Price $4.00 Per Yoar.- THE CONCORD PBESBYTERY Opened 1 uesday Night- Officers Elected Committees Report on the JMiJerent Matters of Interest to the Presbytery A Number of Calls for Ministers Handed In. On Tuesday night the divine services were held in the First Presbyterian church by Rev. 0 Miller, of Rocky River. After this able and appropriate dis course the Presbytery opened for the dispatch of business. Rev. Chas. F Rankin wasjeiected moderator, Rev. J A Ramsey, D. D. and Rey. John Wakefield were elected temporary clerks. The nours or Dusmess were decided to bo from 9 30 a. m. to 12 m., from 2.30 to 5.30, and to commence at night at 7.45 and adjourn at will. The morning service today (Wednesday) were conducted by lie v. J A Karnsey, "D. D. On account of the esrioaS ill- utss of his wife, Rey. J M Rose, of Morgan ton. failed to bo here. A special prayer was engaged in by the Presbytery on account of her sicknesa. A number of reports were .vominpH onrl ntAil-nnnn The report a3 to the candidates iu the theological seminary was read and referred to the Commit tee on Education. Rev. J Rumple, D. D., Rev.-. J MiWharey, D. D., and Rev. WE McLelland were appointed as a special committee to consider communication! on Morinonism and report to this meeting. A call from Cleveland church was presented for Rev. Robt. S Arrowood, promising 51UU in quarterly payments, for two Sab- bath services per month. The call was placed in the hands of Rev. Arrowood. A call was presented from Pop-1 lar Tent church for the seryices of Rev. Ueo. L Cook for one-half his time and promising $300 per y annum. Trm mAtter war referred to the ruling elder, Mr. I .N Pharr, who moderated thfe congregational meeting, that he might attach his certificate. A call was Dresented from ElmV wood church - fpr seryices of Lbentiate J E Summers, promis- in? G5 ner flnnnm fnr one-fourth of hi f lm a Th nTl wAA nUoisA 0 c I in the hands ot Mr. Snmmers. : T iU , m t T tit In the absence of Rev. J M Rose, who ia. chairman of the committee on the Elders . and Deacons Institute, Rev. J Rumple, D. D., reported) recom- mending that the Institute be not hld this summer and that the committee be continued until next spring. The . report was aoptea. A commission ttir organize a church at Cleveland "was pre sented and alter being read was adopted. Ihe treasurer, Rev. J A Ram- bich was received by the Pres- 1 i , . . ujiery and approved, J-ne afternoon session was held at the Cannon villa Presbvterian rch, in. order 'that the mem- Wb of the Presbytery; might .see w commendable work of the KomeMission. n iJ8t?Jl;., ; I A ponular meetiAiy in the interest Of U ODQe M l flfli nii p Will h aM , tn- &ight. The exercises will consist of ters. -vwsvb uj a uuuiucf ui .ua uuuio'tcure. 5iOC. "6 genum uaa xj. xt, v. OONObul MONTHLY HEPOKT Of the Graded Hctioola Knowing- tne Members of tha Honor Koll, Attend ance, Tardiness, JBc. Central Bmldiug.. ,r 159, ?irl3 168. total I Boy 8 327; attendance 94 per cent ; tardy 43 ; punishment 13 J truancy 1 ; visitors 37- I b -1 it - v. Boys 40, girls 48, total 8F; attend- ance 93 per cent; tardy 5; punish ment 6; truancy 0; visitors 0. ; i Cannonville. I Boys 34. girls 37, total 71; attend ance 94 per cent; tardy 4; punish ment 1; truancy 0; visitors 0. (Jolored , Boys 90, gvrFij 110, total 200; tat- tendince 91 per cent; tardy 92; pun- leihment 18;' truancy 0: visitors IS. . Toral attendance G86. j Honor Roll. r S Mr. PettyhfNina Day vault, Flos- eie Pounds. i I i I Mies L vurii L?lh Arthur Black i i- tvefder. ttose Myrtle Dy linrleson, Murv Boger, Vault, Sherlev Mbrit-4 gomery, Frank Morrison, L'zzie PrpPat Graca jWutkins. Mi3 IittftRobert Fstzsr, Chnr It IB lie Forest. yiUie lfttes; Ulive Blume. Oh ..I ... . j'Brown, Jennie CoU a. a s i l ti - i .11 Shemll, Mna Tucker. Mies Means Clarence Stiefel Sam Goodman, Jamea Yates, Jessie Nelson. Eulela Lore, Ollie Suther1, i : -. f Elma Suther,! Mary Simmons. Mies Francea Hill Frank PetreA, Mamie Wilson, Carl Coler, Charlie Barrier.. . 