5EE2 TflMDflKD JOHN D. BARRIER & SON, Editors aiid Proprietors, day (Suuday excepted) aiid delivered by Oi-;i year . . fiis: moinhtt .$4.00 : .2 00 . 1.00 . .35 j . .05j ; m T&raw months.. . J. J One mouth !. .! TTI WEEKLY STANDARD is a t! Tf hasi our-puge, a in t,r,c2 tuv.alttUoii m Gabarru than any. er p.iper. Price $1,06 per annum in TW-r-s for renl ir adyerjisementsl made known on application I -' Audrey all commuLiiotttions to : THE STANDARD, , Concord. N. C. ' CO XGUK D, n. O., FE, j?2 !, 1899. AttOG THE PEUAGCiolJICH. The Standard man the tri pod Tup sdaiy slid oft i . evening and wenrHdyhisj way graded school builcli to the ing to mingle with therqnp of ped- agogues there Tins is always a pleasant place for liim to be with bothars open and the mouth well closed!. It was his pleasn Miss Yeudas and speak, in rather tdmeet hear Nher informal war, to tne teacae i i impart ing Bomt) wise lessons' well as conveying t libs 3 benefits that come communion with one well acquainted with the paths so beset with btumb- -lihg stones. The one haci point brought out by Miss jYendes, which it were well for j. ! , ) ' teacher m the counter jto every hear, wan that -the way to get a bet. ter rnlary (which most teach ers should h-ive) is to put the whole powers which) one possesses into the wpfCat any price accepted as wages. The teacher who measures the work by the vagesjr6ciived is probably fully paid cr j even overpaid. But the teacher whose soul is , in the work can't be dispensed with and employers will, not jreadily lose such services on account of a few dollars in salary. This occasion was intended chiefly as an opportunity to become acquainted and the time spent was more social than formal; but ! Miss Yendes has consented to lee tuit to the teachers, knd an many as will come to -graded school building o'clock this evening, and day evening. 1 I the at ,4 Fri- The subject for this evening ia "How to Control Sleep," (probably Sow to OY0rcurae Insomania would convey! the idea , more fully.) Friday evening is iasm,,, That for us-F '.fhursdav nieht Miss Yendea will lecture to the general public on "Humor and Ameris can Humorists." The following fatftfir'itepfc pears in the Aberdeen Telegram : ! i j , j "If the biggest snow of the season ,v Comes after CandleniasDay j " p ' -j An .early and beaatifni SBungtinie I , Is suroly on its way," As our big snow cama after the an early and beautiful Sprin Poetry ncTcr errs. n 1 1: V7 OFPlOK - IN - BRICK 4 ROW. LKftUID A IB Ona of the late i . . and , most science is striking triumphs of that of reducing air to a liquid state. We have no idea how it is accomplished, indeed, the late pro- cess is patented, we belive. The liquid has the color of water with a! very slight tinge of blue. Its temperature is 300 degrees below zero and one gallon is said to be equal to a ton of ice. A rubber ball submerged in it quickly become brittle as chalk. Ice also becooies white and crumbling like j. gum camphor. The ice is two and a I half times as hot to this liquid as steam is to ice. I ' Good tempered steel submerged in it can be nappel off like glas. You can no more (hold your finger in it than von ban in hot water. To drop it into a glass is to break the glass as vessel i surely as to pour hot -water into it. You may have your coffee boiling On the stove and pour in! this liquid like pouring in water to settle it nnd ypur coffee is ice. Mercury freezes in it in a minute. Alcohol crystalizes on being poured on it. The rapidly liquid evaporates very when exposed to the air but you dare not attempt to con- ine it in a vessel as you do some chKnicals or it! will blow you is put in higher than a kite. It ve8selsland something like lint cotton is laid over lit which instantly freezes and- becomes the only safestopper. It may be mauipulated for explosive purposes and is said to have a power 6f2,000 pounds to the square inch arid a force 100 times tnat of steam. Its utility is yet a j matter of speculation but it is believed to be capable of utilizing aa a sub stitute for eteam nd electricity as u mecoanicai power. 