J ' i v Price $4.00 Per Year. I i OONCUD, N. 0., FRI DAY, FEB' 24, 1899. ' Siigle ; Copy 5 Cents S? . : - " " ' - ' ' ; .'j ":"r. ' . : - ' ' ' i ... - ; ' '', r in.; . . I : . ! - 'I Jj WITH THE HUMORISTS. Miss Tenden Lecture at $be Graded .'. t - School Balltflnic Tbnnday Ailsnt. . Miss Tendes' v lecture v on Til "Humor and American Hum-' .31.1. orists,, Thursday night at the Graded school building was enjoyed in a degree of intensity - i I rather than by broadness of numj- bers. The room was very comfortable jind the speaker was in good an that tfiofiA xvU fttf An'rl aH' availed themselves of a nterarv treat. j As the bird flits from point' to .u.: .j ;L. JiJ- . ii point gathering and interweaving 8Dric and spray into a neat t dit thin of beaut ' d roun y, a mg o of joy, and as; the bee gathers the nectar from various flowers tne nectar irom various nowera and concentrates the extracts all sweetness, so the speker culled and gathered from herUouseaithout'havine fayorite authors, the gems of hnmor that made the lecture a! series of recitals in wfiicli the droll, the ludicrous and the pathetic were presented icl j characteristic style. The speaker drew 4he delicate line between wit and humor bufc termed them twin sisters or Jclokf cousma and showed herself uite at home ibi the family. A vein of . . ,ii the humorous;doubtless aids , her in scrutinizing the authors and giyes decisiveness to her fayorit- isin. Of the number . quoted Mark Twain is quiU a favorite, His nsejoi: water waspno of h best. It was in reciting Robert B Burdet's eiperience in a sleep ing car that brought down ; the house and convufeed the audience in laughter to make sore sides fib a closed with David B Locke's "Hanah Jane" that is so fraught with cathos that there is hardlyj any thing like immor in it. jit has amoral of a woman's pecuUar devotion, on whose absolute! sell martrvdom the husband was I able a hiaf nanlA I nf iu;oi cnal mnA x only to look down and see that in elevating him she had if pressed to a lower plane been than vhen they- started as equals life. But his eminence was not all of the world's gewgawj, for he saw in their social . contrast the reverse contrasted in nobility of soul, and his visions peered into the great beyond where merit meets its true reward and jwill surely reverse. their stations lhe picture may have its counterparts but its presentation was so reaM that the hearer was wrapped in the story, oblivious that it was recited - as an illustration of the author's power at fiction. Bisbop Cbesblre Detained. Bishop Cheshire is still detained in Ralaigh on account of the death and funeral of the late Dr. Smeeds, and, will not reach Concord today. He has arranged to arrive in town tomorrow . The Bishop will preach and confirm the class tomorrow night. The service iwil begin at 7.30. No service Saturday afternoon THE BEST PRESCRIPTION BOB CHILLS and fever is a bottle, of ' Grove's Taste- less Chill Tonic. Never fails! to cure; Then why experiment with j worthless imitations? Jfnce 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cure. WITHOUT CONSENT. 