f 3U tt mt'Z TAMDARD JOHN 13. BAERIER & SON, Editors and Proprietors of meaning . unknown to many oth- Senator Butler gave notice Tues ere, the gift compared with which day that he would offer an amend OFFICE - IN - BRICK - ROW. THE STANDARD is published every day (Sunday excepted) and delivered by ti r rios. Rates of Subscription : , On year. v. . $4.00 Sis months. . . ... ; . . . 2 00 . Throe months.. ......... 1.00 One month. . . . . . . ... . . . 35 Single copy. . . . . . . .... .05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a four-page, eight-coluam paper. It has & larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1.00 per annum in f...T iuec. Advertising Rates : Tom- for regular advertisements mv'.o KLowa on application; Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Concord, N. C. CONCORD, N. C, DEC. 21, 18 8. GRADED scuorsjL. A3.. a recent tencherV meetlcg the following .subjects were. discussed by th.6 ieacaora: . Th3 Teacher's Time, by Miss Harris. Tho Teacher's Vacations, Miss Little. Tne icacaer's iiioney, lur.ireuy. The Teacher's Scholarship, Miss Ligura' Leslie, The ''Teacher at Recesses, Miss Means. -TLi2 Teiicher'3 Relation. to Parents, the world itself is a brittle toy. Christmas is to them a haK the central illumination of which id the Light i the world. It is a sweet realization that the Son of Righteousness has risen with healing in His winga. There, is a great large meaning in Christmas. Let the world try as it will to snatch from it its significance, pervert its meaning and dissipate its glories, bat it is Christmas yet to Christians, all filled with mementoes of the the past and harbingers of inaffable peace, joy and glory for the future. The Standard extends brightest meut to th pension appropriation bill, extending the benefits to Cons federate e a! ike wi th Federals from and afyer the adoption of the bill, but not providing for any back pay. We suppose he is. going to test somebodies sin con ty. "J s , The billows hava broken the Ma ria Teresa in two. The forward port is B uck hard and fast on the rocks of Cat Island while the stern i drifting at the will of the waves. Dr. Wakefield; of Charlotte, will make his last visit to Concord ,on Friday, Bsc. 23rd. After Jan a ary 1st, the Doctor will not vif-it nther towns, but will remain in Christmas greetings to its readers, Qharlott. His practice is limited with the hope that for many cycles j to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. we may be a family of friends and mutual benefactors. Its best wishes for all Is a Christmas real a season of unalloyed joy and gladness. Knsfc Pay $3,000 Oamaesfor Tubing Lire. Eli Tucker will have to pay the widow and children of Uriah Johnson $5,000, because ho killed Johnson. A jury so decided to day. This case has attracted considerable attention, it being the first of its kind ever tried in a Maryland court. Tucker had had some'trouble with Johnson. The quarrel ended in a fight, which Lo-'a, Mi sf Strieker. son. Tucker is a prosperous Tho .Teacher's Skill in Illuttrating, . , , ., T , Mte Lena Leslie. I farmer whUe.JohnSOn was 8 veg- Tiio Teacher's Note Book, Mies stable packer. Hoove . ' -The Teacher and the Playground, I'iic. Teacher's Professional Reading, IMIW V mis Week Specials : THE RACKET. BRANCH STORE. The Teacher's Influence upon the Kill. Him Bhirey. vVc p" c --3- today Miss Dodson's tiSuy, m it h tiis hope that parents, oi -tz'-'c c--cli - a rt fleeted impres-Si-Si.ot-' pjiporiiiaity a3 well as duty in. -cultivating a nearness to he work. oca c.aiiisT3SAS greeting Under the laws of Maryland the wife and children of a man killed by another can recover damages jfrom his assailant if the latter is convicted of the crime. Baltimore Dispatch. By every one who will call and inspect oar emporium of good things you want for Christmas. Just come and take a look through the acres and acres of the 'grand- jest display of articles suitable for presents, beautiful, and at lowest prices ever offered in Concord. The most superb array of glass in shapes astonishing, lor utility and ornament. The most amazing of all is the pile of stuff a dollar will buy. Our food products are pro nounced by the most fastidious tho finest, the most varied and extensive ever seen on this mar ket. - We are agents for HuylerV, Lowney's and Isunnally's Fine Candies. " 'Phone 2i, - Dove & Bost. 77 Solid Gold Ringh, plain and assorted; stone and pearl settings at 98c to $5 each. Ladies' Shirt Waist Pins 2 for 5 cents and up. Ladies Long Watch Chains at C3e to $5. Belt Buckles from 25 to 98 cents. Nice assortment of Breast Pins oc to . $1.48. . ; - ' Assorted lot of Lock Bracelets. , s 39 inch Sea Island at 3 cents. 