1 It is believed that no j vei y dis tant generation will be enjoying homes made as cool as j they are wanted in the summer, and, m the winter, tjiia. wonderful agent can be .made to run j. a dynamo that will, by the4psQ.of electric radia- tors, warm up thejhomes without the use of fuel. It is claimed that a gallon of nearly"118 liquid chemically mani pulated for explosive purpose is equal to $100 worth of dynamite or nitra glycerine, j j This frigid fluid ; formerly cost about $6 per gallon but by the new patent prqeesaani be produced for ten cents per gallon, j It remains to be seen! whether the claims for this invention are exaggerated or whether hhe half has not yet been toid: but enough is fully, demonstrated to . rank this among thd Jowering mpnuments! iTOM genius in the closing annals of the nineteenth j century. BqelUil'B A.rmo aiVs The Rpflt RaIva in! f ha -Z . 4TJV' W Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,1 Tetter Chapped P$ OMllayv8,f,9orna nd all 8kin ruptioBdpgsitivel cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed Jo .give; statisfaction or flioney WjS 'Erice 25; cents per g?B FetziBr's Drug store,' 1P HUJUltiUU Bfl-2UBUUaV now. ""I'll gefa ilblitil tow, And I'll hack some cherry tree. Great Britain Oar Best Customer. Great Britain continues to be our beat customer. In the year endme December 13, 1898, we sold to the United Kingdom $538,661,787 of exports, against $482,695,0241 in 1897. whiie we boHghJ- of .that country directly! but $111,361,617 of r.'lf9 002.28 worth in 1897. We hUe eold our English ousind four times as much as we bought from thin. Tbe hnlano. wa3 settled largely, of course, by our purchases from' countries to which England exports more than we do. England takes of ua mostly wheat, lard, cotton, corn, leather, hams, bee copper: and other unmanufac tured articles. We bought from her chuff worsted and woollen goode, wool, cotton; goods, jute goods, linen goods, tin plates, earthware, alkali, bleaching materials and hardware. While we do not buy of England as much as we sell her, still) we buy of her more than we buy of any other country, and we take from her a larger proportion of our imports than any other foreign conntry (uot a colony) takes. -Baltimore Sun. THE BEST PESORIPTION EOR CHILLS ; ! and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tooic. Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. ; . i Count D'Altemw, in the Spanish Tones, Monday j denounced practi cally all the generals that com manded Spanish treops in Cuba and seemed outraged ; that five months had elapsed since the war and not a General hid been courtsmartiaied nd shot. Any veteran knows what ie tbe matter with the Count. He was never under the American or even the Cuban .fire himeelf. The American soldier administers the best pf pills for such livers. as thia is tne anniversary of the birth of George Washington, it may not be uninteresting to note that on December J.4th, of this year, our hero will have slenc in daath innt -i i . i oneJiundred years. Had not the allotted. yarB of man been shortened since the patriarchrl days he nrght be in thenidst of active life today on his 167ch birthday when we could get from, his ,own mind the coansels of a rather, meeting the situation of today, instead of the fanc:e3 of those who nel authorized to speak for him. ! : " : v - A general order has emanated! from Washington to muster out all the volunteers in the United Statesj The decision Js scarcely worth : anJ nouncmg, comparatively speaking,; as it does not include our