7ol. Xi. No. " 2709 CORCQRI), N; C. WEDNES Q AT, NOVEMBER 23 189 Whole No 11799 CHANGES MADE THE COLLISION THANKSGIVING DAY. 1 Of the local Frcisbt Engine With a Box Car TaestSay Afternoon The Ensfno r:wdly lierailetl The Pilot Plons?59 Into tli Gronnd and Thrusts the Engine to. One Ride. About 2 30 o'clock wreck occurred at the Cannon mills, a3 was very briefly noted Tuesday afterrcon before going to press. It la customary for some opera tive at the Cannon mills, while moving a box car along on their Let All the People Glye Thanks for Hi Bountiful ISle sings Bestowed Upon Them. .'Almost all business will be at a stand still tomorrow, and the day, with of course some exceptions, will be spent in Tuesday the reverence. Tnere will be services in some of tne ennrcnes wnere an can unite in Thanksgiving service. Rev. J. N Faust, pastor of Trinity Kef onn church, will , hold services to morrow night at 7 o'clock. Thanksgiving services at Central Methodist Church at 11 o'clock tomor row morning. " ' v As-ds the custom, .- there will be no Daily Standakd tomorrow. ny the Methodist Conference That Tnbe Effect In These Parts Hoc Slnch Change Made at Concord Mt. Pleasant Has a Change The Confer ence Meets Here Next Year. The Methodist conference adjourned its sessirn Tuesday afternoon at Winston after holding for nearly one week. Some changes were made of the pastors in our county. T? qtt T "CT T'Vi rsnrnonn In ct a ra F siding to open the switch leading I II III U II III II IM I I I -4 I . M .im V . a. - . . lUiuyv vv j int0 tne mam uden side tracK. in oi central meiuouibi uuuiuii. order fchat if th0 ear were to run The banks vd!) be closed the entire No change was made eith er awav down the grade it would not day. The telephone office will be closed fJonnnn rt or ()1p11 -mill a will nlrsQA Anvrry church, Rev. J 1) Arnold hav the eida track. This had been done Sund hours will be observed at the ing been retained. Tuesday by eome one of the men postoffice Tr wnq pertain that on aos connected with the Cannon mills, A Missionary Tea will be given in the - - I ' I 1 i n . TTM1 H -Al "t.L Dasemeni oi xi oresi nui . lueiuouisi church tomorrow nierht. Each member of the societv is allowed to invite two i.ne iccai iraign train, con rams Gf their friends. A basket will be found ing about thirty cars, and moving at convenient for the freewill offering of the rate of about six miles per hour, those in attendance I mi -n i. t ' i nomo nrnrmrl fW ,hnrf nnrvo ftnrl J-nere win ue appropriate services ax , . , . . . . bt. James .Lutheran church tomorrow oerore ma engineer couia realize tne . i i . , s. night at 7 o clock by the pastor, Eev. C situation nis engme naa tasen tne rmiIIat wrons: side trck, and rran heading Tomorrow morning at-11 o'clock Rev I Tt T n Ai "11 1 j fnr a hnr r -hinh fnnrl t.hft vv lexanaer win conaucx seryices m - I thfl Trirot PiacViTTOiior n f-i it fn Y uuwini- ut -u .r. An exceptinally fine program of music Pineville circuit, thus making The pilot, or 'cowveatcher," as it nas been arranged at that church to- in pxplianee I is called struck the brake beam of morrow morning. The following is the - - i . Re 7. L A Falls, who has l"Q car been at Breyard, beyond ?'"""au j " f'"8" Hendersonville. will take lutJ .the sronnd oausmg the engme charge of the Concord circuit ANOTHER LOT OF Plush. m -i I ortrl tri earn o roannn 1q T-o rl frtrnrnf basement oi count or a neeaeu caanse uo-1 . cause of his health, Rev. W len 10 ?Kam cioae ine ewuon. P'McGhee would not return to his pulpit at Erworth church. Instead Rev. T W Smith, of this place, who has had cnarge of the Pineville circuit, will be pastor of Ep worth, church, and Rev. Mo- This bent the - - pilot s to the program : Organ Prelude, to take a sideward course, breaking the track apart and throwing the engine against the cottcn warehouse. The box car w&3 B3nt ecme distance up tne iracif4 out no damage was here. The fornur pastor, Rev. G G Harley, will move to Swannanoa to take charge of that circuit. done to it. Eagineer Wallace saw Rev. A. Hi Wiley, tne lormer pis. Ganger noner .top; qmcis ana pastor at Mt. Pleasant; andhamped in time to save himself who also had charse of Cold being pre sed against the RnTina and Boat's Mills warehouse. churches,has been transferred e PiIot and 03 of the;.ctib to the Lmcolnton circuit. Re v. 7 . J , . J A Cook, who for the past 'The Heavens Are Telling." Haydn. Organ Postlude' 'Hallelujah Chorus,' Handel Full Chorus,4,We Praise Thee, "Lloyd. " " -Father, O Bear Us, Palmer, The regular choir will be assisted by Misses Addie Patterson and Jjydio Smith, and Messrs. H;M Barrow and W C Correll. ' ' PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. G W Ould left last night after spending several days here. Mr. W G Boshamer spent last The warehouso was