. Mi . !L - T e ' . I - -' ' , . .: ! . 1 , . , Price $4.00 Per Year. CONCORD, N. O., TUESDAY, APRIli 11, 1899 A WAGERED PEDESTRIAN, havin tins Rltehell the Hew Jersey ft lobe Trotter Spent Monday Night Here On Ills Way to British folninbia mac He does not travel on Sunday but nevertheless has tn mi g iro r .1; j w y On a Fiye Thousand Hollar Wager- , f f ."Pg11 Week for hij$ only , five miles per' JAS. MURDOOK FATALLY HURT. no can Accept f no shelter and i r , aav' fie has been in 7 train Can Not Bes:. . ' Probably a few of ; our people remember of haying soen in - tho New York papers several months ago where Mr. Gus Ritchell, who bears the title Of the Kow Jersey -Globe Trotter, left New York on the 27th of last December with ten cents in his pockeb on a wager that in two. years ho couid Tho North Carolina and Virginia Boys Get Into It. We see that there has been in for eight years for this triri sme bad blood engendered be- TTL i: 1 if. .. . 'i a " " i- . .. ! has walked already 2,550 tween some of the First North 3. As he is not allowed to Carolina Regiment and the Fourth He 1: miles ask for anything to eat maybb Virginia Regiment a: Savannah not beinoj near any nersons. hn A ftrrifc nnrrrf Rn,i uas lasted toftr days on this trio Priv p J mi u already, he says. . For a medicJl ably fatally icWd hv Vi,0?,-. teft he oriel ksted 21 days. Win. Richard JcaI. to William who used a railroad fishplate. He knocked his Tictim into insensi- i Of his very littlo Motley, of family we know save that Mrs. P k Springsville, is his daughter. He has for some years lived alonef. I He was about 65! years old. SAN PA CRUZ TAKEN. Richards, of No. 9 bilit7 an kept on beating him. ,n h VnDnnvr TVit; r?.,M r.WUBUIP. Monaay Alternooh , e-Mr. uoofcolthe same Regi- bia, and return in two years, not fif ' "n v jTf dVf tried to saye Murdock beiU allowed to shelter during a S E Inrfc H " " T'f SP, w hnrt le single night, neither be anowe to Sot tct thM sk for anything wW n,. Ele was an pamed, howeyer, to see that t.here in, his rir, 4 " " ,7 . 11 - "'if not at the bot- v,:,. u.. ..u r .t Q7i: "ir c"KilBOU m mim , tom of it. v.jcuigi uuyj, wuiuu isnoining vptjraiiuns n:ore than a wheelbarrow. The man arrived here Monday afternoon a while before 6 o'clock. Having had a crowd around him to ask questions " ho decided 10 stay here over night. He stayed in the lot behind tho stnr nf fVA Th PrhvLL v wuw - J if vfK" 1UU1III j Cannon & Fetzer Co. He had A numblrj of the ministers and intended to sleep in the graded delegate? arrived today (Tuesday) school grove but fell in with some fco attend th meeting of the Con campers. ' , " ' cord Presbyiery. b : Though he could not ask for Tonight 7.30 o'clock services his supper, neither could he ask eginJ tev.. C Miller, pastor r '( - 4U , ' ot Rocky River church, will ae- for any money, the people yolun- a ',,f- i i . j . - , iwwa u Dwmuo, aiiur wuicu ine tflTllrf rtniH Vtim riA.nl 111. 1 Hi p u " u .77 reorgamzatibn will be effected . .Each day he mails from two to andnew Urs will be elected.! four poatal cards-to his party who rhe PresWty Will continue are watenmg mm and who have until Sunday. Morning, afternoon iurnisnea tne purse ol o,0UU and nishtNessions will be held which will be paid him In case he each day makes the "trip and does not n 'L rn i, i. . . I cBmiiwnB ranea ur ine aession. urealC anv nt ' tho aa oa I is , a- 1 Burner, iooa, eic. ms trip is an A t . v ,r , . A ' lt . the Fresbv tenan church Monday experiment for the purpose of . , . t II W , . r finH j. v F , night Rev, Chas. F . Rankin was nnding out the endurance of a . . , , , i,- n, - i- i , . present and requested that he be man who hyes entirely out of rt L - I. , w , , . , relieved from the mission in doors and takes the world as he ' u- -u i. U u , J fi -4 tt . , o whiohheJias been engaged. This finds it. His purse is made upbt; it,u OQ;;;U( . 