CONCOKIX N; C; THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 I89fi Whole No 11709 sfTii it i TEN NEGROES KILLED. A Blot Occurs at Greenwood, 8. BegnUing In the Killing of Ten e groes Positive Evidence Against the Persons Killed. ' at the monent wes not entirely un0 expected. ' " Mrs. Barrier was the mother of seven living children, viz : Mrs . L . . A Lentz. of Norwood: Mrs. W M The Terrible ataic ui nuauo ..... MiHe of Jeffer80n S. 0.; A riot occarred at Greenwood, S Wilmington Must pease. Mrs. M E Welsh, Mr. D D o, Thursday between the white peo- Barrier, Mrs. Dr. W 8 Bow- ple and negroes, caueed by the kill- .i nft!A is imrnea 10 me man. mra. u t . i-iftinur ; na ivi r 1 1 rr vf turn nhiro .ioti . Til l.( . w ---0 - I vtiu nuiiu ..,nii ami the Contents lie- I -. , . w - - , I . : .-". 1 ..... . . -X . ., One son, Mr. L W Barrier, died front of a crowd and'shot about 100 ' - ' . f - . r ........ ..: - ,. . just at manhopd. times. Three more were afterwards The deceased was a good, kind found and were riddled with buls and indulgent mother, a consistent, lets. There seems to have been no devoted and faithful member of the doubt but that the! negroes were WAIT Is Nnslended Gatllng; Gnnsr Jiow In PoSlv tlon Help Is Call ed For. Too Long. The first chill of Winter is the most Dangerous. Snow-Like Mountains of Handker- A. A. n ii n chief good HIIm ne8S wwftit MuulClUlllulO y ou today. Men's and women's handkerchiefs at ori es that will melt the quantity quickly . Woineu's handkerchief?, ail pure BUV VOUr "Winter TJn- kerchiefs 12ic. .Oar w men's hand-. dftrwear Now. Kercnitu at oo, iuc, id 3 ana zdc II uiaormar 3 meet is complete 11. - ; - I . . I t- . 1 . il ni 2 -1.1 . I 4 . 1 ..- iWwww.v ...... ... . . - , - . - are wortny ot your attention. A mass meeting of the foremost cnurcn anu a iriepu uu .. uwp, . rrom ine unarioue voseryer mis W t? llttVO cvciy 1. . . . rttiz-ns and prominent business men UT" ttUU CDKOUlcu UJ t1- vxuurauay; xvuuuu vv mc iu. coix,9 riexiUlW XLigyp- 5 was held in the court house Wedneas doubtless enjoyed t rare decree formed that tbere have been ten tian ' Ribbed' CO tt Oil. L at noon. The meeting was an eedom from an eth ly enemy, negroes .killed nowjnstead , of four, JJeavy "Fine K nit orderly one, but those present were trinity church today, (Thursday) t folly determined to do their duty. n 0oCk by her pastor, Rev. Z A PERSONAL POINTERS. Th a meeting adopted resolutions Li nn the' remains were laid to r ; - T" - 4.. . - r -i- r 7 w . ,v . , Mr. M J Freeman left this giving tne ncgru luamji wiw.. wMK8t hy tnose 01 ner late uusuauu iu 5 cat r Vl Irl z v aw 9. H I DOnOfl KQ017" HITIOI . & r , . J , morning on a business trip, the Record, twentyfour hours to get the Lutheran cemetery. Her hus- out of town, and the resignation of band preceded her to the grave nears Mr. H E C Bryant, of the :..ini...i-ApAi,rta w ai toar. Charlotte Observer, is here today. Melton was demanded. ' We join a lare circle of friends Mrs. P B Fetzar returned home if price and goods are not right we Jtt Before going to press tma after- uu 'n - u)Sii. ..uu.. ...u..uu. coon we are informed by the Ohar- bereayed family while we take pleaas Mr w j Swink) of Chita lotte Observer of the following: tZTZA aoim ue mormng w Bpena tne aay. to the largest - woman's nr man's wunffl liiriipft Rnn P.hilw Ribbed Cashmere. El- dren's union suits from the etieap An TT7 o.;4-r cotton garments to the niceat rneii egant All WOOl SWltZ no Underwear fcr beys as well s3 Conde SUitS the men at attractive prices. Our We have the greatest variety. We underwear is the dependable kind , n'nlAMfl von in roods. The rnices and now is the time to make your are bound to be the lowest, because PUIC ase ve are showihg a nice selection of This (Thursday) mcrning at 7:30 o'clock (the time fixed) six hundred white men invaded the office of the Record, a negro newspaper, and dc atroyed its contents, demolishing the press and firing the building. The buildiog is partially burned, and the place is now a total wreck. The negro editor, Manly, was no where to be seen and it is thought that , he has skipped for good. was not taken from them till air had arrived at mature years. OVER, SEVEN HUNDRED Was the Highest Democratic Blajori fy'ltlade in Cabarrns in th Elec tion The Calcnlators ot Both. Par ties Were Actually hnrprlsed Each Township Gave a Larger Democrat ic Majority Than Was Expected. It will be remembered that when The-Standard' issued its morning anenasBKippeu u. editioli at dayiight Wed nesaay morn- Ool. Waddell was the leader of the Vnfl n ftnd 10 ,u6" ''"rj Vw. had not been officially heard from, but the best of calculators had said that No. 9 would give us 90 ma joritVj while we would lose 30 mas Miss Florie Kyle, of Alabama, who has been