'is 1 Miss Strieker Eva May Browii, Mrtrgnrite Brown, Dora Bur khead, Edna Correlll Annie Carter, Frances Gxod8on, Mary Morrison, Sidney Buchanan, : Hiram CatoQ, Ray Hoover, Adeline Morrison. Miss Harris Leslie Bell, Htzel Allred, Floyd Hili, Aubrey Henry, Julia Barrow, LucIIe Pitts, Irene McConnell Bessie Little, Berth uill, Phronia Griffin, Carrie Petrea. Miss Lodson Annie Cook, Eia- genia Cobl Maggie Hendrix, Kay Patterson, bmith Uarrier. -Miss Ora He over Louis Junker, Nettie x ates. Sam Uaery, UUie Friezs. j Mies Lena Leslie Grover Creech, Delia McEaohern. . Charles Kuz should have credit to rescuifl the flag when it was en 61 I'l J - . 1 I trA . .1. iL. AL 1 taniea om me Bieepie oi iue ceow PIlumg' 1 Dr. Tracy IS; Here. mi 5j x DOieu .wmpenawvwmwi, Ur.N W Tracy, haa armed here wd will give his series oi lectures in pne l .. .11 b . , . . .n J aptist cnarcn, ucgiuu vu day pight Art'nMrnfnflf' frtr t.WAlvA 1 $ I ' ! successive nights with out inter mission. Dr, Tracy, together with nl8 wife and daughter, and Rev. O H E Rauche and wife, ;6ome here under the auspices of the W- O. T. U. of this plaace, and on ccounti of the seating capacity cthe baptist nhnrnh hftfl heen selected for the lectures. I . .,.. Tr-i BacMlen'B Arnica saiye. The Be!sC8aive4nHhe orld for Onta. Bruises, Sores, .Ulcers, Salt Rbeum, Fevef Sores, Tetter Chapped I TT 1- nt.:ik1aia ilrVr 0 i tin ft Oil nanuu, uumi yvvi I an. Pe or no pay required. It ll guaranteed fWJW jSrSfiSSS u" t T ..." ; ! I niTRR A GOLD IN ONE DAY I m -r '.!Ijl "'"ii-l nnininATaVtlofa I ah ,efo rAfnni mnnevH-if -it fails to xn each tab, et. N;.p., WEDNESDAY APRIL BROWN-FISHER MARRIAGE. Hon. Theo. F. Klultz lo Deliver tne Animal Address Iteforo the literary Societies of the College The Pre liminnry Contest Held. Written for The Standard. Mt. Pleasant, April 10. -Miss Grace Heilg, formerly of this town, but now of Albemarle, :has been visiting relatives and friends for a few days. She returned to Albemarle Sunday evening. , Mrs. D B Castor, of Concord; was - visiting at Mr. Charley Fisher's for a few days. She ie well known by our people, being an alumnus of Mont Amceua Seminary. She returned to Corj- ! cord Tuesday, morning. " Mr. J P Cook, of Concord spent a few days in our midst. He was looking after some property which he ,purchased some time ago. The board of North Carolina Cpllee meets toda3r. Business of importance will eorno up at this meeting. Miss Lyda Fisher, dau?:httr of Mr. Charley Fisher, whs married Sunday morning to Mr. Frank Brown, of Rowan county, by Rev. J ALvnn. This scribe wishes them a long and prosperous life. Frank Patterson, of China Grove, was in bur town last Tues day. Hon. Theo. F Kluttz, of Salis bury, will deliver the literary ad dress before the societies of North Carolina College this com ing commencement. . The preliminary contest was held last Ayednesday evening in the College chapel. The success ful contestants were Geo. T Barrioger, Carl M Cook, Earnest Foil, Murray Long, Lewis Miller and A J Widenhouse. Air. Standi Back at Home. Some days ago it was noted in this paper that Mr. Wm. Stancil, of No. 10 township, had been bit ten by a supposed mad-dog and that he had been taken to Charlotte to a madstone. Wo since learn thi t the stone was 'applied and adhered at eight placed. This seems to have bien a very ferocious dog. It at tacked Mr. Stancil while at the barn, and bit him one time after another. He at last succeded in getting it by the throat, then choked it and beat it over the head considerably with a board he for tunately could reach. Thinking that he had treated the dog so roughly that it would now leave, he turned it loose. But again the animal attacked and bit him. He then succeeded in killing it. Mr. Stancil has not taken any treat ment and is at his home in No. 10 township. Ha i3 a man of limited means and is .not able to take the Pastenr treatment. THE BEST TBESOBIPTIQN FOR ; . ;k: ; . . CHILLS. .