Ill STANDARD JOdN D. BARRIER &SON, liditors and Proprietors. OFFICE - IN - BRICK - ROW. 1HE STANDARD is published every day Sunday excepted) and delivered by arries. Rates of Subscription : Oiio year . . . . . ....... Six months. ....... . . Three mouths.. ... . ... One month. . . . Single 'cop v. .... . . i .$4 00 .2 00 ; l .oo . .35 .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD ris a four-page,, eight-column paper. It -has a larger circulation in Cabarrus than? any other paper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rat&s : " :2 :i Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to ; .THE STAND ARI;.C Concord.- NrXL CONCORD, N. C, D EG. 13,-1898. COUNT IT AJLj. "We protest that in taking the weight .of a hog everything should be weighed that is of value for culinary purposes. Why should not the lard on the entrails be counted the same as the lard that you strip off the inside of the j middlings? The Moreanton Herald scores a weight ot 701 pounds, in cluding 42 pounds of entrail lard. The pudding material is also legi timate weight and, we think, is generally counted to get high fi . It is legitimately a part of tli , :od enough to et and of c: 'mh od enough to weigh and bl xit. ' Mr. Smiths bigger pc - ve doubt not, J contained 640 or 650 pounds of good hog. The record of the pat two years at the Noith Carolina insane asy lum at Raleigh is -most creditable. During that period there were 372 additions and 224 patients were discharged as cured. The death rate was only 4J per cent, while the average in the asylums in the United States is 8 per cent While in 1893-94 the cost per capita of patients was $192.80, it is now only $142. The number of patients is at present 400, an in crease of 100 in the two years. This is one of the institutions fViat rli1 nnt nass.nnl, nf fchft nnn " t " T "u trol of the Democrats during the fusion administration. Its fine management is due in no small de gree to the excellent superintend ent, Dr. Kirby. Charlotte News. The Atlanta Peace Jubilee. The word "Peace" may now be reinstated in the name of the grand meeting in Atlanta Wednes-: day and Thursday, the 14th and r - - - ... 15th. Fearing that the peace commission would eventually, fail the President had sug ested to leave out the word peace, and it ;was determined to call it tne At lanta Jubilee. The treaty being -signed with every confidence in its ratification the word can M. be restored. The program is com plete and there is every prospect of. a nuccessful celebration. Pres ident McKinley will speak Thurs day at 3 p. m. We are indebted to Mr. H 0 tloon, from "The State of Wilkes," for a paper bag of fine limbertwig apples. They have " the genuine flavor, though Mr. Coon feared they would be a bit sour growing in Republican dirt. Mr. Coon is a staunch Democrat, however, reads and pays for The Standard and says he was boiling oyer to attend our barbecue, but could not Ar rii. He reioices with the counties that did &o Democratic THERE AND IN CAMP. ibe First Jlejclment Farmed Tti roach! , The Sirst 0; Regiment land- d in, CnbaSnnday .morning and marched through the streets of Havana: amid:;tha. joyful . expr esr sions of the citizens. Men cr sped each exultation, women wept for joy and children followed bestowing endearing names on our gallant troops. They got to camp Marianao, 7 miles beyond the city, about 11 o'clock, where they are comfortably fixed and tairly happy. The Governor In Washington. . Gov. Russell went to Washing ton last week. He failed to get an audience with the President Saturday, but succeeded Monday. His mission seems to have been largely a failure. He wanted, it is said, to secure the discharge of certain North . Carolina soldiers and toVet the $30000 for equip ping our State troops. The pay ment of the bill,' however, seems fyuite improbable. t The govern- raentthas .raked up. an old bill ' ain8our; aa num?er ol other Southern States, and it is proposed to credit the $30,000. An Excitement Hut Vio Damage. There was somwlitit of an ex citement on Wetit Depot street this afternoon when a double te wu, with only a small negro boy in the wagon, went toward the depot at a lively rate. After pass ing Scotia Seminary a short dis tance the wagon collided with another one. No damage scarce ly was done, and the little negro seemed unconcerned about the matter. A lady on the wagon coming slowly , up the street re alizing that there was yoinz to be a collision, jumped before the two conveyances collided. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville Tex., has found a more valuable discovery .than .has yet -been made in the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from consump tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr, King's New Discovery for Con sumptioni Coughs and X Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this- marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost alhundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all tbroat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at P h Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Farming: Pays Some People. Mr. S Banks Holt, of Graham, Alamance county, N. C, says he finds that farming pays fully as well as manufacturing does. This year he made something over 9,000 bushels ot wheat .and oats, 130 tons of hay, and he will make at least 1,500 bushels of corn.. He raised this year more than 2,000 chickens, ducks and tur keys. Southern Field. f . Baeklen'B Arnica Baire. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhtium, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S tin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed, to give statiefaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store.' ' ! The trustees of Epworth'M. E. church will sell at the parsonage at Cannon yille to highest bidder, for cash, all the household and kitchen f urnitura in said parsonage. The sale -will begin at 1 oclock on next Saturday, Dec. 17th. dl6 fl. W. Tuckkb, Chairman. Snow Ktorm In the Southwest. New Orleans, Dec. 10. From all part of the southwest comes news that the storm last nirht and today was the worst in., twenty nine years. It froze throughout Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and fexas and there "was a snow fall of from 6 to 12 inches. No loss of life is reported, but heavy lossess in. crops and cattle , and great suffering among the poor. Stuck In the Mud. The big' battleship Massachu setts ran aground in New York harbor last Saturday, sustaining sharp damage to her be ttom. She will have to go in dock for re pairs. The accident is charged to low tide. The annual commerce of the world is estimated at seventeen bil lion dollars, and of ..this great amount America is interested to the extent of eleven per cent., or in round numbers, one billion, eigh teen million dollars. From 1886 to 1896 the increase of exports for twenty-two leading - countries was twenty per cent. During this time the exports of the United States in creased thirty, per cent. By this it is clear that the United States , is to day the most prosperous country in the world. The Commonwealth. Constipation prevents , the body from ridding itself of waste matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the .trouble and cure Sick Headache, Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion. Small, sugar-coated, don't gripe or cause nausea. J P Gibson. A. Veteran of tne 57th Dead. Members of the 57th regiment of North Carolina Confederates doubt lees remember Lieut. A B Garrell. He died of heart disease in Win ston, on the 9ib, after at; illness of about two hours. He was a very popular citizen.- I. O. B.'s Jtleet Tonight. I The Improved Order Hepta sophs meet tonight forthe electiQn of oflScers for the ensuing year and for other, important business closing up' the year's , labors. Let there be a full meeting. : K A Broweb, ' Sec. . EITS CREAM BALM It a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It la quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Druggists or by mail ; samples 10c by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warren St.. New York Cit COAL ? CQALl 1 am now prepared to furnish you with Anthricite and Jellico Coal. iSeat of- quality and we guarantee the price. Don't usd wood when you can get coal at such prices. J. A. C. Blackwelder, At Store on West Dpot Street. ' Phone Ko. 68. s23 6m d The sooner a cougu or cold is cured without harm to the sufferer the better. Lingsring colds, are dangerous. Hacking cough, is dis tressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach? It is pleasant to the taste. J P ! Gibson. A cough is not like a fever. It does notr have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effec tually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it because it's cood T P Gibson, s D. THiS THE RACKET. 77 Solid Gold Rmgb, plain and assorted; etdne and pearl settings at yoo to ;&o each. '" Ladies' Shirt Waist Pins 2 for 5 cents and up. ' Ladies Long Watch Chains at 63c to $5. Belt Buckles from 25 to 98 cents. Nice assortment of Breast Pms 5o to $1.48. - Assorted lot df Lock Bracelets. 