Trice $4.00 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1898. Single Copy 5 Cents. A SIGHT WORTH SEEING. II off 7 1-2 x 9 Feet Another Abont the lJiffffest In the World Celery, potatoes and Mlnorcas. , . . On Thursday-we were apprised tbat Mr. W. A. Smith has some thing worth oing to see in the way-of prosperity in pork and other things. We hied away, and rather than be taken off our feet, we secured a sewing machine agent to accompany us and tone down any burst of amazement into which we might be betrayed. (There was no lightning rod man available). Well, we wended our way to the pig sty and were re warded with seeing a hog that measures 7i feet from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail and requires a girth 9 feet long to span him. We saw the 750-pound ho of Mr. Wm. Lentz's some 12 or 15 years ago and Mr. Tom Ehinehardt's hog the same year . y-k r i-V 1 nf something over OUU, ana we v- l J will net be surprised if this porker nulls down the beam at 800 r pounds. In the same pen is an other that we. should think about the biggest hog in the world if this first mentioned one were not right by him. The two will prob ably foot up 1,400 or 1,500 pounds oi pork when slaughtered, which will probably be about the middle of December. These hogs came from a good line of hog blood. The larger is a cross of the. Berkshire and Poland-China and the other is pure Berkshire. The larger is two and one-half years old and the other 2 years. Mr. Smith says they are very reg ular Waters. A gallon of meal made into a cold water mash makes both an ample feed. While about the premises we were shown a very fine lot of cel ery and an immense production of late Irish potatoes, also a flock of Minorca chickens, in all of which Mr. Smith takes great pride. As for our own mind, though, there was a special bent toward hoggishness, and therein was our greatest gratication. Mr. Smith says he has many welcome callers of both sexes and all classes to see the free hog snow, it is worth mucn more than the cost. Xieut. Ernest Fetzer Mow In euba. From the Baltimore American we see that Mr. Ernest Fetzer, oi Baltimore, is now in Cuba in the army service. Mr. Fetzer has a number of relatives who will be glad to know of his whereabouts, and also to know that he nas sev eral times been promoted. When he first went into the . service of the First Maryland' regiment he was the second lieutenant. He was afterwards given charge of an ambulance corps, and was several days ago put in charge of the PERSONAL POINTER?. Attorney Luther Hartsell is at tending court at Salisbury today. Mr. Pink Mieenbeiiner is in Charlotte this afternoon on business. Mrs. Eugene Barnhardt and little son, Eugene, returned home this morning from Charlotte. Mr. Norman Shaw left this morning to spent abont a week at Warrenton. He will return here next week. Mr. Ch?s. W Petty, who travels in the interest of the Odell Herd- nrara Cn nf riroan oVr-rr ia V ova -rr4.w -u.yc ,i.5 day. He ia a brother 0f pf0f.Petty mue men, ny mis ume ne ana here. his men are in Cuba, having joined a brigade at Athens, Ga. It is the earnest intention of Mr. Fetzer to make a record for him self while in service, which is evi denced by the appointments he ' has received. Ladies7 Misses' AND With the RicL Today. Mrs. M J Freeman, who been quite sick for several days, is somewhat improved. n r - yt t 1 iuasier uxwan jjusenoury is out again after having been con fined to his bed for a week or two. iur. ia. unne s little cniia is still very sick with pneumonia. Mr. Joe Cress is improving each day and will soon be able to be out. Just In NEW LOT OF Peaches Pears Figs Raisins Prunes Apricots Date3 Currants NOTICE! Citron, Orange Pel and Mountain "Buck Wheat. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 Cliildrens' Storm Rubbers. est Grade. Just received TwentFirst Series . i CONCORD PERPETUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Books are now open for subscriptions to the 21st series stock of Concord Per petual Building and Loan Association. Call on the Secretary or Treasurer at to Policman Cauble s arms. The Cabarrus Saying: Bank and subscribe. one captured was EmestMuiphy, pirst payment due December 5, 1898 Cannon & Fetzer Company. OPENED: A BIG- LINE OF SAMPLE NOTION Such as Suspenders Handkerchiefs, gloves Neckwear, Hosiery Towels, Belts, Furses etc., from the cheap est to the ery best; all to go at first cost. Come and see what we have for the