Arrival of Trains, Mr. S .1 n,kM "ir The following change of schedule took 1 Jnv T 7 wmr- 18 Effect Dec 4. 1898, 12 o'clock. 3uite ck. . It is feared that he has NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at o oz a mf it No it 36 "12" 38 - 62 SOUTHBOUND. 37 arrives at 8 49 1 -m, 11 ..." "1123atm, It O CO "10 00 a m. " 7-69 p m, 8.53 p m, -" 10 40 p m (ireigm) typhoid fever. ; -Mrs. V H Walking ha3 returned to her home at Rameeur, after vieit ing at Mr. WR Harris9. 7 35 61 No it it 8 53 p'm, 9.20 p m, 6.30 a m, (freight) All persons indebted to Dr Archly by account wilt please set tle same at once. W G Means." See notice of the sale on next Sat urday, at th rtarannanra rf T?nrA.u . 30, and 38 stop only. at Char vf , . . lotte, Concord, ba.isDury, ureensDoro "-o uuuu ai vauuunviiie. and Danville, rasseneers ior local points between these stations will ha ye to use the other trains. ... , . Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. ESTABLISHED 1842; : Having failed to get 4he room in the Litaker building, the Episcopa lians will not have their bazaar this week. From the Charlotte Observer we see that the wife of Mr; H E Pope died Monday, being about 24 years of age. Mr. Pope lives in the South ern part of Cabarrus near Clear Creek postoffice. Another firm in today's issue Anything in JEWELRy or SILVER WARE that is desirable may be found here. We give a list of a few things and from time will give others. . , . . Plain Gold Rings from 50c to $8.00. A large variety of Set Rings Emerald Amethyst, Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, ranging in price from 75c. to $35.00. . . . . . : . All goods sold by us will be engraved free of charge. . " . CORRELL, THE JEWELER. Don't fail to stop and look at our window. It will interest you. Santa Claus' Headquarters. GENTLE READER SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." 06 years before the comes forward with an interesting walking through my two stores, filled flHrprtiBOmanf fr tw cu-Jto the ceiling with CHRISTMAS Goods. rvv u oia.iuai u o French Perfumery from 5c. to $5 00 per readers. This time it is Di. J P bottle, Baskets from 5c. to $2 00. Musi- Gibson, and bis ad. appears on the ??LBnr' l ITSft American Veovle iocai Pa&e under Mr. .W C Correll's. $25.00 Begina Music Box. ' Pictures. ' 1 I 1 I Tframaa m,r ATolallirma of nnVoo tn milt un) and on .top lie placed the' soldier's cap. He then retired a few paces to a m, . . . , .. L large oak tre "uid sat down to await This is not an advertisement, advertise i events. He lull v realized his situation inents exaggeiate. This is a plain state- .,nd although hope had not altoth. r ment of facts that any one can ventv by ' lefthkn.he was f all VDersuaded that death urked near at. hand .and his five sense were keenly., alert to every eisrht and sound in his vicinity. The rustling of a leaf, rhe. crackling of a twig, the noot- ing of an owl.- the piercing cry of th- nigbt-hawk, the growling of a bear, the chattering of a squirrel, the siehing of Choosing Christmas Presents jFrom our complete stock of FURNITURE will be easy, jis there are so many NoveUies io handsome Rockers, CombU Ration Book Cases, Ltdies' Writing Desks, Sideb ards. A Lamps and Chamber Sets ihat 56 years of Honest dealing. 