I ' t ! r ! - j l ' :', " ' " " ' ' : 1 - -v i' " - ,-. . - : r-i - i - 1 l ' m i. L . A . r t . J j I OOllpOKD, N. 0., MONDAXv A-PEILlO, 1899. j :':,y Sine Copy 5 Cents ION OF HOMES. 110 fp Charleston ;- I Mr. Jneob Correll Dies Suddenly ! ' I ' ' jT" . 1 . j Dr. Barker has learned from the On laafc Fridav! niVht nhnnt 1 v ff1?) Price $4.00 Per Year. A COTTON SEED OIL MILL. HIE SELECT MocH lielwjj SuDscribc! for a Plant The at Bills Plae Tlio Ufiicern elected j x Sit IVot lU-finltely Itedrtcil Upon V Ginnery nutl Fertilizer Works t lie Built Additionally. HOMES. Though the movement 'is yet in its infancy, still stock is being subscribed for a cotton seed oil plant for Concord, together with an up-to-date ginnery and' fer tilizer works. ; ' , " The subscription for stock is being handled. The amount of stock for the beginning i3 to bo cot less than $10,000, and if the corporation is mado it will be liable to increase tho amount of stock at any time. . It is the intention that, so soon &s the corporation is formed, that Mr. W E Odell wiU be the presi dent and Mr. M L Buchanan the secretary and treasurer. Mr. Sandy Smith will be the manager,' and five directors will bo elected, all of these officers though will serve but one year unless re elected at the first - annual meat- "iftCfis foi lite ministers Selesntes to i tery necidea ol tbe Coiiresjatlon Ttaeui. Od account tbe cottiiog of hei JIo for Charleston: , T Dp. Barker has learned from the 1 4..,.. tfie Concord Presby-! ""r uuuipauv .. uw vewiaus t pou-rtie Members and others who who wish to at- to Entertain t p., should leave here on the new r 1 . ,J- . . J itrain No. 33. As the reunion is on the 10th On last Friday the uncertainty of I T jS'jme of ttfe delegates havinf? fdlled to notify the a liar nnk P1 Mav tnse no go irom bans- aad eomimttee proper anapdorpuolication on laat r" vuua a funi .VJ'train at b.dO on the moraine of the 9th. This will put them into Columbia at half past 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Tbey will leave that place at 3.15, arriving at Charleston at 8.17 on tha same day. It is thoupht that as many as batarday. The folio wine is the i liar, but the lits subject to changes ; mad a by the cpmmittee: Dr. 1) D liyes four miles night about 1 o'clock Mr. Jacob Correll, who on this side of Johnson Rev. C A ! Monroe and Jflder from Franklia. M ra. Ei their. fGi b;:on Eld er from l)r. L H Chester and Morganton . J M Odell and i - t I . '1 ''a D F CanncMat St. Oloud Hotel 8venty-nve will go irom balls- Eider from bnenctrr. iburv. J W Canndnlai St. Oloud Hotel j The rate from-Salisbury and Rev J F Phirt and wife. L.t ;, - E C Baruhardt Rev. W A Woodi , 0 rh T id Elder frSni Staiesville. ! bury Sun of 8th. By telephonic communications with Mr. Barker we learn that he will go ahead of the time and will provide for lodgings for our division and will meet us as we arrive. He especially requests Dr. D i Bojfd and E Wj ing. Caldwell Rev. R iCier from Batnesda. iJ B Oolt4rfe Rev. J A RarasayJ D. D , and Eider from Taylorsviile. W A fcrnitn-r-Kev. u A McLiaurin and Elder from Marion. 1 3 ,.t? W R Harris Rev. W 0 3rowri and Eider from Front Street. As to the site pf the plant, that every survivinsr member of J D Hatchett Rev. Edar Tnfts; v n -r rv,rtt. n . ,o . u ii t r, n u j. ! the oth JS. V. xlegiment, that saw W 0 Houston Rev. B Sandler China Grove died. His wife was awakened bjf his falling from the bed. She ran to him quickly but he drew only a few breaths and was dead. Mr. Correll had in the past suflered with heart disease. He Was during the war one ot the drummers and always took an active part in the He was a good of the best of reunions here, man and -one citizens. He had j reached the aae of 71 years, hind a wile and The funeral He leaves be several children, was preached at Zion Reformed church near China Grove on Having been rothinc has been fully decided, and E W frnrn TWVmnv I so much of the service at Onar- It improbable that it will be erect- L D Duval-pRv. W R McLelland leston be there. m the aca J2i,aer UP unliy- The veterans wiU be asted to Odell and Cannon mills in order .WiT T 7 be m tbe poroession fct Charleston Dr. N D Fetzer- T K U -1 D- Elder from -Two