fh ' An '; ' l' :v 11 4 9 -if . . ' ' -A m r 2709 CONCOUT), O. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 iSdh W hole No 11799 PAWNEE BILL .... Show HereThe I Troubled by a Wuake Bite. About twenty years ago, Jr, J A Caudle, a man who now lives at Cannon viile, was bitten on his great toe by a snake. Almost every year since he would have a epell of suffer ing from this bite,,, and this year it has proved worse than at formei times. In fact it has become eo pain ful and inflamed, that he cannot wear a shoe on that foot with any comfort, and it is thought that am putation of the toe will very proba bly be his only relief. ni Large Of til M : ww to i-v red :nipyf At an early hour this morning n-oro iiannnor triA rrmn It0 Wft&Uub www o s ot things to the show grounds s the JUcDonald property above lie Odell mills. Tn this show we sea the ways the Westerner illustrated, how i:ci Tphfit. he does and eets he iivc3) " . ohear them talk. Uur people CiU neyer see a lady handle a with more skiii man iuiss iIA""t,,? f-ii?- t- : I Toe8dav evfininor in thmr nar At nUorv Jjiiiie. vvuu i iuo uicw ui lr do Hill Charlotte an Arab and a Wyoming rawuv. i . . j t 1.1. r-ni Frank Frost, the press UUW Kiil WCAO m9Ulcu' u'Jlu Vw - . ; . 1 T t1in-TiAn in tri rasfc "eH arB n sue empioy x-awnee auu , t i . . - . Din ana naa oecome xona oi eacn x ir - - A i. been a iravenu uuiioepuiiucjuv for a number of larsje, dailies, called and spent a while with us. Kegardless of the dreary, driz zly day they showed this after noon to a crowd. There are foifcy-eight Indians tfith the show. Some few of thege are alple to talk English. It takes 10 large cars to carry this show. Th9 cars are exceptionally large and lon and are equally as heavy as a fieight train of 4.0 other. Federal Court Jurors. The list of jarors for the next Federal court at- Charlotte include the following from Cabarrus: Will E Harris, D A Caldwell, J M Alex ander, B W Pressly, 0 D Barrisger and W C Coleman. ad Sever Close Their Eyes. One of the most curious facts with cars, regard to snakes is that the eyes are There are about 290 men in the never closed. Sleeping or waking employ ot Pawnee Bill. alive or dead, they are always wide Pawnee Bill, or Gordon B Lil- open. This is because th re are i o lie, was once an Indian interpre- eyelids. The eye is protected only ter, and for many years lived in by u strong scale, which forms a different countries, inhabited al- part of the epidermal envelope, and PERSONAL POINTERS. -Mra WR.B&nis and children returned home this corning. Mr. Norman Shaw, Grand Dictator of the Knights of Honor. s nere coaay on busmeso. Mr. S J Lowe left last night for a southern trip. ' He will be gone about a month. Some of the showmen said that Concord was a mighty queer town it was both wet and dry.' -Rev. A E Wiley, of Mt. Pleas ant, pessed through - this morning on his way to Winston to attend conference. DON T Too Long. WAIT mm - llHiili. . How ar you tixd on Mni and M?J Mn fall 8nite in 3 neavy cotton rib fleeced, half wool or all wool . Fall pans for boys f rem 10 to 18 . je.vB. We can fill- your UN-DERIVE AH wants at ' attract tive prices. ' A FRESH SUPPLY OF CHEESE The first chill of Winter is the most Dangerous. Buy your Winter Un derwear Now. We have every kind, v Soft. K fiTihlfi F,PTm- tian Ribbed cotton. For Ladies Heavy Fine Knit Fleeced Back. Fine Misses and children Ribbed Cashmere. El- we are showing union egant AH wool Switz suits, either in 'wodl Gonde suits- or fine cotton. Wool We have the greatest variety : We shirt S Or Vests foi! in- can jou m kooub. xne prxu f cottOU aire hnnwH f rtn tha Inmaaf Krtrto non I V v w if mica and croods are not rteht we HeeCeCl VeStS IOr CIlll- J o --a i - - . Received. They are fine. Trrthem. giye the money back. . Qren ITOm 5i tO 1U years . . 4. Ladies' vests, bleach- Ervm & Morrison Gannon & Fetzer ed or unbleached, also separate suits. Our Underwear de-part- WAFERS And Cakes GROCERS Company. most solely by Indians. He was cnee a schoolteacher 4ot them. The crowd awaiting the show was informed about 12 o'clock tor day that there would be only one performance, beginning at 2 o'clock. At first it had been in- Metoors That Killed. A report comes from Okla homa Territory that a shower of meteors fell Sunday night that was more than we looked for. Instead of a mere burn- ment is overflowing with aU the new goods is cast cfT in a piece. with that every t?iY thft'Tflntilflmonlto Thin eve nlateis as clear and transparent as glass, and allows the most perfect ing light and harmless thing, vision, while at tho samo time it ia more of vapor than of sub- so bard and tough as to perfectly