! vi- -'.-i.---. , 7--, - - 7 'i- , ,j;v. 7 .--:!' nil : -: v.----i. : - :-.x.t: : ! -Mi'. -.1 ; i ' " ,: ' 'r - if f l 7 ; . ; X:- ,-j 7 ji , . ;; --v.. 7 ; , , 7 . ; ': ' , v .... ; . . .. - , Price $4.00r'Yar. CONCOKD, N." 0., THURSDAY MABCH 9, 1899. r - Single Copy 5 Cents CLOSED WEDNESDAY. THE NEW : - . ceucral Assembly Adjourns to An Outline of fleet in 1900 fonu In ttoe (Senate ELECTION LAW. in the wrong connfcfid. its f rincipm FroYla- 1Z of 3ol Felln. The General Assembly on Wedne ions by .Sections nav for I ! of bills r T yifJT D"tt"uouriu courthouse. . be mustered out. on tne nrst ninursday m August TLrflma:n.or nf .htx: oVf i u ;a a r frt t, an IS? years thereaftw: videi8 j canvissing the return8 U the T0lnnteera by the f first of 2. That there shall be a State The new election law is in its maill teattlTA A. nnmr nf tViA laxc in ds, adjourns .... force previous to 1895. The bill dsyiDJune,190o. It sat four dajB proTide8 . - - - for wbicn ids lucuiuoip WW i'-JM 1. That the ga the constitution, anowa fin days only. A number of a private nature were passed, among them ODe to allow $100 for the buril of any member of the who shall have died from sick les contracted during the session. Xhia- is t0 meethe case of Repre gentative Trotman, who is expected i. jco. ft rnfinmonia. In the Senate a kind of jubilee thrco Poisons, appointed by tho WiBcation of Bongs and - choruses D""e ooartt J - ' - ! "' I voara : i -J and exchange or compumenis wereij j irdnked'in. Reference was made 4. That r:, ,0oo n.vprnnr R?tnolda of I Mona ahal 10 IJiCUituui.. j That the several boarda box shall ;hot be THE FIRST TO COME HOME. cons iitute the canyassers, wh members of the of election shall tne The Regiment Hay-Arrive In United States Tills Week. A W ashington disp atch to the board of county Charlotte Observer sayfi , that ch shall meet at Adjutant General Corbin told the .court house the second day the correspondent that the First ftffcfVl tVi AlAitinn '" nAnvnn fViA ro-lTJ. f! TAonmATif xunnlH Va JnrrlArA1 election for. State ana declare the result at the ! to the United States this week to J-'-..- - I ! - " I , . " , 1 1 , . , iur jocate omc3rs, congressmen may, n is saia, wmcn win onog bbara of election composed of five j!- , , ! .t ' . v .v . i . . , vfhi f v,""i',-'u Arid; AlAP.tnrfl -niAsrihAa riAno fv if.hAm nm. nAfnrA tn rainv. Rirlriv iUi-j u 1.1 r .-i-i. i i r?rw..wrw v, ry . . j vuo uj, vuo grcuuuro for n6n-performanc8 of the duties art?tW,ye.ff- prescribed for officers of the eleo- o. xuavwere.Bnau oe a county ui0li) and mlike8 other general board of elections consisting, of! his saying. that if God should give first Monday in ilay, 1899; and for a term of two State boards of eleo- meet in Raleigh the regulations of the election. Ral eign News and Observer. season, borne delay wj1 neces sarily occur from lack of trans ports to bring them as rapidly as it is desired. ! In the Cyclone's Path. ! I i Monroe, Qa.J the borne of Rev. Q; F $chapffflr, ws in the jlin9 of the TOvput cj clonea and wai torn up him hia choice be would call thl8 1 organize- by electing one ot their aomewla, though no one w e killtd. , order in 1901. He number wcrJd body could be I April be held on '1 same body to order in eaid he wa3 eincere in Keying so for secretary. V,a hrac'd tuO win tnd no finr elected. . In the House Hon. Lee Oermau presented a silver set to Speaker Conner, the gift of the bodyJ in tofcen of its esteem . 