II : TTTl For THBdiscotn forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided., Winot Cantor relieves ex pectant moth era. It gives t etothegen i ,italorgans,and tints them, in condition to do their woyh , perfectly. That makes preg-. nancy less painful, shortens, 1 -labor and hastens recovery after chlldrbirth. It helps a woman ; bear strong healthy children. r . has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for , years. A few doses often brings ? I joy to loving Hearts tnat iong; for a darlinsr baby. No woman r should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out J often. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. f i.oo per bottle 'for wMoe la cases requiring epecW nooga, Team Crs. LOUISA BALK. of Jefferion, Ga., stytt When I first took Wins of Cardui va bad been married three years, but eould not have any -children. : Kki months later 1 had a fine girl bah;." ISSkiSimJtaBBJILaMininaBlMBBDill TAX NOTICE, i :o: The Town Taxes are now due, arid the books have been placed in iny hands with instructions to col lect. J. K. PATTERSOtf Town Tax Collector. Office in Dry & Miller's shoe store. tfc21 tf. TASTELES Mothers! II' rT? J V " .11 ft dlracttpiw, (iddreia, giving- symptoms, ftp LU1 Advisory Department. Tha ChatUAooea Modiclno Ox. Chatta .1 7iiiwc' Jim, . imX ' v . tt-'wAw "ii-r tifiLRj' J Vj u mm 1SJUSTASCOOD FORADULT3, WARRANTED. PRICE 50 etc i r GAtXTIA, lLtS.,NOT. 16, K33. Paris Medicine Co., 8 1. Louis, Mo. ' Gentlemen : We sold last ' year, 600 bottle of -GBOVB,8 TA8TELESS C II ILL. TONIO and haro bought three rtoss already this year. In all oar e perience of 14 years. In the drag business, have never sold an article that gave such unlTersal satis faction M your Tonic. Txours truly, Abset, Cabs & CO All dealers guarantee Groves Taste less Chill Tonic to cure chills, fever and malaria m all i ifa f ormp- COIL Plenty, call ' - on -C ' : K.L. GRAVEN It Will Surprise Too Try It. It is the medicine above all other for catarrh and is worth its weight in goia. July's uream Balm does, all that ia claimed for it. B W Sperry, Hartford, Conn. v Jfyson was afflicted with catarrh. He used Ely's Cream Balm and the disagreeable catarrh all left him. J C Olmstead, Areola, 111. - A 10c. trial size of the 50o size of Ely's Cream Balm will be mailed.' Kept by 1 druggists. Ely Brothere.!5S w arren ot., jn . i. 4 I lX),i?ea haJe Neuralgia. Get Dr. Miles Pain Pills from druggists. "One cent a dose or. The Bonds Case Before the Court. A4 . ;As pre viou sly fixed, the case where s in Mr. ;D 0 Bonds, administrator of Mrs. Jane Bonds, waa entered upuu by tjbe courj today (Monday . ) Tnis is the case where Mr, Bonds is sueing the Southern Railway Co. for the amount of $1,995 for the killing of Mrs . Bonds . f Attorneys Bason . of Charlotte, and P B Means, of Vins'p'ace, appear for the Bouth erri while Mr. Bonds has employed Mewrs. Montgomery and Oroweil as his counsellors i Conductor Ei. Pattereon,togtther with one of his crew, is here to gfre their testimony. Mr. Will Bason, a stpnoerapnerj and son of Attorney Geo. Bason, is taking the testimony in shorthand. Mrs. Wesley!Blacta.w!der Oead.f Death came and 'robbed the four. children of Mr. Wesley B!ackweldr of iis only living parent last Satur day!. Mrs. Blackwelder had only been sick about a week. She follows her husband, who preceded her to the grave six years. The funeral waa preached at Gilead Reformed church Sunday afternoon by R9V. Paul Barrio gr. ; . The Bazaar last week in Raleigh was a great buccps. It cleared over $1,500 for the L. O, B Branch Camp and will ad many a comfort to the dependent veterans. MANUFACTURING CO. UANUF&0TUESB8 07 Tte' "I! V .1 J2 UIO j Outing Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags. o DEALER IN GENERAL - MERCHANDISE. BUYERS OF and 4-fopt wood always wanted. Best prices for same, - r - We invite an mseo tion of aU the goods we manufacture. - - loncordN. o 1 i 1 1- am now prepared to f urnish'yon with A'nthricite -and Jell ico Coal . Be8t: of quality and we guarantee the price. Don't use wood when you can get coal at "such prices. At Store on West Depot Street ! Phone No, 68. : ? 