aooui mo "- fore unnsimas iu ireabiu tion in" the - morning when school dismiss school till after the holiday'. The teacher will probably open vuinTiTnK PTRF, .! . 1 J,, mnvlr HTlf.n ftl ma part oi me uaj o " - section' of geoRropby or grammar, or Uie Damage Aboat$20,ooc. win soon .1 k itenatretl. it may be history. While he is con dueling this part of the engagement if he is not yery caretul tae in At 12 o'clock today the vote was flTactlv even in No. 3 township. v At 2 o'clock theJJemocrata had a majori y of 56 in No. 2 township. r m . PERSONAL POINTERS, Mr. Horace Freeman, of Les I ington, ia here today. Mr. Fletcher Smith spent yes Iterday in our' city with his sister, Mrs. M L Brown. Dr. Jesse Hamilton came home Be Kepalred. The catastrophe at the NatioBftl 0.p.tal Bunaay . - thia mornine fronl Charlott, to help fsatr7,n the ochool may get ,n eome twas at fil, the ballot bos of ward No. 4. pretty eolid work against his line of - . . main Qr metcr cansed Miss Qonnie Cline returned to the explosion in the basement of the Elizabeth college last mgnt. miEs ruc . . r - I -o i j irf Tfltnm until By eleven o'clock tne BKirmiouius gn reme coart building beara ior jwia jjaranarui u.u uw'."w-- , will be likely to become quite sharp. 884al blocks around. Fire burst today, having attended Mrs. Lowe 8 I nartv last nisht. iiere tne teacner may "uu. Jiortn ana ucbhuju r - - . L Vial r C 1-1 Q rrvaa t I ber asaiu9t mm too great, auu i manusanpt opiuiuua . What ! i. : oirlo nqrt. nf the C3U may have to re-son xo Biratcgj. j.Qbwiu vuc "M i hlv he lacks in nnmbers must oa wauo miry, D f- " . . .. . .1.1 :tVi rtthor mftt.tftr stored Tti ua kng hupn nresBeu roeiuer wit" w-v. - r . . . I.. mi. Cnnma iifTirt. room ,ery Wil, he will be glad when Be e, " . noon comeB,- ' Alter noon he mil " " , . i . m v vnfiu mi v ill iiwi rr a w probacy rely mostly on hU secUon book9 in tt of arithmetic, taking care all tne time that the infantry do not cap ture the school. In the morning be may try a grand rush by haying u no nan a I II II I K n III uuo V I V library did not suiter much instead of being destroyed as was first saps Itie estimated tbat u,uuu wm Rceived. They are line, xry meuj. , WAFERS And Cakes cover the fiaancial loss, which u so f ; i -H;nf 1qoc TT (-tp: a2ain h laigc duciiiu o- iCOVer tuo uaauwui iw-i i - will have to look out for the infan- Vmuch lega than was at first tfaongbt Ervifl" & iVlOrripUIl try. When school is aismiseea, 1 that the affair ia loosea tpou tunte in producing so mucn im damage than it at first threatened . the pupils iat that they nave neiu, their ground during the day, they may as they come on of the house, ghe a little "rebel yell The teacher's troubles may be inn creased if a circus and animal show happens to come thrQugh the couti-; try. The heads of th children may then become filled with visions of elephants, tigers, lions, camels, monkeys, parrots and a whole host of other ideas suggested by tb9 big pictures that are posted on the sides of buildiogs, fences, etc. 0R0CER5. A Vorl to ne Wise Is Sufficient. ElyXCrsam Balm has completely cured'me of catarrh when .every thing else failed -Alfred W b te- vens, Caldwell, Ohio. ; Ely's Cream Balm. vrcrKB i u u. baa cured -me of the most iiCb&tt M - -v fiMinfltA raRe of cold m tneneau, x m nt. he without it. Fred'k 17.; 98 Hart St.. Brooklyn, NY. the 50c. BizQ oi imv'a rjrfiflm Balm will1 be mailed, ouuuingg, rences, eic. - T -RmthPrP tm. J f m Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers, among the children will require more 56 WarreD St- N:X- . .vnctiel in llliaoU ' ;F W Stewart, a negro of Tolucs, III. assaulted the daughter of one AfhA miners there Friday evening and wa3 put in jail. In Mcon oa : k . - ' . . Vt i m nn t. n r n Friday:100 romeiauw hanged him. . ' ! We've all heard' of middle-oNthc-mad Populists and .the , writer thought :it'meari t opposition to 'fusion. bSt Mr; WSod saTa it only meana-wonVfase with the Uzxao crats. Funny, isn't it ? - GOT TON "CUTS NO ICE WITH US ! Giue its 7OTtr ear and we will tell yov tlurenson why FURNITURE is tJie burden of our son. We study it by day ,wedr earn of ttby night- Our highest imbition in a business way is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURJV7' TURE STORE EXCELLED 1SY NONE andEQUJlLL- .. ED by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests bwers We have the BES1 STOCR the , best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- We lhojik our fnends for thesplendidl trade'.given v.s in the vast- We hop, by close attcntiou to your interest to merit it in the future- v ? Dont -Pail to see those handsome "Goltentfcite'&Com e and see us, we will do youlGood- ; Bell, Harris & Comrapariy. t 1

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