i -?Jm " "- - I ... . - ' " 1 ' 1 I III , ' ' 1 11 ! ' I I.J III WM Ul I . - . Price $4.00 Per Year. CONCORD CHURCH. I lredll County VP1I1 II are the Prs lytery liext Fall Peprts Handed In-CommistttOHen Selected 'Lli general Assembly" CT Wednesday afternoon's session vas held in GannonTille Presby terian church. An address of welcome was delivered by Rev. W C Alexander. A response was given by Dr. J M Wharey. 1 The moeung was neia at tnis place in order that the members of the Presbytery nn,ht see the wotk 01 ine nome mission in erecting a beautifnl house of worship for the people in that part of Concord . , , A request was - made by the merreeation of Southtowe church wurT " r :r i rtfano c Tl to cnansQ us name to jxewaaie. The request was granted , . v ,,. I The place for holding the Con- 1 PnAahvtara f hid t 1 1 art 1 1 ha , . . . -r i ii at uoncora cnurcn, in ireaeu - ... . , ' , , county, it having been decided at the afternoon session Wednesday. The commissioners to the General Assembly which meets in Richmond in May were selected, They are uey. o 15 nearer, ; ' n -ti -pl j and Dr. D G Ramsey, of Third u rri u i Creek. The alternates are Rey. Grliam and Rev. Munroe. Rev. Geo. L Cook was examined and received as a member of this Presbytery. The call which was nrpsnfpirl from the PoTjlar Tent r ' . : ' church Wednesday askine for his services was placed in bis hands. By request Rev. Chas. h Ran- kin was dismissed from this Presbytery, to the Fayetteville Presbytery, he haying accepted a call to itea opnngs some aays ago. : At the night session the report of the Home mission was made by i , . . . , u , showed that only two churches had been vacant during the time. A motion was adopted wherein the evangelists will hereafter en deavor to assist in the collec- tionsfor church extensions. Xt was also decided that on the fifth of each month a collection would be taken in each church for the same fund. At the mornina; service today (lhursday) Rev. A J McKelway, editor of the Presbyterian; Stand ard, made his report as to the work of the organ of the Presby? terian church, stating that its condition financially was better than in the past sho wing a larger subscription list. Rey. Dr. Shearer, president of Davidson college, made a report as to the condition, of the schools which are under the care and guidance of the Presbytery which report was bright and welcoming. Rey. 0. Miller made a report as to the colored evangelistic work, ji The morning sermon was de Hvered by Rev. J M Wharay, of Mooresville. , - ' ' V ! Baekien's Arnica BaiTe j The Best Salve in the world for Outa, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhtium, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Ohilhlains, Corns and all 8 fin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give statisf action or Jaoner refunded. Price 25 cents per ooi For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug CONCORD, BAD CONDITION IN SAMOA. 1 !! Krltlsfei nnd AmerlcanslAmbnacaAed 1.3- it II- . , " I i '- ij m.wu llv UeHU I' The news of ja serious affair in Samoa on April 1st have jast come to A forced of British and American marinest and five in k number one hundred were embuscaded by abont " eight hundred Mataafans and three four sailors' were killed and several were wounded. tti.,offi ' cut off the heads of jThe bodies 'and the regained later and heads were are buried together. , p It makes quite a delicate sitna- Hon in which German influence! gQ mg onsibilit for! ff1ma :'.fr6jj5' resPonsl 1 J 0Ij the evil. Germany, however,' disclaims responsibility and blames Jiinglana now lor aelaying . , . Ti f . . J J . r . s the b a mo an commission wnion it is j ; , ii s.. . hoped will settle the anair. ,! ,. . i i ; A Fire at ;u Moutffomery nine Some time before 8 o'clock Wednesday night one of : the buildings at1 .the Montgomery mine a sbo aistancQ abovo For'. est Hill was found to be on fire. Work was recently begun at this ; , h.i. , - i mine by ColiStith, and a n urn- t J. h i , . . r ber of improvements have beep made - Thf building in which a engine; and boiler, stamp mill. and Huntington m in stooa was consumed! I - The Engine and -r)- " jj -j r boiler werp only slightly damagep. The stamp' mill is not badly dam- aged, though the copper plates were ruined which means a jQgs itsel of over . one hundred The Huntington mill si - - I ollarg was unhurt. The origin of the fire is un known. The loss is roughly esti- mated at! S500. JSo insurance !l : ! Ml " f was carried on the plant, j Ton'll llay a Chance THis Time. ii ti " Hi Very 'often you hear the Re mark that nothing fine jn) the Wav of alloomedv comes to Con- COrd but jthe people can not say tn;s about: Alba Hey wood, and peerless company, which company f will appear in the opera house on the night of 'the Ulst. Music to suit the most classical! ear can be heard and productions of the most humor ous nature. Every member of the company is an artist and it is not often that the people of Concord! have the advantage of such a musical and humorous treat. Preparations Are Being Made. i All arrangements are bwing made for the reception to be given the! soldiers when they re turn home. It is the intention that a ! large crowd meet them at the depot and march to Oaton's hall where after appropriate speeches -a sumptuous supper will be served to them. The com mittees1! for the work are being appointed and will be furnished for publication tomorrow. NO CURE, NO PAY. ' That isi the way all druggists seU Grove's'Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simpjy iron ana Quinine in a tasteless form. Children lnve it. ! Adults refer it to Ditter, nau- seatina Tonics. ' Price, 50o. N. 0.; THURS DA , APRIL 13, Two Indictments fur silling Whiskey v Two more cases have been found 'f - - ' to be recorded on the ' criminal docket for the coming