. r a irriwi 01 riM. . I! Mr; Hamilton " and family, -of ' ?nV'-t'i -'H em -SS 8 Jay-ThV work ilfcwe do that o. 8 arrives at 5 52 a m, : ! sU .etorj-pair ofefc ssom with r so v iu.w a m. iormer v occnmea dv Mr. jvvi i ooeuiaue iuihhiuki : 12 Z 138 7;0 p m, 8.53 d m. .SOUTH BUTOD. tTo. 87 arrives t 8;49im, II 44 Ml 23 aim, S ! , 8.53 pW 1 1 .i "ft "OA o m 7fw!irtt : .' - ' J.. i T 8 haema Ski ireously noter J Sl-Tniy iBatiafactbry feub-i xu.r-ri.iiLLLLiiULi.a u; Liuuer. MjrV D 'A&1&; -.whMB one of the'fcrfndpSlh'an is ?at Flowes. in tnis '8ntyYw5wS;- ft ,;Co'ncord a abort while Wednesday night, i He iNO. oq, ,ana oo . slop ;.yuyal.vMi,; wm vu m;o wojrw .jrwuta, 1.1a., lQUeoncord. -Salisbury, Gteens be went .10 , spend ? two or ami Banvllle. Passengers Tor tfoeal ' iJ tl points between these stations will have to three w eeks With n.iB, brother. use the. other trains.; ? ,1 t4ih, i1; I , ; Beats (be Klondike. i Mr. A 0 fThorna'S, of Marys ville Tex has found "tCx tnbre valuable ; discovery: thap has yet been made in1 the Klondike. JForiyears he euf- I fereoV n n t61d "a'goriy f rditn co n s urn p 'Wade Barrier, CityiSditpr; .TELEPHONE NO. .71 . A ESTABLISH ED: mi 1 tar : tiont ac&mpanledi)y'.hemorr s and; was absolutely : cured by Dc .J;Kihi?,8vNew..-iBcpyefy. if or - Con- sumption , Coughs -.and (Joldp. He declares that: gdld -is of litt le value 'SING THEIR OWN PRAISE " in comparison with this marvelous cure; 'woulcUhave it, even if it cost 1 1 Such is the testimony of its 11 a i vx 1 1 Htitute foranBomnia. . 1 RivalsQoerpointing with prida o what apother views with alarm; Immune A man who1 has " been married so lone he doesn't mind it: that helps ia manmak himself. ' : ' : ! Flirt A girl who - makes a fellow want to kiss her and 'then won't let Conceited ;Xhe woman who dubs - - , 1 - a man woman-hater! just because he doesn't admire her'. AutopsyA method employed by doctors to determine the nature of .the patient's ailment. 1 . Husband A man who serves five minutes as commander-in-chief acd the rest of hia life as a private. Ohicago'News. " V T here are s few finenl mote midq Awake and, enterprising; athari 1 FH Fetzer, whbBpareeTiio Tpalnaitot cnre thewbeaif leeryttnng Inhii line for Cniaaa notv1 ba e tbe Valuable ajgenojr fbi Dr. Kin e'a ew-OiScoverv 'fclPcon- Bumbtidnl conilis' 'nd Tcolds AWa is tne wonaerrqi remey mas ia pfi dncing !such a Caror all. over the conn trylhy. itsmany . a'tariling otireat it absolutely cures .asinma, ioron; WIS 1 SOHEDTHjlii -; . -s 'f 1. 'Ihffect;rieo.i1898. Call at above drug store and get a trial bt ttlelfree or a regular uiie for 50 cents and $1, Guarantied to cure or 'lrfce refunded. : " ' " v ! a hdndred dollars a bottle. Asthma, touch is the testimony 01 its users h- n u j 1. They are numbered by the tWsimds. BronctuUs anall throat and lung In homes all oyer the Union Every PianO perfect. ' First. in "eyer' great improvement. Fair dealing: our motto. Chas. M. Stieff, I affectibns are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Trial bottles free at F B Fetzer's drug Btore.'R-fgular s:ze 50 uk-er, c-ots ana ."gi.uq, uuaranteea 10 Charlotte Branclt Wareroom -Net 113 cuM or price refunded. xrt-.m i i I: I, 1 1 if North Trj-on Street, C H ; WILmUlH, marjagef Last Notice. All claims due Dr. L M unsettled on the first of rest, will be Eued o.n at once. ; W G Means, lAtt'v. Archey