J !' . ' f;1.:- n : : - - - , L . . ' - H't - . price $4.00 Per Ysar. GONOOHD, N. 0., WEDNESDAY APRIL 5, 1899 LIST TAKERS AND ASSES- iTri Proclamation to tbe Fllllpl. . . S . , . The Philippine Commission has issued a proclamation to the people and pbr- Boauda psas of the American -government in the following articles : ..intd ntthe Recent Mretlntr t ib Cnnty CommisMtoners Tbe Setting; forth tho objects a ppiitlon Witn Its Itnnuria I nonaa nf tKa A r.: l iu , - jlanded Iu An Admittance t tbe ,..ni Homo. ' A8 usual Monday was a busy T of tht United A . . . , . States mnat and will be enforced Aav in uommisaioner $ room at ,..- . , , daJ , , t -V , taroughout every part bf the arobi- tbe the court house. Besides tho plago. Those who resist can ac- r0Wds that were awaiting -the comphoh nothing except their own vment of their accounts there ruin. fi n - 1 1 were a number of paupors wait- 2- The amplest liberty of self . ii government Will ha vrnntmA wiVK me ior meir uiuuijuiy Hiiiuum io 7 ' " "UIW . . . . . i ao x cuuuuiitiii h wit. n lnarinania- nfFAo All of their k- .-j-buw. Tnhlnir Western Trip. Messrs. T G Fa rr, J N Day- vault, G H and Lewis Miller left .Tuesday morning for Indiana on a business and pleasure trip combined. They will visit Bov ine Central and KQrth- Single Copy 5 Cents ii eral of c Da live. . - . , , , v8 and economical administration business was finished on Monday and compatible with tne 80verei2n aneruuuu. ngnis ana ooiigtions of the United Alfred Mcttacnern, of JNo. 10 atatee. township, who seven oi eight 3. Trie civil rights of the Filipi- months ago came to onr county uua W1,A S DQ guaranteed ,and pro- from Mississippi, and who is yery I60 ed ltfeir "ligious freedom will j -Li .i be assured and all will have eonal mnr wa Piven admit anee tn tliA i . Aravo equal r ' , r-T, standing: beforo the law. county nome. a u u , . , , u"uuli JUoUUo aUQ iri6BQ8nip It was ordered that Exheriff forbib the exploitation!of the people Bnciiaiian De paid fcdlU, which of the islands. The purpose of the amount was paid the State for American government indkent DUDils.- this beincr -tKn Ma aua;aavancement r.cmpnf for 1807 anrl' iftOa ippine people. " ' . - y v. I r ? ., , . , . , i vuarauiees an tte matter hav.ng been neglected effisctivef vil Bervi,8 w Tear- the fuller extent practicable, natives iue peuiion ior me roaq m iso. be employed. 1 township was presented show- 6 The collection and applica- ing the bounds of the proposed ion of taxes and other revenues new road. The petition asks for wil1 be put upon a eolind, honest, a public road' leading from Rockv ftnd.ecor?omical basi8- The Pablio Elver cWh W fWl raieed justly and collected western States beforo they re turn. E Hj Miller will return about tbe 1st of August and take charge of his old school Grank- lin academy which has been tendered to him by the patrons. The others will return a little later. Salisbury Sun. Mr. E H Miller was formerly the principel of the Enochyille High School and also took charge of the school at Troutman. A Free Buy Time" Show. is the wel- bfthe Phii- honeat and iu which to your tickets to "A Breezy before 12 o'clock Satur day and see the performance for nothing. Two seats in the first four rows will be free. I Holders of the numbers of these seats will have their money refunded. For particulars inquire at drug store. Gibson's ied only to expenses of River church to Concord, begin- h. J Vk . , , ' , , honestly, will be app img at the well of J M W Ales- defravinir th nmf ander s land about 68 poles from the establishment and jnaintenance Dr. Griir's residence and to rnn of the Pnilinnina 9nJmmant through lands of J M "W Alex-1 sucn general improvements as pub- ander and Emma AlAYftnoi 1 interests demand. Local funds . I nn.) T.,l " 1 1 " L l