ArriTnl of 1 rains. The following change of schedule took JVP.e ek from this evening cct Dec. 4, 1893. 13 o'clock. be. Brehany Opera Company will While riire is LeTiiere isIopet I was rfHickd with catarrh; could neither taste or smell and coula cSUJbiHiUULiJii NORTHBOUND. UD u.wiis cuy. Une hundred and twenty reserved seats already sold. Tilnntonanf XI.. -Jl. -. t x ttt ins - r2o. 8 arrives at 5 52 a nu 36 41 10nn k J 36 hear but little. Ely's Cream Bai 10 l t it mm V 12 38 62 i tt 8.53pm, 10.40 p m (It eight..' to it a SOUTHBOUND. St. 37 arrives at 8 49 v'-mV U M u 11 23 aim 7 " 8.53 pTm S3 9.20pm, - 61 ! " " 6.30 a m, (freight) 36, and 38 stop only at Chars te, Concord, Salisbury, Greensboro al Danville. Passengers for local olnts betweea these stations will haye to the other trains. Wade -Barrier, City Editor. liiiiJiI. LJLrj T T? Dtl fllLITI r : . ns3 ""Sim THEIR OWN -PRAISE." s l5ut It lias taken over 50 years to brine unuj; jtxi.w 10 11s present per Kl" mnTI -rooms, whose promoters hive no con- nf1?!1111 esMTe- th9 'sail them at almost any price and make It 8 'that way with Extract of Va jurofits. . . . n . , , nilia, there are two kinds one a-rum me raw material 10 tnennisnea : sfette. it requires six years to produce a SCielf Piano, bat it is a perfect instru- XJWVV JULKJ IUUIO KAMA KUCOD mushroom" Pianos, as it is sold direct trom factory. 'Phones 196 and 288. eV: piano wuaa lfX oucll Manuiacturer, lumwic, uiu. tariotte branch Wareroom, o. 113 jxonn xryon otreet, H W1LMQTH. Manager. JUUi l LUU119 I Dr. W H Lilly is quite BIck, ,'- " woo a. ui iiuo iipc. Bignaiecnuiswiiniever,neaaacne.auu appelitekept on graduaUy grow Twenty or thirty building lots beavy pains, muoons discriarges from in weaker day by day. Three - tir sale. Apply to J. Reed, Concord. Dress ess rehearsal tonight at the at-7 o'clock for exercises tomor- hill row night. Onion seta Buisfs reliable gar- ten seeds and flower bulbs at Fet- iter a drug store. mKftof 126 have already been sold for the -iu .rk't B uist' a Garden seeds are the 4 best CSew stock just received and for sale at Fetzar's dru Bt6re. The bowling alley in the Reid 'bailding is a fiing ot the past. The license recently, expired and no -more were taken out. m t j T , vl 4U Fetzar's Ext of Lemon, like the Fetzer s Vanilla is the finest ai- 7ays fresh and strong. Try it At Fetzer's drug store. Mr. Harry Miller, who is known by some of our people here, has ao cepted a position with Mr. S M ' Gskel. 1 The earliest and be3t varieties of cabbage are the Early E tamps and -the Early Market, Always buy fBaist's seeds at Fetzer's drug store, Mrs W F Troed-3n, of Greensboro, vho has been ppending several -creeks with Mrs. W R Odell, has re- turned home. ,.' Flower Seeds New stock at Fet- ter'a drug store. Our new premium offer with flower seeds will interest you. Ask for one of the slips, which will explain. ' At a public sale in front of the ;ourt house today (Monday) Mr. Wiley Lud wig bought a tract of vuey xjuwib .land, M0 :.. -toown as i the Holdbrooks land, sit- ated in No. 4 township. Hebid it offforSoo. FOR SALHJ.-Agooa nouseana lot within stone's throw of Odell lot, Wimiu pw w. .f houne with barn, . ... , -acre lot from street to street, with -.a"hnns on other i V -mh and drv ana fine fltreet. lilgn anu irJra" neighborhood V lr while hunting Mr. Barnes has visited Concord several timn he- fore. ' . Alvon Watson is the possessor of some Spanish cigarettes sent him by Mr. Quint Smith: Unlike ours the wrapper is of a dark; color in stead of white, h Oar friend, Mr. J Frank Fink. not only raises fat bog, but fat pig?. He killed one only seven months old the other day that weiged pounds. The little infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ad. Crowell, of No. 6 township, died Saturday night. The iuneral was conducted Sunday afternoon at S John's church. WANTED A neat and intelli gent young man, one acquainted with the business community of Concord preferred; Address The J Marcus Co., 12 S. Fourth St. Pnila., Pa. 1 -WV-r k; .' ! . You "-ember man who only knew two tunep: One was Cl01d Hundred" and the other IwannH. , . , , . , , , . . k,n(1 18 otier 8 and the other isn t. Fetzer gives you the sweet and deli- A A A " 11 J If cata arotoa of fiwell-cured Mexican Vanilla beans not "Bourbons" doo tored P with Touka, which gives the vile rank flavor that makes you Aiway use ine reizer Kina, ftnd J0U11 0Q happy. Ttie DeadljrcGrlp. ??ublAd L Jf11 ,??e you : i -r .i iiiL. ufi.i. i . ---6-;- J trill nrwn thn nftn fr PnAnmnnU And 1 ConsnmpHonandtaTiteaeath. Its sure the nose, sore throat and never-let-go conh-! ont wast prefiou! 6 treating inis couga wua trocnea, uuwta, or poor, cheap syrups. Cure it at once with Dr-' King'sJ New Discovery, the infallible remedy for bronchial iroublea. Its kills the disease germ, heals the lungs and prevents the dreadedlafter ef- fects from the malady. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Money back if not cured. A trial botUe free at P B Fetzer's Drug re mmer Slote tut. Mr. ! James Troutman'a little child, who has been sick for some time is improving, The condition of Mr. Will Bost's ohildren, who have been eick, is much better. j Mr. j Lawson Ritchie's little boy is very sick. It is thought that he has pneumonia. Mr. Joe Cruse has been confined t0 hu bed for 80me timel Heieim- p-oving again. j Little Miss, Mary" Barrier h&i re- covered from an attack of typhoid I - CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laiative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin has It. B Q. on each tablet. . K, wilI Pr0babiy Enter the Hospital, Some weeks ago a young lady, MieB Codie was brought here to the home of Mm Cobb, on West Cor- bin street. Liast weeK sne Decame very sick, having had a number of spasms. . After consultation she has been taken tp Charlotte, where an efifort will be made to get her in St. pAtprv, hnsnitaL Mr. Ed. DeCamn whb is remembered by quite a num- ber of Concord's people, who is now editor of the Gaffoey, 8. C, Ledger, came here Sunday night to B.e about moving the lady she being his sister-in-law. ' j ! i i AC11knBaatthe.iorri.iioa.e. accoQQt of tbe bad health of N . the Morris House-wiU Uinrnhfthlv Hoon change hands. ojJfK'"- J Ct . .7."'. Mr.JNeeiy nas no, uu . what position he will late, nut r . t ' ( , will Lot remainin ConcOra. I ... : . - -1.Arl Mr. Neely has been conducting fK Kn?nr of this hotel for about nine months." Mrs. Neely and cbil- ju ; f a Mnoresville to Tu way f - The Ba m reached me safely and the effect says the is- surprising. My son first application gave decided relief. Raapectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Dover, N. H. A 10c. trial piz or the 50c. 8.Z9 of Ely's Cream Biloa will be miited Kept by druggist".! Ely Broth ere 56 Warren St., N. Y. TBI 1 Iff EyiTH 0 May brin Grip or Pneumonia, either may mean but if you have a PENH MUTUAL, POLICY of LIFE INSURANCE it will ero a Ions: way towards settling up the estate and -leaving the family comfort-1 .able. DON'T take chances when the futufej3omfortof loyed ones may hang by a thread. DONT waste time, hit the spot at first and remember the best i !'