' M I . ! '!: . . U i i 1 i h -; - - -.--j - ' j-. - t ( tt t( " 8.53 pm, " 9.20 pm, (flog) Arrival or Trains. The folio vrtni? change df schedule took -effect January 17, 1899, NORTHBOUND. jfo. 8 arrives at 5.52 ft m, - 36 " " 10 00la m, J 12 " 7-09 pm, " 33 " . 8.5$ pm, (flag) 62 " "11.50 am (lieft) Southbound. v,. 37 arrives at 8.49 a m, (flag) . 11 " "1123 am. 7 "35 fil " 7.00 a m rfrAi.rhM fSXo. 35. wheurunning ahead of No. 7. islWged if necessary for through travel, eolith of Charlotte, and is stopped for passengers arriving from Lynchburg or beyond. No. 3G stops regularly for '.passengers, for Salisbury, High Point, TfTvonsboro. Reidsville. Danville -and principal .-stations between Danville and Wiu-luugtou, ' No. 37 stops for passengers- coming from Lynchburg or points jbeyond, and to take on pas Fencers' for regular stopping places south of Ne wells. No. 3S stops to Jet vfi passengers from regular : stopping places south of Newells and to take on lassenger. for regular stopping places, Lynchburg or bevond. Xos. 7, 8, 11 and 12 are "the local trains and connec t at Salisbury with trains of W. N. O. Division. 8AUEB KRADT, Hioz's, at i Loppardi & BartierV P;eah bread, rolls, cakes and pier, of r 1 J' j i- . .. v uoDcora uaKery, daily, mi. Mrs. J Let me say I bave used Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh ana can thoroughly recommend it for what it claims. Very truly, (Rev.) H, W. Hathaway, Elizabeth, N. J. Wade Barrier, City Editor. TELEPHONE NO. 71. VA. hom fmm fioi;.KM-. V ' 1 lriea 8 ! weam alm, and to in abou7aTk Vf " n? Z iaU appearances am cured of catarrh, ingaboo a j week. M,ss Blanche ! Thft terrib1e headaches from which Byo daughter . of B.. Boyd, of r long suff ered ar8 ponew. j. comrSSf Pnn W ac"! Hitchcock, late Major U. 8. Vol. companied htr and will enend aL t.JJ While. iN I ' I j auu xx. vjou., DUUttlu, n 1 A lUc. trial sue of iUy's Cream Balm will be mailed. Kpt by druggists. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N. Y. ! IT VA8 SUICIDE. ' :;!!: ): f - I- - Capt. Chadwlck Sent a 38-Callbrc Ball Large Life Foixnen 1812 m0& : r 'SING THEIR OWN PRAISE." Lc is a perftct action and tone equality thai makes the Stieff Piano world renowned, but it is not over stock th'it maka our pricps riht. It is because we are Manufacturer's and eave you the middleman's pros fit. 500 to 1,000 Pianos -cona'tantlT oc:onr factory warfircom floor, and rti': elegant ; stork in our Uharlott wareroom. Terms accomdating. 'Phones 190 and 288. Fine tuning. Through His Brain-A Policy. ine death of Capt. Chad wick, :-b noted Thursday, was by his own hand. He lent a 38-calibre 8mith & Wesson pistol ball through his hrain and died instantly. Capt. Chad wick jhad hroken very im portant business relations to go to the warj anld it is believed that busi ness adversity aggravated his ner vous disorder. He hadUiie DolicieB . He was 38 a wife to three yeare FOR SPRING Sen loss ! Piano anntactnrer. Chas. M. Stieff, 'i i Baltimore, Md. Charlotte Branch Wareroom, No. 113 North Tryon Street, C H W1LM0TH, 'Manager. Short Locals. ''Fair tonight and probably tomorrow," Fays tbe forecast. Mr. Jno. M Ross, of. Forest Hill, has accepted a position in the cloth room in the Oiell mills. The Senior Covenanters wi4 meet at the home of Mr. D F Cac- r,ri tonight promptly at 7 o'clock. Mr. Robt. Pbifer has had woik coca men csd in the poatoffice ( buld iag. Two offices will be DuilX v Another barrel of Qermfiil timi just received at m6. A. T, Ran'nunAlrl'fl. amounting years, old. to $40,000 He leaves whom he was married ago. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR j ' M j CHILLS ! L ! 1 1 i . and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste- ess Chill Tonic. Never fails to . cure: Then why experiment with worthless Price 50 cents. Your if it fails to cure. mitationb? money back! no Havana. are stoppirj exchanges Beer for Private. March 1. The Ameri can military authorities in Cuba Z the sale of beer at post and closing the bars in Havana and Marianoa for selling beer or wine to priyates or non commissioned officers.! Tbe proprietors of such places are fined $500, bat art allowed to re open after three days on giving bonds. jThe private soldiers, cr pecislly yolunteerp, think it a great hardship that they may not buy beer when the officers of their regi ments are unrestricted. ; "Parted In Dreaca," is now one of tho new songs that will probably go the rounds, oom posed by Haibert Hoard. The words tell of tho parting of a brave America