crossing Rocky river .th pi Back creek then through 3 " . lands of C A Black. W R Heelar. S u.ii h " ' i ""u5iuuu iii io uoiiavtju mat me Mrs. Hiram Bost, F A Archibald needs of the government will in a ana u m Morrison to a point on short time become compatible with i i . - - I ? y '" . . ( sent roaa at a bridge across a a consiaerame reduction in taxa- tion. 7. The establishment of a pure. speedy and efiec;ive administra tion of justice by which the evils of delay, corruption and exploitation will be effectually eradicated. ffL." l - a! J.. V assesanro , .. . o i ne consirucuon oi roaas, ifiwht Y1'"1"; - railroads and other means of com- . r.xlB ui iu coun y, munication and transportation and branch about nnA-fn-nrfV miia southeast from L M Morrison's residence. Publication of the Petition was ordered according to we law on tins maff r. The following list-takers and manifest ad will be pro- lUfl t Jf munication and trans J first named being intended f9r other public works of 1 W E TTftrrifl n T. I mnforl ! Walter Pmifa I Qnlr vv k iiftTinrtr TnA w I and commerce and other industrial Morris, JS Harris ' pursuits and the general de vol p- 10. 3 "P. m to. n. ni I mfint nf thA onntrv, In thft intfirpst - r x ieius. iLa. ura- i . t . 1 . I 1 1 " J i 511: 1 i oi tne lunaoiiants win ue constant objects of solicitude and fostering care. i . 10. Effective provision will be i made for the establishment of ele- Mr. Tneker Sullu Out. t : Mr. H W Tucker, who for some time has been conducting a grpcerjr business at Canhonville, has sold his stock to Mr. Will Hornbuckle and Mr. C C Stone- street. The new firm will occupy the same etore room on West Depotj street. tj to amuse, A Breezy Time. There is something something to instruct, I somethine to entertain, somethinff to please but nothing to offend or bQre in "A Breezy Time." The of "A Breezy Time" has given an amusing and Veil told 'story, that J itz and Webster's clever Com pany of comedy players haye succeeded in elaborating into an enjoyable entertainment. Merit orious from the fact that it not only has all the elements of music and fun, but its story is coherent and full ol well sustained in terest. The three acts of Time" have been happily impreg nated with music; songs, dances ! i ana amusing specialty features, all of which are introduced in an easy and perfectly legitimate man ner, and the presentation gives a briffht and - nrinr - . O w f ment. "A Breezy entertain- The finale of the last act was - H VF. The Brafford-Reta Case Thejcase of Mr. Joel Eeid Mr. Wm. Brafford, which was in the Superior court here at the last term, was brought up in the Supremo court this term but was continued and will come up again later. No. 4 f!W A ot i p - o. xx. ouerwoou, uiua . wniMi - - vnuc, n u union. .5-Bobt. F Cline, Wm. iiiihv r no m hnHf i . Kaa ilaa- mentary schools, in whioh the chil- Epu. Uiau" Lowell, eo. dren of thg De0Dle wilr be educattd. KoT VTf)nEFurn Appropriate facilities will also be rr 'I iUUUIUO I provided lor mgner education 08e. H M Tc.fti, K - . i, . . ' r -"uui. 11 Keiorms in an .departments His h Clarence Heilig Will of the government, all branches of ncimer. C D -Rftm- Herring, Geo. I closely touching the common life of i omitb. I the people must be undertaKen r!rnir .t ttt I without dfilav and effected conform- , VUUlk, XJ If I 1; J J : er. "R Dvl. - I oVvlir ttt?4-V n n rm nrift l- i-TrTif mnrt ilia. 0 11 Arlorv. tt i tth -o I tififl. in a wav to satififv the well I - i ?i , l ii ,i i l i sentiments and aspiratioes of the TK? Ii ni-? n a nonnlo 1 arti Jno. F Sides. VrJas- -P Hurley, L D mil Johnston. , Jas.CFink. 