j. . i m ...... j il ... . - .11 . , . . . Arrival r Trains, T The folio whig q Weo echedula to.k ! w , " I- " " NORXHfiOJJKD. No. 8 'arrives at4fi K ; m t p m; flasr) 4 36 12 5: 38 f it 5 ! SOUTHBOUND. V B EST PRESCRIPTION FOR TZ- CHILLS Hani fever fa bottle of Grovels Taster lesa3hilliTonic. Never fails. to enre: :Nd. 87 arrives at 8T49"a m,Yflae) 44 11 V "1123m; 7 - 85 - 61 4 8.53 d in, " ' 9.20 pm, (flat:) No. 35. when running ahead 6f No.' 7. is flagged if necessary for through travel eouth of Charlotte, "and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. . No. 36 stops regularly for passengers for Salisbury, High Point;1 'Greensboro, Reidsville, Danyille and principal stations between Danyille and Washington. No. 87 stops for ? pas-i sengers coming from Lynchburg or points beyond, and to take on pas sengers lor regular stopping places the: father; of onrfbasiness nan here Ahen.jwby experiment with worthless nfthU "tL-ai Af' f'i 'iimitationfl? Price 50 cents. Your ColtraSe oefifr! ' "v Actm. and trusted person to work :!: s!'r'r.t- s;.A .-.b - , r r. I for ns in resident sap. tinn lihftral tWeWV.?fnteP ealari guaranteed ; good chance for BTODMonjtorjhe motsen.i. advament; no capital! required, ble doge,we hfcveyereen. HSxam For fall information address Shepp dft almost eyery thing; except talk, Comriany, 1031-1033 OheBtnut St., and he even J tnerhatf He goes to pbuadelphia; Pa. . 1 f23. the poatoffice every day for bis mas- ! ! ' ' i . ter'a mail. He knows," as well as The smallest: things may exert the any person, Which, train carries the S1?' tofl?6nce- De ; Witt's l.Little mail, aadT when it paWes'he gatherB Eersare uneqaalled for over- his pouch and starts for the-cffice. Small! trill, w 'riiii f n t p - While rinre In Life Ttaere M E Hope. i I "was afflicted with catarrh: could neither, taste or smell and coulo heaV6utiitifef- Efy CrMm -Balm curetf it.-ifarct2s G SliautiRafi-? way. N'. J; Tub .Balm reached me safrl y -and the fltrct is suroritiins?- Mvon eays the 7firj?t; Application t gave dcidpct relief Rispectfufly, Mrs. Franklin Freeman,' Dover . Hi " A 10d trial mzs or the 50c. size of Ely's cVeam'Bdltn will" be mild. Kept by drugistp. Ely Broth ere 56 Warren St., N; Y. In effect January . 17,"! 1899. south of Newella. No. 8 stops to let BydV the Pmaster, knows Gibson. off pttSsenKers from regular storming .places south of Newells and to take on passengers for regular stoppisf? 5 places,1 Lynchburg or bevond -s i -Nos. 7, 8, 11 and 1 are the local trains and connect at Salisbury with trains of W- N. C' Division. ! 1 'Wade Barrier-," City Editor. bii mission and always waits upon him as foou as the mail is distnl-l uted. We were present a week or two ago when, Frolic, -(that is -'V ' ' -i- I .1 .. . .. name of the dog) came ia with mail. Twenty or thirty b i ci )g tor salt-. ri4 the the lot8 Apply to J. Reed. Concord. ' FOR 6 ALE A good buggy very cheap. Call on dw if. E F Rolf. T Horrible agony is caused byFilecf i, This J6riden8ed achedu f is pu i flshrd as information, and . is subjJt tot oharige without notice5' to iii publio: f v Trains Leave Concord, N; O .8:49 A, M,-No. 37, daily. .Wasb inrton and Southwestern Jun itrid for Atlanta, ; Birminghjln Mfemphis, Montgomery, Mobile &uu ,Nw Orleans, and all points -Sou tn arid Southwest. Throuerh Fullnan sleeper New Yoris to New Orlenis and, New York to Memphis. lAiV' inprcar, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta 8:53 p. m. No. 7, daily, fromRicb Buris and ISkin Diseases. These are LmRnd; Wfsliineton, Goidsborn, immediately reUeved andlqutekly cured and Isicv,! to,. by De Witt's Witch Hazel Sal ye. Be- otts N O 9 9 amount of meney." TELEPHONE NO. 71. I STIEFF PIANOS "SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." Southern production, made by ?.rSAIS(T . 