boyq in Cuba. A With the,exneption.of being away from home jnd business play-! ing soldier n. the "gnjted States is a picnic It ia not altogether the samel in Cuba, where one sees so much of! the lower strata of humanity with the prospect of feeling about like one of them in the approaching rainy season. A UselessUWisbi "0h" sighed the poetic ladv ! "had I the winga of a bird!" : I "Dpn'tl" protested her husbani' "Don't wish for hinggpf j If ypu had them, some, other woman would probably be wearing them! on her hat before the season fa pyen'aBhlkgtonitar. ' ' ; w rf HoocJ?s SaiparUlaand, yet thev ti simplen&ai; oSdlS Pilla makeepuRG DLOO0. THE .1- " . r i ... - . Goncord's - pepartment Store, FIBS!T t Special offering. - - - I OUU Good Clean Porclle in 1 i 100 Inch Wide per Nice assortment of Counterpanes from Printed Cotton Flannel for wrappers at 1 7Sc.- iLhtoutine for Night shirts, gowns and infant's wear at 6 1-4 to 7 1-2 cents. Light ongjgjg-tain.s,ioo yard Xi.Btowd grim 5a yurd. Nice assortment of White Mushn and colored Tidies, Mats, Scarf L:vo or .1TUng . 1 i and Table Covers. 3 Fk size Muslin Underwear, Reaper than you can hire it made, aud a, 11 made, fio t meai sac viwd Nice Assortment of Hose. K . . . ' i : . : Standard quality of Machine Thread for 8c. Embroidery Silk at o, and 3c. per skein. i White Goods at 25c. per pouna. . 0 ttti.u Curtain Poles.-Walnut finished with brass trimmings 22 l-2c. White enameled, do rings. 22 l-2o. This is the latest style. Ap a smaller size m cherry, i 1a hifo nnrr.p1 "finished for lOc. These are for draping the! IKlCk OUU. " , Bhadea. Felt lOo . , .Oil shades with nice bordar 25o. Lace Curtains at .68 cents and up. Nice assortment of Pictures at 10c Cotton Bats 7 l-2o per roll! : Tlio best Co. bleaching in town. Cxrtrc t r o 1 CI O.lr of moye our Tinware, Lamps, etc., up stairs where we w-11 keep a Ifnll line of China and glass ware a littte later onj ! Glass Lamps, complete at 22 to 58oM Labps$1.48andS1.68. Library Lamps Tin ware Department. ' t i , i Oyer 200 pieces of Greystone ware each as follows: Wash, milk, pudding, pie, jelly, biscuit, dust and sauce ... -t . 1 ! 1 A. 1 C soup, vegetaDie ana waier aippers, case turners, epoun, cups, iuuucik, z covered buckets, juspidoers. I D The Turners Ae Giving Away Absolutely FREE. It will not cost stamp, to get one of a Solid Gilt watch, Koman Dial, Second ; Hand attchment, andj. cannot be , surpassed in any point of appearance and reliable time keeping qualities by any watch in existence. It ris a! regular American 1 ftVftr '' v - T r thirty hours to one winding, timedvaud regulated, and fully same as the Waltham or Elgin, guaranteed for one year, and postage stamp. Drii the town from house to house a smaU book entitled "Years of Life.'' Within each book will be folded a cirqular sheet printed on yeUow paper. InMs sheet wiU be f ,3 upon which the watches referred to above will be dirfrihnt mtah' out.fpr the boot and the yellow paper sheet. You will be sure to get que and:act prompUy upon the BURgestion or m k. .M . ?he time for closing the contest will fFetzer ?s Mug stcxr. 3FX. OOM : i v - ruunuo to 0 -y.U length at 25c. per pound. Bleached Sheeting at 25c yara. r at 50c each 90c, to $3.50. Crib counterpanes at 48c. up. room we haye been compell ed lo Fancy Parlor Lamps 85c to $2.00 Hall $1.68, Night Iiamps25c. lamp chimneys 5c. at 10c pans, ?izes: Very Respectfully IAN of Cost NOTHING. to delphia a cent of money, or even a postage these handsome watches. This is Atom rrri n . ,rr P11 roec, runa flust cap over movement, fully guaranteed for one year, the Remember, this watch is it costs you nothing, not eyen a S the next, few dajs distrihnta thronshont be .extended io April 1st, 1899 j '!"- j "I . f : ' I j : , .

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