gueste. Back Creek. on the 10th to participate in the Rev. J A Harris and memorial services. Mr. Barker asks ns to say too, that inasmuch GO Richmond-Eider from L afj tbere may be a good deal of to have the advantages of a side track. (j -As previously stated the fer tilizer works and ginnery will be additional, and in additional. buildings but will he under the I and Elder from Pethpage. same corporation, tf The ginnery, jM J CorlMElder from PrdBpec. for our accomodation if apprised it bnilL will be of the latest oat- 0 Erring-Elder from a few days before of how much ' . . i ooain ruverj. noir. J A Simsr-iW W Pharr. D. D Sunday afternoorrj i m . i a member oi tie Masonic order, the funeral cere mouy of the lodge was held by the members, together with mem bers from visiting lodges, REMARKABLE j CURE OF THE RHEUMATISM. Kenna, Jackson county. W. Va.. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed f or oyer a montn and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mrr S Maddox insisted on my using: Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a filty cent bottle and used it according 4Vin liiiArtfinna and Via nort n nrTi to breakfast withont manner, and ehe has not had a similar attack since. A. B. Parsons, For sale by M. L Marsh & Co., Druggist. -HOW ABOUT A- i Spring is in here cfpwding that he . will probably be able to secure cars placed here tern rcqumntr twenty minutes only fifteen to gin a bale. or Summoned to Washington as Wit- nesses. Mr. W Pitts and Dr. Kobt. S Young were H I Woodbon8e Rev. J M Green lee and Elder! from Third Creek. BE Harris Rev. A T Graham J P B Fe'zer Dr. and Mrs. J M .11 1 fTT car room win oe neeaea. vve hope veterans and citizens that propose to. avail themselves of this opportunity will be sure to A Joyner, Esq.OA Jr J make up their minds a little be- n - T! i oi . i lorftnftnn ana we win urooauiv do last week summoned to appear in Washington City as witnesses in I Grove. the trial of a negro, Jno. Reid, ory and Rey.fJ E Summers: 0 R White Elder from China provided for to advantage. We have received the 56 J O Walworth Rev. 0 Miller hanea that we ordered and every who stands charged with the iRQmple one is sold and paid for. l ne price is zu cenis eacn up Hamilton E'der from to 50, from 50 to 100 they are 18 cents. When we ordered the mumer oi a woman ac ina piace, D and Elder from Salisbury. which affair happened several j s P months aero. The neerro is from Gilwood. r? io'- o,i vaA o ai,f a;. ! M H H Cald well R S Arrowdod iuio wiavo etui uiou uuvy&v uio- I i i..-j -i . : .'., I and Elder tance beyond the depot, A plea , Q w Patterson -Rev. G of insanity will bemade by Kied's gnd Elder attorneys and these persons were summoned there for trial on that I yille. from Davidson. badges we had only 48 orders. I I m m m -m til 1 L Cook VYe advanced tne amount neces- from Poplar Tent. account. It is a fact that there is insanity in the family, his sister Pool. and aunt haying been taken to the asylum. The three witnesses summoned left Sunday night. Rev. W Mrs. S nedy . I Mrs. J New Salem ! NF sary to get 56 which cost $10.08. " A B Young Elder from Mooress he express charges were 45 cents Oi Alexander Rev . A 1 ii'4 I I River. ! G W Brown Zion Elder, S Stntomcut Ry Town Commissioners. The commissioners for the . town ol Concord made the following statement 1 ; - coyermg tiie period of the present ad- White, and Elder from Thyatira, niinistration to date : Amount paid on the- old debt (not bonded) . i . r . ?3,692.26 Cost of sewerage to the town and paid .. . . i . . . 3,340.84 7est Depot street re-macada- mized,i)aid . . . . . 