U-inuarv, Rain .tonight and colder, and colder tomorrow, says the weather bureau. . FOR SALE A 20od very cheap. Call on Attebtlon DanarKters I I ft : . . ' "- - ; ;' f : l! A meeting of the Dodeon-Rams 8eur Chapter of PacJitera of the Conftderacj will be tela tomorrow afternoon at .the homo of Mrs. J P Allieon. Every member requested to b? preaent. Mra. D B Coltrane, Seo. , These are dangerous "jitimes for the health. Croup, colds and throat troub les leadN rapidly to Codsumption. A l.UEgy bottle of One Minute Coush Cure used j , at the right time .wiil preserve uie, During the, past year 780 persons were injured on the 1 railroads and 99 were killed. On the Atlantic Coast Line 217 were injured and 33 were killed; on the Southern Rail way 453 were injured Jan d 41 were killed; on ' the Seaboard Air Line 101 were injured and 18 'were killed; and , on the jmiecellaneous roads 9 were injured autl 7 were killed Ex. . 1 clearing resi- H.w tf E F Rolf. health and a large .amount 01 money. 1 7 . J it. f Pleasant to take; ehildred1 like it. J. P. Mr. "Uoc&" bpppenneia is naving Qibn the painting act done on nis dence on Spring street. r Miss Isabelle Richmond ing at Sunderland hall in Miss AVCelah, who is sick. Little Georgie Do your folks ever have family prayes before1 breakfast ? Little Albert No; we only have prayers before we go to bed. We ain't afraid in the day-time ONE OF 18 place te ex-Senator to bo about The estate of the la Calvins B Brice',i8paid D" $7,000,000, although 1 .widow, in 0 takine letters of ed ministration find I tin real estate iU New York Messrs. Ervin & Morrison have I and ? only $600,000 worth of per 1 'A- il I MAvf I 1 !!C ' Tnovea lnio vneir uiuro iuvw ucamquuki uiuuauv. door to Gibson & Morrison 4 - i - 1 Sleipg Rodm 1 it i StXhia cmdeneed schedule . onr- illeed aa:inf ormation, an.d 8ulj; JIUMMU, i 4 , . , j-- .... - - - ' " Trains Leaye Concord, K. 0 ! " jB:49 a.- M. No. 37 daily, W asbW Jirigton and- .South westt rn lius iled ' for Atlanta,1 Birmingham,! Memphis, ' Montgomery, Mob le abil New Orleans,. and all points Sou til and Southwest. Tnrouirh -l'uliuikii1 ' ' -XT ' . . . XT . . r Sleeper, jewxjrm jsejv. uneans ing car, vest'inuled Icoach, bet v. een Wftflhirif ton and "Atlanta i , 83 P. M. No. 7,3aily, from IUi-b! mond, Washington, lio osorpv. Selma, ? Raleiffn. J Greeusoorso BLuoxville and -ABhevilJe to Chnr otte. N. O. : :'.' :) : , 113 a m. No. 11 daily, for Atm ahta and all points South. Soin train, Richmond to Atiant a. . 10:00 a. ; m. No. 36, daily, for . Washington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points No:tii. Carries Pa) K man"drawmgbhi u buttet sle-jV)?, NewOrleans to NeXork; Jarksor Ville ? to N ew iiprk; . r ullman v - - ' " m 1. tt coutisi cars , irom via New Orleans an( cine Thursdays. .' 8:53 p.vm. No. 38. ton and Southwestern linr- ited. for Washinerton 1 end ail J-?i.-xt it- mi .kju r'n . poiuLS x uriu. x iirougu ir uiiLUivn car. Memphis to New York; New iirlo to New York ; Tampa to New YorA, Also carrier vestibjiled coach hu 1 dining car T Close fe connection a Greensboro with jleeper for Nortu- 7:09 p. m. No. 12 daily, foi Reh mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Ra'N I igh, Norfolk, a4d all point,' North. - I 5-52 a. m, No. 8,! mond ; connects at! Raleigh and uolds ban J?rare8vo d bputhern Pa ri ail v. WaRhin dailv. for Ri oh Greensboro for poro; at fcieima I m ii . -v - iT-.l . . t FT t- iior jNonoiir, at JL?anyiiie cor waairn ington and points North, at calif bury for Ash ville, "Knox ville and points iWest. 