I m ' -. Ik N?4- m rd-tk m fei rm .'t -sp1 Bf V m : F TT$ wm w?''Z3si. rszr s?m mjt& m mm m . &r . , -jsa . raj m PiiceJ.OO Per Year. 'THE ROAD QUESTION. speofal Aleetlnic of, Ibe County i , !iiniisiou8r3 to Hear the Wants of ihfi l'cojde of the' County as' to ,.. xiielr Unci Elonrts Monday was a busy day in the Blister's office, this having been the day of the special meeting of tbe county commissioners lor the hewing of the different road questions. -Several different committees presented petitions, la some cases all of the property holders along the proposed new road were willing to the change, while in some - cases persons bit terly opposed it and will fight it until the last., A petition was presented for a public road leading from the Con cord and Charlotte road to the Beatry's lord road, beginning at the Morehead farm , and crossing Kooky river at MiflV ford, ran r.ing through the Mill's property, i:ntl the lands of C A Fisher, D U Bonds, aud J E Henderson, com ing into the BeattyV lord road at or near Poplar Tent church, be ing about three miles in length. Another petition was" presented : asking for a public road to be land on the Salisbury road to the public road near Rcibt Holdbroofcs and that it ran as near on an air line as possible, taking: the lay ot tViA 1 rr nnrl ntf nf nflcfmrUnn saul road in consideration, also that -the road shall have a con necting link with the Statesyille road near the Simpson Martin A delegation from No. 10town ship was present asking for a pablic road from Cedar Grove church, eight and one-half miles south of Concord, running with the old road by D T Boger's and other? to Furr's post office.. . , " -V petition from the people of the Rimfi n.nafr1 fnwnnhir xxraa i presented' asking for a public road from Flowed store by way of the residences of J H Newell deceased, R A Gourley, George Barbee, and J W McAnulty's place to Bethel church and intellect with the Cheraw road at tht ford on Muddy creek. - Another was asked for by the I -jpie of near Mt. Pleasant, tho I to lead from the Ed. Hur-w-jor place "by Geo. 1 Bost's and. Br." P J A flaino's to Mt. "Pleasant over the lands of EL McAllister near the Kindley cot ion mill. It js claimed; that thia nm cuuiLtjji iuc uisiance nearly one-lourth of a mile and Mil be made without cost to the county. . . . ' ' " " . j Another public road was asked r leading from near Heglar's ford bridge running west over tb lands of M 11 Bost, M It Bost, D J Little, -T D Joyner, M Stall irc -T B Boger, R M Boger, F Boger, and Benjamin Burley ficn to Cedar Groye church be Ween Flowe's store and the Thundarstruck bridge.' In regard to the road proposed baaing in almost a. r Mr. Kee Morrison's place to Koc'V river in No. 1 "township, t iag definite was done though falter U3 brought : up and contestPf? l .1 01 damage to their lands the 1 . . ' 7 " ' CONCOKD, movement is opposed by Mr. J M W Alexander, of that town Rhn and Mr. F A Archibald, of this piace. while all of the other land owners along the line are working hard for it, the . two named persons will claim dam ages from the county if the road is made, Messrs. H C McAllister, "Ym. Propst and Jno. H Long, the committee to investigate the newly proposed j movement, made their report as to the cost of placing the bridge either at Black's mill or several hundred yarpTs farther up the riyer. At the newly proposed place there will bo a saving of iron bridge work and also a saving of build ing a considerable large approach tathe bridge. Before anything more can be done with the mat ter petitions will have to beTmade out and advertised and posted at luuii juuuse in order to give the opposing parties due notice. lie Will Probably Come Yet. A committee appointed by the W. U. T. U. appeared btfore the county commissiobera Monday nd asked for the u;e of the court house for more than a week to be used by Dr. Tracy, the noted temperance leos turer. . Qiite an amount of time was taken by the commissioners as t whether the room should be tendered them, but considering the fact that the room has been refused to others representing good causes and know ing that the granting of this requeit would necessitate the same compli ance for a number of ethers, they decided thatx they could not grant the request. Personally they would have gladly tendered the room, but as this is a county building the matter is different. - While on this subject this res minds us of a conversation Dr. Tracy had while here. While h8 preferred, on account of the seating capacity, the Baptist church, still he says that some will entertain the ida that this is a denominational affair, but such is not the case. Generally at tho different places he uses the opera house because it seats the" most peo pie and far tnother reason also. He says that he can! succeed iu getting a number of people in an opera hottee that will not come to any kind of occasion in a churoh. There is yet hopes that Concord will hear these excellent lectures on "Temperance. Dr. Tracy is a fine speaker, an excellent mimic, and is well possessed of the powers of a comedian. His power to change the feeling of the audience from laughter to sorrow and vice versa is grand. Let not the members of the W, C. T, U. be discouraged in their efforts. Iacly K truck By JLigbtnlnf?. Miss Susie Overman, who stays at Mr. Will Kirk's was standing near the cook "stove Monday when lightning ran down the chimney and the pipe, bursting the stove, and then struck her on the left limb just above the ankle. Miss Susie's shoe was torn off and one toe was cut, but she was not seriously hurt. She was knocked about ten feet. Salisbury Sun. ' THE BEST PRESCRIPTION POR V CHUiliS and fever is a bottle of Groves ITaste less Ohill Tonic. Never Jfails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless mitations? Price 50 cents Your money back ii it