stance, there was matter of protect the . delicate organ within such solidity that two chiK from the thorns and twigs among Li wara tinp nn1 nmnhpr tended to have two performances which, in flight from enemies or in e severely hnrl seems that1 there will be only one hurriedlv elides, as any close ob- w I l iU rt UnkUn stf f onaVa nan server ui wuo uauito uj 0ia0 uiscovered By a Woman. readily discover Saturday roat. Another great discovery, has been B t PARKS k after all. S Died In a Distant Land. We learn with deep and profound sadness of the death of Dr. George P Arie, for merly of New made, and that too. by tt lady in ... - - t r i :i. The Teresa Is Doomed. tniS country. JJieease iadieueu ntj i The Teresa is believed now clutches upon her and for seven vears she withstood its severest j un dermined and death seemed immi- COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US! Giv&us your ear and we will tell yon the reason why tr "hft n rir.rplftaa wreck. Con S M -M. V w . ww ' - I m J . . 1 London, bat atructor McCalla and a board :TTl,l late of Arizona. He died on of experts find.it impractical threQ monthg 6he Monday the 14th, we believe. t0 saYe the ship, however otmBhed inoessentl v. and could not 1. Ti rr ; MV , 8ieep; y.0; FURNITTmhisthelurdenotoursong. We study it lij aim we had learned to esteem phy. She strnck on a coral to recovery, by purchasing of us a y , him for his personal charac reef at a poiat extremely dis- bottle of Dr. Kin'g's New Discovery day jwedr earn of it by night. Our highest imbitioU in teristics and hoped for him advantageous and the waves for consumption, and was so much X : much success in his congenial grind her till the tide rises relieved on taking :thev first dose, a business wayMs 'to give the good people oj Concord and iirnfww .ocaoi that she slept all night; and with auu JdU ,1U : two bottles, has been absolutely few trophies can be saved He name ia Mrs. Luther from her, otherwise it had Lutz; Thus writes W 0 Hannick been as well if she had gone & Co oi Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle profession. He was fully aware that he was tending toward, consump tion and set about to battle with it. It was that that forced him to give up a well tjuilt-up practice around New -uuuuu ana seeK ine aria at mosphere of that distant land away from the home and friends of his youth but to yield at last. Our profound sympathies are extended to the bereaved and we devote a page in mem ory's tablet with his name in scribed, - ; the three miles below. The refugees from the rights eous wrath of the Wilming tonians are in Washington, free at P. B. Fetzer's drng store Relar size 50c. and $100. Every bottle guaranteed. Right or wrong; the white people f the South mean to dominate the Politics of that section. If the ne groes contest that determination there will be war between the races. Chicago Chronicle; Buctilen'a A.rmca saiTe. The Best Saive in the orld for but they get cold comfort, it Fever gore Ch - t ; j Iaa . . seems, ana are aaviseu to iuu Hands, Ohilhlams, Ujrns antl all OUt for themselves. It IS too Sttn Eruptions, and positively cures late now to take a course that Mei or no pay required. It ia ltlw iAUVV - guaranteed to give atatisf action or would have commanded re mon97 ref unded. Price 25 cents per spect and esteem instead of box For sale at P B Fetzev'a Drng i -.r.QTv.r.t. uThp.rft store UQlVerottV, vuuioiuv. is retriDuuon iu jiioiuxj . It is estimated that the United States contains four-nip thB of all foe railroad mileage in' the world. .lamps Richardson, the world's greatest cotton planter died at nie home at . Benoit, Miss., Tuesday night. Bob Look at the' fire engine house; it's draped in black. Tom That's so. Some poor fel low has gone to his last fire. Life. FOR SALE 98 Columbia bi cycle, cheap, good as new. dnl6w2t L A BOYD. We have just opened a first-class meat market. Give us a trial. n!8. Goodman & Sehorn. over t -vri pr.-vel iy. its ciuc. country for fniles around the advantage of a FUBJSTI TV RE STORE EXCELLED B7 NONE and EQUALL ED by few in North Carolina Buying in car lots for spot casWfromthe best factories' in the United Stateslgives us a long lead in. the direction tlzat interests bwersM We have the BES HIST OCR. the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure .to offer our customers- ' . We lhanh our friends for the splendid trade given us in the vast We hope, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future- Dont fail to see those handsome "GoldenOalcs." Come and see us, we wiffido youZOood- Bell, Harras j&.'"Compiany - 1 - 4 '

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