Price rer lean CONCORD, N. C, SATURDAY,; DEC. 3, 1898. concord legislature. The Lyceum Converted Into a Gen eral Assembly to Discuss the Im portant Issues That Will Come S Before Such - a Body Mr. JLnther jSlartsell Endorsed for the Npeaker of the House in the Coming: legis lature After a vacation of several months and pursuant to the call issued Eris day by the Sergaanthat-Arms, a number of the members met in their hall for the purpose of again organizing the Concord Lyceum. Mr. James Hurley was elected president pro tern, Wade .Barrier having been appointed secretary. Scarcely waiting nam tne organiza tion was effected, a member offered resolutions on the importance of this organization, in order to aid the members of the coming State Legislature discussing all subjects that are most likely to coma before ttat honorable body. In these pacae resolutions, the election of Mr. Lather Hartsell aa speaker of 'the House was strongly advocated. These resolutions were unanimously adopted in toto. It having been the vjice of the body to change this organization into a legislative 'hody, the election of a Speaker of the House, was en- tered into. Knowing his ability sod tact in such places, the honor was showered upon Mr. L D Duval. The newly elected speaker not be present to make the appoint msnt, Wade Barrier was elected clerk of the Assembl). On next Friday night, Speaker Duva1, after being installed and after having taken his oath of alle giance to the guidance of the Ship of State, his different committees will be appointed. It . is already foreseen that several seats, too, will be contested before this body gets well into work. A bill concerning the present manner of electing mags iatrates will be offered next Friday night from a representative of the . the Apple Grove district . 1 The Assemblv, according to the present roll, will be composed of the following members from their respective districts: N D Fetzer of the Cold Water district, D D John- son of the Red Liver district H O Herring of the Huckleberry district, Charles Craven of the Wh to hirt district, John Cook of the Jug To wn district, 0 F Rankin of the Sandy Ridge district, Luther 'Hartsell of the Noon Ingram district, Jay Lentz of the Sleepy. Hollow district, Hols lana Thompson of the, Icobod diss met, R L Duval . of the Georgia Cracker district, L D Duval of the Augusta district, James F Shinn of tha Bosts Mills district, M B Stick- syof the Apple Grove district, James F Hurley of Loraan's Town Strict, and Wade Barrier cf ibe Pinter's Devil district, It would be well for our read .to n0te the different districts that the gentlemen are from in order that- later when some important Satire is brought up by a Tepre- uiaiivo of some named district ,;..yn will kno who he is. . oiiceinau liost Resigns. day (SrUnrdavT Mr. A K Bnqf Rtowed a Staxdard reporter, hia ' 31nafionCa3,pol . j .pot to be handed in to Mayor . " ana tne Town Comtnismon tr8':;Mr-3t: ba3een. filling Off ... Pta satisfactorily fbr aboat six -. 'months an A-..-. . .. a gcodarge number- of breakers. iev. Robbins Changes Pastorates. I We clip the following from the Monroe Enquirer : "Rev. and Mrs. W M Robbins eft lest Tuesday for Concord where hey will spend a few days visiting relatives, after which they will go o Jeffereon, Ashe county, Mr. Rob- bins' new charge. Mr. Robbins has been paator of the North Monroe Methodist church for two years and has made a faithful pastor and has shown himself to be a man worthy of his great calling. He is a good PM&er, a hard student and a levpl headed, progressive man. We wish that Mr. Robbins' could etay in Monroe longer, but as we must bid him good-bye we bid him God speed in his new field," UCi 19 Single Copy PERSONAL POINTERS. I)r. Bell Shot Accidentally. Messrs. Geo. Murr end Carl Johnson were up in No. 3 township Friday enjoying themselves shooting at patridges. By some means Mr! Murr's gun was accidentally diss charged and tihe load took effect in me arm or ur. uen, wno ayes in that community. Fortunately the shot did not enter the ekin very deeply, and only a slight wcun 1 wts made. This is the largest game George ha3 ever got to shoot at very probably. Mr, M J Freeman returned home last night from a business trip. Mrs. Frank Patterson is visit ing at the home of her daughter, Mrsj Dr. Stevens. . -Mrs. Jones, of Salisbury, re turned home last night, after spend ing yesterday, with Mrs. D F Can non. , 1 Mrs. F S Stephens returned to Charlotte this morning, after spend ing several days at the home of Mr Parks. ! Miss Sadie Rencini went to Salisbury this1 morning to attend the funeral of Mr. Jno. Verble, w'lich takes pl&ce this afternoon. Mr. Walter Cook, of Mt. Pleas ant, was here jthis morning. He came afler hisBister, Miss Lelia Cook, who has t been spending sev eral day 8 with ilra. Jas. P Cook. Ladies' Misses' AND Mr. Jno. Verble Dead. For several days .Mrs. Geo. W Brown, of this p!ac9, has been at the bedside of her relative, Mr. Jno'. Verble, in Salisbury, who has been very