- , , - and fever Is a. .bottle of Grove's -Taste less Ohill Tonic. ' Never fails to' cure Then -why. experiment with worthless nutations? Price 50 cents. Your monevjbapjs jit $ fails' to cure--2 TOKEBTIN THE WORLD. We-, fbeUevei -Chamberlain's Cdn&h Remedy sithe besit hxth world, rAfew cold and a ArOublesohie .cough.- and hay ing riead their ! advertisements va. pur own aniotJheir papers) we purchased a bottle toisee if Jitt wduld efFeot tis: It cured - us cfcejoje , jiheo bottle-s was more than ihalf used. It is the best medieine out for colds andCughs.s-5The Herald Andersonlleiithdi .Forsale by M. L. Marsh & Co., .ruscgist. 12, 1899, f GREAT MINING BOOM. i i - rnere Oricnnlzatlonn nnd Immense Capital Based on Gold Hill. Since the prospects are that Gold Hill will again balch , out mineral wealth asa volcano does lava a new impetus ie given tereste. The Whitney to the mining in Red notion Com- pany was chartered by the State on i -Tuesday to operate in Rowan and Cabarrus. It extends for 60 year. EBU Hambleyj, J S Handerson and ANH. Boydeo are the stockhold ers. Capital Stock is $300,000. ; The purpose is manufacturing of to do mining, ores, mineralp, mtals, ana earths. The Salisburyi Sun says two com panies were organized in Salis bury Tuesday with an aggregated r.jirital of ftl 1 000000 whinh will be increased to 8250,000,000. AH ' taia is the outgrowth of the realiza tion of the great metalic wealth about Gold Hill SHOUT LOCA1N. - Chas. Graeber, who Mr. some years ago spent some time here, pp?nt Tuesday here with hi9 brother, Mr. H A Graeber.He has new gone to Mississippi. Mrs. J S Murrow, of Centra, Guil ford county, and Mrs. Isaac Marsb of Gladeeboro,j Randolph county, are visiting their brother, Mr. D B Coltrane, A good is thrnip salad hog-jowl and cracklin bread, but the best spring medicine its Hall's Sarsa panlla, that's the medicine that makes good rich red blood Try it. jFor sale at Fet par's drug store. PERSONAL POINTERS. Rev. C B Miller is spending today in Mt. Pleasant. He is at tending a meeting of the college board. Mis. Robt. Price, of Saliabuty, arrived here this monrng from that place. She is stopping at the home of Mr. Geo. W Brown. Green Mountain Flaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. Canned Kornlet at 2o cents per can. Ervih & Morrison 0R0CER5 ' , - ' ; To . . -1 '.. . ' T' i . wwHBwB- " - - f t V DIIPO S'T'2!7i w5-Dr We extend a WW TZfoMK and ash that while in qur citya FUIM 1TTJRE STOItE of w tf through the lest jstocJc of 3ujm Webiiy in C:;f)3l&fM and, we can give you prices procession Cbm a7d w?e us and you will do us good Bell, Harris & Gornpany. .- v, ;, : 4 j Single Copy 5 Cents .T - t " ! - 1 ' I I -HOW ABOUT A- RW I Sprlll -a 1 si e m A. of the wea have a J"5 gresft ?a- nety ; can p 1 1 1 almost any color taste. Are yon a long, slim man!.'? Well, then just drop in1 and see now we nt you. Our clothing is made ito fit SIS well as to wear. Ney lot of Collars and fancy Ties; Hi. PARRS & CO. . I. ! I We Must Wash V A A. We may live without music, poetryand art, m 7e may live without conscieno'e, may live without heart, i. We may liye without loyers; hye without honv ! 4 But civilized womeu cannot live We may live without b$oks, what is knowledge but sorrow. We mav live (without; beauty. fit r .1 , . I - fades on the morrow. We may live without law suits ; t indictments are nna&bing, But where is the one who can live without washing. latromze tlie Concord Steam Laundry A:Djo . Works. I ; Bv sendinar us your Shirts, dol- t lars, Ouflfs. Lace Curtains, Blank- ets, Wai6ts, Skirts, Suits and jail Woolen Goods. j SHIRTS REPAIRED FRSE. Pbone No 2. , .. v S SUil

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