7 cent gmhams, finished at 5 Big lot of childrens, ladies and Black Hosiery at 5c per pair. Embroidery Scrim at 15c per yard. Filo, Twisted and Bope Silk and Gold Embroidery threads at 3c per skein. Common Embroidery Silk at c. Crochet cotton, 200 yards, 5c per spool. Imitation Silk 4c per spool . Silk Crochet Threat 5c per. spool. cents. gents ) $2.25 Crokinole boards for l.Ui?'. New Lot of framed pictures, -jissr.jt flowers and fruits 8x16 inches, olIvIOc 1 yard of flowers framed 24 cents. 1 yard of-flowers framed with China Cake plates at 15 to Uh See our stock of China ware, it is ii6 largest stock of odd pieces tvci sha-v,, m Concord. Solid - Silver paper cutter r-ml marls at, 25c. "Large assortment of Toy::, ' )0ys Yaes, Books, Lamps, t . Come and sea cur stoc!: You can buy as nice a present for v:G,- iiow as you will get latter on for 4o or :,) cents- not that they will bo higher, battle special bar rains will be old Lciore tha usual Holiday trade com;:teDecs to bnv VERY RESFEOTFOLLY, Ere tbc Weekly Standard reaches a.rrdn Christmas will Ixavd ;hu c;iid one. Many a lit tle etching hanging by. the chimney I vsi or '.placed near by, will have beea filled with goodies. Many a HUli golden-locked girl will be leuu? the dedrett, aweetestofaced iitile djll that ever was, fondling it to "sliow in mimic playa the bus Iieo cl her future days." Many a Lapp? urchin 'will . have broken his Lcrrs and sled, batl n tin horn, popped everything around that Iio fancies sounds, like war, and have 1. tho29 around almost wish for utfpx a on account of an ear plitti3' whistle or harp with all the oelody you hear in a cat fight. Ye r.orr.e young American will Lavy 'arrived at the age, too, when he cn bo trusted to handle a gun Tutlicut knowing that ha and those within shot range are in more dan ger than the game. Many a lass iii ha?e been basking in the first f.cit ezperiencea of a something in ecaribable, but foud to be what . j QOple, cmF love, and it will b aye U t-a the g feetest of all Chriatmasses. There" will have been parties and dsnnoj for the coquettes, and preants where the wooing is deeper baa tho bottom of the purse pock Vv3, There will have been fiery ; tp3 end visions of snakes, with brn:i'i3 and langor, and O, such a ocd old jolly time . To a large cla3a Christmas will foave brought more jollity than bap pmes3, more sensual gratification than devout gratitude for this great . ucuBiauuoQ wnion me vnnsimas gif t Is to commemorate; yet there have been: in many a devout eoul, eingirg, with the aneel choir, the swet bosanna's, in memory of Bethlehem's Bab3. It is these to vyhom Christmas is a joy indeed, full The Columbia State gored by that thorn in the ' newspaper men i flsh uThe types made us say," con cludea an editorial with the :r.turro gatiop, Can a Proofreader be a Chrijtian ? We had not thouaht of c in that f;ay but if good proof reading and Christianity are oppo sites there is no lack of evidence of piety among th j newspaper f raternis ty and some of us can lay claim to being chief of eaints instead of the chief of e inner s. Haekten'g Armoa salve The Bast Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcer.?, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped H&ndf, Chilblains, Corns and all S kin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pa7 required. It is guaranteed to give ctatisf action or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box Kor sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug store Everybody Read ! You will find now on hand a Fresh Stock of 1"si J. 'Bostaln. -Cons!sting of A. Terrific Explosion. ' London, Deo. 20. A dispatch from Shanghai to a newspaper here, says a powder mag&zine. situatied in the centre of the Chinese camp at Hang Chow exploded, leveling a square mile of houses. It is estimated that 3,000 soldiers were killed, in oluding the general commanding the force. The American and French mkt eiona are both supposed to have been damaged; but it is said there were no fatalities among the Americans . Raisins, nuts, citron, Currants, cranberries, Mince meat, pickleo, Saneage, catsup, kraut, Pium pudding, olives, Jellies, apple butter, . - Canned goods of all kinds, cheese, Bologna sausage,boked beans, and many other articles that we can't mention, also a ' Oeneral Line of Toys ! These goods are all nice ana fresh and will be sold on as small profit &s can be done at any other reliable house. Give me a portion of your trade. Prompt delivery of all purchases. Yours to Please, A. L. Sappenf ieid. A man not always under the weather -the aeronout. Accident Insurance IN THE UNION CASUALTY AND SURETY CO. OF St. LOUIS. Goes a long ways on a doctor bill. Helps to keep the family while disabled and insures an income while you are laid up. Accidents will happen and y ou may be the first one hurt Our policies are the very best. J. F. Hurley, Aeenti COAL ! COAL ! 