Price $4.00 Per Y3ar. CONCORD, N. 0., THURSDAY", MARCH 2, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cents BIG FIRE IN CHARLOTTE. WHERE IS HE? ihousanus oiisaies oi tonon tonsiimea Samuel PIcDaniel of Cannonville Left Together With tne Old Freight Depot Home Over One Month Ago and NotH- and Other -( Sheds-Almost EverythtP ing Has Been Heard of Him Since A Icsurcd-No Cause Known for the Mysterious Case. fire During court week in January. j By telephone today (Thuisday) on the 25th day of that month ve Ieainof a big fire which occur- according to his parents recollto- ed in Charlotte about;6.30 o'clock tion?, Samuel McDaniel, the 16 in ihe morning. When the fire F! old boy of Mr. J H Mc- was noticed it was in the midst Danel at Cannonville, after doing Trxr nlrl AnHrm In nn BVBfai IMUB UDOUti U16 nOUSO of of the warehouses near the com- his mother that it was time told he was going, thought that it His mother only was a trip I he ins. oouu .u uaiuKo OHi,au, cuu- and father and some others were suinine the old freight depot, going to take, and asked him to wmenwasusea as a warenouse wajt until his lather came and for cotton, also the cotton com- tbey could all go together. He i press, which is valued at $50,000. would not wait though, but said j iTbousauds ot bales of cotton tnat; tuey could come on later. were burned, The number at ; The boy left; then and nothing this time estimated at nearly klnce that time has ever been Carolina's .dispfjiniary tregediea. nnn kio I heard of Samuel MoDamel. Among the'losers are : Saunders Thinking that : t. n i ?nn Vnnln,l,n,r. oo homo soon, ham,150; Heath Brop, 1,700; Heath m eJ .n ,J .'l fe , . ' ' public about the matter, but as it & Ried, 135; R A Lee, 75; J W uUu nvnr ' mftnfTl fl: n ' llA I Capt. Cbadwlcb Dead. ... The Charlotte Observer informed !- Ik m this afternoon of the death of Capt. H S Ohadwiok, of the Ohar j j ! lotte Machine Co. Mr. Chadwick died at an early hour this (Thnres day) morning at the Palmer House in Boston, Mass., he hating gone there some time ago. Mr. Cbadick was captain of the Charlotte company in our Fint regiment and resigned a short while ago. Another Dispensary Tragedy. .1 i Alex Cartlege was shot in Col am bia. 8. C, Tuesday; night by a young man Melze. Cartlege was a dispensary constable and the shoot ing grew out of that. Cartiege died Wednesday. Metza gave himself up and is in jail. What defense will be j made for him is not yet known ibut it adds another to South the boy would and (looking for Bis Leg Brofcen. Mr. in the it is now becoming a source Miller, 70; J H Sloan 16. There let were also smaller lots of collon of grief and anxiety on the part owned by -persons whose names 0f the family, j could not be obtained. j This boy, so his latner teJis us, Quanties of, fertilizer, T?hicb had no roaming disposition and had been stored away in the was not of a wild nature. Having buildingte were also burned. had an attack of pneumonia once The wind blew the flames dinctly ' leieQ ln n legs ana ne ai- th nrinoi-l tatt oi the W'had a stiff wayJof walking. Henry Fetrea, a young man employ of Mr. J J Bar inger, of No. 6, bud the misfortune to get a leg brokta just above the ankle this (Thursday; morning. It On the wall in the house of Mr, S J Harteell, of No. 1 township, - -. s will hang a memorial picture to the i memory of Emma HartselT, who was murdered lastly ear, wording of which is as follows!: i "Gone, but not forgotten. In lov- ing remembrance oi my dear daughter, Mary Emma Hartsell, Was brutally murdered May 29 tb. '98, aged JL2 yea?s, 8 months, 18 days. f Weep not for her, who Is now at rest, Where care and pain no more annoy. Has reached the heaven of the blesk, And realized immortal 30V. Her spirit smiles" I from that bright shore, . i And softlj whispersk 'Weep no more.' i ; . Don't Forget Tbem. Some time ago a libel law, which met the approbation of all newspapermen and was generally admitted to be fair and lust, was introduced in the Legislature and NJJ) NEW EFFECTS. its passage urgeq. since tnen we hava Vorrl nntViiriar of t.Vin mAOQtira I m ; , u? r r: r: : -wry apt? tfmpt- His sleeping met . i. uuiiAivw - new arrivals of Silks for waists. Beautiful col ops teems that he was driving a team and suppose that sleep of death, are mighty popu ticians during and was sitting on the houUds of; generally the wagon when the wheel dropped into a deep rat and his Jpg was caught with the above results. la when The newspapers ar with the poii- ing AND THE PRICE SO campaign, MODERATE. but the campaign A Perpetual School. The dailies, weeklies and month lies of our country wield a wider influence than the pulpit, and per- ci ty, mkirg it yerj d4Dgeroa8, but Do always earned his head down, , gohool fQr the J I IaW mmlVr tA with Hid f Ana r the flimea were