low for several days. At 5 o'clock Friday murning he answered death's summon, being over 78 years of ae. Mr. Verble was one of the wealthiest men. of Rowan county. He leaves a widow and one daughter, besides a number of relatives not so near to him. Two Negroes Brought to Jail. Tom Spinning and Oscar Lomax two negroes, were put in jiil today (Saturday). They are charged- with stealing a pistol and some provisions from Mr. Robt. Wallace. In de fault of a $100 bond, each one of them now lies in j all to await the coming term of court Tann eriXot Alarmed. An Indiana grand jury has found a true bill against Governor Tanner in the aflairs of the late race riots there. The Governor, however, makes very light of the affair. Was It Foul Play ? ThA Weldon corresnondent to the News and Observer of Sunday said : "The oldest negro in Halifax county was Abram Carstarphen. He was 105 years bid and voted the white man's ticket in the recent election. Last Monday r ho died and ioul play is suspected. The white people of Faucett's township gave him decent burial and would not allow the negroes to throw even a sboyel of dirt on the old man's Just In NEW LOT OF Peaches Prunes Pears , Apricots Figs Dates Raisins Currants Citroni Orang8 Peel and Mountain Buck Wheat. Ervin & Morrison GROCERS Twent-First Series CONCORD PERPETUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. Books are now open for subscriptions to the 21st series stock of Concord Per petual Building and Loan Association. Call on the Secretary or Treasurer at Cabarrus Saving Bank and subscribe. First payment due December 5, 1898. Jno. P. Allison, Pres. H I Woodhouse, Sec. and Treas. Childrens' Storm libbers. est Grade. J list received Cannon & Fetzer Company JUST OPENED: A BIG- LINE OF SAMPL NOTION Such as Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, gloves Neckwear, Hosiery, Towels, Belts, Purses: etc;, from the cheap est to the -ery best, all to go at first cost. Come and see what we have for the holi day season.. AM CO. NOT - BE - HAPPY GET INTO THE SWIM-THE ELECTION IS OVEB THANKSGIVING IS PAST AND IN A FEW MORE DAYS A WE WILL HAVE CHRISTMAS AGAIN. IFanted'to' Burn Out Wanamalser. A miscreant was caught in the act of .setting a fi:ein the basement of John Wanamaker's store in Phila delphiax Thursday afternoon. The timely discovery saved a great ca lamity of life as well aa property, no doubt. The New York baa been ordered to Havana and - Admiral Sampson will again step inboard, haying fin ished his work on the committee. He will resume hia command of the North Atlantic squadron. grave am It la claimea 'k v. that with cotton compressed in the round bale it is passible to put 70,000 pounds in a il wav car. while but 12,000 Tne Sure liatlrippe Care. ' ;;There is no" use suffering from this dreadful mdlady, if you will only get ihe . right remedy. You are fiavlng:pain a)l vthroiighf your liver is ont of ofder2have no appe tite, no life or ambition, have a" bad cold; in fact are completely, used up. Etectrio Bitters is the only remedy that will give you?prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your Livir, Stornach-andKidneys, tone uo the whole system and mak'e you feel like a - new Jbeing.y They are f h Vmd nnnnds0 of .uncompressed i guaranteed ,1 to -cure or price re-: cottoja can be put in a car, and 6i))- GOO tq!4U0UU pounas oi square-oaie comdressed cotton. rAndereppi In- LteUigencer.. rr.cri tunded." '6r sale at P B. Fetzcrt drug stdronlyQ cents per bottle. . Lata to- bednd.;eariy pto"" rise, brepareVa man for Hishomjejm the. skies. ui eany ia Deu auua uuud Early KiseK the pill thai makeslife longer and wiser. J P Gibson. Wh nn voii ask 'far Ud itrs Hazel Salve don't incept aounter- frti t or 'imitation., ..There sm-moxe- cases ofKles::fceng fnret M this,! . tnn an oiueio uouiuiudu, v Gibson.. . - ; nr. Mlles'Xfn Stilt are guaranteed to stop Headache in iuint jT cent a a PRESENTS 1 Oh, Yes ! You must have pietents for i Christmas times. We don't know of any better place in the State of N or th Oar olina to buy a useful as well as an orna , ;.. . -' . mental PRESENT than the FURNITURE HOUSE 0F BELL HARRIS & CO. . t- ..---..-.. . SEE. Run over the list and see if 'we are "not correct, One Hundred Bed Room Suits in all the fancy woods. Parlor goodi medium "and best. Wardrobes, Side Boards, China Closets, Office Desks, Book Cases, Hall Racks, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs?and all kinds of children Chairs, Bis sels Carpet Sweepers, Cook: Sfereiattrew Bab Tenders, Boy Wagons, Go Carts, Coasters, Trycieles, Veloso- peds, etc. 'i Oar line of Pictures and frames, ? Mirrors, , Lamps, etc., must be seen-to be-appreciated. We haye bought largely Weliave bought at right prices. , We . have bought to sell , if you'twill favor ius with a calLwe will eonyince you that- wo mean jusrwKai wetsay!' Come: arid see 'usWitn.bst vwishes' for a merrv Chriatniase are . $ wuMm ikW- Yours Bell, Harris &' Company.

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