0 . y, irst sections 01 regular through orllocal freight traiAs carry passen gers oniy 10 poincs pnere wiey biup according to schedule.1 : Feank S. Gannon, Br d Vice Pres. andlGeh 1. manager; v :! Washinffthn. D. C. John M. Gulp, , . - jW- A. Tube, U6n Traffic Mgr. ,flPass.AU, - 1 Washington, D. C, 8.H.Habdwiok, Asst Gen'ip. Ag't Can befitted up at a sman cosi-iromK;--T - , ' 7 Atlanta Ga. gives your rooms a touch oi bluwiuuo Things in oar main summery vut oiuvft v .. Hf-i i:r'r r ivt basines, L the repairs G.. W. PAT fERSON 6i and chelerf nlness that they need in winter, and lpok light ana copi in iae sUmmeri wur sxock pi Deuroum iuiux- Jjouisville, Ky Go wan DusKNBEair, Local Ag't, tJoncord. N, U. of Clocks and Watches . We do the wbrk and guarantee it. and MATTIJNVtO uuiuaia rxiiA IiOWPBIQE. lOr iU VJT1UBUU uxuiiiouu. i j . sr . .1 I I m To insure a happy new year, keep I Misses Maude Brown and Mamie the iiyer ciear and the body vigorous by J J ry will give a tea to about ten or using Pe Witt's Little Early Risers, the ' y y Ury twelve of their lady friends afternoon at 5 o'clock. this famous little pills for constipation and liver teonblesvT. ibson, . I Mi I 3 . - !' . . Mia L?77.1a Kincaid returned to Oyer oneundred persona diaap- thfl home of Mr. D P Bayyault pea'rn Lomlbn Wednesday night, after spending ( leaving the slightest tiace behind.; several weess at nome iu juouui. Jr?1! WANTED Tp buy j 100,000 " couglimff injured oundsof old cast-iron scrap, de- lnn .;Qne Minute (fcugCurelopBns liverad at thev foundry at once, for . coiaf ' allays xonghing and heals wnicn we win pay a inu piiA7; quickly. rTlie best cougn euro xor cm aren,;. f.-w- hnmt iron wanted. 1 nietf. Concoed Foundry Co. Mr. O W Kelly and wife1 have re- A1 writer in a 'London tailoring turned to their home at the Reed magazine cpmplaina that taiiora mine near Georgeville, after visit- themaeWea are seldom ell dreised. jng at Springfield, IThef re- liEx. : ' 1 -turned edsdaj' night. ; it requires over 30(000 a year to Mrs. PB; Means and daughter, run the OryataUPIce in London, Miss Minnie, left Wednesday night and it barely pays itBelf.Ex. on tneir way 10 newpuxuxwc3, - QF LAND. where they will Bpena a myum . f with Mrs. MeanB' sister, Mrs. tee. C eorrell, crmen broth's. Ptirira5tiuire5DeaHers The Jeweler. M, L. Brown & BRo. LIVERY FEED AND SALE ,Y h - 8TABLES, Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses ' meet all passenger trains Outfits of all kinds v furnished promptly and1 at reasonable prices: Horses anl-. mules always on band ' ti r .r 2 "r .A.WVkt.Ar) AND ! FuneraliDirectors. or Rale. Breeders of Poland China'Hpqa i thoroughbred lOlfi 1UI0 ! s - t Is having a big; run on his Flour, . It will pay you - to try a sack. Sendihim your orders for Oorii, Oats and Ship Stuff. W ehaye a lot of Bagging and Ties to close i S - . ! 1 - - ' ' 1 i out cheap ; alsc lot of nice Cream Cheese, j His entire stock of Groceries, ShoeF, Hats, Woodr I en, Glass and Tinware, Crockery, Dry i Goods, etc., will he found complete and prices low By, buying m r large quantities we can, of fer fresh goeds at bottom prioes AT fit lins. ORDERS FOR Par- Laura J Walter, administratrix of Geo. W Walter, ; deceasea, puuuuu, vy Walter, O A Cook and others, de- The condition of Mr. Chas- Isen-l ifrtue of the Authority , vested in . " -- kfF nnma -TvinJofratriT Of GeO.