price CONCORD, N. O., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1899. THE HUMAN BODY Single Copy 5 Cents Miljcct t n AtbRiiaenm TIie ..rc-Xhe Band Goes to Union ille APln Tn,s Yea-1'801!9. jit. Pleasant, March 22.- Miss giia Lcntz,of Norwood, is- visiting Jjgf lllcULici . ; flcaeant this week. jjiss Lollie Graeber, of near Chin- Grove, is visiting Mrs. L J 'Veil this week. Capt. Cook an( McAllister jpeni last Friday in Albemarle on jMis iAnina Stevens who has "lv,u visiting her many friends ia Mt. Pleasant, returned to her home. at Bosts Mills last Monday. fho lecture delivered in the College Chanel last Thursday nrbtby Roy. W B Oney, was of a L":;b crder. It was practical fiu i .instructive. He hail for hie Meet, The Human Body," v - v D StclTey will also lecture nisr'lit tho 23rd of this month.. ; j Sf veral college boys wont out to St. John's Satnrdaynight to the school exhibition. They re ported not a very good -time on aceDont of the enclemency of tho weather. i; " The Mt. PleaVant band has been employed to furnish music forth commencement exercises at Cuiuimlle academy. I A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT Paid to the Memory of Hope Barrier By the Concord Hose and Reel t'om ' pany. .": f At a call mtetin; of the Concord Hose ana Reel Company! No. 1 held Monday night, March 20th, 1899. the following resolutions were adopted : I Whereas, It ha3 pleased the Su preme Being of the Universe to ie , i move from this earthly abode one of our J members. Hone M Barrier, a member in good standing, and also a nonscommissioned officer in the - . i i , Sponi6hoAmerican war, and1 was at th time of his death a member of Co. L, First Regiment North Cc Una Volunteer Infantry, serving hia country in a foreign land, and Whereas, The intimate relations Ion? held by the deceased and the of thia company, render that we should place on record our appreciation of hia ser vic-.a 'as a volunteer fireman and his merits a a man. R( solved, By the Concord Hose and Keel Company No. 1, that while we bow With humble J fcubinisdon to ciie Will of the Moat High, we do inmsti tbe !os3 because ne has been 'rn?mber3 it proper Concord to Lose n Family. Wo regret to learn that Con cord, at an early date, Mr. James F Bhinn and we are clad to learn Shinnjhas succeeded in - . I -j himself a still batter position. Ho has accepted) a good petition in the cotton mill at Pineville below will lose wife yet that Mr. securing Charlotte. Mr. Shi nn will take charge of hi3 new position at once bul Mrs! Shinn will remain here awhile with her parents be fore moving. An Early UorniDK Capture. About 4 o'clock this day) (Wednes- morning Nightwatchman Johnson and Ju-ilerTowneend went i ii i i over, into the part of town where most of the 'colored peoplo stay. They went Will Paton, court house to capture a negro, who is wanted in the month on Being un- hure next Will Very Probably Corae .Here. Rev. Dr. N W Tracy returned to Salisbury Tuesday night after bavins: spent the afternoon with the W. C. T. U. of this place con fer ring as to his coming here to deliver his series of temperance lectures. Provided a suitable place can be obtained Dr. Tracy will be here in the near future. No place is -to be found in town so suitable for tho crowd as the court house. but it is yet to to be seen whether it can be ob tained, a committee having been appointed to investigate the mat ter at the meeting oi the com missioners on next Monday. Large crowds everywhere at- cailed from the Ecenej of earthly ac tion to :h)a e?erla3ting rest. Revived, That in the; death of Hope M. Barrier the Company loses One 01 Ha OiOcb tfUUVe LUeUlUCXB, lillU one who was zealous in his wof k account of an o.'fifrav. able to give a. bond for his ap- pearance be was taken to jail. Patrlctt Walsh Dead. I Hon. Patrick Walsh, Mayor of Augusta, died at his home in that city Sunday morning. j Mayor Walsh was a conspicu ous figure in Georgia politics and on the death of Senator Colquit filled the the unexpired term in the United r States Senate. He was editor of the Augusta Chron icle which will be continued by his nephews lately associated with him. J ! p.everal Places Quarantined. Small-pox is thought to abating these days in our State. Several places are observing the quarantine regulations quite rigidly. Elon College Gibson sonvillo and Graham are quaran tined against Burlington and Hillsboro ia quarantined against the whole of Alamance county. A Brush lu llAvana. 