." " , is none too good. Better seejwhat the PENN GUARANTEES and what Jthat guarantee is worth. J. F. 9 Agent. Bobbed the Grave A starling incident of which Mr. John, Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the Bubie'ct, is narrated as follows: " w ao iu a Luuob uicauiui uuuiuuu My skin I was almost yellow, eyes J r X '' "aa Wi nvfvfll:a 1 . hflfl rf ven me nn. For- tunately, a friend I advised trying EIectric Bitters and to my great j0y anJ surprise, i the first made a decided improveme bottle provement I continued their use for three weeks, AnA &m now a well man. I know thev saved mv life.1 and robbed the I other victim. No one ehould fail to try them Only 50 cents per bottle at P. B,Fetzery8 Drug Store- -ONE OF- The Main I Things in our business isjthe repairing .of Clocks and Watches, we do the work and guarantee It. MA C Correll Free Pills r Send your address to H. E. Buck- len & uo., unicagu, auu get ireo sample box of DrJKing's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effect- ive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For malaria and Liver troubles they have been: proved invaluable,! They are guar- anteed to be perfectly free from i-! be purely vep able They do not weaken by their ction but by giv- ing tone to the stomach and bowel greatly! invigorate ;the system. Reg, ir au9Jv, r,r box" Sold bvPB I . 1 - .. w Am fl - ne . flnd thro . . onb; I health. Urap, colds ana tnroat tr t a wd rairidw W nnnsnmntinn. ' I " . i . - " . bottle of One Minute Congh Onre used at the right time twill preserve life. health and a lareo amount oCnoney. -PlAasantto takar iMrAT-H1rft ft. T T Hurley I Gftsou. . j " A Mail That Shows His Agility, By Jailing through an old Chair doesn't appreciate the xercise. j Qar JJRJSTh TURE Was built to Stay, and OUr fine Forlor Bed- room and Lining Boom Furniture does not only Iodic handsome and first' l - t. class, but it is first-class in both material and work rnanship j ! We are offering Special inducements in prices in rugs- ::. . '. i - - We have an 1897 Craw ford wheeL nearly new, we Will sell for $16 cash. ' ; CRAVEN BROTH'S; - - " - - v- Furniture-Dealers AND Funeral Directors BaeKleu'i kjrnica saife. The Beat 8aive in tke world for Oats, Bruise Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all 8 tin Eruption, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give 8 UtiBf action or monev refunded. Pnce 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug store.' ' NOTICE, J Notice is hereby given that ap plication will be made to the Gen eral Assembly of North; Carolina, now in' session. -to amend the char- . j - . ter of the town of Concord and the Concord Graded school ; - J. L. Miller, Clerk, i i To the Board of Comn'rs of the ' fll. I Town of Concord. IHe Sore lAGrlppe Care. There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you ill only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through, your liver is ont of order, have no appe tite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electrio Bitters isthe only remedy that will give you prompt and sure act directly on your relief. They Livtr, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and; make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price re mnded. For sale at P B Feteer's drug store, only 50 cents; per bottle. Paur Perry ,of ColumbnsJ Ga., snfifeiv eo! agony for thirtyflyears, and the cured his Piles by usingJDeWitts Witcl Hazel Salve. It healsSnjuries and skin diseases like magic-J. P. Oiboo. Mr. S A Fackler, editor of- the Mica nopy, Flai, Hustler, with hisjwife and children, suffered terribly from La- oniv remedy that helped them. It acted quickiy. Thousands .of others I -L - ' .' . use this remedy as a. specino lor jj Grippe, and its exhaustinglaftsr effects. J. P. Gibson. -;- - i ' T j fleaHaehe stopped ln 20 minutes by Da llUes Pais Pnxs. Oxke cent a dose." In Effect Deo. 4, 1898. This condensed schedule is pub lhhed as Information, and is subject to change without notice to tt public:;:;. ! ... " Trains Leave Concord,, N. O 8:49 a. m. No. 37, daily, V ash ington and Southwestern Iied. ited for Atlanta, Birminehauu Memphis, ' Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points Sou tit and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper JNew Yort to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, lin " ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. 