23 Cm d ODELL sll fflctw Co. COAt GOAL Hired Webster for Week. Of course Webater was in demand by those who could ufford to pay for his services. A t Sharp Nantucket man is said to have got the better oi of tbe coBSfcita the great defender tioQ in He hd an amusing way, however. a small case which was to f . ; - : be tried! at Nantucket one week u June, and he posted to Webster's office in! great baste. " It waa a con test with neighbor over a matter of considerable local interest, and his pride as a litigant waa at stake. He told Webster tbe particulars and asked what fie would cha ge to cons duct the case. ' j "Why," said Webster, "you can't afford to hire me. I should have to stay down there the whole week, and my fee wouid be more than the whole case is wor h. 1 1 couldn't go down there for less than $1,000 1 could try every case on the docket as well 88 one, and it., wouldn't-'cost any more, for one case would take my time for ths entire week-any- way All" right, Mr. Web'3ter,"quickly; responded the Nantuoketer. Here's joor $1,000. You conie dovvn, and Pll fix it so you can try every case.'jj Webster waa so amused over this proposition that he kept his word.! He spent the entire v;eek in Nan tncketand appeared on one side or the other in every case that cam3 np for hearing. The shrewd Nantnck- (' . . i ' i e'er nirea Daniel out to all bis friends who were in litigation and received in return about $1,500, so. that he got Webster's services for nothing and made a good profit to boot. Boston Herald. a Drunken noidier's Foiiy. j William J Jackson, a private of Company M, Two Hundred and First New York' regiment, in camp kt Greenville, S C, got on a first- class spree last Thursday night and while in his weaving-way hooked up to a Negro girl, Mattie Earle,ad got married. When he f recoveredTnf disgraced himself and violated the law, he tried to; get a divorce. He uuuiu nut gei bars have bim. could not get that, but the prison The late Williarn B Smallridcre, of Glenville WJ Va,S a Veteran Of . ni " ; j t ma.- i the Civil war, carrieda bullet in his heart for thirtv-KfiVfinX vparfl. Mia , , - J . . , V death, was not due to the presence of the bullet; and in factxhe never . , ' . . , . suffered any inconvenience from it. Before his- death he asked a ;physi- cian, in the ,. interest of science, to make an autopsy in order to. find the bulleC The" phVsician dik so, and found it imbedded in the heart. Anderson Intelligencer. - "And were you nomesicK in . rorto Kico, my r SO sonr' asKed tne nus - r. l i r i j: 'No, father, I was not. As soon as I heard the island had been an- nexed to the United i States.. I felt as it were already a suburb of Chi cago." -Yon kers Statesman. A Local Disease, fATADDU Aciimatic--i liAIAKKn Anecuon. Nothtnar but a local remedy or change of climate will cure tu ! ' Get a well known specific, ELY'S CREAM BALK r f t n quickly absorbed Gives relief at once, i Opens and cleanses the Nasal passages Allays inflammation. r n COLD HEAD ' Heals and protects theimembrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. No cocaine, no mercury, no injurious drug. Full size 50c; Trial size loc, at Druggists or by mail. - t , ELY, BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street," New York. NO CURE, NO PAY. . That is the way all druggists sell ,Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and) Malaria. It is , simply Iron . and (inine in a tasteless form. Children love it.. Adults prefer it to bitter, nau- eatmafromcs. i Price, 50c.. ; luulliniliiwmnllllHIHlljM JJtj- - iiJlL-LJnf slrMating tilcrftay ting ft.ftr?for"ffi- fcfnsnjilhsf Optumlorptdiss cor IjtecjL KOTNiBOOTIO JbtStnnm n ! Vorms,CormilsionsJiJ ness andXosa OP ojuinn i TOW YUHii EXACT COPT' - - f Offer Hhe business public' a' re liable.permanerit, conservative and ftccomodatiijgr-' banfeme: institution' i We solicit; youri business with thf . assurance .oi, npnoraoie : treatment dLeappreoiation of your pat. 1 If we can servo yon' at any time " shd to have you. coin LIBERAL ? ACCOMMODATIONS s A iTO. CUSTOMERS:. ; . , Gapital