at kit controlled without any farther loeees. Almost everything that burned was insured. too, and walked with his turned in. A Concord-Sallsbuty Wedding. The Salisbury Sun says : J At the residence ot and by the Onc a nenibor ofCompanj L. Mr. P W Hedrick, the young man whom it seems shot MrJ A D i ' : ' I i Shuping in Salisbury some nights ot are informed. preps is a cchoorwe all attend every day in the week from the i time we learn I to read to the end of our lives Outlook. is over they are jforgotten. States villa Landmark. , For frost bites, burns, indolent jres, eczema, skin disease, and especially Pile?. DeWitt's Vitch Hazel Salve stands fir&t and best. Tjook out for dis honest people who try to "imitate dan, counterfeit it. ' It's their endorsement of a good article, j Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt's Witch Hazel Balve. j Bj Gibson. Its worth WHILE TO T T I SEE THESE (SPECIALTIES PERSONAL POINTERS. 1 t v undersigned on the evening of sp ws nnmvixj uicmwCi ; here today. Mr. M L Pvitch, of Saliibury, is ville Feb. 2Sth, Mr. Harvey Barrage, Company j, we of Concord, and Miss Emma He (spent several days here be- Chanin.Jof Salisbury married. fore the company left and Mayor Immediately after the ceremony Crowell tendered him a place j at they were driven to the depot to hi3 house while waiting for the take the . southbound train ' to C(impany to go to Raleigh. He ..- 1 1 1 1 1 1 Uoncord, tnenome 01 tne oriae ;discharged from the company f the Cannbn & FetZ8r Co. ?room. ; . H on account of his bad health. Lovers seldom appear over to Dr. R 'J Caldwell, of is here today. Mrs. H L Parks wen Charlotte this morning. Mr, Will Stuart left last night for New York to purchase goods Moores more beautiful and bright, than whenl rorjthe conredorato Vetrans listening to their marriage rite. S. J. M. Brown. Slate Sunday School Convention. The next Annual State Sunday School Convention is called to 1 Mrs. Baxter Parks went to Al bemarle this! morning to visit her I 1 1 1 , nrl -r in ni Senator Tillman eecured the aaugnter, mh. luarauan vmi. passage of a resolution Wednes- -Mrs. S J Lowe and two chil day authorizing the Secretary of dren arrived! here this morning to m .11 .1 annnn inH uav vvuu atxic. hv mittee of thei United Confederate Bingham- j Mr. Walter Green, rr ; T ir Veterans 10,000 cots, 10,000 mat- TMr wa?ier V ? meet 0n the 14th to 16th, inclu- i i boro, returned to his home last .. -.oon r.. tresses and 2,000 tents, for, the . fL. m. reunion in Charleston in May sive, of March, 1899, in the First Presbyterian church, at Salis- .bury, N. 0. The citizens of Salis- xn Army bhi passed bury are making epecial arrang- nipht after i dome BOme work on -O ; ! w yards here, i ii.- f ,. . i Mr. M J Oorl returned home The House on Wednesday from Richmond, Va., this moming, iftsscd the Armv Re-organization where he went to probably pur ah Ajj: Uxu a uL nA u nnnar.AQRirv obase some horses. He did not pur- UOlCgailUH Ul vibi . n.i i udid" i uiu nixu, uao mauo i uul.Uv-, j ! 1 ! in ( "f .re ane t4 Hood's Sai True Blood 111 PAIU thou sane OUR LOSS YOUR We had ten worth !of Furniture more damaded on the night 1 6thl n i f GAiN.l dollars less of the or mm , l . . - - . ! rhftHfi finT however, as tne Dnce gates contemplating being thereby for tUo 1 resident to . call 8eem8 extremely high at I ... 1 .1 .I'll Hi 4 1 I - I I I present, will please sena tneir an extra session. ye uuuwdiuu give yolunteers their to re- of this he bill to time. option to return home or ma r1 i am in ine Berviue. namca at once to T R Garner, ; ( Chairman of the Reception Com mute, so that homes may -be the more readily provided. !l TUo Reception Committe will meet all trains and conduct visitors to their homes. Let each one interested in Sunday School work throughout the State do what he can to meike this the. most pleasant and profit- hipHuk i Better able meeting- held sorfar m thle Rudyard Kipling's condition ninson to L.lve, But ln Prison, j Gov. Russell has commuted the sentence of Jasper Hinson, of jMecklenburg, who killed j Jim 'Oranford, tb life imprisonment instead of execution. State. Fraternally, W. L. Kluttz, Ch'm. A. L. Smoot, Sec. Green Mountain rtaple Syrup. If you need anything in Onr line NOW is the time. In the next 60 days we will make hun dreds of people happy. ; IF 0U DOM'T T TO buy m HAD BETTER STAY AWAY has very much improved and symptoms are 4ute fayorable, though he is not considered out Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle I i 10 cents.' Canned Kornlet at 20 cents i' ! per can. i Ervin & Morrison When i tou can I 'BELL'H you hear mwm 't help buying. ARRI ft ii ! it n4 1 i. t h i t. 1 k. 1 f h ' t 1 ; w. 4 ' f. ' GROCERY, Committee of Invitation. of dager. a

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