I price $4.00 Per Ysar. f , . : OONCJOBD, N. 0., THURSDAY, MAHOS 1G, 1899.- ? ' ' """"T - Single Copy 5 Cents CUBA'B CONDITION VERY. BAD. flr.llowrr Deport of Distress-no appeals for Aid In tbo Bwn of Oar F1K . A 1 Jacksonville, Fla., March 15.---WilHam Wfllard Howard, general manager of the Cuban industrial relief fund of New York, passed through Jacksonville this morn "in, on his way home from Cuba. He goes north to purchase ' agri cultural implements and seeds for the use of the industrial relief station, which he has : just'.estab-, lisbed at Guinea, Cuba. Mr. Howard said, "Th6 - condition of Cuba, so far as my observations have gone, is really worse than it was thisr time last year, when I made my first inyestigation. In many rural districts, little has been done to restore the island to its normal condition. The fields are facant and the farmers idle The people still rexnaiu in the AN ALABAMA TORNADO. Freaks of a Storm, That Swept a Su burb of BlrmiBKbtm. i !tha8 not been done I cannot un derstand. The condition of Cctbk reproach to theAmtrican people; and a b6ff upon civilila-1 Birmingham Ala., March 15 A firm Vloi thing ta improve ; thainconditlon thia vicinity visited th town of and wo invite, all lovers of human- Avondale. on the outskirts oFthe ityirx the United States "to" hlfp dlty' 0'fc,k thi, rg' . i . i ' r came directly from the South, with us io? tne gooo; namo of tno r n A t, t.m, ' Amenean' flag. Out fe.Ungs medUtel7 in front of th6 Aondale snonld mean something to these nntton Milin it. a aomeiess, neipiess orpnans ana negro Methodist church and utterly UTERATEURSLOST. destitute country people. Money demolished it. I Three neW frameU Great for theso orphans or for our in- houses and a second negro church, dustrial relief work should be a short distance away, sent to the : Continental "Trust Idetroyed. Company, 30 Broad "streuf,f New Mrs. RC Foster was were next ill in bed York, j marked '''For the Cuban and her husband was watching at Industrial relief Fund.! The Hypnotists Mere. her side. The house waa taken f rem. over her he$d .and the bed stead blown 100 feet away. Strange Get ready to laugh. Prof. Lee, to say, Mrs. Foster was not hurt. together with his assistants, The negro school houee and ne arrived here this morning from gro Baptist church were torn to Wlcnn tn hr, n. thl P?6CeB- MrS' Annie JphnEOn Was . ii i ! -hi . i buried under her house and had to mghtfl. llxe patty comprises bfj . b- i and ip ;- si : . i si m Jrroi. o. A i-Liee ana wile, axx. bruised. mwns ana cuies wnere armv ra-1 v""w ' w , S - S I !- tioas are issued to them. They an( 1 Messrs. cannot return to their abandoned Niven, D M Reese, and Chas farms because they haye nothing Vestmore to return with. doing nothing to enable farmers their She is badly cot and in a critical con di- Arthur O Hudjxins, a white Phillip Mc- boy, waa-also buried in the wreck B age of his father's house. His arm was broken andj he was seriously OnilaatAust Prof. Lee aU inia At thi house four walla were oiown away ana a Dea con- left id the Sirs. C. CV Collins of Greensboro One I - - Tliem.', . , - " . -'.-;'- f- The Norma, an American yacht on which there were American literateurs intending to write up tnb' lparta ' of ' the 5 world1 as they touched them is said to' have been I 1 .... ..... - . : lost in the Red Sea. Mrs. C O.' Collins' of Greensboro was one of the party. "Our government has done and his company started in Maine Pn taininel three children tour and have since that middle of the room. Trie children to resume the cultivation of their time been playing in the differ- were not scratched. The injured lands. All that it pretends to "tlo ent States along the coast, hav- boy wa? in an outer wing and is to distribute rations through iDg local committees of Cubans. Gov. I December. General Brooke and the officers been at New -Orleans in main building crushed this ini Pressing the Ellfplons. f t"" v xneiwar nas taKen on iresn lm- the nnJer him realise keenly thejjon- been sold already nearly 150 pettig Q ih6 Philippines. . Gen. dition of things but they cannot having been counted this morning Wheaton pressed the natives givo uiij uD3iDvuutu CAwDtu Vy. ueiuiu xj uciuuK. about f asigj Taa:uifi: and Tateros "Ours is not a paternal govern- Treat AvralU Ton Tonlgbi. Tonight the Let Company of 'Hypnotists- will give : their first' perfors manoe.at Oatoq!a Hall .v This com pany neids nplntrod action as it has appeared in all the leading cities in this eeotion of .the oqantry. Only two weeks ago they played at Char lotte and fiUfed the opera house every night for a full 'week. The eLtertainmenta are mstrucs tive and' extremely funny; but aside from the ;humororid ' part, will be i ' t 1 sriven some scientific teata. ! Tonight the. human bridge testr will 4 be put on. In this a subject wili bo placed in the cataleptic oonditlon and when piacea across two cnaus, ehonlders on one and his anotherHhia unsupported body will sustain toe weht of 6 