56 years used by the World's greatest c::, musicians CHAS. Mf. STlEFF, Piano Manufacturer, Charlotte Branch Wareroom, 213 N. Tnon Street. C H WILMOTH. Manager. . - A ' SHORT LOCALS. r On Monday afternoon, the I L!l. 1 :i . l t 1 P. WW TVUXliU W orse, wnne nucnea lo ine launary dozen for every man, woman and wagon, became excited and took a potion to test his rate of speed. Be fore he had turned the corner of I Church and Cor bin streets the wagon was torn to peices. - Moose's car has now been moved near the Cannon mills, and I will Frames and Medallions at prices to suit the wind through T the branches of the wm maKe suitable Otterins, everybody. Vases from 5c. to $2.00 trees overhead, would cause him to and articles that the houses $2,000 worth ot China. Toys by the 8tart forward and Deer into the darkness ? v, and make cold -drops of sweat bead his , . , , , , J . brow. But a succession of false alarms "Ome With, and there IS no soon bred indifference and anon his need of Reeking fnrther. thoughts turned to the loved ones at hone. What were they all doing, what was she doing ? How thankful he felt that they were all unconscious of his present awful plight I Would he ever see them again ? Beguiling the tedious hours with such thoughts, the time flew rapidly by and the night was far spent; He was beginning to look for the first tire stock or you will be sorry for it. had taken complete possession of his Cabinet photon, 98 cts. per dczen at Cook & Stone's gallery. d23 Mr. Geo. W Means is in Charlotte attending the Federal court this week. - FOR SALE House and lot in good localityCall at this office. d23. A cold wave is coming, Bays the forecast, together with fair weather tonight and tomorrow. FOR SALE A good buggy very cheap. Call on d-wtf. E F Rolf. Misses Julia S tire wait and Bessie Wharey, both of' Mdoresville, are visiting at Mr. P B Fetzer's. All work guaranteed first-class. tf. W J Moose. IleGoes Throngh Toulebt, rresiaent Mckinley wm pass through Concord tonight about midnight, but of course can't be seen. The train is said to be the finest ever seen in the South. Prices marked down within reach of all. CRAVEN BROTH'S, Fdireitore Dealer AND Funeral Directors. Just child in the county. - Fireworks, $200 worth Dolls by the thousand from lc. to 00. Toilet Articles. Albums from 50c. to So. 00, etc. etc. n snort, any one can get an elegant Christmas Present for the most fastidious young lady or the sweuest young gallant in tnis com munity, at prices that defy competition. No one will or can undersell me. I haye the goods and X intend to sell them at some price. Don't ouy one single item make you SIX nice prbiographs for for Christmas till you have seen my en- gray streaks of dawn, and withal, hope ! Of I HrA ftt.rrlr Yr Vrm will VlA RnrrV for it. I l-o1 folran ' nnmnai-A -nnaaaa-r, -wf Vifa ZD cents.. Mr. li n. H esperman, Of Santa Claus sends me fhe following let- soul. The Indians had left the nei h- Charlotto iq now in mv pmnlov ter f rom a lad m tnls town dlctated by borhood, perhaps, or the arch-fiend of a ' J r I Vipr littlA hnv havati vp.ars nlri ? I a Uear Santa Ulaus : Buddy and 1 nisrht in succession. Our hero was fast treated you mighty badly last Christ- becoming jubilant. He had been as- -w-i- . f II TT7 I. " ' mas eve. xou see, it was ail in iun, we i sisrned to the Dost of honor, his rjromo- knew you would rill our stockings, but tion was assured and his bosom swelled that wouldn't satisfy us. They wouldn t with pride. 1 111 l f 1 . 1 . J I w m . . - . - noia nan enougn. do we just put a cap Horror of horrors! What sound is on our toy pistol and tied one end of a that ? Springing to his feet, cocking string to tne trigger ana tne oxner io his gun and assuring . himself that the the mantel-piecft. You would haye to handle of his hunting-knife was within push against the string before you could his reach, he-stood at bav. ready for the fill our stockings--the ristol would fire I death-struggle. It was only a bear pass and wake us up and you would be so hng near-by on her way through the for- badlv scared that you would take to est. It wan a . false alarm. The bear your heels and forget an about tne siea after connngwithin.fifty-yarda bent her It don t COS! anYtmng to come m 11 mm j1 e TTT .11 . . I . v m . k 1 mil 01 toys on me rooi., wen, as you course to tne leit ana was soon losimi jrnow, me pisioi ureu auu xjuuuj huu j. me aepms oi me wooas. jclib luouguua . l f .t..l, ne,ri.r3ri n (we had gone to bed with our clotnes SOon resumed their roseate hue. Day- 111 MMfc v.