1 1 Hides Family Take Up Abode In a Ilonte in Gold 11111 A . I i mrfiom,. Ad.i iff hA I 1 I I I I I to;md thenonse Ei.s Snffer the consequences. i i Sometime aso. it will be remem- that the Stanly EpUrpriee1 stated that their town had been rid T"' - 1 'T"M. 7 ; rmw-wm w of a family whose name was badj The Sides family ii the one to whom it referred. , HThis family , wai once in. Concord, too, and the town at last 8hdok:them off. I !V Mfm? ti9 ag tllf i 'f , " , r wi i , w- t WTn ' W1? one of Warren ; Coleman'sf nooses ' I I 1 ' . ! ; - I th ere,;bat :afterjieeiug'AhaM wer lmiiviie hqu8e was refused to them. ' They the u . f ri .f pjrtvfiai ui ? m?s "f?Jbm fttuR '1 abd .failed .Bat when they struck riA 'rtm wri Hnkman nfhr Wa that ttieV occ from him. 1 It teems that the people of Gold Hill wiiiery- probably.; oust family, too, as jWarren Coleman xe- ceited aletterfrom-a gentleman; of the town . a. lew L day si ago, asking Hbat he please don t rent to ihmy f fa tnaine maw nem gei out, eE ntan did nTtm'ketnis iniBi nn nni; threat, in tne least, on nis own parti but merely advi8ed Warren Cole- mfln in timft I I 4 ' I Coleman has i obtained some oeri BOn8 -to go and try to! make trie family leave, but v if theylfwili Init sjvacate by reason, the law will have to remove; them. 870,000 Per Ton. ft, j Colorado Springe, .Oolo.'.:?eb 22. The great Isabella gold mine has created a third sensation by ens countering for the third time in two months ultra rich bonanEa;ore. In December a vein carrying $1,000 aton was opened in the ninth level the Lee shaft . On January; 27; a streak in that vein was encountered which assayed on seleot sample? as highas $10,000 per ton. The1 ran of the ?ein, including the streaks, has returned as high as $20,000 i from the smeUr . The latest .discovery is a vein somewhat larger, and from Its locas tion it is believed to be the iamous BnetaYista vein, whose charaoter iJ airtnLniU T'Viia vain ninnhoil off - I - bjubuiw. r t two years agoi While it was being worked in a period4 of 18 months it netted the : company $30U,000 . in jaiviclexids . The einj was encountered on the tenth evel of the old Buena Vista shaft. The management re. fuses to deny or confirm the ' strike or to state thevalues as shown by r- . . , . i . ftjaivfl From a semi-omoial source. I however, it is learned that the value is as high as $70,000 per ton. 1 4 Mre. Win8low'8 Sopthiok hH For Over FUty Tears been used for over nity years oy millions of. mothers for their i 1 - ; I - ! child- ren while teething, with perfeot suc cess. It soothes the child softens the gums, allay? all pain, curves wind colic, and is the best, remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. j;8old by j druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-fiye sents a bottle. Be sure and ask fori "Mrs. : Winalows Sooth ing 8yrup, and take no other kind. i!MgRtft)fa$ t iwtnei: &m one x S 13 impoverished blood. Hood's Sar saparilla fk . ti e , One Trite Blood I Thursday was a day in Baleigh I maae memoraoie ior. one oi mo; atront fights that ever divides ! .1(1 fe0od oitizenship and eminent 1'" tallents on a local issue. r,,.. . i .iJ .if. a powuon ior a aiBpensary aci ... ill.!.. I 1 10 Urg naa 8one tne j CftPito1 witb UJLUU bona fide signers. ; The representatives in the House were favorable and it passed the House easily uii. o a i .t-LL enough stands but Senator Osborne squarely: against it, as we under- - f - .. i.;0fn D WuUU 1L : IjUUDlDUDUUV Vt LULL CkU A.iBi;, in .kffiiji under8t that a. , 9 ve.eni. gaiPat tte li .. Senator Osborne has immense . "7" fc 1 " i B AU,i"oaDO toflce in the Senate and , the - i -I., . "Psary men knew, that .the in har" xnony with him in what he deems fiAelitv Autv eKriStagg, Mr. , iTillett, , Mr Oansler. Mr. Wilson, Editor Dowd, Moore , and dejjrwell ftT)nAalAd irv tha Renate oonimittee (or faYOraJ)Ie report j oyer the head ?f . , Senator, Osborne, for whm l there waa ntmost re- -pc-; b be deP8tr8r tnat thfelt it.incnmbent pn them to . . . . . . . ankagniKe him m interests of ai oyerwlielming array of the ciwz- Mecklenburg most to be deferred