fails to euro. N. 0., TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1899. THE WAR GOES ON. Americans Preus Jlie liiipiaoe Hack on Malolos rwenty-ElSit Killed nd 212 Wounded- Againald Commands lu Person, 1 The advance continues in the Philippines and the fighting is , sharp at times. Gen. Otis says in dispatches that Asuinaldo commanded a force in person Monday but was driven back with considerable slaughter. The natives have burned several towns and it is said are concen trating atMalolos, the headquarters ! of Agumaldo and the seat of the native government. The American losses were 28 killed and 212 wounded Sunday and part of Monday. j There seems no way to divest the natives of the delusion that the Americans want to kill men, women and children as indicated by the proclamations ihey issue. It is expected to soon take the last strong hold and then the Philippine commission will issue another proclamation which may be listened to after they have had a taste of the consequences of their folly. . Gen. Otis has"" purchased 13 gunboats from the Spaniards, all they had in the Philipines. Pare Perversity. - Nothing beats the human being for perversity and downright con trariness; for instance, a grandpa. all elated and proud over a tiny bit of the third generation, is in a neighboring town and calling up his home ifiqueres, "How's the baby "Why it's crying with all its might P "Do bring it to the 'phone so I can hear it " His young lordship is brought, bat cries not another bit. PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Geo. W Means spent last night in Charlotte. Mr, Gus Harteell spent last night night in Salisbury. Mr D Francis Cannon, Jr, went up to Salisbury last night. Mrs. Jno. Allison returned home last night from Salisbury. Dr. J M Riley, of Loxington, is here today. Dr. Riley is a dentist of that place. Attorney H S Puryear went to Raleigh last- night on business in the supreme court. Mr. J M Odell returned home last night after attending the funeral of Mr. Wm, H Branson. Miss Florence Fray, who re cently finished a term of school in Rowan county and has jbeen visit ing at Mt. Pleasant arrived "here this morning to visit at Rev. C B Miller's. Green Mountain i . ' flaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. . Canned Ko? 'i!ct at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison OR0CER5. - -, 11 .' mW - -J. IL I LEFT BEHIND. Air. Clarence Brown Unable te Laye llarana With Our Boy- Getting Beady far Mr. Barrow's Residence. Mr. Jno. Bridges spent yester day in Salisbury. Mr. Geo. Johnson we are sorry to learn is very sick with con sumption. Mr. C T Troy is filling in his yard which will be quite an im provement after finished. Mr. Moore, of Charlotte, is here preparing to move the Burrage house to the rear of the lot to make room for Mr. Barrow's new residence. We learn by letters received by Mrs. Brown that her son, Clarenqo, v. . : able to sail with tho soldiers. He is to wait for the hospital boat. HvW " The Vary fer the Kext Month's Court. At the meeting of the county commissioners Monday the names of the following good and lawful man were drawn: E R G Plaster, Caldwell Query, J D Hahn,W R Molnnis, W h Boat, Wilson Hon eycutt, P G Cook, Robt. H Thomp son, C R Montgomery, EM Field, D M Kluttz, Horace M Blackwel der, Thos. W Brumley, Robert L Youn, J Willis Stallings, Jno. H Lipe, W A Garmon, Crawford M Ross, C W Allman, Reuben F Biles, W A Fink, Geo. W Means, D T Rumple, W G Newell, R V Faggart, G A Gulp, Findley 0 Dry, J D Cress, J Erwin Early, J A Ken. nette, J A Marshall, B C Rimer, Gee. L'Fisher, W O Nesbit, Victor T Melchor, Geo. L Kluttz. Every woman Xvefcdr Dr. Miles" Pain fius. THE WORLD Billy Goats will butt Rain or Bell, SELL CJoncordis the hest town in a town or city, in North Carolina TUBE STOBE than Concord trying to follow the Golden Bule arejproud of. i . . . We are makiDg a prix; Harris WILL , DAMAGED STOCK that will surprise you, see. Parlor Suit that cost $55.00 to go for $25.00. 835.90 Side Board for $15.20. !$40.00 Suit of Fur niture for $25.00. Come and SEE. Bell, Harris & Single Copy 5 Cento THE FIRST N. O. AKIUVEi. ! i! The Reglmeni Ww at Forf lnnnt To Rencb Nnvannah 1fiy. Savacnab, Gh , March 27 - The First Nortn Cnrolina Regiment ar rived at Fort PnUeki, 14 miles-be low this city, today, on the WesL L?ne steamer Vigilanciaj from Cn. Five compnied of the Fourth Yir ginia Rggimeut u!go arrived the rort on tfle Bteamer S4n Antonfo The proces of fomigation was at onca begun. The North Carolina Regimeijt will be brooght to the city tomorrow and the Virgitiio? or Wednesday. The troops will go at once mtp camp and he mmtere out here next week. The health of the raea is reported to be yt-ry mid'. SoW of the officer of the" North i i Carolina l.e2imfnt ire hOfotiinred by their wiyes. Bolibed the GrAve A starling incidei oi vtich-Mr. John Oliver, of PniladHiph'ia, was the subject, is narrated uc ioilbwfc;: 4tI was in a most drf idfnl ceiv'on. My8kinwas almcwr v,,?l.r. eres 8unken, tongue coated, pain con tininually in bacL Ld ' nicies, no appetite kept on giutAij grow ing weaker day by dny. t'hroe physicians had given me up. , For tunately, a iriend advised; trying Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, . h f5r?,t- bottle made a decided improveruent. I continued their use for tl.ib weeks, and am now a well inn:.. :I '-.now they saved my life, iind robbed the other victim," No one should fail to try them Only 50 cpnts per bottle at P. B.jFetzers Diu 6iv All town taxes ronet paid at once, or cost will hi idS.ed. j Jno, K. Patterson, . it Tow.i Tas-Collector. DO - Shine III the State and we do not allow to boast of a better FURNI has. Car Iiots Spot Cash pud has given us a trr.de that we on what is left of onr . . I Company lllTUfit j n ; i. il (1 1 "" " I -) ' Co. j i I i f .1 mmum. muLS. i.