Vol. Xi-. No. 2709 BAND ORGANIZED. An organisation Effected With Twenty-One Persons Steps at Once Taken for the Instruments Needed A Splendid Beginning-If the mem bers Will Stlcli Tosfetlier. It has been rather bad on Con cord to know that oat of our popu latioa of oyer eeven thousand people there were nob about twenty; persona who could sacrifice some of their 4 . ' time for the sake of haying a band when the time came for one. Knowing the need . of one, and realizing the fact that Concord had the talent if it could only be gotten tnceiuer, u uruBuizauuu was ex fected Monday night in the drniri corpa hall. Twenty-one names were " enrolled and placed to different in struments. There - are probably 8eyeral others that might join, while possibly some one already enrolled might withdraw. Mr. H M Bar row was elected chairman, and Mr.1 Kobt. Ridenhour secretary. The other officer, leader and treasurer., will be elected at ,the next meeting. Bat in order that, the .band may mov along at first it will necessa-. rily have to meet with some favor and encouragement from our peo ple, and some have already, expressed their willingness to help them., ft is not at this time decided- what step will be taken Jo; raise some nec essary funds.' JTour instruments, and the moat important instruments, too, will have to be " purchased! There will be four clarionet players 8iid three or four cornets, "which should give a good lead. Besides, three of Concord's most musical men will take prominent parts on the other part of the arrangement. Of couTse the people will for quite a number of months think the band is not getting along, as it will require quite a while to teach some of the younger members. But it is hoped that ere .another year passes by they can give Guncord soma exo cellent music and prove themselves an honor to our place. THE TOWN OF RTJsklN. ' - A Socialistic Community in Tennessee-All Things In Common. Some years ago we saw a number f copies of the Coming Nation; ad ored greatly by some, but thor ny disgusting to the writer. What time the sheet wai not rad ically scathing everything .in : sight il was advocating a socialistic com canity where competitive evils ehonld be eliminated from the life tfman, We are gratified , to find that thia sociialiatic community has ben formed and the theory is being tested. The radical editor ..ibtew JQt though and one more suited to civilization runs the Coming Na u The colony owns a tract of about 1,500 acres of land near Ten Jaee City, Tenn. It is called Rus- lnv It has gained some notoriety the Atlanta Journal sent a 8Pscial correspondent-to write up Luskin. h reads like a fairy tale and es one want to be there,. for. oh, 8tSll? lea8t- Ifc 18 a iint . company in which each man ngmust take $500 worth of pJ!8VNo money is used by ,the lbntanhonr's labor ia the Uriit of 4 lauur ia me yalue and each laborer gets CONCOIUVN; IT6 Dnm f hon"' ,7u iicpd certmcates buy . aruo.ea tor comfort Anri rnr tto-i J ai nn . . . '. r ww ,wv,c, : txiusb ot wnicn, hn-icnmona and other cities." however; are furnished by the assoJ ' ' ciation. The goods in store are marked to th tainA - f ou many hours' labor. The whole of the son oeoole renairh . a:s where an abundance of well &3 food is furnished free, y ; It is like-one great family, every- thing being in common, vet the av tern seems to haye that about it which stimulates industry. They laauuiaoiare ana produce from the boh almost eterythiug they usei uoro ey Aave the . initiative and referendum.' The association has a president, iyice .president, counsels' ow;,.ouc an laws ar referred to the people for ratification. It is said that women have a very much improved condition in'Rus; kin, the cooking, washing and iron; ing being done .'in common by par ticuiar departments They are preparing t to erect a college for e'ducatinfir'Itheir 6hil aren.. One of tbe beauties c.ol:this new system, is a provision to;retire men from regular labor at 5 years of age. 4 vW. . It is a glowing picture given in the Jpurnal of this cluster of people ceBting tue theory of socialism. It will be watched with no little inter est'. We must not neglect to v assure our readers that anarchy, and free love are strictly excluded and are .a- feature in the test to getting into the colony SWINDLER JAILED. Canjrnt at His Game In RalelKb. The Times-Visitor of recent date says: i Yesterday afternoon a fellow, wno was registered at the Yarboro house as H A Clayton, of Omaha, inea to worK nis swindling games here. PHe was arrested and given a uuajr . umuIO iuo mayor, naivcu ojkauiiuaiiiuu aaa WaB Beni w jau iu aeiaun 01 a ouu Dona. IL'tl a H 1 - w-v -mm I uiayioa caiiea on itev. ir. Mar- shall, introduced himself as W A .Burton, told about a sister he de . . . ai .r , , sired to enter at St. Mary's and ee- , . . , . cureu a note or miroauction to Ur. Smedes. He called on the latter at a nir - ot. iiiary o a Liu. uittuu arrangements - . . , . . , 1 for entering his sister and desiring ca v. 4 5 to pay $50 on her tuition presented nWk. nnmhpr SRR fnr JR75 nn a City National Bank of .Norfolk, 'made '. payable to W A Burton, signed by W H Doyle, endorsed by Barton and marked OK by J S Wynne. "Dr. Smedes handed him $25 as m "The swindler then called on , V . . , 4. 