-V your address to H. E. Back lu & Oo., Chicago, and get a free Kiiiiv h box of Dr. King's New Life Piii . A trial will convince you of their ':n&rits. These pills ; are easy in ac ion and are particularly effect i?e in taa cure of Constipation and Sick H judache. tfor malaria and Li ver troubles they have been prove d invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from ovary deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. - They do not weitMi, oy tneir action, but by giv ing u;jt? to the stomach and bowels jTKr.i v in vigorate the aystem. Reg ular -2 3 25c. per box. Sold by P B . S.H :i;ing, healing, cleansing, De WittYi Witch Hazel Salve is the implioable enemy of sores, burns and vi o-jods. It never fails to cure PI. You may rely upon it. J PGihn. TAX NOTICE., :o: . - vv' The Town Taxes are now due; and the books have been placed in my hands with instructions to col lect ; ;t . '": v J. K. Patterson Town Tax Collector. OlB-in Dry & Miller's shoe store. ic2! IS J UST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS WARATED- PRICE 50 cts. Galtta, Ills., Nov. 16,1833. Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GBOVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and hare bought three grosa&lready this year. In all owr ex perience of 14 years, n the drug business, have sever sold an article that gave bucE universal satl3 faction as your Tonic Yours truly, - ABNEY, CAKK & CO AU 1 filers guarantee Groves Taste less Chill Tonic to core chills, fever anct malaria in all its form? 1 - . - : .. ... 1, hi in v tJ ;V AT : ft J rt ' - 1 s 1 -i Mi Ai! . " ,1 11 .TTi-.' M'-'Si It j ( r " ! v The; delay' atthe mines 7 is , now OYer coine audi hay e four, cars which have been delayed in " transit.- The 'railroad ''iSSSSl tiow assures me that - he .win AiuixuJii - rusirltne-cars to their destination, so I hope to be able to sup ply the trade m a vervfw n. The delay on my part lias been wholly unavoidable and X thank the people r '.Free Pills 1 ipj zr n "ps g ' TOiTELEgS pf 101 n n n eLHjs- in? : . - ! uu "BZESSl Hi LJ y L3l3 imm pn pMI U Tp2 CiJ , - I'f'il Vila I! ifl LJ VbJ IuJ III. nil 111 I GOAL mm fra 0 baa demonstrated ten thousand times that it iff-almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, lrregTilaritfes and derangement. It has become the leading remedy tor this elass of troubles. It exerts A .wonderfully healing, strength ening aad soothing influence upon the menstrual organs. It cures 4 'whites "and falling of the womb. It stops flooding and relieves sup pressed and painful menstruation. for Change o Life it is the best medicine made. . It is beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring children' into homs barren for years. Jt- inrigorates , etimu lates strengthens Ihe whole sys tem - This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. , Why will any woman suffer another minute with certain relief within reach? Wine of Cardui only costs $1.00 I' per bottle at your drug store. For &4vicer in cases requiring epeolal directions. , address, giving symptoms, the " Ladies t Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medvcino Co., Chai tanoogai Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH, Camden, S.C., says: - ''My wife used Wine of Cardui at home f for. falling of tht womb and I entirety 0 .cored hiMl.;,:i. !, For Over Filty) Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrap has been 'used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the1 best remedy for Diarrhoea, ' It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of ths world, Twenty-five sentsja bottle. Be stare and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. MANUFACTURING CO. ti;- k - -- v., ...... ',bh &n MANUFICTUBEBS ' OF Fine Ginghams, Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags. .--wv i-v . ia: r t - ..'. - iv DEALER IN GENERAL ;:-MERCHANDISE. it n -O- r- -i- BUYERS OP . ! - w , v . m T , : - COUNTRY F o and ;4-f oot wood always wanted. Bpfox same, -7,v - - tioaM goods we maiyife'Otiure. - - OoncordN. o ) - ODELL pp nnTTPT?P Tli l encber's Kelatlon . to Parents of Bcr School, A teacher may be t verv learned and apt to teach and yet fail in her town. It 13 important that she should possess and carefully cultio vate those social qualities which ia crease her usef alness. When flbe goes to a place she should make it her duty to excite a deeper interest among the patrons of ner school thao they bave ever felt before. She should try to have them cosoperate with her and sus- tain her juaicious efforts for good . She should strive to let them see tbat she is alive to the interests of their children. , To do this the teacher should seek intercourse with the parents. St e should be willicg to explain all her plans to the paients of her pupils. The beat way for the teacher to interest them in the business cf education will be to converse witn them concerning the measures she intends to adopt. Many a parent upon ths fiist an nonncement of a measure in school has stoutly opposed it, who after a little explanatory conversation with the teacher, would have a different opinion, and would be ready to sup port the teacher's measures. When visitors come in, the teacher should go on with her regular work, and in this way exhibit the school just as it is. The hardest thing for a teacher to do is to be frank in alj her repre sentations to parents concerning their children. .. In this, as in every other caee, '-'Honesty is the Best rol'Cj." She should tell the whole story plainly and frankly. Justice t Dupile, parents and teachers requires a plain statement of facts. The parent has a right to know how his or her child is progressing and the teacher has no right to conceal the truth. ; A teacher should strive to acquire the ability to converse in an easy land agreeable manner, so that her society shall never be tiresome. She should cultivate tact both in dealing with her pupi!s and with their pars ents. Modesty is a great virtue in a teacher, especially in her intercourse with people. Teachers are , apt to think that parents will cosoperate with them and sustain them. But we have found to our sorrow that parents do not always feel C3 much interested as they shou'd . !; It is the teacher's duty to excite their interest and win them to her aid by all proper means in her power. By doing this she will, in the most effectual way, secure the pro gress of her school, and at the same time advance hei ' own pereonal im proyement. Mary E Dodson. . Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treatment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agreeably aromatic. " It is received through - the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole Burface over which it diffuses . itself. To test it, a trial size forjlO cents or the large, for 50 cents, is mailed by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Street, New, York. Druggists keep it. A reme for Nasal Catarrh which is drying or exciting to the diseased mem brane should not be used. Cream Balm is recognized as a specific. ATTENTION t ' KESTAURANT JT. IiBOGEK, Proprietor. I am still in the ring, feeding the hungry, at my old stand in the Brick Row near the post ofiice, where you can get a good meal any time. Oysters Btewed, fried or by the quart. , Birds on toast. I still have my same old cook, Wils McMore and his wife, the best restyurant cooks in the city. When you want anything in my line call and I guara ntee you will be politely treated. Any one wishing oysters for Christmas will please leave their orders with me or at the restaurant. I hope to receive a part of your patronage. &very woman needs Dr. Miles' Pain PUla. m fe; Wfl v x ( 1 u ): n w& The Kind Ton Have Always in use for over 30 years, and sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger 1 he health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiments What is CAST Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoe i and Wind, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. T Bears tho . The Kind You Have Always I n Use x For Over 30 Years. Kob&ea the Grave A starling incident of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated as follows: "I was in a most dreadful conition. My skin was almost: yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain con tininually in back and sides, no appetite kept on gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. For tunately, a iriend advised trying 4Electric Bitters,7 and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. Ifcnow they saved my life', and robbed the other victim," No one should fail to try them Only 50 cents per bottle at P. B. Fetzer's Drug Store- WANTED ToTbuy 100,000 pounds of old - cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. alGtf, Concord Foundry Co. Late to bed and early to - rise, prepares a man for his home in the skies. But earlv to bed and a Little Early Kiser, the pill that makes life longer and wiser. J P Gibson. OYSTERS, ; TSTEES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. ; i Leave yotir orders with J F Day vault as he iwill'have them of all kinds.' Large and small. Can supply you with any kind you want. WANTED Fifty 1 carload of cotton seed. Will pay highest market price. Jno. K PatterBon. r FRENCH PEAS: ' ' - , -r - ' - f , KORNLET '-7 ;.; " V . and r '' -; 1 N ITALIAN PASTE ' - - at - ... ' ' -i f , it s 'r i ' i l- . Ervin & Morrison i: Hose, s barsapanlla. at. .u.. areBHcpIoand natural. uaL "o m makes PUre DLOOO. i " , . . ' : Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per supervision since its infancy no one to deceive you in this ALWAYS Signature of Tie Goneord fell Offer the. business public a re liable, permanent, conservative anS accomodatitjg banking inetitutios. We solicit your business with tb assurance of honorable treatment end due appreciation of your paU ronage. If we can serve you at any time and see un. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus$70 000 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier, J. M. ODELL. Pres. RflADE ME A Wim A3 AX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE A.Z,!, Zfvrvoua Diseases Failing LLia . ory.Impotency. Sleep! eacness, etc., cau?3 oy ad use or ower iicesses and inoii cretions. They quickly and urfy sstore Lost Vitality in old or young. an-J flta raaa for 6tudy, basiness or marriage. Prevent Insanitv tvnr rVinKnrr.rtiort iS. nient and effects a CUKE where all other fail In mst npon.having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They aave oared thousands and willcure you. We Rive a pos luve written guarantee to effect a cure Cft flTS & time. IhefTTiart nhnnra ImTinodi'iita imrm. each case or refund tho money. Price For sale in Concord, N. O., by J P Gibson, Draggist. t Millions Given Awaj. I It is certainly gratifying to ths public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suflei ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,, Coughs and Colds, tiayVgiven away over ten million trial bottles of this great" medicine; and have the safe faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. I inik. T 1 i TT .nn -aonuiua, roncmiiB,' noarBeu2 uu .au , aiseases oi tne inroa Chest and Lungs are - surely cured by it. - Call at P. B. Fetzer's drug store and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50c. and $1. 'Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. O A MM hi taken in .W uruix pKges uuu treatment) for fi&U.. jss RlSr Plain WTapper. trnon receipt of price. Circalsr AJAX REMEDY CO., hTt IJ.ayLlbijiiiLuLliilj My Quickly Permanently Restored r.lAGNETIC (IERUINE JmS. antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hvstena Ncnrcms ,Debilityf Lost. Vitality, Seminal Losee Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worn, Sickness, , Errors .'of Youth, or Oyer-indulsence. PrlceBOcrand $1 6 boxes $5r ' " ' . s'Fpr qmck, positive and lasting results in Se3; 1 Weakness, Imootencv,-Nervous Debility and Lo fitalily. use, YELLOW LABEL SPECIAL-doubk-ttrength Hidll givrstrength and tone io e very and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best. xoo ruis 12; try mi man. Pellets will be given with a $ 1 box or more ct netj Nervine,' free. Sold only by IT Marsh & Co., Agents Cob cord, N. C. Miles BtrtM ur(rn nrftnMAd to stoH uOftacAe in 20 iniint "Oiie cent a