spending several days at the home of Mr. M L Brown, left this morning for Greensboro. She will pass through here, Sunday night on her way home. A FRESH SUPPLY OF give the money back Cannon & Fetzer Company. hm 1 Plnn lAra mam t v nhpan kind tn trjp nicest wool at $lMt 2 48 and $2 98. The two latter are blanket specials and if interes ted you would do well to see them. El PUS CO, crowd, but it was not his intention to burn the building. It was very prohably fired by parties that were so highly wrought up over the mat ter. WAFERS No. 10. No. 9 township And Cahes Ervin & Morrison GROCERY I iv. iu After the above happened me nE" lfterwarda bron ht ln her report Received. They are fine. .Try them. groea nave hhiwu u.f- showing ns to have about 88 ms reeent .ue wmn F' -' jority, bat No.10 township'Boffioi. l .followed, the result being four ne J a8 badly. In8tead of irroes ana iwu wune mcu amoi. mnt, B a n o fe I eoine against ns they sent us a nice was nrsi reponeu mat. uyo . .uf oq , . r majority, averaging about Zd, ana one wnue men were Ul woum prove made fcy onr meleat caBdiaate8; neighboring towns m that part of JndgM 643 Rash , Elnttz 624) tne otate, neip was uu R TTflrfnftn 29. Cook 670. Charlotte and Goldsboro.V There is no danger but that there will be a good crowd going from Charlotte. Catling guns have been placed in position. All of the stores have been Peck 502, Johnson 543, Piopst 650, S wink 644, Long 711, Allison 670, Nesbit 647, Turner 657, Lentz 616. These are "Democratic lies." estaurant, 1 .M. W JH. W 1 " closed anairauDus,ne8SeaBpBuucu. constable for No. 12 township on All of the inhabitants are- ont on the , np.j.v. The following ' men R. WILL JOHNSON. Proprietor. COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH . US ! Give us your ear and we will tell yon ttielreason why- FUBNIT URE is the burden of our song. W e study it by day ,'wedr earn of it by night- Our highest imbition in a business way is'to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the adantageZof a FJ7BJV7- TUBE STORE EXCELLED Blc NONE andEQJTJLLL- TooVrnpRflv. The followine-men " streets, armed with Winchester nfles. WMe elected .gquiree: A M Brown, atJ ;U tonrjBWi on Jo" . ; . , " . ;: jSven ministers are in the crowd, Dr. w 0 H-uHcn, W P . Horn- Swe. Jr cater to Buying tn car lots tor spot caSHTronijneoesijacwries. miHO- 1 . , T TT : I 7 CfJ. L rJI sn i n T rm 79fw7 4 ITt -fTl 9 l T-Wf nfl ffTJ. ' in tne umveu owww., w outvg.vxww yiv& ww that interests bw'ers. Wbhave the: BESltiSTQCK. tlie '.- ' . ..... . ' ' buckle, G T Crowell,Chas. F Hislop, patronabf ladies ; WVr r f rt'Wt'hi w T will-keep only polite ana acco Vinf. ro rinf. fftfcinor A rkftrfc Mv w , - rv-. , "r -r cAtfj. itt r will-keep only I Still later we leam hat the Nava! H" McNamara, J no. s A ' Ciifae, W Jt datlng atteDdants. Reserves y succeeded in running ni', ana j no, a jvimmuur,. tho noorroaa f rhlYl ithft Hnbnrba Of the i JnH Armfipld Dead. city. Special trains have been run jndga R F Armfield, of States- Haye ra.. 5 prices that has ever been our pieaeure TO Offer our tti' . ' j -.m umJ-m, ai-a xtrAaAr, f linapr-h.ilteives txa, pleasure to acknowl- irum uaiuiot auu win ct i yiiib. uiuu iicuucouj. u.v i - , . - . , 1 - . be rnn from Greensboro and Fayette- ing for several weeks. For quite t , ' while Judge Armfield has been yery tch Va'shington Post, Baltimore We Ihorik OUT friends for the splendidX trade given feeble and it was thought that his 5-Mfnlfcl ViAitiian and Pilot. 4 ' " ' N . r life, would sppu draw to a close. : and Landmark ;cfhaH News in tJieTWetJuff) by close affintiou fo you interest Xu uio uca.u a'iu - j- i QDQ OWUilpf , wuiuuju s,.rir w yille. MRS. MARGARET BARRIER V . ft -.. ..... t . I V 5 The A ffed Hotlier Pastes Away Sud denly of Heart Disease. Mrs: Margaret Barrier, relict of the late Daniel Barrier,' of near Mt. Pleasant died Tuesday evening at tne home of Mrs. M Jfi weian in Mt. Pleasknt, i The .deceased 'yras ninety four years of age. Recently she has suffered "from some heart . malady and the end, though not looked for one of her most able and noble met. Atlanta Journal and Cp.nstHution, -..4'. - ' for their splendid tassistanca in ine Extends Thanks to ah. j t campaigns Ttieyiiave, eacn ana The Barbecue'Oommittee wishes all been cdnspicubusly serviceable to extend to all whoassisted theki itftheurlritireft in the wirt '5 arranging and carry- greaV -tft&lWS?1: nt thfi hamnaiorn and Dur Oabarrna their very best thanks and pofBtireopler The good cih especially thanks the lttdles for tfieir zona dttlBtatn.'nerforget untiring' florts. their Post. : to merit ii in the future- . Dont fail to see.those handsome te6oldenOaJcs.f'iCo7n to and see us, we willldo yoifGood f . . ' - . ...... ' Bell,v.'Harris.-.& .Company; , - T