8peaixer Cons A CleTer Trick, j It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick! about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kldneye, Malaria i pr nervous trouble. W can euro nimpftii nni Cliairman ana- anotuer Another meeting shall f j ; ;' " ' the first Monday in each election year, eigh this raorniii may be called For their ser vices the board shall receive $4 a day and traveling expenses. PERSONAL I'OlJS'lrERS. taking Elec.rlq Bitterj. mean be away by This med icine tones up the wholjn xysU'iu, acta as a stimulatit to Liv? r and r- Prof. Jas P Cook went to Ral-; Kidneys, is a bkod pUrfitr and Special when necessarv. meeting i ! f. nerve tonic. It cures const) patior, Mr. Jno. Yorko, of Charlotte beadache, fainting epeils eleeplesr- the countv boards 13 3. That ner, inclosing the session, reaapitus 8hall appoint jail, registrars and Uted some of the arduous tasks bes judges of elections. Members of fore the body, ascribing due honor the county boards may be re- to the members of the house for a mftVft,i uv b Stato board, and to epent last night here. ( Rev. N I Bikke, of Charlotte, spending today hire. j Mr. J N Maxwell and daughter returned to Salisbury this morning. Miss Annia Burkhead went up Salisbury this morning to spend great work, not perfect but as nearly the C0Unty board jn turn may re- tcjday bo S3 could be effected aurd the en TironmenteJ and bespeaking the ejection hearty arqeescence of the people of move any registrar or judge of f mi 1 1 1 o. xnat Mr. G S Baskeville, of Good Will, South Dakota; is spending tos countv boards must I day out at Sonderland Hall. I the Ste, especially in the adoption meei not! later lhan first Mon- Miss Margaret Cannon went of the Constitutional amendments. I , . uf , . . U , . . . uaj uiiiuajr jui uigaiiauuu, uu i over io jnariou8 xnis morning xo for dividing the counties into pre- visit her friend, Mi83 Muy.Oates. Tbe Marray-Hartt Comedy Company. The Murray-Hartt Comedy Com pany opened at the Opera House Monday night for a week's engage Mrs. W R Odell atid Mrs. J M cincts and fixing polling places. a " m i ' . ' ' i . 1 I i inat oeiore tne next general QdeU went tQ Greensboro this election there shall be an entirely morning. . They i will hear the ment. They presented "My Uncle new registration. Aiuuug HutJ- British Uuard Uand there tonignr. from Japan" as the opening bill to tions to ! be asked applicant is j Mifla Fl0rence Fray, who has a crowded house. It was a rollicks "whether he has ; listed his poU bedQ teaching school at Franklin, in ing, roaring comedy and captivated fdr taxation for the current year ftowan COunty, passed through here tbe bouse upon the arrival of ''My in which he apples for registra- today on her way to Mt Pleasant. anrl-L-hrf tlia onrliorioa 5n A I firn a-nA fnr lfA Tl A"rt 'Vftfir TVTACod- I j' nt, passed through here last night bn his wav to China Grove. Mrs. r Uncle continued uproar until the curtain ing. And if any ' applicant shall went down oh the last act. Mr. falsely swear he has listed his icu Puu : r 7 i " .o Miller is visiting there, to say he is a comedian entitle 1 to guilty of perjury and punished j - . I ' I rank with John T Raymond and as nrescribed bv law." Iblund Keed is nutting it mild. He a Thot fiA rAaict.t.inn hooks iziab who - - I - I t a.J ' Z -Jt l.n. fWin v n.ninn la a success and is ably supported by fihall ! kepfc 0XQn or twenty O0Ul.nern B"lvru riKS m " uf , I i , ; , , ;to villi at tne nome 01 iur. nuioa davs : and closed on the second . i i talented and accomplished artiat and Saturday before the election. On K,zzlan I V 1 .1 .... . I i :. I i I: . V . t . uer wort tnrontyhont tne renartoire I t oi j- ' j, r .Mian h,jqia . nnnston. wno nas . .. - - i oauu oaiiuxuuv uunuu nmo vxxwv i - r .A:0fQ oiin fyrt fn ffiA nnii- loeen visiting at iur. m