'yX'kl&XTlWp da pod Southern men. The ideal piano for. SbroVet Tuesday occur on ihk jsame Coughing injures and inflames sore lunga! One Minute Cough Cure loosens iliA nrM. n.1 lavs onncrhincr qnrl VipaIq -r He as far more regular in attend- QUIck&. The best oough cure for chil- ance upon' this duty than many drn,-pJ. P. Gibson. boys would be .and he never grum- -r. Ji t 7; . - - B i Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suffer- bles at the; ttBk. , Mr. Day vault ed . agony iot thirty years, and the would not part with the dog for any cured! his Piles by using DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic -J. P. Gibson. "i it n mt" im t Great Mincls ft ula Together k Home- times One Is a Day Abead. In artist and -beginner. Comparison will day this vear next Tuesday and you feel it convince you it has no superior in tone, lent' beVinr tne following, Wednes- 1 W action and workmanship: no eauaMn PRICE, for you save the retail agents profit. 'Phones 196 and 288. Fine tuning. the Neck; dUnc 7VT C;ff Piano MMi&. fx. ouwn, Manulacturer, Baltimore, Md. Charlotte Branch Wareroom, No. 113 North Tryon Street, C H WILMOTH, Manager. Is where when your collars are sent the Laundry with a "saw- When this happens to you. da y. the 15tliL This taa ia the anni- LvoU say. toTOurself, 'Tm tired ot this. ' ' ViX ilil V"?-'- 't' tl'l Believe I'll make a change. I'll try vereary oi iub uiumug up ui iuo anothe place." Maine. Just one week later we You ; wkfclike the way we ''do up" celebrate the birthday of America'. Co LS idol, George Washington. Durham We are caief ul of your linen handle Sun of 9th I It "gently, use machinery that won't jjet ; your Laundry come we're always ready our wagon will call. It will x be .returned to you the - day ware of worthless Gibson. - imitations. P. N otabxjs Days. ; Tuesday Saint Valentine's day and Shrove I Poised; too occur on tne same day cleaned Short Locals. and keep your clothes pressed for a i dollar a FOR SALE Good clean, baled lhay. C Ft.Walter. , fll. rgjManager Coltrane has put up h this year next Tuesday and lent mmti if you j6in the Concord Laundry begins the day following, Wedges- QTQ botXiRED PBEE. day the 15th. This too is the an- CONCdRT) 6ieamL,AU N D RY niversary of the plowing up.of the Maine. Just one .week later we - . i t - ... i s celebrate the birtyday of America's I "Long Distance Telepone" sign at idol, George ,, Washington, Salis- the central office. Nice assortment of Valentines at -i. 'v.-r . AND ! DYE WORKS. 'Phone 3. bury Sun of the 9th. flS. I i Baint This too is the The Racket. Mies Lelia King has returned here after spending several weeks in Mecklenburg county, t , Misa Bessie Sims returned home irom Harrisburg Friday night, "aftet visiting at Mr. Mack Stafford's. ' Rain or enow tonight and San -day, the weather Dureau gives usto- day. Notso cold Sunday, it also dftrd q 8fc says. FOR SALE A young Jersey milch cow, and calf iJ weeks b Call at Lippard & Barriers store fl4 and the Taientino'a, day, Shrove, j Tuesday s, occur bivj same day thiajernextCpiea day and lent begins the j day following; 'Wednescia'y the 15th. ii ! ! Ji ' 113 a. m. No. 11, dily, for At anta and all points South. Solitl . train, I Richmond to Atlanta. 10:00 a. m No. 36. daily. fo- ,Whington, Richmond, Raleieh I 1 . 11 - l -..T . i rt t TV anu an pomis iHO' cn. carries Jf Mil man drawmgrc m bpfr'et slei3per V NewOrleans to NewYork; JacksotU ville to New York: Pullniaa tourist cars from San Frai c?sod via New Orleans and Southern . cific Thursdays. - J8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing--, ton and Southwestern lini ited, for Washington andail points North. Through Pullman ca Memphis to New York: New OrlerWa to New York; Tampa to New Yor' AJso carries vestibuled coach anv dining carr Close -connection"" ;Greensboro with sleeper for.Nori ! 7;0 p. m. -JNo. 12, daily, forRicn i mond, Ashe ville, Chattanooga, Raff iighr Norfolk, and all pomtw North: . 1 . 1 5-52 a. m. No. 8, daily, for Rich 4iond v connects at Greensboro for Raleish and Goldsboro: at Selmf& . Attracted the attention for .Norfolk, at Danville for Wash of those buyers that ap- WPf ymS w t I Hkit9; frr .: vl ohn I ie . Knnriri 1a , a Yuri : precxate high quality LbintsWeafc. - with! lowne8S in price. S First sections of regular through We are coint? to make or local freight trains carry paseen . special inducements tofti " make February crawl Ebank S. Gaxno; 3rd Vice Pres. OUR JANUARY I ' ! 