- Arrival of Trains. The following change of schedule took effect Dec. 4. 1898. 12 o'clock. NORTHBOUND. No. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, m " " 10 00am, 12 " " 7 00 p m, 33 " " 8.53 p m, 62 " 44 10.40 p ra (ireurni) SOUTHBOUND. So. 37 arrives at 8.49 imx 1 1 44 44 11.23 a; in, 7 44 44 8.53 pt;m, , 35 14 44 9.20 pin 44 CI 44 44 6.30 a m, (freight) No. 36, and 88 stop only at Chars Sotte, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro and Danville. Passengers for local points between these stations wiilhaye to use the other trains. Wade Barrier, City Editor. j f S I 1 . . riYD "uuurea unnstrnas cards at one cent apiece at The Racket, Mrs S J McKindley and chi drer-, of Mill Hill, have moved to Can! nonville. All our Strieker & shelf oii' v good - at cost. TELEPHONE KG. 71. .ESTABLISHED: 1842.: ffSifft i P&vfes! iff? of 4 SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." Ul t when agents sing you a eong about selling for less than the yANUFAOTUBEK "wink the ether eye." You can't buy the qiial of a . Stieir Piano for less than $150 more than a STIEFF v-'illcost you. Write for catalogue, juuts nuu terms. 1 Oh The Concord High School closed Toesday afternoon j The pupils willstudy no more until the 4ih day tf January, 1899. - For bargains in Xoaas goods, such as candies, nuts, raisins, f ' . go to Strieker & Son's. Oar townsman," Mr. Beshamer, wno is in tne commission busirjes? received one half of a c r load oranges the oher day . xvk b ALU House and lot in good locality. Call at this office. c23. Mr Holland Thompson lef'-. Tuess day night, for his home at States villa. Ho will also ba at K-alcih during some af the holidays . The most beautiful of lampsjin ivery variety, at Ffctzsr'e drug store. If you want a fine lamp io ..the latest ' style' at the wholesale price they will supply yon. Hall, library and reception lamps in beautiful styles. tf. Mr. Jno. McLaughlin, eon cf Mr. W.J McLaavhlin. We received this mormng a shipment of DIAMOND and OPAL GOODS, which we have now on display in our window. - - - -Don't fail to stop and look at our window It will interest you. SILVER - 11T1IS - IN' - AB DM . CORRELL, THE JEWELER. CI Mli 9 1 Headquarters. Choosing Cnristma GENTLE READER mill, and Mis3 Marv Townaend. iiarlotte -Branch-Wr.eroom, 213 N. daughter of Jailer Tofrneend, now Trjoa Stre?t: C H- WILMOTH, Manager.- married this This is not an advertisement, advertise inents exaggerate. This is a plain state ment of facts that any one can verily by walking -through my two storesj filled to the ceiling ith CKEISTMAS Goods. French PeTfurnery from 5c. to $5:00 per bottle, Baskets from 5c. to S2 00. Musi cal Instruments of every description from a 5c. Harp to a $15.00 Guitar or a $25.00 Eegina Music Box. Pictures, Frames and Medallions at prices to suit everybody. Vases from 5c. to $2.00 $2,000 worth ot China. Toys by the dozen for every man, woman and child m the county. Fireworks, $200 worth. Dolls by the thousand from lc. to $5 00. Toilet Articles. Albums from 50c. to 'Present From our complete stock of FURNITURE will be ey, as there are so many Noveiti in handsom Hookers, Combi nation Book Cases, Ladies' Writing Desks, Sideboards, Lamps and Chamber Sets i hat s . . Last Hotice. All claims due Dr. L M. Arcbev unsettled on the firBt of January, iest, will be sued on at once. V G Means, Att'y. SHORT LOCALS. at Cook & Stone's gallery. Concord will haye a marriage Nes lot of handkerchief?, neck wear, fascinators, and pur ;3 at the Racket. W M Gorzine i& qaite eick. m m Sir. thia place, will be (Wednesday) afternoon. When you start out for holiday goods, Fetzer's drug store is the first place to call, and you will find that you need not look further. You will hud everything there to suit old and young, grave and gay, and low prices is their policy. tf. About twenty-of. their laiy and Cabinet photos, 98 cts. per dczen gentlemen friends were entertained u23 I TafsdftV nicrhfc Mis.iea Ptarl and tjnaasie xrown. Lne evaning was . . - j?een Ch.iEtra and New Year. iJ enjojed, so mach 0 that the ones could not leavj until the email nours. uyetera ana fruits were ssrvea. Whether you buy or not, don't fail to go to Fetzar'e drug store and eee the beautiful goods for holiday trade. They have excelled all tormer enorts to present a variety of beautiful selection, and the low prices are astonishing. tf. A box was placed on the table at the Concord High Synod, to receive any voluntary coueciions oa ice part of the pupils, the amount to ba given to the orphans at the ssylum. Mrs Ella Sapp and children, of Tueoday afternoon when Mr. Darham; arrived here Tuea lay night Thompson opened the box he found to visit at the home of Mr D J $5.66 therein. Ajueswaiu. vrr i, u-mr T A 2nd story room back of Gib- E Palmer, who for some months has Swa s drue store tor rent, cheap. I y th rtavpr pammndaiinp d21- clerk at the St. Cloud notl, will Mrs Elliott and Mies Lida White sever his connection with that place Virvi afMfci nnsiHnnB in the on tne 25tn of this montn . Mr .