'I f.rri ' i , a rn . - on, u G PJchmond. Ben rram King, W L -' 1 U I - - ' &1 fV V -Jno. R Patterson, Jno OUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Qiiinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin jhas L. B. Q. on each tablet. I si -i ( Dr. Wtaltley Returns. Dr. i Whitlev and MrJ Lowder. - 1 ! j - i ' f with their bitten children, have re turned from Richmond. Thev pent the dog on to New York for exami. narton If it ia coucluded oq ex amination that the dog had rabiei tney wiu then taxe'the children to the hospital for treatment. There is some! hone held out that the dog was not mad. i rarmcrsMntnal to Meet. The, annual i meeting of the Farmers Mutual Fire Association is called for Saturday week, the 15th of April, at 11 o'clock a. m., in the court house. j Increasing: the sinking fund and delinquencies on all, (even the latest jassessments will be subjects of consideration, -and the associa tion will probably be called upon to decide upon a certain loss, whether it comes within our policy contract and whether the claim for same shall I be paid. Other very important business is to be transacted. Let every one be present who feels an interest in the success of the association. Z. A. Morris, President. arranged by JFitz and which they introduce of "Rag Time" airs, show with a grand cake walk by the entire Company. !'A Breezy Time Caton's Hall Saturday nieht 1 I w v April 8th. Webster in a number closing the PERSON A L POINTERS. : . ! i Mr. W B Ryder, of Charlotte, r Mrs. Dueenbnry an Mrs. Hunt, have gone lotte. Mrs. tomorrow night. Dugenbury ooking after was here this morning the Southern's work. Miss Lattie Kerns and ;Mis3 Annie Cauble, of Rowan, paseed through here today on their wav to school at Mt. Pleasant. return to her home at from Charlotte. d her friend to Char- will J return MrsL Hunt will Lexington he to at to of Concord Losses Mr. iCraTen ti Mr. Chas. Craven,who has been a resident of Concord for quit! a while, who was editor ni Ih Stanly Enterprise and afterwards was the financial manager of steam laundry here, has gone Cleveland, Ga., where he will present study law and will prpb- aDiy practice later. Mr. Craven's leave is a loss Concord for he is a man character and intelligence and has nnmbers of friends here who are sorry to lose him. Mr. Craven will very probably return here on a visit some time in the future. In almost . - "viguuuiuuuu mere is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera knd Diarrhoea Kemeiy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by the (use Of that meaminp Rnh i-.i.cnr. u r it wnenever oppor- w vvj-a, xxyjym LUfiU Hj may DQ tH6 means oi saying other lives For sale oy m. j. Marsli&Co., Druggist. 0 small lot Misse Green Mountain Grey Mackin toshes wivhllcape .-. :, .... I . t ; and finely made. Sizes from IS to - 14 i " 16 years, former ly sold ;fpr: $1.48. flaple Syrup, for this bad and w2. i ! ! BnelLlen's Araiea naive. The Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands,'! Chilblains, Corns and all S kin Eruptions,'1 and positively cures Piles or no nav reouired. It is i . t a ; i guaranteed to give atatisfaction orj uiuuo ruiunuea. irice zo cents per box Jfor sale at P B Fetzer's Drug Quart Bottles1 at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle - 10 cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per Can. Ervin & Morrison GROCERS, rainy weather the price is 98c. Childrens Rubbers, 15. II. L. PARKS & CO, Rest ! Rest ! Rest ! :'; and . ',v - Snow on April 4tlii '99. , cvlc ?AL uowh xirea, eat tirea, 1 - 4 llRfi 1T1 ThlC qo lnnn- o ttn jw i. r. . i f, . . r& j v u. cuo ill icauu UJL txlb BELL, HARRIS & COMPAN Y Stoves. SAb nOKr., -&?ses .u?t cua jTo-uci, etu. i ours co pjease. tkg Managed by Mr. L Bell. Two FREE HearsfiR. ?Ao-:5.,pone i2. - yu i I' I i! - .5 . i 4 1 t !; r t, f - ii f. ! h . ft . -r Avsiuence uta on 1 f- 4 . " ' I

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