-www jw on) darted out of the house expecting light was near at - hand. His ' weary to find the sled and reindeers on the vigil was almost at an end. Suddenly roof, but alas and alas they had gotten he hears sounds in the distance, faint clear away and we had our labor for our at first, but gradually growing more pains. ..'Now, dear Santa Claus, iorgi ye distinct. Straining hia eyes to the th us, we meant no narm ana are Boiry most ne nnas out tnat it is oniy tne Dear wo wnrA(l vnn Rf hftdlv. We have T6-1 rAtnrnincr. Wild .Tiinnftls- in ft Rtfttfl of thing tot , make i your Christmas formed and hope you will not forget us nature, eyn lions and tigers, are per- , I this Christmas , . , fectly harmless unless tney are very Dinner complete. - - I Your true friends, I hungry or have been attacked. So, . , . , WiiiiiiEAND iJUDDiB. ; 1 Lieutenant Fitzroy paid very little at- Before closing 1 win give tne ooys tention to Sir Jiruin. The latter came stoo and take a look at our 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOOKS, TOySand CHINA WARE, am STM A Almost Here. In our Stock of foreign and domes tic Groceries will be found every something to get out . p ? Swinh L White Phone 6. liAanoa Vioa Kaan iaona1 ' I : X6IOre ClOSing X W1U .glVW WiO UUyB tentlOn tO OIT J5rULU. IflB laiUir CttlUO iuamage license nas Deen lssuea WlJ1 have Oelery, Cranberries, Mince and girls a real live bear story, as it was along slowly, leisurely; now and then to Mr. Jno. Eaves, of Cleveland county, and Mias Dora Hough, of No. 10 township. Miss Daisy Sumerow, who has been here for some weeks as sten ographer for Mr. W M Smith, has returned to her home at New Lon don. ' FOR SALE Fifty acres of land, more or less, at $40 per acre. Good dwellings and well. Valuable land. Call on W . L. Misenheimer. dl5. Grapes, Apples, Bananas and Orange we are thf people . r .- - - i 'Phone 21, Dove & Bost. Everybody Read ! Gen. Lee and his staff, together You will find now on hand a Fresh with the engineering1 corps left Sa vannah Sunday. Among. this num ber was Lieutenant Joe Goodman told to me by a lovely old lady in Vir- living a grunt of satisfaction when he Mpftfc and lanra tender ovsters for erinia : found an acorn or. something -else to B - . I" -. J, . --. ... J AT 1 . - . ' i. 1- I j5raaaocJ auieai ' occurreu on tnoeat, gradually, noweyer inclining; ma every one. r or rancy Malaga y tn oi juiy, i .oo, jusi ouibiuo course m , me.anecwou .y . unr,ueru. JLJUOjUealie, dUQ DIM. Ul liUOUXJ JL i.ouuf,. JXtJepiUg U1B OJO UpUJul UUU, b.iu v The shatterea remnant oi nis army, un- dreaming oi aangeri imagine nis amaze; and Mr. Quint Smith, of Concord. LOST Ring mounting., con taining large tiger eye set. Reward will be given. dl4. David Honeycutt. Mr. Frank Rogers has returned home from Chapel Hill to spend Christmas. The other Concord boys at school there will be home the first of next week. At a public sale at the court house Monday, our townsman. Mr. ' ' Stock of5" GROCERIES! Consisting of Raisin 8, nuts, citron, Currants, cranberries, Mince meat, pickles, Sausage, catsup, kraut, .Plum pudding, olives, Jellies, apple butter, Canned goods of ' all kinds, cheese, Bologna sausage,baked beans, and many other articles that we can't mention, also a General Line of Toys 1 Lacy Dick bought a tract of land! These goods are ail nice ana fresh down below Georgeville. The prop erty formerly belonged to Mr. S J Lowe. Dr. Wakefield, of Charlotte, will make his last visit to Concord on Friday, Dec. 23rd. After Janus arylst, the Doctor will not visit other towns, but will remain in Charlotte. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. and will be sold on as small profit as can be done at any other reliable house.' Give me a portion of your trade. Prompt delivery of all purchases. Yours to Please, A. L. Sa ppenfield The annual Stook' der Col. George Washington, of cherry ment and then his horror, when at the , "9 TiJTrinl'n -P tree fame, fell back to Fort Cumber- distance of fifty, feet he saw the bear ILOlCLerS IVieetlHg Oi land.. On tne evening oi its arrival, suddenly raise himseii upon nis nina u-t. ttt Potforann -l ,f anncot T,i)nfAi,iii.t, r. in fn"ntlina rf an AVfi I OJJLvy VX VV JL CIUUCIOUU -rl ' "TT " ' " i Vv I il 1 " XI 4.-v Alto rt-n ri I Tl If L . AI AA n nl WQinafnn'a A .toUo. TnliVn Virnnr!Arl forward. W-J-C U M.X 1115 WVAU and was thus addressed by him. "Jjieu- swift as an arrow and . struck the cap of many Will DG HeiCL 3Aj tenant, X senu yp tuuai-iK uu uaugcx- 1 uumuiy buiuici a "u I -ttt J3 1 TX, t 2 qVT ous mission, For the past three nights his hatchet. The sharp blade encoun- JXlILCllGy , IN . 9 IU IN U. the sentry at outpost jno, 4 nas Deen tomahawked and scalpea by an xnaian. There was no outcry, no noise, but the sentinel ha3 been found dead eacn morning. Bring me the body of this wily savage, dead or alive, and you will render this community a good .service. Au revch! ?Bon voyage.'? An hour later the Lieutenant was alone in the prime val forest, a quarter of a mile irom tne fort, at Post No. 4. He had brought with him the uniform and gun of one of the dead men, and sticking th e gun, by its bayonet, m the grouna, alter stuffing the uniform witn leaves, ne fastened the dummy figure to it (the tered the steel butt of the musket and q f Arrrn Grii"n rm Tnpea a shower of sparks flew in every direc- tOWllSmpi OH J. USb JSt 5t 2: ZT; day, xne luxa ouanu- oomradesl' He polls ths trigger, thereis arV 1899. Et 11 O'clock misses fire, and before! he can raise his Q, IU isrun from his shoulder, a gleaming torn-1 ahawk, raised high in the air, is de- rj. TTT p A TTF.RRO"NT Call at Gibson's Drug Store on Satur- TrM Qll rPT . . . a . . I 1 . i 1 . can learn tne sequel to tnis taie oi colo nial times. J.P.GIBSON. WANTED Fifty carloads of cotton seed. Will pay highest market price. Jno. K Patterson. An Enterprising DrucRist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than P B Fetzer, wHO spates no pains to se cure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. They now 1 e the valuable agencj for Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is pro ducing such . a furor all over the country by its many startling cures. It absolutely cares Asthma, Bron chitis, hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular bize for 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed cure or price refunded. to STATE OF OHIO. City of Toledo, ( g -Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co.; doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J Cheney. Sworn to before me and subcrib ed in my presence, the6th day of December, A-JU. 1886. A. W.GLEASON. Notary Public K,V& Catarrh Cure is taken in tern ly and acts du-ectly on the blood and mucous surfces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. P. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. old by dra2wri3fc3,;75c, SEAL, SEND IN TOUB OBDEBS FOB CHRISTMAS OYSTERS TO THE City Restaurant QUAIL ON TOAST IS a SPECIALTY WITHJUS. Wnen you ask for De Witt's Hazel Salve don't accept a counter feit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles being enred by tbr than all others combine j.J lr Gibson. .