holi day season. Boys Ureal in a Store. Two young men were caught breaking in Mr. W A Eagle's store in Salisbury Wednesday night, says the Salisbury Sun. One made his escape while the other, looking for a "cop," ran in- 111 PARKS 4 C while his pardner; Herman Bos- tian, made his escape. Both cf these persons are young men of that town. A while beforehand that night Bos tian shot at a young man named Will Wallace. The ball passed through his coat on the shoulder. The young man has skipped. Jno. P. Allison, Pres. H I Woodhouse, Sec. and Treas. Clay as a Stamp Speaker. A single piece of ready wit, which saved Mr. Clay from overwhelming defeat'at a critical moment, affords an excellent example of the de mands made upon the stump ora tor, says the Youth'd Companion. In 1816 Mr. Clay voted for a new compensation act of congress. It COTTON GUTS NO ICE WITH US I Give us your ear and we will tell yonlthe reason wlnj- Edltor Reed Departs We notice that Editor F J Reed, aroused a tornado of public wrath, -p jjRjfJT URL is the burden of our song. We study itbrj the Dencil pusher on the Salisbury stand against this, and he sagacious. ayj we dream of it by night Our highest imbition in , ,. i , , lv resolved to try and weather it. . watchman ana wmcn paper nau Meeli 8taunch 8Upporter who a lusiness way is 'to give the good people of Concord and a page contributed to the interests . ..- . of Cabarrus county's fusionists, ttJackj you have a good flint lock country for mileslaround the advantage of a FURNI- haven't you ?" Do you want to invest one dol lar and get ten dollars m return for it in 30 davs? If so, here and now is the time. Hon. W. C Grant is in town with the Portable Open Fire Stove, or Baker and Broiler. It ie a perfect worker, the wonder of the day, the best seller in the world and three fonrths of the jales profit. Can be manufactured in any place vhere there is a tin shop. Men who have money to trade on will do well to attend the great auction sale tomorrow at 12 o'clock. The lease of several counties will be sold. Letters patent on hand perfect titles or no pay. Now is the accepted time. Come, and come now. Auction and demon stration in front of Daily and Weekly Standard Printing Office, Concord, N. C. - Respectfully, W. C. GRANT, Birmingham, Georgia. 3 3 S i3 Bi P weakness easny enred c 4 i6$ Dr. MUes' Nerve Plaster has left Salisbury, and has gone to Forest City, N. C. The Salis bury Sun says it is not known when the Watchman will again appear. Ttt AnKova Tnkn iVntice and Heed mM hjs m tz w Thereto ! Yes." "Did it eyer flash in the pan? ' "Onpe it did, but only once." "What did you do with it ? Did you throw it away ?" "No. I picked my flint, and tried TURE STORE EXCELLED BY JYOJYE and EQUALL ED by few in JVorth Carolina Buying in car lots for spot cash from the best factories in the United States gives us a long lead in the direction that interests buyers. We have the BEST STOCK: the- Rv virtue of authority vested in it again. me as sergeant-at-arms ' I com- ikWell said Mr. Clay, "I have nA ,,rr ,nmW .nf the Lv- only flashed once on the compen- . J . . . . , . . ,i sation bill and are vou eoing to k,, -oz, - 4- T rw c mint Ttnnm mm -ril o n m i o r-pFor mf ceum to assemble tonight at me -- 9 uwu jji vu&o vuu touo &u& uwiv viw ji w VJJ v. "No V1 cried the hunter touched customers usual place o'clock. of meeting at H. C. Hekring, High Constable 7:30 The reply of Admiral Dewey is quite in contract with another na val hero who when offered $5,000 to write an account of a certain action put the matter in the hands of a lawyer to see whether he could not get $6,000. He got it and now finds time to write the account. Church Paper. fh Mlles'JPurfw Wis arb guaranteea tofff &ea&actoe In 20 mlnnt "One cent a 1 - M 1 ' i M. tlXT If- in ni8 tenaereab pan. no. iur. Clay, I will pick the flint and try you again ! When all els9 failed a simple illustration, drawn from every day life, sufficed to reach those brave and hardy frontiersmen. Ex. Attention, Pytlilans. Regular meeting of Concord Lodge No. 51 K. of P., tonight at 8 o'clock. Every Knight requested to be present. Work in first rank. R. L. McConnell, C. C. We thank our friends for the splendid trade given ut in the vast We hop?-, by close attentiou to your interest to merit it in the future- Dont fail to see those handsome lt Golden Oaks." Come and see us, we willldo you Good- Bell, Harris Company. '

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