Price $4.00 Per Yean CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30, 1898. Single Copy 5 Cents, THE STORM'S WORK. Jlore I Mali Cnrripr Aanir. ... v iuwnjg ia laKea irom tne 0 1 1 oaiiBDory correspondence to the i v,o worst of the story of Satur- A.rr nH Sandal's storm was not at .- " coursing down nis U 'J i. - mf PERSONAL POINTERS. dreadful Yet-Tne Portlana Xost Wit n Its 99 Souls. Dr. L M Archey will return to Savannah tonight. Mr. Walter Cook, of Mt. Pleas- ia rru. cheeks and his right hand almost ant. was hero today. ilrst more man icareu. au0 io r ... ... m, n a battered into a Diece of raw flflh Miflfl "TClnifi Mnrrisnn nf Pinnppr stern realities. Tne roru T , t , - . . M ... . 1 . . ouuu aruuarai, a mail driver, mills, anont tnriav hero. i ; optima Honrmn a I ... M ' r lllHIi 111 DCOUiO fcVVav u 5- ThonVt St ,KUe8d e'eUiDg -Miss Ethel PattereoniB visiting 5 abOUt 7 O'clock With a Htirrinn- . . . . . . ens. are bat land was doubt witn doc one oi ! ux aD0Ul 7 0clock with 8tirrinff en. u , - enters or the 48 members of the counter to relate. Earnhardt carries - W W crew left to tell the sad story. One the mail from Salisbury to Pool "and Mr. Robert Finlay, of Balti body ha3 come ashore at Cape Uod waa onhis return trip home and more' one of tno oldest traveling with a life belt on which is the about two miles from town, when a man on ihe road 18 nere today- same -oceamer ruruauu, utfgru jumped out at nis norse's Messrs. Kichard and Louis coasts along from Connecticut are head. He grasped the horse's bridle Boyd left this morning for Fayette Etrewn with wrecks, tome of which and commanded Mr. Earnhardt to ville to resume their positions. 1 i .o..ii.Utn irfnn I Kl A I. II 1 ! are ground lu uureuuKu,ttUI iUCU" I "auu "cr iuo mail uags. xnis tity. Bodies come ashore stripped Uncle Sanx's agent refused to do, of clothing. " . and tne negro grabbed at the bag Th6 life-saving crewa saved many himself. Mr. Earnhardt was un- iirpa hnt could not rescue all. armed and a nand-tohand conflict JLVWW - - It was a calamity dreadful to followed. The plucky mail carrier i i . j i i t ,fomnab aucceeaea m downing nis adversary tUiv.aiM. i w ' It 111 and wus astride of , him, when his UODU "mo 1Ui DU . MC01k0 "cig i . n . . . I flhnnt: t.Via BftTOfirnirn wont, tn Stntps ji Little cniia Gets Burned. uurso uegau 10 waiK away, ill inia . ' 7 nnTnpdm.huhpn th r.hiU uucture Mr. Earnhardt ran after vuie laamigm, woere ms employer, & I . . 1 . . -. I IVTi T T. T.nrU aot ia nnf tinor in wratflr , ff. vt-o d a nifl rtnrRA and lhA nporrn p.crvinfirt. v Uxcll Ui ixii, ctiiu. uiiDi xo uiunci i r .i ih mnm niin. a Ranh The would-be robber wa3 not works and a 6ewera9 Ry8tera' Known oy JMr. Jiarnnardt and tnerei Mr. Luko JohnBon passed through here this morning on his way to his home in Mecklenburg, after spending several days in and around Mt. Pleasant. Mr. B M Woollen, who has Ladies' Misses' AND sroand the waist of their foursyear. old boy caught fire. The flam8 ia clue as to his identity." quickly caught his clothing, but Sirs. Brower got to him in time to eave him from being fatally burned. The little child's hands and face, together with one ear, was somewhat Just ;in The Treaty to Be Slgnel This Weeftt. The Third Still Tronblesome. NUIW LUI UiJ The Third North Carolina regi- Peaches Prunes ment is again in it for trouble. It Pears . Apricots was rumored in Macon, Tuesday Eigs Dates nipht. that thp.v intended tn hrnak Raisins Currants Dadly burned, as was also the hands througn the line3 and destroy the Citron, Orange Pel - -m -mm- "W 1 A I . I ot Mrs. Brower, wno ran 10 nis rea cit and Mountain Buck Wheat. CHS. I r f farvo. olAnf Vtt an i n Airln n f T .S . r-i l... B I W mm Bill, ill ! . that occurred in which one of their Brvin & Morrison nn i m Varj oroa aVinf nn tt? ill vrtVvo Uiu UUlu T DUUU UpUU IT111 I mm w t Decided progress is reported from tt ,M(OT,f frt Uar. a-A uKUCfc,K Paris m the work of the peace clled fnr a drink Hq was told that onm mission fPh a Rpnrfitaripa had I 'i .l.v. t u 1. jsi tu.ww.f. " 1 rifl 1 v w niiu iihiiii m l 'i 1 1 1 ill irtj i unilKM l m m the articles -of treaty drawn up there. He made himself very offen J ANNUAL STATEfvIEW I Tuesday evening to be presented for 8;ve t;n he received a blow with a final adjustment. It is believed bottle. He went away and soon re- Pf the Board of County Comrnis that it will be signed yet this week, turned with several others, in an eioners for Cabarrus county for yecr The possession of Q-iam, one of attacking manner, and waa shot by ending Nov. 30th, 1898 : the Ladrones, is in the ultimatum, the proprietor, W S Simmoas. Mr. No. days m Bsion but the United States wishesMn the Simmons shot to save his brother, LW H Blume 16 J days court treaty to obtain Strong Island one I whom he considered in great dan-1 work of the Caroline Islands, at a price ger from the attack. Simmons is in W H Blume 18 days as forann&lincr station. No nressure I iaiL but this does not satisfy the commissioner will be brought to bear on Spain in negroes, who would inaugurate an- this matter. She will have her own archy it they could. option and will have a good chance . - - " cMldr ens' Storm Rubbers. est Grade. 