3 to President Dmwiddie of Peace T L . 4 left Dr. Daniel telephoned to Presi ooattfi hon ho tftA 'ft similar check f resident Uinwmaie refused to cash 'it. The fellow left and President Dinwiddie tele- phoned to Mr. J 3 5 Wynne and learned that Mr. Wynne's endorse- ment was a forgery; ' Mr -Wynne got a descriptiAn; ftpm .rejident Dinwiddie, came ' up v town an recognized the fellow in the Yar i Doro House. Mr. Wynne canea in 'officer Beasley and he was arrested. ! boro house.-' Mr. Wy n n e called in C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15 carried tot the station house He acknowledged his guilt and said He had worked the same came in till' . ' 6 . PERSONAL POINTERS, r. t i x , , TMr Luke .hDaton of aeue came -w last night. He 8lPped at Mr' M? Walter's. Miss Maude Brown went up to lisbary this morning to visit her ,nena Mary Bernhardt. Mr. J S Carr, Jr., ip spending today hero. He stopped on his re- lom irom ttie southern trip of the univerfilty iootball team. A FRESH SUPPLY OF h ERS Received. They are fine. Try them. Ervin &'Morrison GRQCER5 Interesting Items From Helll?. come of .out farmers rare done sowing weat4 picking cotton; RffiWSilcNairy will teach the winter schcbl aVOaV Grove, r , ;i Tli Stoie chafcHWrtl iaW place on Sat- ur daytovember 'It is rumored 'that the Isenhonr gold mine is just about at a stand- still,1 as they are talking of moving some machinery to the Rimer mine4 Mr. George Miller and family have .moved from Mr. Lswson Brown's place to Mr. Mike Kim balrs place near China Grove. The new roller mill at Rockwell will ha in rnnninnr.n v, hon Xhey ir8 tting dow fc maohinery. Jacob. a 92,000,000 Job. r "It is no don ht a norfafnf. i-.vVin io, ?. 0(l;a a h . saia a gentlemen who is in a position T. . to know what is going on. It is a $q nnnnnn j .u. ,1J o . iU! BJ8 ?m 10 uomicio omiBDurv ana otner f- a;- .rxu. o..x vvwTAio iu iuio uaii ui. iuq oiaie will . , , , . . be lighted up with electricity from , . f .t . , y "U aUU ine- PWer that "j11 run a ,amber of the luauuiaumuuK traiauiisnmeniB m this section. .Salisbury Sun . Lottls nmteat Marshall Mott is re. elected solio itor in thf, w :0,9: L . f aA ,wuu. i.ibiiiiwi jUf (lUUUU WX 1. re-: impetK tor Mr. Jonlthqngh aere are assurances otflomerregulanties no contest will be A tuadej Mr. Jones . . . thinks therens victory enough. Tbe newspapers Worked Bard. lhat was a glorious victory the Democrats of North Carolina won mvoi mo wots ui uarueas xuesaay, and we r congratulate them most heartily; The newspapers of the gtate labored eterly arid late, day tery,axid week after nweek ifor th8resnItiniostsiCnific.nt.-ork. yillei 8. O.V Yeoman. . pya aranteedtoftrj UtMchmSnQosDf, EESE WA And Cahes 1898 don't WAIT Too Long. The first chill of Winter is the most Dangerous. Buy your Winter Un derwear 'Now. We haye ;ieyery kind. Soft, Flexible Effvn- tian Ribbed cotton. Heavy Fine Knit Fleeced Back. Fine Ribbed Cashmere. El egant All Wool Switz Conde suits. ' We have the greatest variety. We can please you in goods. The prices are bound to be the lowest, because if price and goods are not right we give the money back. Cannon & Fetzer Company. COTTON CUTS NO ozr ar and we FURN IT TJRJl is the burden day,wedreamofit by night. Our highest imbition in a business wayl is to give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FURJVj' TV RE STQRE EXCELLED ED by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots for spot in the United Statesgives us a long lead in the direction that interests buers. We have the BESWSTOCR. the bst prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers We lhank our friends for the splendid trade given us m the vast We'Jwpa, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future , Dont fail to see those handsome " GoldenOaks." Come and seius, we wilUdo yoztZGood- Karris Whole No 1179a How ar yon fixed o Mend und mml Men p.- 1 1 . i 3 eavy cotton rib fleeced, half wool or all woali Fall suits for boys from 10 to 18 Years. We can fill your UNDERWEAR want 8 at qtirac tive prices. For Ladles Misses and children we are showing union suits, either in " wool or fine cotton. Wool shirts or vests for in fants, v Nice cotton fleeced vests for chil dren from 2 to 10 years ladies' vests, bleach ed or unbleached, also separate suits. Our Underwear depart ment is overflowing wiTa au xne new goods II L PAIS k CO ICE WITH US! will tell you the reason why. of our song. W e study it by 131 NONE and EQUjILL- cashfrpmZthe best factories ainiy.. , Coiri'p

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