1 SALE OF j FURftlTUR up a notch: hiecher; COME TO Sfifi OS, J m 9 m m lou can ouv irom us " without much embarn ment to your purse. i SOME BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS I IN HARDWARE GOODS AT. tt ! anniversary 01 RITCHIE HARDWARE the blowing np ol, the - Uaia f"" 0. . .. i,. .("..r.,,, - , I BtJUiulNO MATERIAL Sashes, uauun .nps.iirai wo;jvoioy Lioora, ijlinaa ana "aiDt3, Juua ana var the birthday of America's idol, nishea. An elegant line of COOK. STOVES- ' the celebrated SPAGH. hand, made' 1 WAGON. Nice line, of Tin and Enamel Ware. Don't fail to see us be fore painting: your house, as we naye a paiiit.that can be excelled. , u mere is ire X.mGrlpp Cr. no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will wit only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through, yoor Mr. Wm. Boat and family, who liver i odt of otder, have no arpe lived on 8outh Main street oppo- tite, no llfe or ambition, have a bad . u tt ffJtt otjoLttV hfivA cold, in fact are completely used up. ite Mrs. Hattie Winecoff a have Bleb'tric'.Bittef8 is" the ' only remedy moved to a farm eome miles below th t wni v,?ve vou nrornbt and sure here. relief. They act directly on your m, -ii w tWo tivw, Stomach and Kidneys, tone There will be no services at the , whole 8ygteanQ m&6 yon Episcopal church tomorrow as Kev. feel like a new being. They are J C Davis is in Lexington. There guaranteed to cure or price re,r willl be Sunday school in the after- mnded. For ' salet. r f etzers noon only. . Ri dtiig siore.! only 50 cents per bottle BOARDERS WANTED Apply : rhep'utbpprt. Standard speaks to Mrs. S L Carroll on Spring street, glowingly of the pecan as a! pro-1 near graded school. Special rates fitab)e will be given. ; , . J25 We are sorry to know that Mr. Fred Nesbit, one of our dounty vcommiesioners, has been in bed for several days, suffering from , a hurt of his back. . Besides, the usual amount buildinz that is going on, another 'building boom is seen in the disrf nut-bear.ihg .tree in the It is claimed that one acre ' set in pecan trees is wor South. on a JlllU Co. Kext to the Racket Store. . -ONE OF- The Main Tbin& in oui busine88 is the repairins of Clocks and Watches, we do the work and guarantee ft. ;$200.:- in trn fin 1 Gorrell of putt the stance. The contractors are in their bids. . . .. We are requested to state that ladies' Aid Society of St. James Lutheran church will mP8t on next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock: in C, TheiJewelerJ BED ROOM and Qen'l maaasrer, Washington, D. C. John M. Gulp, W. A. Tuak, ! Traffic , Mlgr. Geafl Pass. Ag ! I Washington, D S. H.Habdwick. Ass'fc Gen'l P; Asi Atlantai ,iia W.;H. Tayloe, Ass-t Gen'i P; Ag- jjouisvinei iX3 ! Gowah DuSENBEar, Local Ag'tr ; f UoncorcL N. GL , FUBMTFrjaB, A tiaw lirift nf TRTTlSrKft for your insriecH?6n ;r A 4- -L X "DA TT RS0N fewjHAuL LAMPS left, only one dollar and fifty cents. Can suit you on all kinds "groceries. : JUST BECEIVED-- Large lot - of Sorghums, Syrups Molasses to go at very low ngures, and- GRAVEN BROS. "w. '- ! ,s' rti --t.,.- - U ' : DNDERTRKING ! . I Our stock of Tobacco, UU bhipstunr JyJttrAKTMliJN 1 . Flour 18 leading the market. Wfl have armoriem nnto-'U We carry a full line of Crockery, daterieM departmeht,: l Goods- pert, embalming. done. : Pine j . , VT:" irinerai car iree, rrompi; ser., EggSj et0 at best market; prices. vices given uay or uigut, GRAVEN BR0T-I Before trading see G. 1. P a uiuiiiuvy z We are Manufacturing : arid carry iiistocfc full line of Mantles,Newals BracketSiDoors, Sashesj Blinds, Gables, Ornaments, Flooring, Sidiripjetc. M. L. Brown & BRo. 1 lVERY, FEED AND SALE ' STABLES Just Jn reaxQtSt. Cloud Hotel. pn nibuses meet Tall paseenger trains Outfits; pf all kinds : furnished promptly; and" at reasonable prices. i TTOTiittA XLLLtL f.k positive trtire; I tlOrses and muita; iwayH ,uuu 4u Avtfj Into the nortrDa. It la qnlcklj absorbed. 80 0t sale. Breeders Of thorough Dr 5 ycSSS: J Poland China Hos. - Also dealers and Sewer; r vWJ:;v;..-ji(f;--' I s inaii Rinds of Lumber, Lime, Cement, P aster iiafr ' Give us a call orjeave your order with Yorke.IiwoH & Co i, I and' they will receive prompt attention. CONCORD LUMBER COMPANY !- 'ihe lecture room. ma i v ,