Price $100 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JAN 4, 1899. Single Cody' 5 Cent SEMINARY SERENADE.! A Great Tim For the Boys and Girls llie Students Don to Bnsiness Apnin Sow. t . - j J Mt. Pleasant, Jan. 4. Rev. V J Roger and wife, of Mt, Holly, are visiting at Capt. Cook's. They will return to their Lome Fridav. The school at the college has resumed its duties. The boys have fallen into their work as . if they had not been interrupted by the holidays. Wo have neard of the students of both the college and seminary making new. resolu tions for tho remainder of the scholastic year. We wish them much success in . carrying out their resolutions. - H The holidays have been merry in many. ways. l! , We have witnessed operas and plays rendered by skilled dramat ists, but we have never seen any-; thing that con the "Seminary d bo compared to Serenade," as it is modestly designated by the girls. Several of tlje y.oiiDg ladies re- mainea to t-pe;ui Amas quietly aiiil uninterrulplcdi) within the walls of old lont Amcena, but Cupid had- played his pirt long before this joyful occasion, and when the glad news of freedom peajsd forth i from old ?Jont Araccna's boll the minds; of some ot the youngsters weie filled with the idea- of:' seeing some of thise "little drops r of SAyretness," and get some 4undstandences', about the benign smiles that had been cast at them while walking by the seminary.,. ... .;. ; ' .The seminary Was given over to the girls, and no matter who called they would have their share of the parlor. There are times when much company is '-a pleasure, but there are other timed when it is embarrassing, and especially when it is a case of love. Of course the girls knew this, as all girls do, so they plotted to give those lov ers a jolly good time. At first cake and water were served pro fusely, then the girls began to form themselves in circles around ihe cooing pairs and listen at tentively to every word that was spoken, and comments upon the same were not wanting, and when smiles were passed between the lovers, the girls would exclaim, "there comes a manufactured grin."' Stirring passages from Hamlet were "yellocuted," and then at a sign from "ma" all was silent, so intensely Jfcoo, that a pin could be heard to fall. Soon afterwards a rest of n few minutes was given and all was arranged for a nice little chat, when hark ! the door cracked and a fore-runner announced that there would be a quiet for the rest of the night, when ph, there burst forth a grand oratorio oi bells,! horns, tin-cans, pans, etc., which thrilled the wondering listeners-not with joy, though. The sound of the ringing bells beat so ferociously upon the tympanum of the ear that one of the listeners was almost compelled to say that he would never love to hear a Bell again. ; . v,. . -; .vv. :. . We have heard comments upon high collars, low collars turned down collars, , and standing up collars, but we never heard before a young man's collar compared to "a whitej-wsshed foi)ce around a i lunatic asylum." We assure you that the ast cannot boast ot all the geniuses, and that wit is not yet dead J MISS vINECQFF DEAD. The Blind Dan&Titer of Mr. Hack Wlnecoir ?Ir.: r?'roli welder the Cbnmniou on llei JUeasnreJ ores! IHlj Correspondent. Mrs. f! L Moore and daughter, Mia3 Myrtle, hare ..'nrned to Win ston, thllij home, a short to Mrs.-HlbRatci?v visit, Mr, ' J Hillsborb bis motf H was called to fist ui-.'-.t io the bedside of F :'?fto is rpp-rted to jbe in a dyiag condHi The rlii l... Annie Wine ) the home of Mr. Geo. from ueir "7iacccfi T leeday night Geld Hill, The funeral V788- cemdup".. 'I J D Arnold at 10 I'k -k.todh;' (Wedn siiay.) Mies Wm(ccii v;a .. x blind ladyj the daughter o: WineccffJ who ! is 8ick at Bid fat r or .,. f 1 ... . Ai r. ;Fr.- Black welder, of this place, . .-vjoj tuinlr, rn-s the largest head we tj. . 3 ?Ye.r kuown a man to wear, au 1113 nata mc aaae to orasr. Lately h;br rod h' ? a No. 9 and He it-fits him like "r. bov'a shirt. aay3 it is tha' first h lie ha3 hid to fit him in feiqlit 41 n . - . NGY REFORM. report oi rae c.niKstttec ortne nier icau rcoftomlc Assoelaliou-Tbe 1s Nnnnce ot Sotcs by National Banks. Correspondence of The Observer. Thero iajftnopiation known as the , Amercan Economic Asociai tion. At its annual meeting in 1897 a committee of five was ap pointed , to report on currency reform. This committee was Irofs. Taylor, of?the University of Mjchis gan; Taneig, of Harvard University; Jenke, of Cornell University; Sher wood, of ijJhns Hopkins University, and Kindley, of the Illinois Uni versity. 1. 