Arrival or Train, t The following change of schedule took. 1807. 12 o'clock..-.. NORTHBOUND. tfn 8 arrives at 6 27 a m, V'gB "10 00 am, "12 " " 7-8 p ni, u 38 " 8.53 p m, " " 12 15 p m (lieisni SOUTHBOUND. No 87 arrives at 8.49 i?m, a n " "1123a.m, , 7 " 8.53pm, M 4 35 " u.zpm, - 61 " 7.40 a m, (freight) No. 35 36, 37 and 38 stop only at Char lotte, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro gBd Danville. Passengers for local joints between these stations will haye to use tne otuct "aiut" Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. GUIS. ! STIEFF Is thaonly piano manufacturer in the world who has made upright pianos that compare : with the r , . , cratid m tone and action, and you - - : ' J can iny this elegant piano for lesi ti an aaost medium or cheap pianos I are s )ld for. jnarlotte Branch Wareroom, 213 N. Tryon Street. . J C H WILMOTH, Manager. -SHORT LOCALS. Aliss came ome I from Elizabeth to spend Thanks- giving. : WANTED Fifty carloads -of cotton seed, Will pay highest market price. Jno. K Patterson. I xur. o j sjpouiwij, ui luuiauauuO) is here again in the interest of the Coleman cotton mill. Miss Pauline Thorn, of China family. Dr. Archey intends mov Grove, arrived here Thursday ing his family to Cuba to spend the morning to visit her friend, Miss winter after the regiment has ar- Grace Brown. Go to Moose's photograph car for nne uaoinet Jrnotos, only J&i.ou per I dozen. Six nice cards for 50 cents, Car located at depot. n0. The Standard, some days ago, purchased the printing outfit form erly used for the publication of the Evening Journal. a victory of 6 to 0 over the Univer-I sityofSouth Carolina Thanksgiv- ing Day at Charlotte. Dr. Fetzer has made quite an im- provement in his drug store by I adding counter show-cases instead nfthfl ,nnntOM me oia counters. Evervbodv invited to visit the A 11 uuvujapu uai at luo uopuv ixn i work guaranteed first-class, and just think ol six fine cabinets for $1.00. ine ladies ot avannah gave every one of the 13,000 soldiers at j that place a good Thanksgiving dinner. It was a great day for the soldiers. Every night from now on the mayor's oflice is connected by tele- phone with the dynamo during the whole night, in order that if there would be a fire the engineer could he promptly notified and start his Pump at ence. Persons will do well to remember this. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss, Florence fcpinks and Mr. C has. J Gate. Both parties are residents of Albemarle, Miss Spinkfe visited at the home of Mrs. W S Bingham only a short Urno ago, and is known - here by ite a number. We are sorry to note the fact that .PrUQ White, who has been in our city for a number bf months who proved himself to be an 2ST accommating freight ha3 returned to his home at W that Mr, White's mother died nly about a week ago. 1 Rev; J P Rogers has been visitw ti hpme; of his father-in-law, M r. J as. B enrage. The Concord -High Hchool pupils were given both Thursday and Fri day as holidays. Mf8: f- ISmoot has returned home, after spending several weeks visiting at Salisbury and other places. Mr. E lam .Castor and daughter, Miss Maggie Castor, spent Thanks atithe home of Mr. Ed. Castor in High Point. M. W A; Foil and wife have re turned to Charlotte, after spending several days near Mt. Pleasant and Flowes. Mr. Jno. S Hill our past tailer, who has been, clerking at Swink & Whites, has now accepted a posi- tlon a ay vault's store on the gro- Qr butcher, . Mr. Jas Day vault, has purchased a hog from Mr. Reece t,U u u r . Johnson that has six feet. Quit a number, went in to gaze at the strange freak. Mr. and rMrs. Smpot Dayvault left Thursday? night -for Florida to spend some time, on account of the bad health of Mr. Dayvault. The length of their visit is very indefi nite. On Wednesday evening. Nov. 23, at Jefferson, Md., Mr. Sam Fetzer, of Baltimore, was married to Miss Margaret Doty. Mr. Fetzer is a brother of Miss Lena Fetzer, of this place, and has a number of relatives here. ut. Lt m. Archey retumea i:ome Thanksgiving Day from Savannah Ito rpend several days with his rived there. . Photographer W J Moose has Fulu"ttBOV uo uiu jjaocugci. wi that was used on our dummy line a number of years. The car badly, damaged, but Mr. Moose is going to have it overhauled and nainted. and will counle it to bis m. other photograph. car. Mrs. C J . Misenheimer, of No. 2 inMn AA WArlnftflHavnf con- township, died Wednesday ot con sumption. ' The funeral was preaed atRocky Ridge Thanks, giving Day by Rev. G G Harley. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn the loss. . w w , Mf- Jn0 w anarai 8 mmt child bed Thanksgiving Day at their home at Cannonville. The AiaA f rrrh ft? A fAVfir j.iibio uuuu uiou( wt ; kj uv.m This was one of the twin children. It will be remembered that the other one was burned to death about a year ago; The funeral was preaohed today (Friday.) A. Good Report of tbe Phflppines. Paymaster Wilcox and Naval Ca- detfSergeant of the monitor Monad- nock, have finished a six weeks tour into the interior of one of the Philippines recently and report quite favorably. The land is very fertile. The "explorers received much courtesy and were greatly pleased with the education and cul ture of the people. The people were dressed in western style. The women are attractive and the popu lation faily contented under Aguin aldo's rule. In the mountain regions the people are rather savage. In ternal improvements, such as roads and bridges are needed. Won't Bteet Gen. Captain General Blanco has resigned and his resignation has Ha will now avoid nieeting Gen. Lee, whom he snubbed when he called to bid the haughty1 Spaniard adieu at the opening of hostilities. s Trust Those Who Dave Tried. " I suffered irom catarrh ' of the worst kind and never hoped for cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seems to do even that.Ocar Ostrom, 45 Warren Aye., Chicago, 111. I suffered- from catarrh; it got so bad I could not work I used Ely's Cream Balm and am entirely well. -A C Clarke, 341 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. A 10c. trial size or the 50c. size of Ely's Cream Balm, will ba mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St.. N. Y. wimm Almost Here. In our Stock of rortign and domes - - tic Groceries will be found every thintr tn malfA vnnr ThanVamr. "w J ' I ing Dinner complete. - . . i Will have Celery, Cranberries, Mince Meat and large tender oysters for - . I eyeryonf. u or r an cy Malaga Grapes, Apples, Bananas end Orange we are tbr neople 'Phone 2i, Dove & Bost. IMS! You will find now on hand a Fresh Stock cf GROCERIES Consisting of - EMS iSRaisin8, note, citron, Currants, cranberries, Mince meat, pickles, Sausage, catsup, kraut,' Plum pudding, olives, Jellies, apple butter, Canned goods of all kmds chae8e Bologna eausage,baked hfiflna and manv other artioiea that vrai nan'f man firm alcn A ' Cieneral of Toys ! Tse goods are all nice and freBh and will be sold on as small profit as can be . done at any other r reliable house. Giye me'a portion of your trade. Prompt delivery of all purchases. Yours to Please, A. L. Sappenf ield. Ballard's hf j LP FLOUR Just in. Best in Town. , w w Phone 6. The Oldand Reliable 1847 Triple Silver Plated "Knives andForIcs C 0 I R E l iy ' ThelLeading Jeweler. Fine Watch WorkJa'Spec-ialty. K ROGERS BROS ' v 7 A Sideboard That groans with its weight r of good things for. Thanksgiving iflnO'gOOdl I rJnnM.A a ; i m.u o:j.u: j: will never groan under -any. weight; they are not only ornamental, rich and exqaisitely handsome, but will last for a life time. Oar stock :of Bed Ro'm fcaitea in Golden, Oak'. Mahcccnv I Bird's J5ve Manle . " Taft4, finiflu run "o fcr eny hin; in be furniture line; f.R A VF.N "R"R OTH'S i Farmitiuire Dealers AND FuneralDIrecfors. o o JEL1ICO. ANTHRACITE and SMITH. K. u CRAVEN Phone T4. M. L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY, FEED A.ND SALE 1 STABLES Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om- f'.J?? ?aLn8JDollarsfor each every case of Outfits of all 'kinds 4 1 furtiished , - . uJLa u promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand or sale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hpajs. ,fc- tf COAL I GOAL! 1 am now prepared to furnish you with Anthricite and Jellico Uoal best of quality and we guarantee the price. Don't use 'wood when you can get coal at such prices. J. A. C. Blackw elder y At Store on West Depot Street. Phone No, 68. s23 6m d I fSnnsti nation nrevents the body fr0m ridding itself of waste matter. De Witrs Little Jany msers win remove the trouble and , cure Sick Headache. Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear f the Complexion. Small, sugar-coatea, aon i gripe ur cause nausea.-7-J P Gibson. ; i :t, nA fxrryr. Overcome evil with good. U7er- come your, coughs and colds with ters, etc., served in nicest style. Every One Minute Cough Cure. It is SO thing clean and attractive. We cater to cmnrt nhildren crv for it. lt cures Sronp, btonchitie, pneumonia, grippe and all tnroai ana lung ais- esee. Jr uioson. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. But early to b-d and a Little Early Riser, the pill : hat makes life 1 a ;0o f p nihann i longer and wiser.-J P Gibson. ; All nersons indebted to Dr Archey by account will please set tiejsame at once. w li Means, SOHEDTJLlii III. " . In Effect 8ept. 4, 1893. This condensed cheda I is p.b tehed aa information, and is suhjecjt to change without notice to th public; f . Trains Leaye Concord, N O 8:49 a. m. No. 37, daily, Wash ington and Southwestern lim ited for Atlanta. BirmiushaiD. Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile au'i New Orleans, and nil points Sout i and Southwest. Through Pullrciiv sleeper New Yorfc to Nev Orleac- and New York ta Mem phis. lm ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. o'Jqo p. m. No. 7. daily, from Rich mond. Washineton. Goidsboiiv Selma, "Raleign. Greeneix)) - Kuoxviue and Asheville to Vhat otte, N. O. - 1123 a. m. -No. 11, daily, for At anta and all points South. Soli i train, Richmond to Atlanta. 10:00 a. m. No. 36 dailr. ftr Whington, Richmond. Raleish and all points Notch. Carries Pull man drawmgrcom buftet sleeps , NowOrleans to NewYork; Jackson- ville to New York: Pullman tourist cara from San FrarciPi-xi via New Orleans and Southern Fa cifio Thursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 88. daily. Washing ton and Southwestern luir ited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to New York: New Orler L XT. 'XT'.t m i irr "rr V Also carries vestibuled coach anf dining car ; Close connection g Greensboro with sleeper for Norfot r 7;09 p. m. No. 12 daily, for Rich mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Raft digh, Norfolk, and all poinl. North. r . 6.27 a. m.No. 8, daily, for Ricn mond : ' connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at 8elm)a for Norfolk, at DanviJle for Wastes ington and points North; at Salft- bury for Ashvme, Knoxvule and points West. First sections of - regular through or local freight trains carry passenS gers only to points where they stfln according to schedule. Fbahs S. Gannon, 3rd "Vice Pres. . and Cen 1 manager, v Washincton. D. O. John M. Gulp, W.A. Tuax, Traffic M'gr. Gen'IPass. Ag - Washincton. D S. H.Habd wick, Ass'tGen'iP, Ag j'i. . -'Lt 1 Atlanta. iG W.;H. Tayloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag'Jt . Jjouisville, iiy. Gowan DusENBaar, Local Ag , Concord. N. C. STATE OF OHIO. Citt of Toledo, ( liUOAs County.: J Frank J. Chenev maken natfi fhrn I1?'" Z fn! State aforesaid' and that R&irl fTm xii f Via aum w nna ttaa I . TTftlla nofa. Z Fbank JXJhenet;. Sworn to before me and subneribs edin my presence . the 6th day 6l December, A. ID. 1886. a. w:gleason. Notary Public. Hall's Cdtarrh Cure is taken ini ternally and acts "directly on the blood and mucous surices of the ley tern. Send for testimonials, free F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. old by druggists, 75o, estaurant,1 R WILL JOHNSONi, Proprietor. I xvooms opposite uoun xiouse. upen ot .,nftn rw tnf T sj. r L TT SX . tne patronage 01 iaaie3 especiauy. we l"LdSs.p0llte and aCC1 )mmo . J-,.,,.-. - - The sooner a coush or cold Is fnrArl withnnt harm tn tfiA onfToroi- lh e better. Linsarine colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is dis I tressing. One Minute Cough Cure qniefcly cures it. vvuy sutler when such a cough cure is withm reach? u q leagsant to the taste.-J P Gibson'8 jsEAL, 1