Price 4.00 Per Year. CHRISTMAS DAY. ffoff onr Boys Across the Waters Spent It A. Fine-Dinner Served to ikiin Given I?y Captain I3ill and j iputciiants Golrtstcn axil Goo2- IltRCl. - Written for the Standard. Camp Columbia, Near de Cuba. Probably thero are many pp.r . f .; ... .brothers, fcisters, sweethearts r. ? fnoiids in Corcoid and com riiity who wonder "what kind o( Christmas the boys are having i Cuba." Weil, the day was c.'" brated quite different from , x-ni. Is our custom. Immediately ''tV-v breakfast 'the' .regiment .was liuclied to the ocean, where the r, took- a ntsh bath, .after : h the guard Kdcs irere opened ..r.d passes issued, ). ;hig the boys ti.eir first opportunity of visiting the citv of Havana find tho sur rtT.nding cities nnd viikge,?. Tiirtc-fourths of tho. regimenl took advantage ol tk;o opportunity and went out sight-seeing, which ns a treat' enjoyed by ail. The lines "were closed at twilight, how ever, and no more paes will be issued until after -January 1st, when the American flag, 'symbol-' iziVr "Old Gicry;'. and "Liberty," will, bo unfurled on tho imposing tovrcr oyer Morro Castle. One of the chief incidents of the day was the dinner served to the members of Company L,-given by Cjpt. Hill, Lieutenants Gcld ston and Goodman. The bill of tare consisted ot beefsteak, boiled iiam, green English pea?, stewed corn, macaroni and cheese, peaches and cream, light bread and coffee; The treat was very much enjoyed by the boys. Turkey and chicken, roast pig and tho like is entirely out of the question in this climate. The prices are too "warm." A tur key sells from 5 to $8, chickens from $3 to $5, pigor pork at 40 and 50 cents per pound, and such delicacies as these are scarce at that. The harrowing "tales of the "re concentrados" told and pictured by the newspaper correspondents and cartoonists were not exag gerated to a great extent, und the proof of their starving condition lies in tho fact that they 'take the refuse from our 3will barrel and are glad to get it. However, this condition does not applyto all classes, but SDme who are in this deplorable state were once rich and in flourishing circumstances. The boys of Company Iare all well, and aside from the hot weather, had quite a glorious Christmas. H. P. D. Mr. Gannon Rose Dead. Mr. Gannon Kose died of con sumption in Mocksville Tuesday at the age ot thirty years. He had been in bad health for several months.- Salisbury Sun. Mr. Kose is remembered by quite a number of people in the eastern part of the county, having ouce lived in Mt. Pleasant. Tried to Swim tbe River. From Gordon Cilley's letter in the Observer we see that Harry Wolfe was drowned in trying to swim the Marianab River. CONCORD, THE C. F. & Y. Y. SOLD. t The Atlantfe Const, ILsne Gets It at $3,110,000. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad was sold in Fay- vnviuiu xuuiqumj Uiu JUirjxu dilu tion on a foreclosure of mortgage. The Southern, the Seaboard Air Line and the ? Atlantic Coast Line were represented with bidders. After an hour arid a quarter's bidding, which began at $2,100, 000, tho property was knocked down to thy Const Lhxe at S3,ilO, 000. This road scorns to have been peculiarly unforiui;.vle in the!. of p,cf?t Za donbtles3iisbury'efOWn .nm?ing matter o ranch less hsc bc?:. sustained by rcany Nor'-7 Cor-liirr investors. A tl or vice f Rev. o p--or of 8, ?. a service In January eoial benefit of hia own o'hers of th s Jonns cliu :, n a! on the uvcu.. at il o'clock for the of Sli3 ;ag6il merj'oe. congregation ..rd all cLtj who ex accept the invitation' end come together on tfcat day co e' a eernce-pc-culiarly cgrecubie and bentficif?.! to them. There i-3 & rare, ric't store of ex perience", of triiiing and of deeply rooted Car Svinh faith and hope in the bosoms of those whose locks have b:en frosted hy long years of servic?, ana a peculiar cbarm in tbeir commie glln and recalling the springtime of life' and gathering np new jojs before vacating their earth ly epherea to cross to the realms of endless yeuth and ceaeeleFS buoyant activity where their faith will yield to reaiiza ibn and hope to fruition. We anticipate much interest in this well conceived scheme. Tbe L.atyers to Hold a Sleeting;. Tomorrow morning the different attorneys of Concord will meet for the purpose of getting the yoice of all of them as to the instructing of Mr, Luther Harteeli to mate an ef fort to have four terms of Superior court in Cabarrus county instead of only two terms as we now have. lie Died on the Train A traveling man here this morn ing tells us of the sudden death cf a genthman on the train this morn ing above Salisbury. The man had an attack of the grip and was on his way frcm Philadelphia to Florida for his health. He died very eud denly. j . ii. r 0m m To TalJk Fruit Growing. The North Carolina State Horti cultural Association will meet at Southern Pines and the 6th and 7th of January . Special tiforts are be ing made to get tbe farmers to take new interest in fruit raising as it proves to ba profitable when skills fully manipulated . .The Cubans want to make a de monstration Sunday at the ( vacua tion cf the Spaniards but on account of the . disorderly tendency m the city of Havana. Gen. Ludlow hag given notice that no demonstrations will be allowed. They are so anxis ous that they have appealed to President McKinley". : Major General Lawton has been assigned to service ia the Philip- pines and therefore has rehn- auished the command ot the Fourth Army Corps. N. Ci, FRIDAY, DEC. 30, 1898. PERSONAL POINTERS. Ifr, Geo. W Brown returned home from Salisbury last night. Mr. Huffh Skinner, nf Os-fnrrl j8 spending today at the home of Agent Dasenbury. Miss Adelle Brenizer arrived last night from Charlotte to visit Mies Nannie Cannon. Messrs. Morrison Fefzer and Morrison King returned home from Charlotte this morning. Mr. Burton Craige, of Salis bury, is at the home of Mr. Jno. Allison toda Mr. Theodore Brown, of Sab tu Hpuuu me uay vicu -nis fcisier, Mrs. D F Cannon. Mr. Frank Graham, one of China Grove's merchants, is here tni nvrnimr ' tnia evening. Misbes Ethel and i5yrt!e Pit terson are spending' today with their sister, Mrs. Dr. Stevens. Mrs. W G Garrleon returned to Bessemer this morning, after spend ing several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D B 1 Mrs. W J Montgomery wont to Charlotte this morning to visit her son and daughter, Mrs. E C Regis ter and Dr. Jno. Montgomery. Miss Mary L'oro went over to Charlotte this morning to visit her relatives. Miss Margaret Robinson will leave tonight for her home at Jack sonville. Mies Lallan Hill will ac company her. FRENCH PEAS, KORNLET and ITALIAN PASTE at Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 ... "Bab," the writer, knowntin pri vate life a3 MrF. Isabel Mallone, died early Tuesday morniDg, in New York, of pneumonia and grief over the death of her mother, who for many year3 has been her in seperable companion. 4kBab" was a member of the well known Sloan family, of Maryland, and entered the field of literature in 1878 Dur ham Sun. Beats tne Klondike. Mr. A C Thomas, of Maryeville Tex,, has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made iii the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from con sump tioh, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little yalue in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections areVpositivelyv cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption ..Trial bottles free at P B j Fetzer's drug store. Regular size 50 (cants and $1.00. Guaranteed to j cure or price refunded.- Cannon and Fetzei Company. Our goods have been going out with a rush this, weekt Still we've got plenty things yet that will interest you. Plenty handsome things for Christmas presents, and the price is always the lowest. Lots of ! "S ue are too , busy to enumerate. Come and L.m WO il fcUUYV JUU. Wo have been worked so hard this fall that we feel bound to close up on Monday to catch a long bieath. AVe're thankful for the splendid trade we've had, and we'll be open till 11 o'clock Satur day night bright as a new pin, but we ask our friends to come today and Saturday and we'll close Mondav for a needed rest. Yours, Cannon & Fetzer Company. ' MOT GET INTO THE SWIjxI-THE ELECTION IS OVER-THANKSGIVING IS PAST AND IN A FEW MORE DAYSJWE WILJ HAVE CHRISTMAS AGAIN. PRESENTS ! Oh, Yes! You must have pTespnts for Christmas times. We don't know ol any better place in the State of North Carolina to buy a usef al as well as an orna. mental PRESENT than the FURNITURE HOUSE of BELL HARRIS & CO. t SEE. Run over the list and see if we are not correct, One Hundred Bed Room Suits in all the fancy woods. Parlor good, medium and best. Wardrobes, Side Boards, China Closets, Office Desks, Book Cases, Hall Racks, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs and ail kinds of children Chair3, Bie sels Carpet Sweepers, Cook Stoves, Mattress and Spring Baby Tenders, Boy Wagons, Go Carts, Coasters, TrycicJes, Veloso- peds, etc. Oar line of Pictures and Frames,' Mirrors, Lamps, etc., must be seen to be appreciated. We have bought largely. We have bought at right prices. We have bought to sell if you will favor us with a call we will convince you that we mean just what we say. Come and see us. With best wishes for a merry Christmas we are Yours - ". - . . ' - - Bell, Hards Company:' Single Copy 5 Cents, mil x not VVti I? St"? 4 . "via '10 ui-uii. 9 2.' 3 1 1 fvi i for BE HAPPY

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