1' r These report now, after one year's study, in Jcffect the same as: was aigreed on fat the Baltimore Bank ers Convention years ago. The same as j all Comptrollers of j the Currency have recommended! for the la3t 25 yearf; the same as Mr, Walker, chairman of the currency committee in Congress ' proposed; the rame as the Indianapolis com mission proposed. Details differ but the main recom mendatiorji stays good, viz : J 1. Let-national banks issue notes on their own assets. 1 r This means that the property of each section shall be vitalized, ff r, bankable purposes, in that section. Details make little difference. There are several ways of securing circulation all of which are; all right. The standard of value is a heparate question. Now is the time to presss the question of currency reform. We have now plenty of gold and money is easy. If ow is the time to take action to prevent another panic. New York, Dec. 30. 1 .Li & T. Dividends peclared by Botn Banks. : At the meetingSj of the National and Savings banks . here sonde days aco a semi-annual dividend was declared by each one. The National declared a dividend of 4 per cent., while the Savings, gave a 5 per cent, dividend. PALLS ASLEEP, flrs. Sarah Caldwell Dies of Puen nionin After Belns Mick: Only a Week-Thonh Not n 91etber Sbe Acted Well Her Part In TUat Ca paclty Funeral at ilocky Klver. On Wednesday night, the 28th, Mrs. Sarah Caldwell, who lives on Belt avenue, was taken wi ;h a chill, which afterwards became pneu monia. Ever since that time her oondition has been growing worse until Tuesday afternoon at a few minutes before 5 o'clock she fell asleep to wake no more. She was the wife of. John Cald well, who preceded her to the grave 23 years. She leaves three step children, Dr. R J Caldwell, of Mooresville, Mrs. Robf. Q'jery, of this county, and Mr. Sfem Ualdweil, of Mecklenburg; county. Ever since they were quite email, rier niece, Miss Mamie Pnarr, and nephew, Co lumbus Pharr, have looked as a mother, and shs has for them aa only a mother sister and two brothers upon her provided can. A of these children are also living in i.rkaD3as. Mrs. Caldwell, whoce maiden name was Pbarr, daughter of &r. James Pharr, wa3 an esteemed wo man and of a meat kind disposition, as was shown by the treatment of her several step children and nieces and nephews, and aleo to Mr. Will Taylor, whom she caied fojr a num ber of jears. She hd until two years ago lived near Rocky River in this' county, and had she lived one mori day her age would have been 67 years. The remains were taken jto Rocky River church this morning, where after the preaching of the; funeral by Revs. W, 0 Alexander and C Miiiery fe o'clock, thay will be interred in trie graveyard tnere. x The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. Do Witt's Little Early Risers are unequalled if or over coming constipation and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe p Gibson. 11. J. P. A 01 Ice to Members. t The Woman's Missionary So ciety of Trinity Peforraed Church will hold their monthly 1 meetmsj atthe home of Mrs. Smith jShuping tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Officers to be elected for the en suing year. J FRENCH PEAS KORNLET and ITALIAN PASTE - at Ervifl & iYlortiiSOn GROCERY ELY'S CREAM BALM Is a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It ia qnickly absorbed. 50 cents at DropglstB or by mail ; samples 10c. by mail. " ELY BKOTHEBS, 66 Warren St.. Nel YorkCltsw fSJONDEKFUL w tne cures Hood's tSarsaparilla, and i yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Sarea $arilla makes p U R 5 S LOO S 1 t '.. 1 1 mreuep THIS E. it Cannon 1& Fetzer any. 4"' WOT A Cojrtip WHY 11 111 GET INTO THE SWIM THE ELECTION IS OYEIl-THANKSGllVI PAST AND IN A FEW MORE DATS JWE WILL HAVE CHRISTMAS AGAIN. KESEJNTb,! Oh, Yes! Christmas times. We don't State of North Carolina to buy a useful as well as In orria I mental PRESENT than! the FURNITURE HUUSE SEE. , Run over the list and s in all the fancy woods. 1 j i- . : . - ; ! ''....' good, medium! and best. Wardrobes, Side Board Closets, Office Desks, Book Chairs, Dining Chairs and all sels Carpet Sweepers, Cook Tenders, Boy Wagons, Go Carts, Coasters, Trycieies, peds, etc ! ' Our line of Pictures and must be seen to be appreciated. We haye bought largely. We have bought at right prices. We have bought to sell if 1-.! you will favor us with,- a call mean just what we say. Come and see us, 'With bes for a merry Christmas we are jBell, Warns- Company i ' ! . j j . mefMMoi tflatieai for School letill UM, a Hi, I XL You must! have p-ents for knowof any better place in the BELL HARRIS 4 CO. see if we are not correct, One Parlor b, China Cases, Hall Racks, Rocking kinds of children Chairs, Bis Stoves; Mattress and Spri bg Baby Yeloso- Frames, M rrofs, .Lamps, etcn we will convince you that ws wisheff IIS I Yours - : f: ! 1,1 V