1 At tbe Canuoa A Fetzor Co. More. j Miss Shelby Harris has beenj. out of the store several days oii account of tho illness of her mother. Mr. Lacy Dick is sick also. Mr. Jno. S. Hill has been added to the list of salesmen there. $3-oo $2.50 $2oOO IIS. We think we have the best. shoes at the above prices ever offered for sale in this city. They are in button and in lace, made on the new lasts, kid tips, nan; sewed', flexible but- A riot occurried Saturday and Sunday in Havana in which three policemeu worn killed and about fifteen wounded while of the riot ers five were killed and sixty or seventy were wounded. The excitement is subsiding it is said and the rioters are said to have learned a good wholesome lesson. tons an d extension soles They CEM a true the interest fireman, pro as of tho apt to advance Company, de- TBE BEST PRESCRIPTION CHILLS FOB and prosperity, and honest and voted to ita welfare fearless in action upright, whos3 many virtues en deared him not only to thejmembera of this Company, bat to all his fel low citiz2Gfl. Resolved, That this Company ex Mr. Clarence Bfoirn Sick. ;i i Letters from the boja in Cuba state that of Forest Hill, a member of Co. L, Then why experiment with worthless r fiinrAtinn HmwRj. ... . - . .. . - W 'T' less UruJl Tonic. JN ever fails to cure; IS sick. typhoid fever. He is thought to havo imitationb? Price 50 cents. money uauK u n iaus to cure. Your make the foot look trim and elegant Sizes from 2J to 6 - . r tti-m -aaaaa on E arid D widths. We fit the feet as wf-ll - as tbe puree. For s tylish footwear fee S L PARKS & f.(i tend its profound sympathy to the family and relatiyes of our deceased brother in their sad BrBiction . Resolved, That iheae resolutiocB be spread upon the minutes of the Company and that a copy of the same be printed in The Times and The btandard and that a copy be presented to the family of the fallen comrade. A M BROWN, Chief, H Q RtTZ, President, R H WHITE, Secretary, Siuall-Pox Bad in JLaredo. Laredo, Texas is said to haye 200 cases of smail-pox. Dr. Blunt who has charge says it l is the worst small-pox epidemic he has met in his 25 years' practic. t JOOD t Fp-nlla Jias overatr "over a jaiu proved by its cures, when all otiier prpHrfttions failed. ths A 1 I & ' jjj " " ' Green Mountain flaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. news. Yellow Jaundice Cared. RnfTflriricf humanity should be . v . i , j : ci;fl supplied with every means possible having been turned away in Sahs- m f i Tfcl (. with Dieasuro t bury for want of- room. These j we publish the following: This ia ' lectnrfis fnnrtAATi in nnmher. are I tn nortifv that I was a terrible BUl- illustrated with : stereopticon fejr ,romi YeUow J? J" OVer Bl2L UlUUkUD, OUU Twa wv by ccme of the best physicians in our citv and to no avail. Dr. Bell, Nt. Lni8' piasne f olrKness. our druggist, recommended Electric ;f T,;0 m a cinanlflr Bitters; and after taking two bottles ot. Louis, Mo., had a singular x ntirely cured. If now take eiparience last Saturday. The creat ' pleasure" in vrecommending day -opened bright after a them to any person suffering from rainy night but about 8 o'clock this terrible malady. J ,r . fully yours, M. I A. Hogarty, Lex- tho winu seemed to reverse and . .J t',, RnUl hv P B Fetzer's blow back upon the city great Drug store. j volumes of smoke that was pass- j Q3nerai NelEonX Miles will prcp m from the ehopd and furnaces. fn t.hfl man who dealt . a i nui if ftiAuvv m-w i Sweet Pickles per Bottle lo cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. - . I Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 X " ! ' t r r ii 1 11 n T.r venty minutes it was so .hfi hlow tnat knied Alger. Unlc u'aii f s to stop busiuess except the -cot cars and such as could turn AnMlegant Display orFine MiUin- on the electric lights. JIany peo ple felt alarmed remembering tho lo storm of three years ago. UEx ibe KittlLt Stamp. Postmaster Pr.ttterson tells us tkat Dot un frequently letters are iiiipd . with revenue stamps. ii;0 stamp misplaced is simply Ww for the two are not inter cluinC' b'b and; each serves its ' purple only. T en at . " k MISS MIE EEXMDER'S 4 r-lf&. . ! ii M THE WORLD DO Billy Goats will butt- Rain or Shi OVE! ne Bell. Harris WILL SELL FUR i Company MIL if Concord is the best town in the State and we do not allow a town or oil .Kma fan thfl Oeneral will over-ch. . W m ,ri,:.inalv nrove his charge o baa , Hridav, iuarcn heaf. and AW will hardly be able ' ' p' !! m " , i . i to stand that. Asheville Citizen Backlcn'B LifBica bit. . The Beat Saive in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhtjuin, Fever acres, Tetter Chapped Hand3, Chilblains, Coma and all S'dn Eruptions, and positively cures Pile or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give fitatiefaction-or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P 3 Fetzer's Drug etore - ' All - are - Invi 21 to city in North Carolina to boast of a better FURNI- j TURE STORE than Concord has. Car Lots-Spot Cash and j I I ' " " ' P ' trying to follow the Golden Rule has giyen us a trade that" we ! J . s ' H-J are proud of. - . . p! ... We are making a prie on what is left of our . . . j - ;DAM A.6ED STOCK ' v thatwill'surprise yon. see. Parlor Snit that cost $53. OC lo go f i b Arts? na OOH OA Siirto IOr 10.4,J. .Tv w - j IOr -6J.ViU. iffzxi.w r-j " nifnrfi for 25.00. Come ana o-tf i WANTED. I will pay 3c. for two or three thousand second-hand burlap bags. Must .be in good condition. j m23d-w. I G T Crowell. elL Harris 1 H '. : - : - - . - -!. - . .1 8