ll Xix. No. 2709 CONC01UVN: C. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17 1898 Whole No 1179$ FIFTY QUESTIONS py fsoierintendent Cole to G,fepnpilsof i&e Graded School to lerea In Fifty Minutes-A TeSt For Qnlcfe TUlnlcers. The following practical questions were gifen by Superintendent Coler to the 8th and 9th grades of the public schools. Ihe answers were required to be written, not longer than a minute being given for answering any one. The greatest number answered by any one pnpij was 34, and the least camber was 8. The boys seemed to be better ins 43. Of the deer? 43. Of the hog? ' 44. Of the cow? 45. What name is giyen to the point in the heavens directly over head? 46. To persons on the earth at a point diametrically opposite to ue? 47. Who is governor of North Carolina? 48. In what century do we liye? 49. How many days in February 1900? 50. Where is the United States Naval Academy located? NOTES. , a fVian thft airls The follow lormcuv 0 xr ii-- , oirpfl the highest ner cent: v-" yuung ui jBK - hft swan ia noll n- BM , .1 m: oq. w;i; amuu ' k " Ounpoeii ... thfl , . . . i t: aa i - " 67; Maniey .ui, uu. that the oun - h . . fi . The prize, a neat nttie volume on or Nannie. Character tfuimmg, Dy rror. Many said that Monday - is the - - . Cofer, was won by Campbell Uline. first day of the week and that Christ fl,rTv PRinTTHAT. oTTirRTTr"Ms ma3 celebrates the resurrection of . , Uhnst. it -.ir--. id rriTTQn rn a naFinn i I . V UUu U9LUC lOKUCU VW a UQtlUU I O T . , . . . of 100 years ? ... 2 Of ten years ? 3 . A period of two weeke? frog is the toad, of the goose is the duck, and of the horse is the pony. One said that the mode cf capital To that which occurs every punishment used in New York is ,j I - two year-r i ine eiectric car, ana toat ineJtuniey 5. To that which occurs every six is Governor ot North Carolina. mouths ? 6. To ae- that which occurs three fes a week? 7. To a person 80 years of age? 8 What event does: Christmas celebrate? 9. The Fourth of July? 10. The 22nd of February? 11. What did the World's Fair at Chicago celebrate? 12. In what year did the PiK grima land on Plymouth Rock? 13 What is the vounsr of the sheep called? -U. Of the bear? 15. Of the lion? 16. Of the deer? 17. Of the goat? 18. Of the frog? 19. Of the cat? 20. Of the dog? . 21. Of the horse? 22. Of the cow? 23. Of the hog? 24. Of the goose? 25. Of the hen? 26. Of the eagle? 27. Of the swan? 28.Wn.it is the' Indian baby called? 29. How many stars on the TJni. ted States flag? 30. How many red strips? 31. Who laid the first Atlantic cable? iA . .. 32. Who invented the lightning rod? RALEIGH IN RED., Carolina who are traitors to every trust and false to every instinct of our race. Thev have not onlv be- r J trayed the cause of the common peon pie en the great economic questions, but to elevate themselves to places of emolument and power they would crush the manhood and womanhood of this State beneath the heel of an alien and servile race. It ought to be more tolerable for iSodonTand Gomorrah than for these men in North Carolina. The waves sing praises "and -the mountains clap their hajids for joy, for a new day is breaking on the old North State." Hon. Locke Craig. "1 did not send out a single state ment that had not been verified . The Democrats had no resort to S6ft Flexible Egyp- falsehood. The ifusioniats resorted tian RlDned COttOIl. to every act of chicanery and mis- HeaVV Fine Knit vicious' assault on me and ended by ho'-r VI ri v sendinsr out lies bv telezrarih. Wa l-11""6 aSlimere. iiil- will faithfully perform every egant AH Wool Switz pledge we have made. For cor Conde suits- ruption we will substitute incor- We have the greatest variety. We ruption; for extravagance we will can please you in goods. The prices give economy and replace inompe- are bound to be the lowest, because tence with competence. What if pries and goods are not right we shall we do with the n' gro? We give the money back. . Cannon & Fetzer shall know his place. Today ? as aN waTS. the Dsmocrat is his best D0NT WAIT Too Long.: The first chill of Winter is the most Dangerous. Buy your Winter Un derwear "Ntow. We have every kind. Company. Xtae Jnbilee a Snccess-Illnmfnatlons friend. We Will do all W6 Can to ana Demonstrations some gciuh or protnote bis best interests but by oratory. the eternal goda he shall not rule The jubilee at RIeigh Tuesday over whUe mQD This yiotory is Y. -m r I nignt was a grana success, ine not my victory, nor the yictory of city was brilliantly illuminated with Unv man or class of men. but of r - - i tarsburrei lights and 1,000 torches the great white manhood of North with rooketa shooting high as the Carolina, We owe the victory to enthnnmam Rhnrf tH time1 the fact tbat tne WUlte WOmen 01 w m v a m w mm. t w 4J v ni i w u-J w v i speeches were made by a number of the State were on our side and every nromirent mpn. flmnn.a thpm