s v aiioi o, The family of Mr; Will Kiz- is an engineer on the ing place to throi 8nowa tint she is. as versatile as she 13 gifted, and the large audiences bave been delighted. Tne minor parts are .well taken, but we feel that Miss McCullou'gh, aa the houseoraaid, Miss Prince, as Pcitei'i wife, and Mr. Belmont, as the eeryaut deserve special Mention. They - are near enough perfect to disarm critics and are PrtiGularly pleasing in their lines. Altogether there is leas to criticise ILOre to tilpnea t.linn nn wnnld pect to find in -rmnnlsr nrined many as three special officers may 8hoE. They merit the success they be appointed by the registrars testing with. The Comet. and judges of election. 11. Thati there ahall be one T open v in the jLitaker Bniidinjr. ballot for I all State officers, one I '.A. A. A. . If i Ulx.nnMt IfTAatovlnn register votes. On weni oai 10 1UU such days the books shall be open ",n l" 1 " i for inspection by yoters of the ou.u. , f precinct. There shall he no reg- -Mr. Wm. H Hoffman and wife, istermgj on j election day, but! of Providence, R. I., arrived here voters may be challenged. last night. Mr. Hoffman isaninti- 9. That oh or before the first malB "1BUU ui mr"r- ".""T""'. Monday in July the county board ?f this place. Mr.,aoaman is , , ; i . l . . jt Dusiness trip in vuw ouutu. shall appoint two judges of elec- F - i., tion I for each precinct. ; : T r 10. That to prevent disorder as Q redl iViOUntain Tlapls Syriip. nees and melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re stores tbe system to its natural vigor. Try Electric BitterB and be convinced that t bey are ia mirscle worker. . Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at PB Faizer'e drug store. ,. On account of Godfreys British Guards Band at Charlotte, N. 0., March 10th. the Southern Kanway Company will sell special round trip tickets to Charlotte bud return at rate of 85c for round trip. Tickets on ea!e March 10fcb. iFinal limit March 11th. j. , Waist If you would like to see a pretty line of SilKs give us a call -and in spect the new arrivals They are-nobby thiegs , Prices 48, 65 75 c. and 1.00 per yard. Oh, my I but the price and quality will tickle you. Hi IIS & p n n ri i3 LOSS j YOUR. GAIN- thousand do I ars OUR We had! ten 1. - .";;--! 7 worth of furniture more - - ! : -. . 7-' r'- damaged bn the n;ght 1 6th. If you need anything n or 1 of less the on a MeSsr8. Arthur Pridmoro and for justices of the Supreme . Hlf t 20 len Onr line SOW js the time. In the next 60 days we will makehun, dreds of people happy. 9 BY YOU cs. J 1 ''V Wood, of Gaffney, S. C, Court, , one! for members of the have arrived here and will con- General Assembly, one for county duct a business in the comer officers anjd one ! for township titaker building. They have officers. That all ballots for each Just returned, from northern of these classes of officers shall be markets where they purchased same size, j on white paper and eir stock. Both of the gentle- without device. The size of the en are known by a few of our ballots must be prescribed by the People here. State board of election. Tickets Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison OROCER5. .- J - a. m mt am tm M FT WfflCI JRIk BRa . i - .- ; ..... . , I ;. j . HAS BETTER STfiY fAY. Wnen )ou siear our Hmh you . : .... j-.-'-- - ... - V '''''.BEliL'-HARltlS'&M:' ; f ! I. I i ! - - - " :- .': :-:':'.'','" f ' ' -: " ".:! '' ; : '. , . ' .1 ,. . - ..- . 7- ' i -7. :' .. '. , ; i ' 7 ... : ir ; . . , ' 7 ".- . i ' ' - -' :"..". J . . - t '( : ' ,- 7. 7- 7 -7 77. t:-.:.-- 7-.:--' -7 -S - v: .7,;7Uv::7' -7:,rV7v:r--r7;.--:;7:v:t ;.J-di--