court. Both of them are charges of selling whis key. Two negroes, John Isenhour and Abram Brown have been ar rested and tried. The case is too plain for their release, henc they are bound oyer to court. Their indictment was gtcured through the services of Mr. J E Garrison, of Charlotte, who sometimes serves on the police force here, and who has been doing some detective woik hsre. He bought whiskey from both of the negroes on the fourth of this month, John Isenhour sue- ceeded in getting his $200 bond, but Abram Brown Wis taken to jail in default of a $50 bond. Ttae Series Besln Tonlfflit. Tonight at the Baptist church Dr. N W Tracy will begin his series of lectures. Tonight's exercises will be an introduction to the series. One of the scenes to be illustrated tonight is the Rock of Ages. The scenes are said to be exceptionally fine and no doubt Concord will give Dr. Tracy a full house to his lectures. Remember there is no admission fe. i Dr. Tracy is prepared to give the audience some fine vocal and instrumental music also. Let the people turn out tonight and hear him. X arown from Her Horse. Oq Wednesday afternoon, while out horseback riding, Miss Cha-sie Brown was thrown from her horse near the St. Cloud hotel. The ani- . i xnal stumbled and sue was thrown during the efforts of the horsa to get to its feet. She was unconscious when some persons picked her up, but fortunately she was only bruised CURE A COLDJN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money! if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. cn eaclx. tablet. ! from Forest Hill. Messrs. A T Bruton, W A Pen- ninger and I H Beatty left today for the fisheries. We wish them good luck. Mr. Jas. Johnson, of Charlotte, came over Wednesday to attend the burial of his brother, Mr Geo. Johnson. I We are glad to see Mr. Hay wood Dennis on the streets again after a long siege of feyer. On Wednesday night an officer from Albemarle was here hunting a white man named Jake Gourley, who is wanted there for being en gaged in an affray. Policeman Har ris spotted the man, and the officer returned to Albemarle with his man next morning. The fellow haa Seen here about the Cannon mills. Millions Given Away. ' fc It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and sufier ing. The proprietors of Dr.4 King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases . of the Throat Chest and Lungs are surely cured by it. Call at P. B. Fetzer's drug Btore and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. 1899 , j ; ' "7T SHORE;IK)pAL.u, Mr; Frank' Cannon spent last night in Salisbury ? - WANTED An "experienced house-keeper. Apply ' to Mrs. M C Dasenburyi at St. Cl6uld hotel: If -yon ! want to see" a sood game of baseball go and see Con cord's nine against the "Boston Bloomers" tbmurrow afternoon ! Dr M L Stevens and wife have gone to Asheville to' spend some time on account of his ' health. Rev. V R Stickley, of Enochyill, accompa nied them to Spartanburg. Worth its weight, in gold Look in the show-window at Fetzer's drug store and you will, see this illus trated. The rich nugget from one of our Cabarrus mines is surely tempting, but it is there to illustrate tt e fact that Hall's Sarsaparilla is worth its weight in gold. tf. Mrs. J udgt Montgomery returned home Wednesday night from Mil ton, where she has been spending a month with her sister, Mrs. Gen. Ramseur. Mrs. Ramseur and daughter, Miss Mary Ramseur, re turned with Mrs. Montgomery and will spend some time here. Tomorrow is the time for the baseball game, in which the "Bos ton Bloomers" will try hard to beat our boys. Be there and encourage oor boys, j Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs, 13 for 60c. Truman Chapman. PERSONAL POINTERS, Mf- H A Graeber is spending the after noon in Charlotte on busi ness. Rev. C B King, president of Elizabeth college, spent yesterday at Mt. Pleasant, he being one of the members of the college board. Mrs. Chas. Brown, of Salisbury, arrived here this morning to spend several das with her grandmother, Mrs. Sapp." ureen mountain flaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle cents. Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. ' Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 We extend a, -WELCOME ! J - my - - : i 1 our city you make make the FURNITURE STORE of BELL, HARRIS COMPANY Headguartersl We will take pleasure in showing you through the bes stock oflFurniture to be found in North Carolina. We buy in CAR LOTS for SPOT CASE and we can give you prices that will convince you that procession. Come and see us and you Bell, Harris & Company. Copy 5 Cents BIG- JOB IN ars: Dozen four-ply Linen Collars, all high, grade Collar, inade by a good maniilactiirer of Troy, N. Y. They are the are i t 15c. soiled kind; some a little and some hatve another mans name in them. All styles and siz from 14 to 18 at . v - - cents each. This is a bargain, put on morning. great Collar They will jbe sale Friday The early comers get the besi styles. H. PARKS & Company. We Must Wash 8 5- we may live witnout music, poetry and art. We may live without conscience, may live without heart, We may live without lovers; 1 ive without hope. But civilized women cannot live without soap. Wev may live without books. 4 what lsjknbwlefljre but sorrow. J We may live i without beauty it fades on the morrow We may live without law sujits; mdictnients are quashing, But where Is the one wbo cap without washing. Patronize I he 5- ive Concord Slenm Laundry fc Dye i WorkN. , ioi- By sendins: us your Shirts lars, Ouffs,! Lace Curtains, Blank ets, Waistsi, Skirts, Suits and all Woolen G0ods. SHIBTS BEPAIKED'FEEE. i 1 l Phne Wo 2. and ash that while in we are at the head of the will do us. good I " Single Men Lenen 'Coll - 5 J 1i .1 r 4 I if ! ii . - . :'

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