C0NC0R1 N; C. SATURDAY, N.OYE&iBBR U I89fc Whole Ko-11799 $0l 2709 - TB LUTHER LEAGUE. nificence swept away, his people witnout law or leai states, his comrades slain, and tbd hardens of othera heavy on his shoulders. Without money, credit, employment, League. ODinca. . . - - this, confronted with the eravest ! uI-TIil : wniod tne 4'wuuuw uu- to the oneninc? of hia hTannh r ffir. man- intelligence me eat&Diisaing here. of a status for the 8TA PERSONAL POINTERS Enrolled Mr. J. SI. r 11 H,sr ...... vrosldent jlin-'" t nthor Tiftjicrnp met this T!,o JS tit " (Sainidaj) morning m St. James' Mr. John M Julian, of Salis bury, came down this morning to attend the meeting of the Luther Be voticnal but the ac vast body of his liberated slaves. 4 I .s . "What does he do, this hero in gray, with the heart of gold Does he sit down in sullenness and de spair ? Not for a day. Surely God,, who had stripped 'him of his prosperity, inspired him in his ad- j c.Yprfii8f8 airer v. president, J v Brr, - Fifteen delegates were enrolled. jjfr M B Stickler" delivered the ad JreS of welcome, and Mr. J M Jus Han made the response. Both were :h'atitnted for originals, ,rpss8a were ably and very ceptably rendered. - ' The president read his annual re port whioh was referred to the conw ait tee. ' ' I'hs reorganization resulted as fol lows: President, J M J ulian, of Sails bury; First vice-president, J D Bar rjer, Second, Henderson Ridenhour, Third, Guy-OHne, of -Hickory, N..0 5 Recording Secretary; Robert Julian, Corresponding Secretary, Bismark Cgppa arid Treasurer Miss v Pearl Brown. Tfcn meeting then adjourned till u,o ... ..v,. . .. i L. : a. . .. i. iL. wuis iiiue uibierueca in an mis. THE CONFEDERATE SOLDIER I Cheerfulness and fraukness pre vailed. BJ1 Arp' struck the key note when he said, 4 Weil, I killed as many of them as they did of me,&nd I'm going home to work.' " WAIT r Misa My r tie Miller, of Mount Pleasant, passed through Concord this morning on her way lo Char lotte to visit her sister.' Too Long. The first chill of Winter is the most Dangerous. Messrs. Julian and Vogler and J BllV VOTir Winter TJh- Misa Susie Capps, of Salisbury, ClerWBEtlf TNTOW. came down from Salisbury last tttv "ho tt verslty. As ruin was never before mght to atnhe meeting of Jhe o Eb 80 overwhelming, neyer was reatora, State Luther League today. Miss bOtt, ;X LeXlMe y&- tion swifter. The soldier stepped VttB ia BluB : UUUJO U1 'y from the trenches into the fuWow; Mr. W C Correll, while the two Heavy Fine Knit horses that had charged Federal Senuemen are:lin? at iur" n I'leecea 5aCiI. bine jxiDDea uasnmere. nii egant All W bol Switz Snow-Like Mountains of cniet good ness await you toda?. Mpn'a w n H wouafcii'a handkercuiefs at prire? tht will melt the quantity quick ij. Woiae'j handkerchief all pure In en. 10 Mtn'e pure u n band kerchiefa 12c. Ourvw- rain's hand' kerchiefs at 5o, 10c f 15o na 25c are worthy of your attention. lUamlkercaiefsl $11 I M Inn ATiTtTAnri iuuuorw ear i .8. This depart guns marched before the plow, and pVeddington's fields that ran red with human blood in April were green with the A FRESH SUPPLY narvesc in June; women reared m V luxury cut up their dresses and pT T made drepses for their husbandfi; j with a patienca and a heroism that fit women always ai a garment, they gave their hands to work. There OF H H SE WAFERS His Relnrn Home Eloqaently Pic til red By Henry W. Grady. The following extract from the famous address delivered by thelaie Henry W Grady before the New England Society of New York, on the occasion of its annual dinner in A Deserter Caught. Fletcher B Handle, a den - -. . - I a. J! ii n ; ik-r ii 1886, derives special interest and serter lrom me rirsc iNorm appropriateness from the associas Carolina Regiment, was ar tions of Memorial Day: . rested here Friday night, and "Dr. Talmage has drawn for you has been labeled, "Keep nn with a master hand the picture of til called for." Captain Ed yoar returning armies. He has told ward Hill wrote Chief Orr you bow, in pomp and circumstance from camp at, Sayannah that of war, they came back to you, riii thnt hp And Cahes Received. They are fine.: Try them. Ervin & Morrison GROCERS Conde suits- We have the greatest variety. We can please you in goods. The prices are bound to be the lowest because if price andoods are not right we give the money back. Cannon & Fetzer Company. meet is complete from the erualk est child to the 55 largest womao'g or man's wants. Ladies' and chil dren's union suits from the ctesp cotton garments to the nicest meri no. Underwear for tovb as well as he men at attractive prices Our underwear ia the cependabie kind and now is the time to make voi r purchase. Restaurant, We are ehowibg a nice selection of 0 JBiandets from the UU cheap kind to the nicest wool &t $1.98, $2 48 f end $2 98. The two latter are blanket specials and if inters ted yen would do well to see them. Ml CO. m&rching with proud and victorious was from Salisbury, that he was a printer by trade, and as he tread, reading their glory in a na- tinn'a avps will