t i . m QgTOC fca dpmoaatrate to tbwiaatsA Umaa thai rt is a alma tafaUlbt ron woman's PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, iiiegularitfes 'and terangetnenta, It baa beoomo the leading remedf tor this atoss of troubles. Is etert a. wvnderfallT h alias;. mac and Totnlr lnflueag tha saenatraal orsrana. M 4 wUtoa ana falting of tha w XI rfopa floodiaf and relurM '1 pressed ana patafal saaastnsatSosL. For Ohaaga of Ufa it is the beat medicine made. litis benefloUi euringr pregaanoy, and helps to ring Children into home barrea (or years. . It invigorates, stimo Htes, strengthens the whole ajar tern. This great remedy ia offered to all afflicted women. Why wia amy woman suffer another minute with oertaia relief within reach? Wine of Oardui only costs $1.63 per bottle at your drng store. For advice, to eaeee requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, the n Ladies' Advisory Department,'1 The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chi' touoogo, Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden, S.CV aavtt "My wife used Wine of Cartlul attorn for falling of the womb and I entirety eared her." TAX NOTICE. . f - ' -" The Town Taxes 1 are now due, jfrfl the books have been placed in Oy hands with instructions to col lect. f '.. -J. K. Patterboh Town Tax Collector: Office in Dry. & Miller's shoe store. ceSltf. i: TASTELESS cr i rn r n n r$ 13 JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. VAR RANTED. PRICE 50 cts. ? , , ' , watta, ILLS., XNOT. 18,1533. Paris Medicine Co., St. Lonis, Mo-. . Gentlemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and have bought three gross already thia year. In all oar ex perience of 14 years, in the drug business, havo neyer sold an article that gaye Such universal satis (action ea your Tonic. Yours truly, . AXT,CABB &OQ All dealers gusrantee jGroves Taste j less Chill Tonio to core chills, fever and malaria in all its forms GOIL Call on. K. L. CRAVEN- I Will Surprise Ton Try lu ii iuo meaicine apove all other' iorcatarrn and is worth its weight in gold. Ely's Cream Balm does all that is claimed for" iL B W Sperry, Hartford. Conn. .My son was afflicted wjth catarrh. He used Ely's Cream Balm and the disagreeable catarrh all left him. J C Olmstead, Areola, III. . A 10c trial size or the 50c size of uicatu wm win oe mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers, 65 Warren 8t.,,N. Y. 1 :" - Only 23c. -IV. Ha Plenty l i iii ' 1 . i - . E . Valuable Farm Aotee. D 1 M Stevens, in the AsbevilU Citizen, gives the following valuable farmjnoteW. . . pTo kill Worms on cabbage, both the strip.d land green, tak slacked lime land ashes, or; fine dust, tqaal parts, anc dnst good on them, and if the cabbage has commenced to head pulljthem open and throw the lime 'and past all through them, and it will kill all the worms and yon will nave, good cabbage . To! kill the potato beetle, take one bushel of slacked lime and onehalf neck of en off and mix together and sift over them while the dew is on and ii will kill the bngs. If yon want the best fertilizer .on earth; tor cabbage, on one-half acre j j I i ! sow two bushels of salt in the snrincr and you will get shut of the cats worm and will have better cabbage than von would to rml five loads of Be sure and not eow ealt ob beans or corn, or lettuce, or rhu- barb, 'or it will kill it 8alt is a goo a thing to sow on sheep sorrel to kill it out. fONDERFUL are tne cures w w HooiJ'JSiir8aparilla, and yet thej 4rejsiii:pl2 and natural. Hood's Sarsa v!PURl7 BLOOD unp maJces one sick, weary ana resuess. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine brings restj MANUFACTURING CO. MANUF aCTUBERS 07 I i Fine Ginghams, - Outing Cloths, i aids, Sheeting j j and Salt Bags. I -o - -j-CEALER IN GBNERALF- MERCHANDISE. -BUYERS OP I . nNTTttrrm!TT TNT- ATTnn F u i t ' F! " "-JilflDil I I and 1 4foot;wood always wanted. .1 j ; Best pnees for same, - - - - Walnmtel'an ins-necr tion of all tlie goods we manufacture. - - I JoncordN, o it ! am now prepared to furnish you with jAnthricite and Jellico Coal; Best of quality and. we guarantee the price. Don't use wood , when yon can ! get coal at such prices. J. 14 Cj Blackwclder, At Store onv West Dapot Street. Phone No. fiR. 23 Cm d .i j ODELL i COM GOAL A PUBLIC MEETING Of tbe Tftaclierii to Be H eld Tlt KleveBtta or Rext Ufooih' the Daie Everybody Is Invited o Attend . The meeting of teachers to be held in Concord has been ar ranged for Feb. 11th. A most in teresting program has been ar vonrfArl RnWflflts that come near frk tlio riMftrt-'nf hoth teacher and parent will be discussed, among which are: "The Bad Boy,!' The Parent and the School "Love and Money in Relation to Teach ing," "Local Tax and Education," "The Scholarship of the Teacher," "What the Examiner Expects of Teachers." Good music will be furnished, leachers, parents, friends and enemies of education are alike in vited to be present. Programs will be printed indue time. The DeadlyiOrlp- Is again abroad in the land. The air you breathe mav be full of its fatal germs! Don't neglect the "Gripjor you 'will open the door to Pneumonia and Consumption and invite death, ttssure sign aie chills with fever, headacte, dull heavy pains, mucous discharges from the nose, sore throat and neve-let-go cough. Don't waste precious' time treating this cough with troches, tablets, or poor, cheap syruos. Cure it at once with Dr- King's New Discoyety, the infallible remedy for bronchial troubles. Its kills the disease germs, heals the lungs and prevents the dreaded after ef ffects from the malady. Price 50cts. and $1.00. Money oack if not cured. A trial bottle free at P B Fetzer's Drug Store. -. . She's Grit Too. Miss Annie Hobson, the Sister of the Merrimau hero, had the experi ence of a ride on the baok of a run awaj Kentucky thoroughbred at Greensboro, Ala.j Wednesday.! The plucky girl held firmly on despite the turns and other movements that i - i would try the staying powerB of a man till the 1 animal was stopped wilbout further Incident. The horse had caught the bit with his teeth and there was no holding him. Nhootins; Near Davidson. A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Davidson says Mr. John HolbrooK was returning from a party Wednesday night when he wa3 shot in the abdomen by a young man accompanying him. It was a 38 calibre pistol. Dr. Mnnroe extracted the ball and it is hoped that there will be no fatal results. Cool Conduct. The BaltimoreSun says two young ladies were looking at the icy sarf at Asbury Park. One bantered the other to go in surf bathing. It was accepted aud they swam in the chilling water for 20 minutes. After i dressing they drank a hot Jamaica ginger tea and felt so good ovier it that they propose to take a similar bath every day if their parents do not forbid. The special friends of Gen. Fitz hugh Lee are pressing for hia elec tion to the United States Senate. Except for the fact thai he regards the gold standard as the true finan cial policy, a matter looked ' upon by some intelligent people as an error and by many more of radical views as a kind of. robbery and downright crime, : we suppose the whole nation! would rejoice at see ing Fitz in the lUnited States Sen ate. . l inba on Wheels; Too. ; Capt. W H. Ramseur, who is running VNorth Carolina on Wheels"! is going to add another car, being '"Cuba on Wheels." The Captain has made a great success of his ens terPrise lUhrt...,.. ..in in n.n i J mni Tnn OpmmMorpmi vat rfflrraaL NotNAhootiO, . i - - i . tatnmk thCarionsA Arjcrfect Rcmsdy ftxfCxslIpa ion,SomiS(braCTUie!ib5C3, rton Wonris iCoirntora ness ondlfOSS OFEX Tsc'Slirule Srgjadartrof 1 '-I ' .. 1 uner tne business puDiio a re liable, perm snent;, conservative and accomodating banting institution We solicit your! business with thf assurance of honorable treatment end due appreciation of your , paU ronage. ; ... . ,4 - '. x If we can serve you at any time oe giaa io nave you corns and see us. . " I " ' : . -, LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS V Gabitaland Sulplus$70 000 D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier, J. M. OPELL. Pres. 1 1 Essily, Quickly, Permanently Restored MunticTin ricDUiric issoidwitha UIUU II L. I I U iptVnVIIILp written uar antee to Cure Insomnia. Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria, lzzmess, Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Lost yitalit Failing Memory the result of Over-work, Worryi ly, oeminai mosses. sses, Si ckness, Errors of Youth or Over-uWulsence. Price 60c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5.. For quick, positive and lasting results In Sexual Weakness, Impotencv. Nervous Debility and Lot -itality. use YELLOW LABEL SPECIAL double trength will give strength and tone 10 every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best, loo Pills $a; by maiU, i I : FREE A bottle of the famous Japanese LI vet Pellets will be given with a $i box or more of Mag neti' Nervine, free. Sold only by M L Marsh & Co., Agents, Con cord, N. C. Yellow Jaundice Cared. Suffering humjanityj should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certuy that 1 was a 1 terrible bvlU ferer from .Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and to noj avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them lo any nerson sufferincr frnm this terrible malady. I am grate- iuny yours, M. A. Mogarty, Lex ington, Ky." Sold by P B Fetzer's To insure a happy new year, .keep the liyer clear and the body "vigor ous by using De Witt's Little Early Bisers. the famous little pills for; constipation and liver troubles. J. : P. Gibson. The smallest ' things may exert the greatest influence; IDe -Witt's Little Early Bisers are unequalled for over coming constipation and - liver troubles. omau pin, best pyi, safe pill. J. P. iiibson. - Coughina: injures and inflames sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the 'cold, allays coughing and heals quickly. Tlie best cough cure for chfl- dren, J. p. Gibson. gp. MnesJf n mtm are guaranteed to toa TkaOtu&e in 20 tnimaoe "OneoOTt wlanhsa Tbe Honcord National Bac mm U III! For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have s You Have Bought Bears the j. V SigiiahiL The 1 - - Bought. Always THC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 2 Millions Given Away. Ji It is certain ly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to ba generous to the needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Diecovepr for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of thra great medicinej and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cared thousands of hopeless cases, i I A . 1 T" I L t TT 1 iisinma, Droncnins, Hoarseness and all.' diseases of . the Throat Chest and Lupgs are surely cured by it. Call at i'. B. Fetzer's drug store and get a trial bottle free. Reg- nlnr o?7 FiCir cirtrl 1 TTItrovrr Krfflo M.M w.v ww m - x.f j KJJ It guaranteed, oy price refunded. STATE OP OHIO. City op Toledo . T A I.' 1 JUUOAS BOUNTY,1 ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior j partner of the firxa of F J Cheney & Co., doing business Toledo," County and in the City of State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure- I - 'If Frank J Cheney. Sworn to before me and Rnhnrrih. ea in my presence, the 6th day of uecemner, A.1886. j SEAT.. V A WflTJ A firt T (V ! NotarvPnhlfft. Hail's Catarrh! Cure is t.nlrATi ink ternaily and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. Jf. J, UHJSNEY & CO., ! ; Tnlednr OJ oi a dv aruggists, 75o. W ANTED-7T0 buy ' 100.000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de- averea at the foundry at once, for which we will bav. a fair nrice. No 1 " . . r 1 - - Durni iron wanted. alGtf. Concord Foundry Co. it . Horrible agonyj is caused by Piles, Burns Jand -Skin Diseases. These are immediately relieved and auicklv cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salye. Be ware: of worthless imitations. J. P- VJrlDSOn.. THE BEST PRESCBLPTION FOR i I CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste- ess Chill Tonic. Never fails to cure; 'lnen why experiment with worthless 1 imitations? Price 50 ; cents " Your money back if it fails to cure. . , R IE AT SALES prove tne great me-it of Hood's SdrsapariliaL ; Hood'p SarsapariUa Vlls became '

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