-tiffing with soma nation on his hand. iod of for- Big line of pictures just received at the Racket. We are informed by one who ought to know, that Forest Hill will have four weddings tomorrow. Choice pickles at Strieker (fcSon's, 43ts dozen. E F Rolf. Racket store until season is over. - FOR SALE A good buggy- very cheap. Call on d-w tf. Miss NellieiFisher returned horn 8 from Langley, SCffuesday night, where she has been teaching school. She will retura the first of next month. ! The wroughi-iron goods In um brella stands and jardinier stands at Fetzer's drug store are beautiful, and the low prices are a feature. tf. The 25-cent counter at Fetzsrs drug store displays many useful and beautiful goods for Christmas presents. tf, Moose's car has now been moved near the Cannon mills, and I will make you six nice protographs for 25 cents. Mr. L H Fesperinan, of Charlotte, is now in my employ. All work guaranteed first-class, tf. W J Moose. the Christmas Palmer while here has made a num ber of friends, especially with the traveling olass of people . For one cent you can buy a pistol, a watch, a doll, a rubber ball, a lot of fireworks, &c., &c . at Gibson's drug store. For 9 cents and 999 hundredth's of a cent you can buy an armful. For 48 and forty eleventh' of a cent you can buy a wagon load, and for 98 and 75-90Q.of a cent you can buy a car load of Christmas goods at the same place, r At the Bame time all of these goods are first class. Don't buy till you see them. SC. 00, etc. etc. In shoit, any one can ct an elegant Christmas Present for the most fastidious youii lady or the swellest young gallant in this ccra rcunity, nt prices that defy competition. No one will or can undersell, me. I haye the goods and I intend to sell them at some price. Don't buy one single item for Christmas till you haye seen my en tire stock or you will be sorry for it. Santa Claus sends me the following let ter from a lady in this town, dictated by her little bov, seven years old : Dear Santa Claus: Buddy and I treated you mighty bsdly last Christ mas eve." You see, it waa all in!fun. We knew you would fill our stockings, but that rouldn't satisfy us. They wouldn't bold half enough. So we a put a cap on our toy pistol and tied one end of a string to the trigger and the other to the mantel-piece. You- would haye to push against the string before you could fill our stockings -the- Distol would fire and wake us up and you would be o badly scared that you would , tike to your heels and forget all about the sled full of toys' on the roof. Well, as you know, the pistol fired and Buddy and ( we had gone to bed with our clothes on) darted out of the house expecting to find the sled and reindeers on the roof, but alas and alas ! they had gotten clear away and we had our labor for our pains. Now, dear Santa Ciaus, forgive us. We meant no harm and are sorry we scared von so badly. We haye re formed and hope you will not forget us this Christmas. ' . Your true friends, WlLME AND BUDBIE Before closing I will give the boys and girls a real live bear story, as it was told to me by a lovely old lady in Vir- erima "Braddock's Defeat" occurred on the Qfch of Jul v. 1755. iust outside of Fort Dnauesne.the site of the city Pittsburg The shattered remnant of his army, un der Col. George Wa&kington; ot cherry tree fame, fell back to Fort Cumber land. On the evening of its arrival, about an hour before sunset, Lieutenant Fitzroy, of Virginia, was standing bare headed in Col. Washington's quarters and was thus addressed by him. "Lieu tenant. I send vou tonight on a danger ous mission. For the past three nights the sentry at outpost No, 4 has been tomahawked and scalped by an Indian. There was no outcry, no noise, but the sentinel ha3 been found dead each morning. Bring me the body of this wily savage, dead or alive, and you will render this community a good service. Aurevoir! "Bon voyage." An hour later the Lieutenant was atone in the prime- gun) and on top he placed the soldier's cap. He then retired a few paces to a large oak tree and sat down to await events. He tully realized his situation and although hope had not altogether left him, he was fully persuaded that death lurked near at hand and his five senses were keenly alert to every , sight and sound in his vicinity. The rustling of a leaf, the crackling of a twig, the hoot ing of an owl, the piercing cry of the night-hawk, the growling of a bear, the the wind TiroFaiTtaSBtG wu ma.Ke suuaDieoitem, trees overhead, would cause him to and articles that the nouses start, forward and peer into the darkness wiJfe loves to beautify vT and make cold drops of sweat bead his v.w -i . brow. But a succession of false alarms Qome VI tn, and there IS no soon bred indifference and anon his need 01 seeking farther. thoughts turned to the loved ones at T ii . ii i . I a uvea uiaxixcu uuu u v inu u was she doing ? How thankful he flt :hat they were all unconscious of "i-is present awful plight I Would he . ever eee them again ? Beguiling the tedious hours with such thoughts, the time flew rapidly by and the night was far spent; He was beginning to look for the first gray streaks of dawn, and withal, hope had taken complete possession of his