to. . : Guthrie and Mn1 Maxwell as advocates of the anti-dispen- jsary, .qiemoni wertf , uearu - aiier whioh : Senator Osborne, being oalled for, made an- appeal to the committe that was touching in- deed and immediately withdrew. The committee voted 3 to 2 I against the bill; A minority re- port was probably presented to- day and the contest made in open Senate. j At 3:15 we 'phoned and obtained the news from the Charlotte Ob- server that the vote will be taken in session of the Senate tonight. PERSONAL POINTERS. Postmaster Patterson went over to Charlotte this morning. Mr. DF Cannon is spending the afternoon in Charlotte. -E - Jadgs Montgomery went to 1 1- i :-r - i naieign mis murmugf uu uucsi- ness trip. M Mr. Robt. Sappenfield returned to Charlotte this morning, after spending several weeks here with his brothers. Dr. D G Caldwell went to New ells this morning tO V18lt hl8 mother. He will probably not re turn until tomorrow Mi. Joe Cherry,1 who last week returned home from Cuba, having beent discharged I -on account of Dhvflical disability,! arrived here thie morning. sz M a itirnSii .vllpwii Xfvuiawiii ! flaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles fat 20 cents. A- Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. . Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison j ! GROCERS. I'bai DltpBsary Contest. Beats tbe Klondltte. Mr. A C Thomas, of Maryeville 4 ' ujd ioiuouid UiHUOVer luH nas yei Deen maae fin fVlO TTlin1S1ro 1?n noona V nn( ierea untom agony irom consump- tioD, accombahied bv hemorrhages: and was absolutely cured by Dr; king's New .! Discovery for Conn sumptioni Coughs "and Golds. . He declares that gold' is of little value in comparison with this1 mar velous cure: would h!ave"it. even if it cost i , a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, .i Bronchitis and all ' throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. ATiai Domes iree ai i md Petzer'a drug store. Regular size 50 cuts and $1' 00. Guaranteed to cure or pric refunded. There !4re S In the world tnat almost any one can do. For instance, anv one can roll off from a Sog-aii6! yH ven in the simple things some excel' others. V ' It looks like 'a simple thing io iaunary a eninor onar. ana so n is . . A It 1' . L you don't care, how 'tia ..done. . ;Hete again the "know how; outs any amount of ice. The.-9po$ pearly tint, ?vthe 4 soft silky finish, flexible stiffaess. These ! things do "not nnmA hv In c?k an nliftnftftj lint rather bv systematic f intelligent handling, In short the ''know : how" produces the results. . We ?have -it,".. and therefore work for and suit more people' than any one else m the state. ? , Ask aboof the' dbnoord Laundry and Cleaning Club, ' ' v ! CONCORD Steam LAUNDRY dye-works. ; SHIRTS REPAIRED FREE. 1 'PhoneS.., ' ! OUR LOSS Wm had ten bimpie Thing worth of Furniture more j; ' -'I ' !- I . ' " V damaged bni the night 1 6th. If you need our line MOW i ; In the next 60 days dreds of people happy. . it F YOU D0P3T I i - HADf BETTER ten you ijnr you can't help toying. f GOME fpffllte J ' !: . . . , ' - - . :i .- ..... f : " : r .' -'- - - - :' : ' y - - . , : ,-rr:. ' ' .. - ' r- ' . ' ' j - - i - --: - in I iihww mm wwn '"iniTrtmrtBtwwTT-niiiiK Thousands Of yards of dark and light Galicoes. fast colors only 2 1-2 cents per yard as long as this f Si5eCial lot lasts. GrTeat I ! JPercal and XXamDurgS. YOUR GAIN, thousand dollars or of anything the time. is we will make hun WAWTT0 BUY YOU i - litis CO. '3 r"" less - I . . Mr our PRICES l: I " -. " ; if;:-.---' the - infix -' .' ; ." .i I, :i ..- ..-1 , I i. j l' : 1