mnKpftr with .wwir tell that -he expected to go to you of another army that sought its Charlotte. As soon home at the close of the war an landed here he was army that marched home in defeat and locked up, says the Char and not in yietory, in pathos and lotte Observer. not in splendor but in glory that R. WILL JOHNSON, Proprietor. Rooms opposite Court House. Open at all hours. Birds on toast, nsn, oys- arrested ters, etc, served in nicest style. Every- thinp' c ean ana attractive, vve cater iu o . . i : -l-n tit the patronage ot iaaie3 especiauy. vvc ripvm -prlT nTTT'C1 will keep only polite and accommo- H,(J J HJ1N U U 1 k- dating attenoants. NO ICE WITH US 1 equaled yours, and to hearts that were aa loving as evr welcomed he roes home? ' L?t me picture to jou the foot sore Confederate soldier, as, buttons He Pays Him a Tribute. "Corn Cracker' in his corres- Give us your ear and we will tell yon the&eason why v BIB Gathering of Educators. Superintendent of Public In- pqndence to the Charlotte Observer, struction Mebane tells The FURNITURE is the burden of our song. We study it by nas tne ionowmg tnoute oi respeuu that it is hoped ,to assemoie a to our townsman and .defeated can- iarge number of the1, educators of day ,rweldr earn of it by night- Our highest imbition in inz up in his faded eray jacket the didate, Mr. Morrison Caldwell: . Kaldeh iust after parole which was to bear testimony "We also wish to place the mantle chrigtmaB : a business way is to give the good people of Concord and . . . . - nt i I C l.i.iiif an1 f Vi a oq Vila vtall nn tonia children ot nis naeniy ana u untJi c.m. OT1?infti mfiAHnc, of the ..i. t?ttt nr-r faith heturnedhis face southwaid lifeless form of Morrison Caldwell. -r-r, uutr muvljvu, vrvv mw u, mu- heayjhearted- enfeebled by want licn and i-opniiat utforms, nut ne ne aouse 01 v- . J?2) by few irk JVorth Carolina 1 and wounds, having fought to ex wasn't." :.Xhe Association of Academies ,(;! . , . .v ,: . ; r. Tne Teresa is on "cat isiand. and iign bcnooi3 win noia a Buying in car lots Torspot cash fromjhe best factories It is no longer a questionbut a meeting here about the same time, j u v r ; ? r r - : ; fact that the Teresa did float out on the same week, :and the state in the United Stateslgives us a long lead in the direction the beach of Cat Island, where she Superintendent has sent out let- . . , , t W tt t. i r. -D-ncinn oimrtrtT, ta.Atr f nntw TAiflinfr She ; , . u , that interests buvers.WWe have the BES1WSTOCR: the is ready tor anotner raising, one tQrs a8king the members of the : ; : may do wo muoo bk j Association of City, School Super- iest prices that has ever been oicr pleaewre to offer .our bealiDR upon the coral reefs to be jntendenta to meet .ter0 dnriDg . ' , . worth raising, bat it is worth much eeki, . .. custoltlcrs to obtain ner 08 a iropuy. ( ts i, .1 1,, ocM of . . - I I 111 in JUVjJL VJ IUUO RDOCU1UIU W I We ITiarik our friends for thesplendidl trad given u& hanstion, he surrenders his gun, wrings the hands of his comrades in silence, and, lifting his tear-stained and pallid face for the last time to the graves that dot old Virginia's bills, pulls his gray cap over his brow and begins the alow and pain ful journey -. ''What does he find ? let me ask you who went to your homes eager to find, in a welcome yoa had justly earned, full payment for your year's sacrifice what does he find when, baying followed the battle-stained cross against oyer whelming odds, dreading death not half so much as surrender, he reaches the home he left so prosperous and beautiful? He finds hia house In ruins, his "farm devastated, his slaves free, his stock killed, his barns empty, his trade destroyed, his money .worthless, his accial svstem feudal in its mag- It is hoped to thus assemble at BnckMen's A.rnica aire i the caDitai auriug ine iasi wees The Best Salve in the world for in December a very large number Outs, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt 0f superintendents, presidents and Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped prjncipaig 0f schools, professors Hands, Chilblains 9m. wd aU teachers generally. Arrange Stin Eruptions, and positively cures ?uu b . , J , Piles or no pay required. It is ments for special rates on the rail guaranteed togive atatisf action or roads and at the Raleigh hotels moner refunded. Price 25 cents per wju be effected, and measures box. .For sale at r i retz ftonted to make the occasion a store. success in every way. VO U 5 ; i'r0 ubles are due w impoverished blood. Hood's Sar- uaparilla is tie One True xioou Pmifir and UlZZlW TCW NdboGy need have Neuralgia. GevDr. Miles ali. trom draggl3ta.Qne cefc dcsa ; W. Mfles Plain Pills are guaranteed to sttrs ueadoAsheULiQ nalnute Onecentadcsev" in the vast We hope, by. close attentiou to your interet t to merit it in the future- Dont fail to see.thdse handsome "GoldenOaks"&Comc t - . - , . - - .-;-. - . - . .'. " .: ' :-, .. ' , .. -' -- and see us, we wilRdo youZGood- Bell, '-.Harris Company.

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