u, soldier from his sweet heart. At Santiago at the Bame hour in Trhich she dreamed of his death, he fell, asking her before dy ing to wear for him a rose. The sentiment of tho song: is beautiful. Tho composer Is a son of Ex-Gov- ernor Hoard, of Wisconsin. Bros. Company's ! : if r , . j Book of Spring Samples on exhibition at our Store. r fasliisb s was a reminder that Spring House Gleaning i I i . was due soon and ot i . -i. course you dont want soiledWinddw Shades m your summer rooms See our stock now and n - ! ' i - make your selection Remember we are in theFurniture biisiness and competition cuts no ice, Craven Brothers: This is the largest line of samples we have ever seen irom one house: They make tlje best Tailor-made Suits we have ever had an v experience with. The work oomes nearer being faultless than any tailors we know 01. If you want something new, up-to-date, nobby exclusive clothing that makes the man's appearance aU that tailoring art, ex perience and correct fabrics can do for him, this is the hne to select frpm; No doubt about this. Satisfaction to your hearts j pay. i content or no Gill t FETZER C01P1Y. In France they are manufactaring a stuff called opaline. It resembles artificial ice, can bo rolled in slabs Mra. Chas. Stone ; rtnrnad to of any I desired! length, width and Charlotte Thundaty moht after thickness, may, bo nsed as a substi- apendir g eome tim,Q here with her Unte for marble in floors, and is parents, preferable becanse Tery nara ana A nnr, t. " m..-- not affocted I by acids.-Morning 1 iiBrH l curRUMT i l)okinc i il. -Ai '-1 Btar. Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. mil1, th? is talked of being built That Grove's NO CUBE, NO PAY is1 the way all druggists sell Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills Claude- Gordon, who orf Und Malaria. It is simply Iron and .0 j ., i i -:-:4:-,- na in tasteless form, unuaren I . . t ZL l ViiA nevn- reier iv w Price, 50oy ift- vr- d -i. love iK i Adults He . kw. t- seating Tonics. . Virginia. , j j Lallah Hill, who-for a nnm- tf weeks has been visiting her ,1 fiond, Misg Margaret Robinson, in wsboaville, Fla., is expected home Mut the 15th of this month. STRAYED OR STOLEN. Mv wpnerd dog, 'Queen" good me- jm size) and claybank color. In- uiau0p ot h9I whereabouts will liberally rewarded. ONE OP- The Maie We are Manufacturing and jcarry in stock a full line of Mantles,Newals Brackets,Doors, Sashes, Blinds! Gables, Ornaments, Flooring, Sidinp, etc. G W Patterson '. : 1 : HAS THREE BOOMS OVER STORE TO RENT. WE ore asrents for Jacob Reed's Goods I - Cement, Plaster Hair Ale dealers In all kinds of Lumber Lime, and Sawr Pite. Ive us a can or leavc-yuui u.uu Yorke, Wadeworth& Co. - and they will receive prompt attention. CONCORD11 LUMBER COMPANY. If HARDWARE AT GOODS alO. D J Bostian. Things in oux business is the. repaif ing of (Hocks and Watches, we ao the work and guarantee it. - Hrs. H m: Jones ana Miss Alice orwn,of Saliabnrir ora v?q? finer 7lr Bi8tw, Mrs. D F Cannon. Mies wu nas been an Invalid fnr twenty years and this is her first Oorrell C. The Jeweler.J tliA rmlehrated Clothiers Ot Philadelphia. We guarantee- fit, style and entire satisfaction. Snn'ntr samnles now in. bEND us your order' for all kinds of GROCERIES & We offer sr)ecial prices on. ftno lot of Sorghums, Syrups and Molasses OTJR STOCK OF FLOUR is the best on the market' Everybody is delighted with it. k i ; OUR STOCK OF GROCKFRY, Tin Woodware, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Leather, etc;, is complete. .l.-.; ... ' RRTNG IN YOURi CORN, Oats, Eggs, etc., and get best prices: GW Patterson; RITCHIE HARDWARE C0PJ1PAMY M. L. BROWN & BR0. LIVERY, FEED AND SALfil j STABLES. Just in rear ot St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Horses and mules always on hand or saH. Breeders of thoroughbred . , m TT J MATERIAL Sashes, 1 Doors, Blinds ana rampsi yu ' - niahea An eiegaut uuo w- j COOK SfOVESi in stock 3Sa AQH. -ae. WAGON. JNice imo ot ."" Wkr Don't fail to see us be fore painting your housias we naye a rwimt that can't be excelled. lie Enttefs j . West to the Backet Store STOCK HOGS FOR SALE ! rriave 10 head oFOhib Improved. Chester White Hogs for sale. : - t They are 'entitled to Registration. I will sell either males or females i . "i I - for $10.00 each. Call at Fenix Flour Mills. ! M3- I Q. T. Crowell. rt. Bines Pttfn Fills are roaranteed tostrl flnhodv need hav NeuraLria. Get Dr. Mlle Rpdri wiLg from drogglsta. One cee a dose.' uiu in many years. f - V