1 am now prepared to furnish you with Anthricite and Jellico Coal . Best of quality and we guarantee the price. Don't use wood when 1 you can get coal at such prices. J. A. C. Blackwelder, At Store on "West Depot Street; Phone No. 68. s23 6m d When you ask for De Witt's Hazel Salve dont accept a counter feit or imitation. There are more caeea of Piles being enredby this, than all others combined, J P Gibson. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to ran a certain course. Cure it quickly and effec tually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. We recommend it because it's good. J P Gibson. Overcome evil witn good. Over come your-coughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure, It is bo good children cry for it. It cures croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung dis eses. J P Gibson. ( mm- wlir THE LADIES LAUNDRCJ- A 'Tiiaf; lins and Ladies garmenis that cannot baLaun deic-d satisfac torily at home we do up to look better thsn new. Ladies' Dresses, Childrens Dresses, Lace Cartains, Pillow Shams, Skirts. Remember we give 25 per cent, off on all woolen goods to be cleaned, dyed or washed. Give our drive a bundle when he caiis, &member the Concord wishes one and all a Merry Chrristma3; Coiraco rd Steainra Lau rid Ky and Dye Works, v PHONE 2. -SHTS REPAIRED FREE. M, L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, . . Just in rear oi St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains Outfits of .-; all kinds ; furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and muiea always on hand or aale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland" China Hoflffl tf SAUSAGE GROUiNi, x x THE RATE OF 500 POUNDS to Tii HOUR AT r Sol. Levy's Market. The most popular market in town and always keeps on hand a supply of all kinds of choice meat at lowest prices He has a jiew enterprise to grind all sausage by steamthe first that has ever been in Concord. Will supply you three pounds for 25 cents. Give me a trialwill tcuarantee you satisfaction. Everybody invited to call and see me. Free delivery to all parts Of town. ReSDftcffnllTr - , B'OHEDULi WW mm M ti mm LEVY The sooner a cough or cold is cured without harm to the sufferer the better. : Lingaring colds are dangerous. Hacking cough ia dis tressing. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures it. Why suffer when such a cough cure is within reach ? It is pleasant to the taste. J P Gibson. In ESect Dtc. im. This condensed scheduio is pub lished ao information, and is subject to change" without n'c'ice to tb publib: Trains Leave Concord, N. 0 8:49 a. m. No. 37, daily, Wash ingtoa. and 'Southwestern iiw ited for Atlanta, Birmmgbab, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper JNew York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Dm ing car,-. veetibulod coch, between ashing ton and Atlanta 8:53 p. m. Iso.-7, daily, h rnond, "Washing-ton, GoiubLci, Selma, . "Raleign, Greensboti) Kuoxvillo and AsheviUe to Chai otto, N. C. 11;23 a. m.No. II, daily, for At anta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta. 10:00 A. ar,: Ko, 36, daily, tor Washington, Richmond, Kaleiffh and all points NoTch. Carries Pai man drawingrcdm bunet sleeps. NewOrleans to New York; ' Jacfcsofc ville to New York : Pullmto tourist cars from. San Frarciso via New Orleans and Southern eific Thursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern 1" ited, for Washington and points North. Through Pullman cat Memphis to New York; New Crief f to New York; Tampa to New loth Also carries vestibuled coach aat 'uinpr car. Close connection e reensboro with sleeper for NorioJ 7:09 p. m.No. 12, daily, for BicB mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, riay eiKh, Norfolk, and all North. , 5-52 a. m. No. 8, daily, for Bic? nond ; connects at Greensboro ig Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Selig for Norfolk, at Danville for Wa ington and points North, at bm. bury for Ashville, Knoxnlle ana points West. t Jt First sfictions of, regular throu gers only to points where they sto. according to schedule. Fbakk S. Gannon, 3rd Vice Pres. and Gen'l manager, , Washincton, D. C. John Chtp. W. A Tubk Traffic M'gr. AnlPass.Ag1 8. H.Habd wick, Ass't Gen'i P. , Ag Atlanta,3 W.IH; Taylob, Ass t Gen'l P. Ag Louisville,' ' Gowak Dusenbesv, Local As t, ;Ooncord