39 inch Sea Island at 3 cents. ' 7 cent ginghams, finished at 5 cents. Biff lot of childrens. ladies and gents Black Hosiery at 5c per pair. tx'i m x JT)' a. rL Filo, Twisted and Rope Silk and Gold Embroidery threads at 3c per skein. Common Embroidery Silk at c. Crochet cotton, 200 yards, 5o per spool. Imitation Silk 4c per spool. Silk Crochet Threat 5c. per spool. VERY RESPECTFULLY, D. J. Bostain. SCHEDULJii In Effect Dec. 4, 1898. , This condensed gcheduls is pub llehed as information, and is subject to change without notice to tb public;- v .Txaing Leave Concord, N. O I 8:49 a. m. No. 37, daily, Waslw ington - and -v Southwestern Jim ited for Atlanta, Birminghamj Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile ana New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through ' Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. , 83 p. m No. 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsbofli Selma, 'Baleieb. Greensbd Kuoxville and Asheville to Char otte. N. O. 113 a. m. No. 11, daily, for A anta and all points South. Solid train. Richmond to Atlanta. 10:00 a. m. No. 36, daily, i Wellington. Richmond. Ralfli and all points North. Carries Pn man drawihercom bnfTet slftnfl. NewOrleans to New York; JacksotU ville to New York: Pullmac tourist cars from San Frar ciseD via New Orleans and Southern p cine Thursdays 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern lin ited, for Washington and all points North.4 Through Pullman caS iu.t3iupui to iew iok; wew Urlen to New York Tamna to Nw Vm. Also carries vestibuled coach an tuning car. j10Sq connection il lareensboro with slednerfor Nnrf u t 1 vnananooga, Jtvi o iu """"o1 ana all po 5-52 a. m, No. 8, daily, for Ric& gond ; connects at Greensboro f5 uBiciguauu A3toia8Doro; at oelr for Norfolk, at Danviil fnr w0 jngtonand points North, at Sali uuijr lur Asnviue, Unoxville a: points West. First sections of xr local freight trains carry passed BOo vuiy to points wnere they stab according to schedule Fbank S. Gannon, 3rd Vice Pres. and Gen'l manager, t u Washington, D. C. V JM-Qulp, W. A Tdbk. Aramc Mgr. Gen'IPass. AJ S.H.HaEDwiOK, Ass'tGen'iP. Ae't 1 r rri-m T mm. W .-rr m . , Atlanta, Ga ..H. Tayloe, Ass't Geu'l P. Ag n, Louisville, Ktl Uowan DusENBEflY, LocalAg't, Concord. N. (X BRANCH STORE. $2.25 Crokinole boards for $1.68. New Lot of framed pictures, assorted flowers and fruits 8x16 inches, only 10c i yard of flowers framed 24 cents. 1 vard of flowers framed with p-laio.. China Gake plates at 15 to 98o H . . v . u , largest stock of odd pieces ever shown in Concord. Solid Silver paper cutter mark at 25c. and book Large-assortment of Toys, Vases, Books, Lamps, etc. Dolls, Come and see cur stock. You caa buy as nice a present for 2oc now as , 88 you will get latter on for 40 or 50 cents; not that they will be higher, but the special bargains will be sold before tha usual Holiday trade commences to buy. Test is the only proof of Merit. From wn unti further notice we of fer to our cus tomers and those who are not, a reduc' tion of 25 per cent off price list on all woolen goods to be washed, cleaned, or dyed. .Have your old clothes fixed up like new ones and dress up for the holidays. Concord Steam Laundry and. Dye Works, ! PHONE 2. SHIRTS REPAIRED TREE- M. L. Brown & BRo. i LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear ol St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on band or sale, v Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hos tf SAUSAGE GROUND BY STEAM Ar THE RATE OF 500 POUNDS to THE HOUR AT Sol. Levy's Market. " The most popular market in town and always keeps on hand a supply of au kinds of choice meat at lowest prices. ; He has a new enterprise to grind all sausage by steamthe first that hasever been in Concord, Will supply you three pounds for 25 cents. Give me a trial will guarantee yojj satisiaction. Everybody invited to call and see me. Free delivery to all parts of town. Respectfully, SOL LEVY. All persons indebted to me win please call upon W G Means, Esq and settle. 1 have left all accoanta and notes in his hands for collection L. M. Aechey, M. D. May 2S 1898. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely cer tain cure for croup such as uce Minute Cough Core. See that your little ones are protected againei emergency. J P Gibson. . i

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