our & influence was cast in onr favor. How are you fixed on Mens nd Bovs Underwear. sfm Mens full suits in neavy - cotton rib fleeced, half wool or air wool. Full suits for boys from 10 to 18 veara. tv'a can fill yenr UNDERWEAB wants at attracs tive prices. For Ladles Misses and ' children we are showins: union suits, ' either in wool or fine cotton. Wool shirts or vests lor in fants. Nice cotton fleeced vests for chil dren from 2 to 10 years Ladies' vests, bleach ed or unbleached, also separate suits. Our Underwear derart- ment ' is overflowing with aU the new goods H t PARKS congressman elect, Hon. Theo F Kluttz. The occasion could not be more brilliant in demonstration than in At the beginning and the end the ministry of the State ex tended its hands in benediction over us," Hon. F M Simmons. ! feel like asking: the boys, as oratory. We clip the following the old Datchmen did on one Sems : solemn occosion. not to make so "North Carolina for the Anglos mll0h fQ8S, as 'dere vas a fun'ral Saxon I These were the rallying here too soon already.' " cries. Thev echoed throughout the "It is the funeral of fusion dick State from Pisgah's lofty heights to ering for office in the State and it the ocean shore. The great Demo- means honest government and white s COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US1 Give us your ear and we will tell you the reason why . cratio nartv arose in its mieht. Its supremacy. banners were unfurled to the breezes "xt a the Iar2eat croP 01 immonEFUBJVITUBJ, is the burden of our son$. We Study it by the Ssate has ever had. and no power could stop its onward march to victory." Hon. R D Gil mer. "I bring you words of rejoicing from the county of Bertie, for that, too, is Democratic. s lI take this occasion to say that "This is a great and glorious day, we dream of it by night- Our highest imbition in vinfcnrv. and I attribute aU honor to J ' I t T . .17- w 7 7- C r J Jl our valiant chairman, F M Sim- a ovsmess wayi is vo give uie guviu pvupw uj unou to unit, mrva frtf fVia rOBTllt T t h T O T7 T. T. "-"""i 1U4 v"v - -r n -7- 7 it. J ... tTTTy -fr. office he oouiivry rurmioes aruwriuu uuv uvuvuurouujgv ui uu i1 c iwu- my hands to give him any . wants or may aesire. I T77 7? J? GTl T?T? T? V7 R. T. T. 7?7) 7? T TD'ATJi. nnrJ. TUD JT.fi T. Tm "To the press of North Carolina I , ' our victory means good government, want to return thanks in a public fry few in JVorth Carolina means iurtner, goca win to an. way ior iue uiagumucui uu. m ao In that latter idea 18 embraced made. To the pastors also 1 desire Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories . . - . n -.wk-wnoa t han Ira cTi t C Thfl ITtftTl I msuce to all men. wnatever is m- "w w"v J I .... i i I ,t rr r T n i - 7 . 7 7 J. 7 7 best for all our people the Demo- wb0 8tooa m tDe raUKS ana wnose in me unuea Staves Qives us a LOiig uau in, ine tiirecowK on . . t-. i I. . rm ' i t 1 03. Who invented the cotton emr I tt. r hearts were nrea wun encnusiasia. I Uril-lU paiujf nUl uu. uuu. x . j Winston. 1 l X -L ,1 I -r. .!.- WAMVAflnf ArlfTA 1 , "Justice to the pablic weal, the p . - west prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our suiirage or DOtn raceB, Beiipretrva - - " i hot- haa rxavor mini pi nr n&n i;h i tion demand that the negro be elim- T 1 customers.. ieatea, 10 jjin my yuiuu witu juuib 34. What is the name of the first of the week? 35. What letter of the alphabet ccur8 most frequently? . 36. - What citiea besides WTaahing lea have been capitals of the United 37,; How m&ny counties in North Carina? . 38, What instrument is used in France for beheading people? 33. What method of capital pan lsfcment is ured in New York? 40- What is-the meat of the calf called? 41 What is the meat of the sheep called? that interests buyers. Weliavethe BEST STOCK, the ;.r4-.-x. na a t 5tn ?Klfl FT plcmpnf. Ill rw,, t ! in rtioicing and with yon 1 wish to r,:: ; nAvm we my tn victory . -It c .u v well." Hon. Theo. F-Klattz. mpn j?1ow with lire that cannot be K nn.hprl. Thprfl ia Q moral forC2 "When, for the first time, a negro that despises the power of gold and editor published a slander upon the bayonets. It is more resistless than womanhood of the Sftte, - every f. dnf of imnerial armies. This white man sprang.to his, feet ready, is the power that has crushed the if necessary, to lay down his lile to PWSmiM nf thfl State and now is the redeem North Carolina. We come f,U tw' nnpMnn should be not to cast slurs upon a fallen ene UUJU T1U.U VU.U v.ww.w - settled forever by constitutional en actment. "But there are a few men m North my, but to build up a State torn , (Concluded on 4th Page) We.Umrik our friends for the splendid tirade given us in the vast We hop a, by close attentiou to your interest- to merit it in the future- . Dont fail to see those Handsome "Golden Oaks." Come and see us, we will do you Good- Bell, Harris & Coirnpaoy. ,