soul. The Indians had left the neigh borhood, perhaps, or the arch-fiend of a savage was afraid to tempt fate a fourth night in succession. Our hero was fast becoming jubilant. He had been as signed to the post of honor, his promo tion was assured and his bosom swelled with pride Horror of horrors! What sound js fhftt ? . Srvrin ori nor t,r his ffifit rrp,kin? - ' - his gun and assuring himself that the handle of his huntirfz-knife was within his reach, he stood at bay, ready for the death-struggle. It was oaly a bear pass ing near-by on her way tin-ouch tne for est. It wa a false alarm Trie byar after coming within fifty yards bent her course to the left and was soon lost m the depths of the woods. His thoughts soon resumed their roseate hue. Day light was near at hand. His weary vigil was almost at an end. Suddenly he hears sounds m the distance,- famt at first, but erradnallv rr owing more distinct. Straining his eyes to the ut most he finds out that it is only the bear returning. Wild animals, in a state of nature, ey en lions and tigers, are per fectly harmless unless they are very hungry or haye been attacked. So, Lieutenant Fitzroy paid yery little at tention to Sir Bruin. The latter came along slowly, leisurely, now and then oivinpr a OTimt of satisfaction when he reach of all. GRAVEN BROTH'S. Fciraltare Dealers AND ' Funeral Directors. FBESH LOT Eaisins, Currants j Citron, Nuts, Co coanuts, B A L LARDS OBEL ISK FLOUR for Christmas trade. Sinhl White Phone 6. j found an acorn or something else to Aat. p-radnallv. however, inclining his nonrse in the direction of our hero. Keeping his eye upon him, but still not SEND n'nS thenKSorT whrt the CHRISTMAS OYSTERS TO IN YOUR ORDERS FOR riisuince of fiftv feet he saw the bear suddenly raise himself upon his hind legs and, in the twinkling of an eye, the bear-skin was thrown to the ground n r( ft stalwart Indian bounded forward, swift as an arrow and struck the cap of the dummy soldier a terrific blow with his hatchet. The sharp blade encoun tered the steel butt of the musket and a shower of sparks flew in every direc tion. Aha. thought our lieutenant, my turn no w ! Vengeance for my dead comrades! He pulls the trigger, there is a. flash of light, but no report, the gun misses fire, and before he can raise his cam fTom his shoulder, a -gleaming tom- l nhft-wlr. raised high in the air, is de- val torest, a quarter ox a uiuo uuui tuo scenaing upon ius ueau. THE City Restaurant QUAIL ON TOAST IS a SPECIALTY WITHjUS. TWO TONS OF fort, at Post No. 4. Ho naa Drougnx with him the uniform and gun of one of t.h rlfiad men. and sticking th e gun, by its bayonet, in the ground, after nni times, stuffing the uniform with leayes, he' fastened the dummy figure to it (the Call at Gibson's Drugstore on Satur dav. the day before Christmas, and you can learn tne sequel io ims taio oi oiu- J. P. GIBSON. CA N D Y! I The Rochester stamped wars at FetzarV drug store is the delight of house keep3r8. This ware in tea and coffee pots, trays, pitchers, su gar, cream and spooners, crumb trays and scrapers, chafing dishes, and other useful pieces are going fast every day. Selections from this line for holiday presents will be greatly appreciated. The prices are low; very low. Don't neglect to look at it. tf- There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than P B Fetzer, wno spares no pains to se cure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. They now haW the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption, coughs and colds. This ia the wonderful remedy that is pro- Arinirct atlflh ft furor all over the UUUIU country by its many startling cures It absolutely cares Asthma, Bron- chitis, hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle free or a regular Bize for A $1. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. A Local Disease A Climatic Affection. CATARRH Nothinc: but'a local remedy or change of climate will cure it. Get a well known specific, ELY'S CREAM BALM nt is quickly absorbed Gives relief at once. Opens and cleanses the Nasal passages - n a.i - Allays mnanunauou. Heals'and'protects the: membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. No cocaine, no mercury, no injurious drug. Full size 50c; Trial size 10c, at Druggists or Dy man. . ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren street, xxew xotk. COLD'n HEAD Constipation prevents tbe body from riddine itself of wafte matter. De Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trouble and cure Sick Headache. Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexion Small, sugar-coated, don't gripe or 1 cause nausea. J r uioson. For the holidays just received. Will sell in any quantity. Rais ins at bottom prices. Our Crer m Cheese and JjVesh Crackers are aU the go. ' Besides our large EtocK of Gro ceries, Dry Goods, Shoes, Crock ery, etc., etc., we will for a few weeks offer come very low prices on , HATS. ;-v;-i: Nice new stock to go at re duced prices at J Pa rais , Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely cer tain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. J P Gibfbn.