ancLSuItlus$70 000 ?LTTB'Caahier'i Fit EMHy,QuIckIyj Permanently Restored &a a pMCTIp flCdinfli: u limUllbllU ipkl.lMlllIp writu antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, h nervous ueoiuiy, uni viuukt, aeminai josses. SsSSffiSSB 0ver4nce- II II It I I i III m nl I ttrlv For quick, positive and lastingresults In Sexual Weakness, Impoteticv, Nervous Dffbilitv-and Lost -itaiity. use yellow label SPECiAL-doubi f ,trength-wiii give strenitnanotone tot very part and etfect a permanent cure, vneapest and best ioopuis; by man. : . . -. , REr1160" fe" Japanese Liv Pellets will be given with a $i box or more of Max neti' Nervine, free. Sold only bar , Vi , , . . , , i M L Marsh & Co Agents, Con cord, N. C. s u j ' Suffering humanity .should be supplied- with ever? means possible for its rehef.-lt asi with -pleasure vita nnkliak tVin nllnntin UTLI to certifv that I was a tArrihlp onf. I jl . vn i T-. ferer from Yellow Jaundice for -V "J"t'"-uu "..f? "iX H our ty and to no ayad.Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and, after taking two bottles I was entirely cured! I now take great pleasure in recommending them to anyperson j suffering from this terrible malady. I am grate fully yours, M. A. Hogartv, Lex 'ngton, Ky" Sold by P B Fetzer's To insure a happy new year, keep the hyer clear and the body vigorous by using De Witt's Little Early Bisers, the famous little' pills for; constipation and X 1-1 T - ytllX The smallest things may exert the greatest iTiflneJe-JWUts .Little Early. Risers are, .unequalled;, f or pver coming constipation and liver troubles. Small pill, .best ili, safe pilL-j7p. Gibson. c- ''':' -i v-K: Coughing . injures and inflames sore lungs. One Minute CousrhCnra the cold, allavs couffhin??' mri l,Qia quickly, ' The best cough cure for chil dren, J. P. Gibson. ! ..That Tjfmw - Ttnfts . vn 'Imljm . a SKI . Miles' NEaVBWASTEE?' ofj1"' mm MM For Infants and Children, the Kind Yoi! Have Always Bought Bears the Always BoughR You Have M II ilUuiill TMC OCNTAUR COMPANY. NKW YORK CITY.; Jtlllliout Uiven Awj. ; It is certainly gratifying to the public to - know of t one concern in the lanji who are not afraid to ha generous to the- needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of thia great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all;; diseases of the Threat Qhest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at P. B.. Fetzer's driig store and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. ! STATE OF OHIO. City op Toledo, ( ! Lucas County, f 8 Frank J. Cheney makes oath the he is the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing: business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred TV-1. m ' t . I , . sonars ior eacn ana every case of vatarrninat cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ; J 'C K Frank J Cheney. . Sworn to before me and subneribn ed in my presence, t the 6th day of iecemner, AhIA 1886. (-) :t Notary Public. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken inh ternaily and acts directly on the blood and mucous surf ces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J, CHENEY & CO,,: TolfiHn, O. oia Dy arugist8, 75c, , - 1 1 i i . . ;".T WANTED To v.; buy I; 100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scrap, de livered at the foundry at once, for which we will pay: a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. 1 aiGtf, Concord Foundry Co. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns Tand Skin Diseases.; These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by De Witts Witch Hazel Salyel Be ware of worthless imitations. J. Gibson. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR CHILLS i and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. Never fails, to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? " Price f 50 cents. Your i mney back if it fails to cure. Jf O ?i D E R F U L art? tne, cures Hnrirl,ft'i4,..onainfa'- n-nA Trot fWov Saisaparilla, and yet they are simple and natural . ' Hood's Sai-sa oril!a umkos p?J R S & LOO D . ; P.

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