' ' 'I ' ' ' ? , t ; Price $4.00 Per Yoar. 'y- -, ' ' ' ; - l! WHITE SUPERMACY MADE PERMANENT, OFExplauation of Ameudiuenls. 1. Question. If the amendment as they are! doing here, by telling is adopted, will, the negro be them before the election that the allowed to vote ? amendment was unconstitutional, Answer. Only such negroes and threatened the people with will be allowed to vote as eu the United States Court, but the read and write, or such as are PeoPle paid no ; attention to them descended from those negroes as they will not here and who could vote prior to the Con- Tehe f was adop ... x looe u. ted there,! nothing more was Btunuon ui ioouf. wnu naye heard of the cry about the amend come from States where negroes mWg bein, unconstitutl0naL could vote before 1867. ,. 11. You say an election has 2. Q. Will the amendment dis- been held in Louisiana under franchise the uneducated yhites? this amendment ? A. Certainly vnot. Under it, any white man who could vote at any time before 1867, or whose ancestors (that is, his father, did DOt tae ifc in he Court? grandfather, great-grandfather, A. Why dear me, no. They etcM) could vote at any time be- kntfw the law was all right, and fore 1867, can register-whether ifc M een investigated by , , J . the greatest lawyers m the State he can read and write or not . , , . i i :nno , , and pronounced sound andgood. any time before 1908, and will al, tie Louisiana amendment ways thereafter be entitled to which is : praofcicalIy the same as vote. This lets, in eyery white ours was prepared under the man and Croatan, however lack- direction of Judges Foster and ing in education, who has not Semmes, two of the greates law been convicted f of an infamous yers not only in Louisiana, but crimo. ' T -ff in tjie whole South. 3 0. Why this difference be- Q. Has the constitutionality tween the white man and negro ? Why bless your soul, it is a matter of natural understanding and capacity. The white man has more sense-than the neero. and inherently "understands the duties and responsibilities of suffrage and citizenship better ' than the negro; ' and the Demo- cratie party holds that the nnf . ui tmsted to cast aimore intelligent vote than an educated neero. That is what white Democrats believe, whether Republicans be- liftvp ifc or not 4 Q. Will white men who are registered before 1908 have to be able to read and write to vote after that time ? A. No. Every white man who registers under the grandfather clause of the amendment before 1908, will be placed on the "per- manent roll," and will forever thereafter be entitled to to. al- tnnnah hft mav never know a I o j letter in the books. . 5. Q. Has this amendment been adopted and tried anywhere else ? v T t A. Yes. It is the law of the OL ' . T . . , State of Louisiana today. 6. Q. How has the law worked in Louisiaoa ? . " A. Splendidly. The white peo- pie there are delighted with it. It . a , , a AMt- has solved tho negro problem there and established white snpr remacy permanently. 7. Q. Has any election been held under it in Louisiana ? ( A. Yes. The last State and National election in that State ra8 held under it, 8. Q. Did . ) the negroes in Louisiana register under it ? A. Not many. 9. Q. Did the - uneducated whites register under it? A. Yes. Both the educated and uneducated whites registered under the grandfather clause, and were placed on the permanent roll, and will not have to register again in order to vote. 10. Q. Did the Republicans of I "W" V . . m . -w-v r& a . ' - - . ' t I ' I Louisiana claim the law was nta-' constitutional ? A. Yes. They-tried to fool and Rflrfl f, 0, A. Yes. Both State and Con elections. gressional 12. Q. And the Republicans of tne amendment ben " thorough- ij investigated by by our north Carolina lawyers ? A. Yes J Thoroughly, fully and exhaustiyly. It was submitted bv tho legislature to a select committee of the