8;53 p. m. No. 7, daily, from Rich?. . mond, Washington, GoidsborQ, Selma, Raleigi. Greensbom Kuoxville and Aeheville! to ChHr otte, N. O. i 11:23 a. m. No. 11. drily, fcr At. anta and all points South. Solil . traiD. Richmond to Atlanr,p. 10:00 a. m. No. 36, t daily, far Whington, Richmond, Rale'h and all points Ncrsh. Carries Po I- -man drawingr7m bunet sie-pHt, NewOrleans to NewYork; Jacks ville to New York: j Pullaa i tourist cars from San j Frai c hco via New Orleans and Southern P ciflc Thursdays. 1 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily. Washing ton and 1 Southwestern hixx ited, . for Washineron' and all points North. Through Pullman racr. Memphis to New York; New Oriern to New York t Tampa to New YorW, Also carries vestibuled coa h an ! dining car. Close connection Greensbo-ro with sleeper for Nor4 7;09 p. m. No, 12, daily, fo. Rieli mond, Asheville, Chattancog- r Ral? jiffh, Norfolk, and all point North. : , ( . .. 5 52 a. m. No. 8, daily, for Rich mond ; connects at Greensboro tbr Raleigh and Golds boro; at Selma for Norfolk, at Danville i for WasD ington and points North, at Salis bury for , Ashville, Knox ville and' points West. ! First sections of - regular through or local freight trains carry pas pen gers only to points where they st6p , according to schedule. 4 Fbank S. Gannon, 3rd Vice Pres. 1 and Geul manager, f 1 Washington, D. O. John .M. Culp, W. A: Tuek, Traffic Mgr. : Oen'l Pass, At, -t j Washington, DO. 8. H.Hardwick, Aes't Geh'i P. A't s - v Atlanta, Qa W.;H.Tatloe, Ass't Gen'l P. Ag'W ! Louisville, Ky. Gowan Dusenbehv, Local Aer't, . ! Concord. N O. PATTEF Can suit of . . you on all kinds r GROCERIES. JUST RECEIVED Larsre lot of Sorghums, j Syrups and Molasses to go at very low ngnres. - i ' v - - j Oar stock of Tobacco Oil SL ipatnff arid Flour is leading the market. a - ' ' ' ' " . ; ' ' ' : il We carry a full line of Crockery, Tinware Wooden-Ware, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Leather, etc. We will buy your Cbtton, Corn, Oats, Eggs, retc, at best market prices, j j v Before trading see G. 1 Pa J ' An Eutcrprlslnff DrnKKiMi. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than P B Fetzer, who spares no pains to se cure the best of everything in hla line for his many customers. They now hae the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for coo umption, coughs and -colds. This is the wonderful remedy that i pro ducing such a furor all over trre country by its many startling earea. It absolutely cares Asthma, Brorr chitis, hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Ches t and Ln n gs. Call at above drug store and get a. trial bcitle free or a regular t'ze for, 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed . to care or price re funded j i La Grippe is asrain epidemic. Kvtv precaution should be taken to avoid it Its specific cure is One Minute Cough -. nnrt. .: A J Rhenherd. Pnblisher Acrti- 1 cultural Journnl and Advertiser, Elden I Mo., says; "No one will be disappoint- ' ed in using One Minute Uough uure lor La Grippe. Pleasant to take, quick ta actiW, P. Gitrson. I SON ftiwnn mm (Qpiy WW"

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