7 ? , i , Hr t i -. . fch0 8esftlvD agreed to do and the New Jersey Athletic club, and pa8Sed resolutions expressing re- a medical society, of New Jersey; gret that Mr. Rankin should feel Aireaay since he started .they callecTupon to leave Concord and have dieted him on different foods of the appreciation of his excel- m oraer to test tne properties of 1 lent work ujuuh, , xie nas uvea exclusively ' on sugar and cakes, on corn bread, on fat meat, on lean meat and wheat bread. At present ho is not dieted. - He has for the last sixteen A- Brilliant Victory QaZued Acnin in the Philippines Cieneral Lwlon FCDI In Indian Style. . b ill fanothor fiJh; hn3 cciurred in the Philippines. Santa Oroz, considered the stronghold of the enemy, waa taken Monday m a sharp little conteat with six Ameri cans wounded and 58 of the enemy left dead on the field. Gen. Lawton commanded and the manen vring waa like that of Indian Oghting in the West. Some prieoo. era were taken and the enemy waa driven' to the monntains. i Gen. Lawton made his headqnars terfl at tue palnce of the governor and placed a guard over the city Ho prevent looting. The victory wa8 gained with 1,500 men and is considerea one of the moat brilliant of jail thus far gained on tha land . A thrilliog incident is told in the caBe of two Americana who were taken unawares and unarmed by the enemy. They waited their oppor tunity, when they got hold of gnns and clubbing their captors, made their way into hiding over night ar.d returned the next day. were wounded, die. Two of men, the other8 grew oat of the RIOT IN PANA, ILLINOIS Five are Killd anl Eliit WounUod Tbe Instlsrator Hinel six Times. A not occurred at Pna 111 . Monday, in wh one woman were killed and eight several of whom will the dead are white are negroes. Trouble effort of some nt- groa to leave and the coal miniDe company claimfjd they were moving gooda that beioiiged to the company aud set other negroes es guards to prevent their leaving. The local ao0 thontie8 protected the negro moms and the riot waa precipitated by one bciaterous, defUnJ ' negro who tried to mase himself a terror aud Q: ally fired on the sheriff.- H seems to bt llcinnr sifK nl.Li r 1111 tm auuui six ounet holes n him. Single Copy 5 Cents ; ' s -HOW i Spring It ! mere in ABOUT A- Si i f IS P of Mayor Mi is here today. Jer of China Grove, nety ; almos taiste. Will Make toncurrt His Home. Rev. J H Linnarrl rf RrV ! j t J h ford, 111., wto is a brother of j tll8 Weather. We Messrs. J C and R T Lippard,; l and who visited h ago; has decided to confe South and to make Concord his home. He and his family are expected to arrive here next week. Rev Lipparol has spent a num ber of years in I the North and Northwest in evangelistic work. PERSON A L POINTERS. great can "Diease iiF color Are TTAT1 long, slim man ? just r3 Mr. C B Little, of Jt lhrm.rlo is here today. Mrs. B F Roarers flnant tnAnxr in Charlotte shopping. Mrs. D B Caster returned h this morning from Mt. Pleasant. - I : . Mr. Id. McDonald Charlotte'thUlmbrnincr af:er nnrl ing several daya here. ; I s : Rev. Cha?. E Hodcen. flthr nf the Westmibstbr PreahvteriAri church at Greensboro, is here today. me guest or Kev.lUhas. F Kaokin. -Mr. and Mrs: A M K n no nf Salisbnry, arrived here this morn- inn f a : l. i i! a.1 t n ng is yiaxii ine nome oi Jtiev. C MlleiBr. Mrs. Hanna was form erly Miss Marv Graham' nf HhirtA Grove. i i ' ' ! Well, aiiop m ana - see how we Our made fit i elbth 1 fjn is as II 1 li to fit well as! to wear. New Jot of , Collars and fancy Ties. II, L. PARK 08. N - II The Incorporation of tne Bala Hill. At another place in this paper will be seen the incorporation No tice of thl Bala cotton' mill, form- erly known as the Patterson mill near here The capital stock of present amounts , to of as years Jived out of a house and jiAVfli- . i j -rr- , the mill three records of going around the f'-'t world-having walled twioe creasing $100,000.' v The in- corporators are Messrs. D F Can- Wamhardt and Jas. W orldhaving walked twice and Vertisin hip?, ri w , . Cannon... j