knocked from off nart of its foundation. The ai iBYBlttUU uu uuolucea- while has been in Cleveland tr - k j b d, t Th fr(mt Messrs. fiazal Gray and Wil county, will be the pastor m part o thlQ engine wa8 thrown ens Anthony returned to Charlotte this his stead, tirelv to the rieht of the track, and morning. Rev. J A Clark, who has the engine Jay at a considerable Miss Maggie Castor will leave formerly been the pastor at angle against the warehouse. tonight for High Point, where she JNo one was hart, fortunately, will spend Thanksgiving at the Had not 'the engine left the track home of her brother, Gap es JUST IN. PLUSH GAPE IN TOWN FOR $2.00 BIO $12 Gapes for 6.50 to $8. Cannon & Company. t.OTffi FOR THE HOLIDAY season a man -ishes to look liis smartest and his best and lie can not improve his appearance to such advantage by any other means so completely , as by securing one ot our exclasive and nobby shapes in derbies and alpines in brown, or pear. We ha re just received some Tery nobbj pulls that may help your appearance on '.Thankgiying Day. Some ery handsome boys you might want too. in pi SI CO: Norwood, will take charge of the Salem circuit near Milu ingport, in Stanly county, as it did, the engm?, together with This circuit was formerly in . charge of Rev. Gentry. Before Conference adjourned the question of a place of meeting next year came before several curs, would very probably have gone bounding into the boiler house. WM. THACKERAY. the organization. A cordial The Subject for the Sleeting: of the Jnlla Majf rnder Boofc Clab The JLlt--erary Interest Increasing. The Jalia Magrader Book Club invitation was sriven bv sev eral different places, Concord among the number. When a held their regular meeting Tuesday vote was taken, it was decided afternoon at Mrs. Lester Coltrane's. - that Concord be its next meet- The subject tor tne evening was ing place. It has been a num- Thackeray. Mrs. Lester Coltrahe's br of vears "since Concord article on The Homes ad Haunts has had the conference, and Just Jin NEW LCT OE Peaches Prunes .Pears Apricots Figs Dates Raisins Currants Citron, Grange Peel " and Mountain Buck Wheat. Ervin & IVlorrison GROCERS the different "churches here will no doubt give them the best of entertainment. This means that quite a large crowd of ministers and delegates will be here next November of Thackeray" waa heard with much pleasure. Thi3 was followed by a few thoughts on Thackeray as a writer of rftahstic fiction by Mrs. It Is Judge Bowman. Jacob W Bowman ha been ap- Kc sSot Iu It Mow. , It was contemplated to call Rev, P H Hoge, of Wilmingtsn, to bug ceed Dr. John Hall in Fifth Ave, nue ohurch -inr New York, - bu t- -he was strongly on the white side in the late campaign and preached it: 1 That was too much for those people that have never "Had 'flie 'trial, and he is not in ic now. , t . ' Jame3 Gibson, rnd Mrs. Houston pointed judge in the tenth district then read an interesting account of to fill the unexpired term of Judge Thackeray's daughter. An increass Green, deceased. JudgBowman is :;.Bf ,n i iifrv .nrt i, 'the father-in-law of Senator Pntch- b , L , . -ry . ard, who seems to get about every- manifested at each meeting. But thing hQ askg fpr, unless it be the pleasant social features, for troopg with which he'd like to, but which the ' club , was rather. too much cantt carry elections in his own lstinguishedJast season, are not en State. It was reported that Gov. tirely neglected. In the midst of Russell had kicked a hole in the the lively conversation with woicn the' meeting: closed, refreshments sweet relations between him and the Senator" by refusing to spread the made their W-aja?c?-sde Senator's art fl.i daintilv served as to JUUiU . , in flavor and sj daintily served as to make it doubtful whether the sense of sight' or that of taste was most nana, but Hke Sasasta, he 13 not in X ' - - w , - i condition to do otherwise than sub COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US I - 3 . ' ...... Give us your ear and we will teUyo" the reason why I FURNITURE is the burden of our song. We study it by day, we dream of it by night. Our highest imbitiom in a business way isto give the good people of Concord and country for miles around the advantage of a FlfjRJYIfi TV RE STORE EXCELLED B 1 NONE and EQ TJJlLL ED by few in JVorth Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction thdt interests buyers. We have the EES 2 STOCK, the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to off cr our customers. ' ; Welharik our friends for the splendid trade glvzn us i?t the vast Wehopa, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it. in the future. '" i Bont fail to see those handsome "Golden Oaks." Come and see us, we will do you Good. Bell, Harris Company, highly gratihed . mit. : Plaster