ablest lawyeis m that b.9aJ. Some of these law- yers had been studying it for wees : months before the LLeeisiature met. xner naa ex- amined all the authorities and read a11 the books and the7 agreed-; it - was constitutionally sound- 14 finally prepared wnder their direction by George Rountree recognized by the bar and bench of the whole State as one of the soundest and greatest lawyers in the State. Finally there were about fifty lawyers many ot them the best in the State in the Legislature, and every one of them voted for the amendment, and by that vote ex- ffiOT i i;t it Jt ,M-t-.o, : intjmuer ui tuu udibiuiuio ib der the obligation of an oath' um to vote for anything he believes to be unconstutional. 14. Q. Who says the aet is un- Oio ; constitutional i c j A WeU Hon; Jeter Pritchard 8ays so; bnt he said; there was no negro domination in ' Wilmington before the election and before the resolution furled . them from power and drove their white allies Pto enforced exile. 15. Qi If Mr. Pritchard and the Republicans think -thfc amend ment is unconstutibhal, hy do they trouble themselves about it, for everybody knows an uncon- -LiL LZ I iri i-k I n TXT of oil BTT .V- u'T ' uS' and can anyone? A. They are merely playing politicsJ 1 They hope by mis representation to fool the people and get back into power. They have not yet learned that they can not fool all the people all the time. . . ! - r 16. Q. Will the amendment be adopted. A. Yes. By an overwhelming majority. The white people are determined to make white supre macy permament in North Caro lina. lJU.NUU.ttU, JN. J., "fLXttUUA.X, AFKlLi 1, 1899. THE RESURRECTION. Easter Services to Be If eld at tbe Different Churches Tomorrow. The regular quarterly Com munion will be observed in the -m l "D i i. . i i ju nay, x rtauy lenau cuurcn lomor- row rnorninor at, 11 nVlnnt TTi a 1 n of in on o room cw j.vivr aQy applicants for membership that may present themselves. There will also be a Dreoaratorv service ' l this afternoon at 4 .'o'clock. At Trinity Reformed church services will be neld tonignt. . m . it in Subject, "The Prodigal Son." Narvmaa frr hfluin nr. 7 Alt r n nnlr I -r- . . I judsiur wuuiuiuutuu wjiuunww, morning ftt 11 o'rtlnrtk. Hnpp.iftl Easter services by the Sabbath School tomorrow nkht at 7.80 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend these services. '1 Easter services will be held at All Saints' Episcopal church to- morrow morning by the rector, Rev. J C Davis. Tomorrow after- ULVJKJLL Mb J J UUUXctl DOlflUOO I ni k nu.i nA.; will be held. The choir will number twenty voices and a treat is in store for the music 1 r 1701-0 V . I Rev. J D Arnold, pastor of Forest Hill Methodist church, will aenver a aiscourse tomorrow morning on "The Resurrection." Tomorrow night Easter exercises will be held by the children. A sermon appropriate to Easter will be delivered at Central Methodist church tomorrow morning by the pastor, Rev, J E Thompson. Regular services to morrow night. Communion services will be held at St. James Lutheran ohurch tomorrow morning by the pastor, Rev. Chas. B Miller. Regular services will be held to-- morrow night. The pastor, Rev. Chas . E Rankin, will conduct servicfa at the Presbyterian chapel at "Forest Hill tomorrow night and at annonville Presbyteriap tomor ' morning. . Rev.' B Lacy Hogo will hold services tomorrow aV tho Baptist church. There will be services both morning and night. Sub ject for 11 a. mi; "The Cross." Subject for1 7.30 p. ' m., "Resur reotion.", . The Holy Sacrament of the Iiord?s Supper will be admin istered at St. Andrews Lutheran cnufch tbinofroW morning by the pastor, Rev.-W B Oneyl The regular services will be held at Epworth Methodist church tomorrow morning and night by Rev. T W Smith, assisted by Rev. J A Baldwin, of Charlotte. BneKlen'B Arnica aiT The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore8,.Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all 8 tin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give ctatisf action or j monef reiunaea. rnce cents per box For sale at P B Fetze's Drug store.' : .I- PERSONAL POINTERS. Mrs. J E Smoot went to Salis bury this morning. Miss Maude Brown returned homfl thin mnrrnncr frnm Salic bury, o D-.f I t? TS.il . x i . poro last night to spend Sunday with hip rnnthpr K,nH,o 4 Mrs. W A Foil, of Charlotte , Pea mrougn nere tnis morning 1 A T 1 ... I " pj . F.ouw. Mfsa Ola Hamilton went to Ne wells this morning to spend Sat - aay wun ner cousin, miss Uiinei ?i i w . i l I Hamilton. TLf T T "T: . J nurvy ana oio ner, ; 01 ounaenana, wont tn Charlntte this mornincr to I spend Sunday. Mrn OarTinnn wifft of Rav. Oar rison, of Kings Mountain, will ar rive tonisht to snehd Sunday at the home of Mr. D B Coltrane. w Mr. and Mra. C A Hunt, of Lexington, are expected here to night to epend Easter with their friend, Mrs. Dusenbury. I rtl r. tJllM.M. r-iiiiiiiiH rHLII rllHIl lr t-t-l Til . J hom this mornine from Mount Pleesant to BDend Easter.' His Mend Mr. j L Smith, of near -IT 1 L 1 i 3 A - . I M Mr I HH 1,1 111 - Wild IN H HLIKIHIIL ,L LU' t , college, accompanied him. ,f Rav v r fltifiviflV of Lille, Bpent jMti night at J25r. M L y TTa ;nfnrmB ri1- uf k Eaechville High iSchl will close on next Tuesday ntefht at 7 p'clock. The school is bejfng conducted by Mr. C H Black. Qree?Mbuntatn . rtaple Syrup. Quart'Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents, r Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison 0R0CER5 A. R. De Fluent, editor of the J ournal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered forja number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. He says; My right arm at time was entirely useless. I tried Ohamberlaia's Pain Balm, and was surprised to receive relief almost immediately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine eyerl since and it never fails," $ot sale by ML Marsh & Co. ? . Good time to use V 7M people do. BestFur1 T 1 ""V a 25c. bottle and you will use IT and ..JIj Ml next. Are you ready look around and see. BELL,-HARRIS & COMPANY are mighty feobd people to help you out when you are in need of anything in FUBNITTJBE or House Furnishing Goods. Come and see. Do you need a Queen Ann Mantle, Star Leader Cook Stove, Household Sewing Machine. No better goods on the market. Everything gujiranteed as represented or money refunded is our way of doing business. See us. .bell. arris Single Copy 5 Cents The Philippine situation. The capture of M-iloi V'ovea to ffi -alt task. have been not a very di The nemy 8 eras graf ?y 7eakened nd despaired cf holding their eap - tal. Tbev have douh Jern I hov futilejs tHe attempt t mtpate the Am.firicarjs, as th y boapfed ot doing. It is not bJ fd tha, ey will again take th fi H. jTbty may attempt a ueriiia vr-r- farl from tne mountain tui.a w u is ihe bopG that thiVraa ba I met chieny mu i 'atoiseives diers. is that Gen. instead of American bu! Thp Probabnitv cow i . i . . - . itia Tin 1 1 r rvr nroaa Iha tna v tiii-th&v ,.. .u..u.. I The rainy season will snon be on. deside it is said that mt)ch of the nchtine propesity has been sskea i r Affn:nftun i THE BE3T presoki: TION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste- less Ohill Tonic. Never fails to cure; Then "why experiment with cvortblsa mitations? Price 50 cents. Tonr money back if it fails to cure. The wash Silks we are showing at 39 and 48 cts. are creating a : . . ' V.- great sensation. If you halve not seen them you do not know what you've ziissed. Foulards & fancy Taffetas at 75c. i - are beautiful. H. L PARKS & CO. STsiriLiiiirii 9 Do yon know what it is? Most no W ' nitre PoUsh n "earth." Try no other. Presbytery first, Conference Do you like it. Nice people we are & Company. -1 ft 1 I 5 h I, ; ! ', t i I. r "I