t A MI For Mothers! THB discom forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided., ,WineofCardui relieves ex pectant moth ers. It gives t etothegen italorgans,and tuts them in Ifpp I) condition to do theii iworh perfectly. That makes preg-j 'nancy less painful, shortens! labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a wotnai bear strong healthy children.) has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren fori years. A few doses often brings; joy to loving hearts that long , for a darliner babv. No woman- should neglect to try it for this! trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Caraui. ' Ji.vso per Dottle. - For advice In casss requ'rfngr directions, aadress, giving- symptoms.? the "Ladias Advisory 'Departm8nt.'Y Tha Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chatta-, nooga, .1 enn. T TTTO Dlfl of Jeffferson, Ga. saysi Whn I first took Wlna of Car da I we had been married three years, but; could net have any children. ! Nme conthB later I had a fine girl bahy.' TAUT EL , IS JUSTASCOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50cts. Galitia, ills., Nov. 16, 1S93. Jaris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. ( i Genllemen: We sold last year, 600 bottles of GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and hay bought three gross already this year. In all our ex. perience of 14 years, !n the drug business, hare never sold an article that gave such universal satis SacUon as your Tonic Yours truly, 1 ABXSX't CASS & GO Afi dealers guarantee Groves Taste less Chill Tonio to cure chills; fever and malaria in all j its form? iiei EttHy,Quick!y, Permanently Restored ftGIIETIC fjERVIME antee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dizziness, Hysteria. Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality. Seminal Losses Failing Memory the result of Over-work. Worry Sickness, Errors of Youth or Over-indulgence! Price 60c. and $1 ; 6 boxes $5. f M T For quick, positive and lasting results In Sexual Weakness, Impotencv, Nervous Debility and Lost Vitality, use YELLOW LABEL SPECIAL-double Jtrength will give strength and tone 10 every part and effect a permanent cure. Cheapest and best. 100 Pills $2; by mail. , FREA bottle of the famous Japanese Lhret Pellets will be given with a f 1 box or more of M Detk Nervine, free. Sold only by i j 1 h, M L Marsh & Co., Agents! Con cord, N. C. "'."! '. COAL Gall K. L. CRAVEN. TAX NOTICE. - :o: The Town Taxes are now due, and the books have been placed in my nanas with., instructions to col lect. v J. K. Patterson Town Tax HnlWn Office in Dry & Miller's ' ehoe etorl V 1 wmmm wArS Fat C4te5s Plenty. on h 1 A Narrow Escape.' Thankful word? written by Mrs Ada E Hart, of Grotod S. DjuWa8 taken with-a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set! in and final ly terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me tip, saying I could live bu a short time. I gave mynelf up to my Savior determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. jMy husband was ad vised to get Dr.'.King's New D.iecov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I crave it a trial, tookiin all 3 ,T I I It has cured me, and am saved and now a thank God I well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free ai P B Fjetzers drug Store. Regular size 50 j. and $1. Guaranteed or price refunded - i ! .! .j j "Give me a lryer regulator and. I can regulate tte world," said a! genius! The I druggist handed him a -bott'e pf De- Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. J P Gibson. Ask Your DRUGGIST I for a generous 10 Cent j TRIAL SIZE. ELY'S CREAM BALM contains no cocaine, mercury nor any other injurious drug. I ' It is quickly absorbed. Gives relief at once, It opens and cleanses the JNasai rassages Allays Innamatioh. COLD 'N HEAD Heals and protects the membrane, restores the senses of taste and smell. Full size 50c, trial size ioc, at druggists or by mail. j j ELY BROTHERS, 156 Warren Street. New York. OBEIiL MANUFACTURINQ ' ... 1 mANXJF iCTUREE S OT I i Fine Ginghams, Outing Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting . and Salt Bags. I It. 0 DEALER IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. BUYERS OF' COUNTRY PRODUCE OP ALL KIND and 4-foot wood , always wanted. Best prices for same, - - - - We invite an mseo tion ofall the goods we manufacture. - ioncord N. GREAT SALES prove Tjiegren ment of Hood's SarsaparUla. Hood'B Sarsaparilla sells because icoomiilisbep o c A T C U R E a gppoay need Lave Neuralgia, IMODoa-7 need have TTTn.l .Ha. ci.Ty Mti I Pain Pills ftoadrusglsta Oneees adorn?