j: nee vvr j- - CONCORD, N. O., FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1899. Single Copy 1 5 Cents FEARFUL CONDITION. WILL ARRIVE TONIGHT Crime and Retribution in Arkansas seven Kejjroes Lynched. Little Rirer coanty, Arkansas, is in the throes of excitement.'.' It The Body ut Sergeant Hope Barrier to Be Taken te Sit. Pleasant To morrow Blorning. Just before going to press this eeema that a negro called Gen. afternoon we receWed a telegram Dnckett was a leader iff a conspiracy rtTV, -41wk ,v ' . rr i j from the Quartermaster at against the whites. He murdered a . . prominet planter, James; Stockton, Savannah stating that the body of last Saturday. On fleeing he told Sergeant Hope Barrier had been others that he had killed one white forwarded on this afternoon's -mn and if they would follow him express. to would kill more. . . discharged members ol He was captured by the civil offi- , " , cers and was being taken to jail Company L will escort the body when a mob of 200 men took him from the station tonight. To- " and returned 10 the eoene of the morrow morning the body will murder, where he confessed the be taken to'Mt. Pleasant where cnm . V . , . . - it will be laid beside that of his It then leaked out through friend- . . , i Bn,0f.niAfmci0ii.' father and two brothers. The U nezroes that a plot was entered id- 7 to to kill a number of white men . members ot Company L will aot The result was a bounding down of as pallbearers. them one by one and they were killed. The greatest excitement pre vails, j j '. In it for Thirteen Daye. Two miners, Charles Rouss and Bnrt Troy had a singular ex perience in a Leadville mine recehty. A cave-in near the top The body is expected to arrive tonight at 9.45 o'clock. It is the present intention that the proces sion leave the home of Mrs. Ann Fink tomorrow morning at 11.80 j o'clock, bat on account of the possible , arrival of the BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE, Bm the keyboard by Which It Was Done'Been round. Cincinnati; March 21. A local paper here prints a story that the location of the keyboard by which the Maine was blown up in Havana harbor has been found by an Ameri can engineer officer. ( The story that Capt. T L Hue ton of the voluteers, who entered the service from Cincinnati, and who has been assigned to the duty of cleaning but the fortifications cf Havana, had discovered in the gun room of the Cuartel de Fuerste, a wooden box or hut, in . which he found a gutta percha tube contain ing one large copper wire and sev eral small wires. He also found evidence of a keyboard having been torn away. Captain Huston had confided his discovery to Mr. War- ' ran J Lynch, the newly appointed passenger agent of the Big Four, GRAND MILLINERY OPEMG I - . " ' . - ' ! Two days will be devoted to the exhibition. I i - ' it Friday and Saturday, March 24th and 25th. ,$, Weeks of preparation ; careful and exclusive designing result : Grandest and most elab orate show of fine Millinery ever made in Gonoord. Our trimmer, Miss Arnold, is one ot the best to be had from the metropolis. The most favored advance styles from ir'aris anil London will be shown in this department. who was visiting Havana, and , aid Hats are more beautiful this season than be was about to trace the wires o ever. Neer -we think, were they so artisti cally made and so becoming. A great show- prove his theory that the Maine was exploded from that point. The wreck of this vessel can be sec n from this eun room, not more than alinff of Silks. Orffandies. PidUeS. etc.. Will be . . , 1 ' - cr m, . : ; wsuer hundred yards distant. The rooml j ! V of the shaft had them cut off. A ulurU01 Ul uw"w luo useu was iu purni ui wo uouu lame pumping pipe was not present program is liable to tower, to which access was only al broken and with dynamite they change. -! Tr. tend tMs magnificent dlST)laV. "RvfiTiinP- rfi- .. mi 1 . 1 I 1 I . I 1 .