men. Ab these entertainments for the benefit of one of our nstitationB, they should be greeted by fall houses. M Tonipht with; each paid admission one lady will be admitted fre. are now on gale at Gibson's Store. ir . r ! Doors will be open at 7.30 ment. The condition of the Getting Up Hi Iloll. driving them back Ex-Sheriff Buchanan has ncfade losses. One hundred and seventy- widows and orphans of Cuba ia oat his lists of delinquent taxay- fiyedead heartrending. There Bre thousands era in the different townships and is new era1 were found with heavy upon thousands of these poor dropping them their lust notices creatures scatteroa over tne Similar to our scnoois, ne is prepar-resQ for Aguinoldo's 'strong hold. island. They have no homes to mg his roll or nonor r; ana win QeUt Otis things the victory of the most important live in, food to eat, nor clothes to nave it pumianea eoon. Wednesday! cover them. One cannot think of : A good amount of tne taxes are thu8 far- their fntnrfi withont ft Rhudder. I 'T40 ! V" 1 laUt year at tms time., jaimnar 10 FifiKSUNALi fUlINTJiKb. am especially ! concerned for the new graves, were taken. besides 100 About 430 prisoners It is contemplated to pasVjears, one can find almost all I'lll 1 I Ji ll utile orphan giria who roam me bethVceipts torn oat of the books -Mr. Walter PooleJ cf Salisbury. dinar o pnn i HI rt rl n A n olrin rf 4-M O 1 I f ' . . . )i l? 1 t. 5-1- i i cuauiuj tiau, ,oaiuB xVi c 0j, 80m0j vne i townsuips wnuo in is nere louay. bit of food with which to keep other townships bunches of i thoir little bodies and, souls to- yet remain tmpaid. . .., . I I ! VAxi'--r What; tpi hflpnmfl fit theso girls ? Their future for good or evil, lies with ' the people ct tho United States.; "Among these widows and are given local 8eats Drog Pers V Salt .water, sort water, -hard water, soap water, sun? light, perspiration, or any other thing cannot affect the brilliant, durable black hosiery or gloves that are Hermsdorf-dyed. To be certain they are Herms-dorf-dyed your customers look for thitsignature I i i i i : Onr Ladies' and Childrens Hoset ; r. i ; 2 Pairs For 25C. are Are record breakers, j They fast black, extra weight heels and toes, and; boVt on earth for money. , ' . Our Hosiery counter might terest you , j , ! ' I ; ; II L the in- forma nee will begin at 8 30 o'clook ilery woman needa Dr. Miles Pain PIUa ; " j " ! i K t - j - ' . i-.-Aa.):-. i hem Wr Tnn W IVTrkTMnnn nf (lhar lotte, is here tody. - j Traf rvioof or Pafforonr rstnrnpH Ktlll Mlretl DOWU. uo"1J"""4 .Some time agothe officials of the home this m after spendirg chain gang attemed to move the iU -u.c. rock crnaher - fromVhere to their, Mr. A ElLentz basgone.to Phila work out on the BeattVs Ford road, delphia on a buainess trip for Oiphans I have as lately as last But the roads were entirely top bad Messrs. D B Dayvault & Bro. individual cases of and the crusher mirea aown m ine Mr n a Woodruff arrived - t i . n T:.u. iuAlL J I ' , auuiution and Dhvsical cmacia- rpau near ur. uvij a jj Xu?Ju , . . 'nrn:nc, frfim NfiW York visit Messra; i i ? : - 1 I L 1 L .11 1,. LI, aw MM I t - j nomes uglier iu win ut ia&cu um ni-n 1 ever saw m Armenia dunngyfTa u , ,f JOdell, iuy lwo vears inai l kuvo iu ; . , ... proved now, only one being sick. The gang now numbers twenty- five. OMR LOSS YOUR GAIN. We had ten thousand dollars w rth of Furniture more or less iimonia relief work. And to have these wrecks of humanity to stand and look Tip to the Stars '"d Stripes waving over their; tity hall, give3 one a queer sensa-j tion. The generous American' people surely cirrmot understand condition of Cuba, or these poor creatures .would be taken ; o of. . ' - f ;I do not speak of the sick, the jurm, or those who hobble "'-t with loathsome sores, result 3 : " horn etarvation. I cannot speak cf thorn for the English language inadequate to the task. - They should have been cared tor in J03iLals long months ago. Yfiy XT R and J M damaged on the 1.6th. If you need nr line NOW is O the time. the anything ri Blind Tierers Aliont Trinity. We learn that there is a nest of blind tigers about the Tiinity rVmrp.h r.ommunitv. m No. 4 (town ship, that is making itself a decided nuisance. The hand of the law 'will drop on the shoulders of some of these culprits wfien tliey are least thinking of it. Then they will whine at their fate and blame those whom they are outraging . To Btop the nefarious business in time won Id h immenselv better. The choice is with the offenders. een Mjountain aple Syfupj ; Quart Bdv ties at 30 cents. PiTtt "Rottles at, 20 cents. Sweet Pickle 10 cent per Bottle Canned Kornlet at cents J per can. Jf-body iieea bave TTenralgla. Get Dr. MQe$ ErVirir& Morris v I grocers; A I ! . In the next 60 days we will makehuri dreds of people happy F YOU OOi'T HAD BETTER 1 ner p can t WTPSBY STAY :AWAYr p hear onr PI help buying. GaiERffllM. r 5 r I' ! ri i At 'I' ?! v. it v r-1 Ay -1 '.: I . t : iv.r r. i - u A - u ' ,! f I :1A; iv. 1 . -A-':