-M .Waltet. nour, wnose ara p y SSTand by an ordered entered in the above entiUeduse;I will-seU, at 1 days a?o in the machinery below Concord, is very good and he is" im- proving as job, vv" ."?t-- By every one who : will call and y: The Beat Halve in the wprm .ioTi.b vrl.,7T : "iii;,Anh I Khonm, KeTer Korea, Tetter unapppa iuo r. - Trc, L , m DTQTM4Q(iV!TFR? TO Hands; Ohilblaini, Corns ahdfall teat display df bdes wttobleto CHRISTMAS OYSTb 10 flyiti RrnnfinTiHl and TlOSltlveiV CUrea JDreBOUWS. uDouMiwrwv.;r irn", a-m Piles orlno .pay jequired. It is prices ever oSereoVm uncord. guaranteed J .give obtisf action or ' SOm.mH? mbnei feirinded. Price 25 cents p?r insnapes asjonwbing for utility njT r or Bale: ok a x a: okao. a "kug inuu'viujy- store., ' r Corporal Lyles, of the Fifth Reg ulars, who has been at boine rrom Rantiaoro on sick leave, is spending some time with friends at' Forest Hill. He is on his way to hia corns mand again. ' - ' -' ' ' j Jake Newell left Wednesday nifeHt for Balisijury ? e waspn bis way baci to unapei nm, wnere has nWbegdhnfdltnlXlaw cotirge. He lis'b'een'at hdmo several Treeka on account of the eettlins of bis public auction to the highest hidder at the frdnt aoonrol ihe court houstt,!df y.Arifxnn WA Km O&V OIlEeD ruary, 1899 -Jhe following described townshipr Cabarrus, county. State of townshipr uaDarruaioouai.y, . ow uf xrv. nolina find bounded as lolloWB: Beginning atMtoue .near j a cedar,Sarah Side's comer, on Yost's lme; thence with his Une 63 poies w T Shank's corner, thence with two of his linesSherirstNas E;;51pdles to a stone; thence tf. slt-W: 50 poles five links to a stone on Sarah Side's line, thence with her line S; 21 14 poles and sixteen links the: beginning, con iAm Ataa mora or less. - ' . Terms oi Bsap. day bf sale and 4he remainder on six V fit. - - Sm M months credit WBPr.?,!,u Given under lay Jiand; day ox January, iow. IiA this, the 5th .UBA J. WALTEB, , Gitv m u Restaurant of all isjthe jpilo o! stuff dollar btJAIL ON.IOAST IS a SPECIALTY , La GriDpeiis again epidemic. i jlSe Our (fboof products are prp- j .. precaution shbuld be taken to avota t. n0unced by! the most fastidious r - ; Cure.1' A" J Shepherd, Publisher Agri- extensiVe ever seen on this mar- Horrible agony is caused by Piles, OulturalJouroal and Advertiser, JEI4en, w I -j f j BurnsA'and.rSkin Diseases. These are Mn.. vrsi : .No one will be disappoiut- trr orrAnfA for HuvlerEfli hrTr.ifttAlv TAliAvea and buicklr cured ed in using One Minute Cough Cure for rownevs aT1d . Nunnally's, Bn tyDe Witt's Witch Haiel Salye. Be- oja vrnppo. t " . f jandies. 1 bAt a. v. til d son. - ;l v OKLEY M; B. STI - Attorney at Law, Ccacbrd W C; ZFZMAL ATlhhUON 10 COLLECTIONS. Offica upstairs in King building f ware of worthless indtaiiona,--J. "P. jpHdiie 21; Dove & Bost l :t3 WAITED Fifty ' carioads ' of cotWwId, Will pay highest market UHcqF 3 Jno-lKPatteraon . ' ti p0rr nf nolnmhusl Ga.. suffer aiFIRVOUO Troubles are due jmsTislkflWltoTO ill impbverished blood. Hood'i Sir. Hasel Salve. It heals jnjuries and aim j Kiparilla 19 I HU3 vuo xiud i QjMSgg juo UBgi.- wv-. Administratrix. near tvwuMJo grandfather's e3tate.