wo' -LLo aisouias a recora lor WftlVin. XT "LT -rr . .t nuiu iew iOrJC to Oan Baeklen'iArmoa naire. Francisco in 83 days. , f ' Ifjsir, Wa wnrM Lv He expects to make this trip in Outs, BriaiSes, ..Sores, Ulcers, alt W or 18 months. He walks gen- Bhaum, Fever Sorca, I'etter Chapped erab' about 40 or 50 miles each W' ornB fndla11 dov f! , - . i '. , Sim Eruptions, and poaitively cdres v though was delayed along Piles or ! no pay required. Ii is ; awuuut oi nis mail not guaranceea f to. give otauBiactioq or landed. Price 25 cents per sale at B Fetzer's Dug ching him. He stayed near monevW """vxay. J-LC5 lb HOW L . wpnvm. l- . , . . . store ms eigmn pair of shoes 0ri his trin TTa -ua 4. tj x - r' JLU J I ill I Ml MTLMI1 1(11 II i Wake th fvi u t ! In almost every neighborhood there o i.ie trip by going through is some one whose life has been saved Kentucky but had to turn back i? ChambeTlains CoUc, Cholera nd on anonn 1 r-xi. Diarrhoea rRemedy, or who has been uuunt o.I the weather. He cured of cljronie diarrhoea by the juse wa3 about to eive nn tKo f-;n uMt of that medicine. Such persons make a i; i .yKiJ-Onp the trip but a point of telling of it whenever opor- Parted from Norfolk and itunity offers! hoping that it may beNjthe then was or. u l: 11 : Imeansof saving other lives. For sale kj la li y i i ii iri Trim rr ct w i t -i r -r auwvT, j py ju; ju. juarsn UO,, irnggisii. Snot Throagh tbe Arm Accidentally. Oa Monday afternoon before the time for the night hands to go to work at the Cabarrus mills, Ran Ragan:and Will Wallace, two small boys, were near the gate at the mill waiting for the change hands. Will Wallace had a 32 call bre pistol and commenced fooling with it. One cartridge only was in the pistoh By some means, while trying to close it the cartridge fired, sending the bullet through Ran. Ragan's right arm abeut three inches abovethe elbow. Ran. was lying apon the ground watching Wilrs manouvres at the time of the aecidenl. He was carried home and a physician was called, who dresstd the wound. While the physician pranounced the wound not a serious one, still it should be a warnicg to those boys who carry pistols. It is, indeed, fortunate that result in this case was no worse. Green Mountain flaple Syrup, WeMiistWash I i -J - ? J i We may j live Tnthont musio, ? ' poetry and art, - t ; We mav live -with may live without, lipnrt, We may live without loyers; live J withonl hone. i X But civilized women cannot live Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle M0 cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison SR0CER5 t withotit soap. r We may jhve without bpoks, what is knowledfrft but snrrnW. We may live without beauty, lit iaaes on tne morrow. We may live without law suits ; indictments are anashins'. f But where is the one who can live without washing.- L. latronice tbe 5 T Concord Steam Lnnndry A Djo T I i Works. i By sending jas your Shirts. CpU lars, Ouffs. Lace Curtains, Blank- 4 ews, r aitoiu, logins, ouus ana all T Woolen Gods. , J t SHIRTS REPAIRED FREE. Plione No 2. J 1 ii, 1 - . - . 77 . , ' '"ii To . . . ' : r . 1 ..... '. ",,;," ifif -gfffg'fesgi ag THE BEbT IN THE WORLD. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in the world, A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and hay ine read their advertises own and other; papers we purchased a Dottle to see it it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. Tho Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by M.-l! Marsh & Co., Druggist, We extend a WELCOME and ash that ivhili iri our city ypu make make the FURNITURE STOE of BELL, KARRIS $ COMPANY Headquarters- Fife witl take measure in showing you through the best Mock oj furniture to bejound in North Carolina. We hiiy in CAR LOTS for SPOT CASH and we can that will Convince you that we are at the head of the procession. Come and see us and you will do us good . . 1 Bell, Harris & Company. i

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