--.. blew it on ana communicatea with the 1 DBODle above and 1 T rP no wmecorr Property. received sustenance till a shaft of After finishing their eight new Lodge No. 61 K.i P., tonight at more than 200 -feet was due. residences over toward the Buffalo 8 0 clock- w or6: n dra ranK A cordial invitation is extended to all to at- Attention. Pythian " Regular meeting pf Concord ceptlOU till 930. They days. were in prison thirteen I mills and the residence for Mr. Chaa Suther on Fourth street, Messrs. W A Wilkinson and R F R. L. McConnell, C. C. PERSON ALPO INTERS. Dr. Redfern returned to Monroe this morning, after visiting J)r W C Houston. Mrs, D P Dayyault and Mies Kincaid went to this morning to Lincoln county spend several On (tin Hnn(hvn. Mr. Jno. Murr, who has been --- Buffering several months with Aencwon the property toiown as rheumatism, has again gone back the Winecoff lot just below Mr. to his railroad work. He is Levi Moore's onNorth Main street, flagman for Capt. Ed Patterson; Two of these residences will be Enstfneer ."Walter Parish, who built facing Main street while day8 iuua uu a mruuu uci, uw wrco w mem wm vuuiuu Mri Frank Bobbins WOttt tO ueen iransierrea u me local street. nhrloUe this morning. He will freight for a few days; Mr. Will return here either tonight or to ftizziah being off on account ot I a Five ovioct Affair. morrow. sickness. . I On Thursday afternoon at 5 Mr- ft J T.owe. of Charlotte. I m, J w ' nVlnnV Mr. Reece "Wineooff. who and Miss Qe reia Lowe, of Lowes- mreexyncnea in niisissippu " I ...... , , ' . j u 1 TU AfQ,wPHv v07rtrt nr lives only a snort distance aDove vine, amveu uD At Silver City, Yazoo county, l . T .. A ara ;.,, with Mrs. W S Bina- AHaa fi, rrt-a foiror, town ana Miss Jjaura xrown 01 r i from officers last Sunday. Race Forest Hill, presented themselves 1, hatred seems the trouble. Two at the manse of the .birst Presby- of them had waylaid and attemp- terianJ church for the purpose of Qreeil MOlUltaill ted to kill a citizen and the, three I being made husband and wife. ere ring-leaders of a riot. Their Rev Alexander responded to bodies were weighted and teir request, and the couple tnrown into the lazoo river. :w nxear Tvm tiveS of the parties accooipaniedl bas them. , - ' . ' " . ' . I ' ' - . 1 ,. ' f ' ''. ! I f ' napie Syrup. The Dolphin to Blow It A ay. The gunboat Dolphin been sent to blow up and destroy a wreck off the North Carolina mm. unmhead to Bniw a Besidenee Coast. This wrecked vessel has Mrs. Burkhead has made a been struck seyeral times and contract with Mr. Denson Cald being in the path of vessels sail- well for the erection of a dwell ing along the coast is a public ling house on her lot on West menace. T)mnt ntreet. The uresent house ... . . i-i Another Spanish Boat. I Will DO rolleu vO On SlUO OI me The Spanish gunboat, Baracoa, lot and will also, be remodelled sunk near Guantanamo has been somewhat and repainted. The raised and added to the Ameri- new one will be built on the end can navy. It is said to be a very 0f the lot next to Mr. M J Corl. good type of patrol vessel. It is The dwelling will contain six uuw said that tnere is hope pi saving the Christobal Colon. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents Sweet Pickles per Boitle 10 cents. THE WORLD DO RIME! Billy Goats will butt-- Rain or Shine Bell, Harris5 & Compan; 1 SELL FURW1TURE. r F i Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison 0R0CER5 rooms The First to Sail Saturday. From a number of dispatches and letters including one from Baeklen'B Arnica saiye. The Best Salve in the, world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt aSST Ohffi; (teS all Mr. Parks King to -his father it S'tin Eruptions, and positively cures seems that the First N. C. Regi mes or no pay required. It is ment will sail from Cuba Satur- guaranteed to eive statisfaction or PEKING AT p I fflSS MARY BRACHEN'S e monej refunded. Price 25 cents per bfcx For Bale .at P B Fctzer's Drug i tore. day. It is not yet known just j where the regiment will be must ered out. Saturday, March Easter Cards as Souvenirs. The public cordially invited. Concordia the beet town in the State and we do not allow a town or city in North Carolina to boast of a better FUENI TUBE STOBE than Concord has. Car Lots Spot Cash and trying to follow the Golden Rule has giyen us a trade that we are proud of. . j ! ... We are making a prir on what is left of our ... DAMAGED STOCK that will surprise you, see. Parlor Suit that cost $55.00 to gc ': i :" 1 x r for fS5.00. $25.60 Side Board for $15.20. $40.00 Suit of Fm niture for $25.00. Come and SEB. Bell, Harris & Co.