- a ATA D DL! I k Bk I ; M Ha 11 I I ! 1 ' ! ' I. t i ! Ml CO. 4.1 ill fattiug Go. :.: -. - - , ; .. ' M n - , ' ' ' " . ' -J- .v: ... . '! : . ' .;.' : ' , '. I " " ' : j i ; ' " " ' ' - . - -" " - I - - ' - " - - . t . - . Tlio Bvll rowlnsr Xess. .1 " - , I II II . - - - -MM The following from tbe New York Sun bears us out in 'put observations t - on the qaestioo, says ViUtoV: j 4As men have come the'Lnthern o look on the whole question of aicholic drinking more rationally they have becomo more temperate. Drunkenness baa decreased proportionately. . At put-, he and private (iinnera the cou sumption of wine ifl yery much less than it used to bej and.even in tbe salooDS themselves the:tendency to excessive indnlgeDne fhows a marked decres. People are learning from scientific investigation that the craving for drink- once acquired, leads to a nervous disease very diflfl cult to care, and of destructive con sequences morally and intellectually. The growth of the drinking habit in a mania regarded aaxioualy both by hia friends and himselt. Tne exhibition ? of intoxication, oi ce viewed toleiantly, is now accounted disgraceful, or pitied, as indicative of a deplorable disease. Modern l.ffl rfnnires eobrietv in all workers more and more. Sweet Oil forltheiToilet. Did yon ever suffer torment from a shoe tight in one spot ? Here ia a remedy for it. Apply sweet oil to the stockings where the rub comes. It is better than applying it & the boot, because it softens jthe inside of the boot, where it is needed, instead of the outside. j Ssyeefcoil is an excellent household companion. It heals borne and braises. Used in the form of baths it feeds the skin, prevents Colds and gives flexibility to the muscles. " Delicate people derivei tbe greatest benefit from being robbed with olive oil aLd for fragile child ren it ia invaluable especially where there is any I tendency to weakness of the chest. A soft corn can be enred by placs ing a tuft of cotton, saturated with olive oil, r between the toes and re newing it every day! The corn will yery soon disappear. When the hair is dry and brittle and easily breaks off when brushed, a little olive oil well robbed into the scalp every night will give nutri ment to tbe hair glands and strength en and increase the growth. Ex. Some Store Good Farmlncr. . One John Robinson says in tbe News and Observer that with one old mule he raised, last year, 15 bales of cotton on 17 acres of land and 500 bushels of corn on between 10 and 12 acfes of land. We would not be surprised if this needs verifU cation in the minds of some. It looks a little large. It is right en couraging farming if stated. i accurately Want to Raise $7,000,000 more. A plan by the Ouban oflSoials now is to get the sanction ot the United States for floating $7,000,000 worth of bonds to be added to the $3,000, 000 offered by the United States with which to pay off the Cuban soldiers and help them to start off in civil life. I j v To Pay tne 20,000,000. ! The House Committee of Cons gress has reported favorably the bill to pay the $20,000,000 to Spain agreed upon in the treaty j For Over FUty Tears Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrap has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfeot suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for" Diarrhoea, It will relieye the poor little sufferer immediately. Bold by drnggiats in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye sents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mm. winpl - . - . w..r xn DJrnPf aa take no Other kind IV l ii The Wind Ton. Have Always Bonglit, and which has been lu So for o-cTsO years, has homo tho signature of In use ior over bccn mado under his per- 7r Sfs--' sonal supervision sinco its infaivcy. QtaSyffiutCAiK Allow no ono to deceive you iu tins. Alll Counterfeits, ImltotioAs and Sabsttiutes.? periments that trifle wlt and endr .f iifknts and CbUdren-Expcrienco against Experiment. Wh at is Casta isa Hor S- arid Sootning' Hyrups. xh f """ : - . . coritais neiOier Opium, korphlno nor other Narcotie Sanee. Its age is its guarantee. It f and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoe a, and Wind, Colic. It reUeres Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving! healthy-and natural sleep. Tub Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUBNE CASFORl A ALWAYS Bears tne .The Kind You Have Always Bought . In Use For THE CENTAUR COMMNV, TT The: Snre IiaGrJppe Care. ' There is no use suffering from this dreadful malady, if you wil only getJibe right remedy. You are havitfg pain all through, your liver is oiit of order, have no appe tite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely! used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy inat wui give you prompi ana sur relief. Tpey act directly on you Livr, Stotnach and Kidneys, ton up the whole system aud make yo feel like a! new being. They ar guaranteed to cure or price r iunded. For sale at P B Fetzer' drug store only 50 cents per bottle - As the season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, ooughsj eolds .catarrh, bronchitis and lnn troubles are to be guarded against nothing "is a fine substitute, " -will "anRwer tlie purpose," or is "just &s good" as On Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronohial troubles. In sist vigorously upon having it if "somej thing else" is ofifered yon.J P Gibson. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially Piles, DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best Lookout for dis honest people who try to imitate dan counterfeit ft. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvel J P Gibson. J Sheer, Sedella, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that hia Kttle daughter was very low with croup, and her life! saved after all physicians had failed, only by using One Mtnute uougn JureJ P Gibson. , For a anip.lr TavnaAxr anY 41 . -uuvs uuo tuab is perfectlyj safe for children let us recommend .One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness. ncKung in tne tnroat and cooghs.-J P VlDBOn 4. Bednced Railroad Bates. On account of meeting State CouLcil Jr.fO. n.iA. M. Aeheville, 22-24, the Southern will Bell round trip tickets to Ashe ville, N. 04 and return at rate of $7.00 f or 1 round trip, continuous passage in oth directions. Tickets on sale Feb! 19s22; final limit Feb. 27th. On account of Eastern Carolina Bt yyster, uame and Industrial Fair, New Bern, N.p., Feb. 2025, tne bonthern will ooli tickets to New Bern, N, O., and re. ab iniH ui one nrst class fare for round trip, plus 60 oente for one on m i Qoi An 4m -i . i m xuir grounaa. Tickets "184; final limit Feb. 28th, A i - . . Signature oi Over 30 Years. I .! ' MUHWY THCET. HEW TOBK CITY. Offer the business public a re liable,perminent, conservative and accomodating banking institution 1 We solicit your business with the assurance; of honorable treatment nd due appreciation of your patt ronage. i If we can serve you at any time I b glad to have youL3 coin& and see un. 'I LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Capita! and Sulplus$70 000 I D. B. COLTRANE, Cashier, I J. M OPELL. PrPfl. STATE OF OHIO. City of Toledo, RH Lucas County, f 8 Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai he is the Benior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of JJall'8 Catarrh Cure- Franz J Cheney. . Sworn to before me and subnerib edin my presence, the 6th day of December, A.jD. 1886. A. W.GLEASON, Hail's Ciitflrrh flnr ia talran itil - -WMAV AW VUttvM Ut ' ternally and acts directly on tho blood and muoou3 surf ces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free. F.J, CHENEY & CO., ,i , a . Toledo. O. omby druereriRt.q, 75o. CQALl COAL i am now prepared to furnish you with Anthricite and Jellico Coal. Best of quality and we guarantee the price. Don't use wood when you can get coal at such prices. A. C. Blackwelder. At Store on; West Depot Street. v.. . Phone No. 68. 823 6m d Not one cnild dies where ten formerly died from croup. ; People have learned the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for Bevere lung and throat, troubles. It immediately stops cough ingIt never fails.-J P Gibson. If youiave weak lungs, pain in the. chest, difficult breathing, croup or ' hoarseness, let ua suggest One Minute Coign Cure. AU xrjn Tvct ta1 . - - xouauiH ana sale. J p Gibson. YV AN TJG D Ta u irnrwv tZ a um, caswron scrap, de hvered at the foundry at once, for Jvnich we will pay a fair price. No, burnt iron wanted altf, CoNconn seal, I