1,500.00 -g- making $10.3. We have collec ted $11.20, being XV cents apiece, Carroll Rev. J 0 Keni leaving 67 cents profits which we I will not try to return but will jt Mehaffey Elder from gomQ necessary expenses p-Elder from Rockv with it. ; We tried to secure the badges to each at lo cents but do " not find it practical. We will try to secure as many Tired of Wesrro tabor. more a?? are wamcu n The AsMey & Bailey Co., of Pat and orders are left with us. terson, Nl J., extensive silk mill a T . . Operators! Who established a mill at Some Questions Answered. Columbia, I Pa., several years ago, We ffive below some stinenta as which was! worked exclusively by . , m fhft nrnnft ffi. South Main fitrofit has also been colored people, are removing all the & t. - - - I . . tt -i. rvi i i i n l a 1 9 r.nnr. niiHWrr uucatiw tua Thronrh macnineryi lO jaye.iuviii-, v., I i ii J - :n Vw -if1 I i.1 a ora a V. frt oak- tho efforts of iWtoard and the mayor where a iiew mill will be erected thonghtfnl citizens are apt to ask tiw. trM i... i-n--t.wM-i'W4 and ODM&tea oy wow neip. ". Thn town ta.ea l.'io7.od& ot a hn.dsome passenger depot has been Thurstoq, the superintendent cidos the above extra expenses all .y ent expenses of the town have been paid, or will be paid on 'presentation, intruding keeping streets and bridges ia pair, electric light bills for 18 r- . amounting to' $1,819.27, and "Her works' rent, police . and other v' rs of the town, and all the debts ' ' - y the present administration Litv-j cither been paid or will be paid on -U ntation. I ' town orders have' been issued,1 cither will any bo issued. ' j b order of the board. I j J. L. Miller, Treasurer. act in a Isimilar capacny in South. (The transfer throws more than oni hundred colored people out of work. Textile E tcelsior. . Bnekln's Arnica aiy The Best fealve in the world Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Rheum, Jer Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, ribilhlame. Coma axld all S'lin Eruptions, and positively Cures Piles or fno pay requirea. it, is gaarantlea to give ctatiefaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box Fdrieale at P B Jfetzer's Viu ! store property aad 848 polls. Tha taxes due the town this year are $id,8- 44 apportioned as follows : Interest fnDd $1,543 10 School " 3,087.01 General v" 9,253,74 License tax funds, fines, etc., are indefinite and we cannot give them. Thp town has a bonded debt cf $25 000 aLd outstanding scrip amounting to probably $12,000. Of thia there seems to be no complete record. The population of Concord is 7,200. for Salt to the directions and the next morn- ng she walked assistance m any atmoa spite n. PERSONAL POINTERS. Snow was seen to fall early Sun day morning. Uapt Jno. Barringer, of Spen cer, is here today. Mr. Jno. Harkey, of Lexington, arrived here this morning. Mr. Sam! Whitt, of China Grove, was here this morning. I - i - Mrs. Frank Patterson, of Chia Grove, came ia from that place this morning tu viaii at ui. oiovcuo. Dr. Stevens and wife contemplate going toAsheville this week to spend some time on account of his health. the weather. Wp have a gjeat va riety ; can please almost any cole r taste. Are you a long, slim man? Well, then Just drop in and see now we nt you. Our clothing is made jto fit as well as to wear. New lot of Collars and fancy Ties. II. L. PARKS & GO. Green Mountain flaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. 4 Canned Kornlet at 20 Gents jper can. c Ervin & Morrisctti OROCER5 5 5' We may live without music, poetry and art, j We may live without conscience, may live without heart, I We may live without loyers; live withoiiu hope, But civilized women cannot live without soap. We may what is knowledge but sorrow live without books, We may live without beauty, fades ori-the morrow. We may live without law eui indictments are quaotunsr, But where is the one who can li without washing. Patronize the it s; ve Concord Steam Lnnndry & Tye WorR. ol- By sending ets, Waists, us your Shirts, lars. Ouffs. OLace Curtains, Blank Skirts, Suits and Woolen Goods. SHIRTS REPAIRED FR3?E. 'Phone No 2. all f V-: V 12 est !1 Rest l Rest ! arid Snow on April 4th, ' Some Deot)le sit down tired, eat tired. go to bM tired and get np tirejd. There is on nxpt in xnis as lornr as vuu ttrt? in icttun ui tii ; . . . i Furniture Store ot I BELL, HARRIS & COMPANY Cheap Chairs, Beas, springs, ioii2iges, stovfisJ Sewing Machines, BicyGles, Uidok LampsJ Rugs, Mirrors, torts, vyaiiJraper exc. s, Counterpanes, Com- Y ours to please, Bell, Harris & Company Undertaking managed by Mr. W L Bell. i ii n.n.i iTT-T--- I Store 'Phone o. 12. Two FREE Hearses. Kesidence - o Ao. 90. X- 1: : ' IK 'V V ;(1 1 . V i ! 1 .4 Vfc 1 It v "it 1 1 1 5 T JO ...

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