4 ust received Cannon & Fetzer Company. Tj kJ-. OPENED A BIG- LINE OF M P A NOTION 5 ShcIl as Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, gloves Neckwear, Hosiery Towels Belts, Purses, etc., from the cheap- est to the ery best, all to go at first cost. Come and see what we have for the holi day season. HL W W H Blume extra wi-rk as chairman 24 $33 00 36 00 10 00 The Tolberts Returning Home. $79.00 From the Charlotte News, we see j l Stafford, county commissioner, that Messrs. R R and Jas. R Tolbert, 24 days as commissioner 48 00 the two white men who it is gj 0n committee 17 00 p.laimpd caused the riot atl 4. i-j qjq ifton il . a. . . . . it. I I IVI 1 PH LfHYKlBU UUO --vj f v -CiCiCaBc uu iUO f. " Greenwood, S C, passed through to show her temper. Spain will give up Ler insurgent prisoners on the condition that the United States undertake to effect hands of Aguinaldo. He Slakes It By Steam. Mr. Sol Levy one of our butchi ers, has added a new equipment to his meat market. It is a power engine, together with a fine nseat ctilter, which capacity is 500 pounds per hour. It certainly cuts meat in a hurry. Charlotte Monday night, returning to their homes after staying in Washington some time. They 22 days aa commissioner 4 $81 90 E P Deal, county commissioner. 44 00 would not talk about the affair. Another Gale Blowing:. New York, Nov. 29. The storm cf Sunday, which wrought snch ter rible havco to shipping, eeems likely to be duplicated. It is snowing again tonight and stoimy weather prevails over a large area. A severe northeast gale is sweeping down the coast. ' Telegraphic communication with remote pointayon Long Island was reBumed today and many tales of shipwrecks and disaster, came in. Northport harbor is strewn with wreckage, not one . of the fleet of craft moored there having escaped. The hulls of two schooners lie on shore of Centerport harbor while Sag Harbor shows the same results of the storm's ravage. At Port Jefferv son several liyes were lost. g. Miles' Iain liii ure guaranteed to stop w.ea&ache la 20 minpt-"ene cent aV' To Be Qnalified Sext Monday. Oa next Monday before the county commissioners now in ser vice, the newly elected officers will take the oath of office to the service of Cabarrus county ia 40 days committee, chain gang, county home and road Miles traveled 84 80.00 1 4 20 : $128.20 LW M Weddington, Register of the Deeds for Cabarrus county, do certi- capacity of their election. The dif that the above is a correct state- ferent officers fcavo been getting menfc 0f compe&84tion audited by up their bonds the last while, which tn8 board to the members thereof bonds are as follows : For Sneriff, severally. J Lawson Peck, between $40,000 ; W M WEDDINGTON, and 645,000; Clerk of the Court, Register of Deeds . Jno. M Cook, 810,000; Register of v i riVJO MflRlfCT n.o W JohnBon. 85.000: OUL . LEV I O ivlHlllC I -wv-ww - j Coroner, Adolphus E Lentz, 82,000; Cotton Weigher, Jno. W Propst, 81,000. Baeltien's Ajrmca aiTo. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S sin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give statisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Dfng store The best of meats always kept on hand and promptly delivered. When you want fine sausage here's the place you're looking for, as we are best suited for this kind of work, and no better sausage is made than is made by my process. When you need any meats of any kind stop in my market n the Castor build ing, else telephone No. 41, and you will reoeiye our prompt attention. SOL LEVY. COTTON CUTS NO ICE WITH US ! Give us your ear and we will tell yonjthe reason why FURNITURE is the burden of our song. We study it by day, we dream of it ly vight. Our highest imbition Urn a bvsiness way is'to give the good people of Concord and a -. country for milesf around the advantage of a FTJRNI fVRE STORE EXCELLED Bit NONE and EQTJJlLL ED by few in North Carqlinai Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the. United States gives us a long leaa in me airectwn that interests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK . the best prices that has ever been our pleaeure to offer our customers- We thank our friends for the splendid trade given us in the vast We hope, by close atteniiou to your interest to merit it in the future- Dont fail to see those handsome "Golden Oaks." Co?ns and see us, we will do you Good . Bell, Harris Company.-'