I I - M iJ ' i ! I V B8I ,s Is :-' '! i. 4 Ait 4:1 ! R fir; :. t is j Kit ... .( ft 1 i ! '.MS Mil 1 ill:- .i II! Ml' M I 5 J M ' ? r 1 1 If DAItY IBPA1D JOHN D. BABBIliBSOT,i, Editors and Proprietors, OFFICE lit- BRICK - ROW. 1HE STANDlinXIsMblishea every day (Sunday espied) anti delivered by rnea. Bates of Subscription : ; One year . .", ............ H00 Six months.-; . . 200 Three months! I . . . One month, . ... v.,. j n Single coDyUW- 05 THE WEEKLY STANDARD is a our-page, eighteoluntn paper. It has larger circulation in Cabarrus than any other paper. Price $1,00 per annum in advance. Advertising Rates : Terms for regular "r advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to the standard; .. J ..Cu .Concord1 N. ' CONCORD. N:C.jARlLrlS'i8. har e beta" nniif bria bbih0o ihrtepipth3int there Mima ;p;M;grMit miiukea or blanderi that almost uU wajrfitwrld ha matt Effort tf: bat cWri? Bictelif afe domiL ion o?er4lr tf-b3V ctthe field and ! then one bhossn .people. was made to carry tr nth and right eoui- H A oca viEW tncWAiis. - It would seem-a-piece of ; fools hardineai for one to attempt to .stand in the midst of a streamr where the corrents of sarcasm, Satire, inveb i?e and ridicule seem to harry all before it, and je with a sincere cyftvic tion that emboldens speech, we de clare it as oar faith that the Great Disposer of events is nhfoldio own mighty plan in oar war with Spain and our war now continuing in the Philippines It would hardly be within the scope of an editorial to analyze this theory even if our pswers were i qua! to onr faith.;- :s . Chimerical as the view may' seem to bv3 to ome, we think the work ings of the Omnipotent hand may be discerned in our late troub e especially when we turn on the light ot sacred history and scriptural teachings. "The powers that be are ordained of God . " "The King's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water : he turneth' it whithersoeyer he will . ' . We be lieve that Spain was a source of op pression to her colonies, , AIolr the current of events she has lost the most of the possessions to winch she 4va8 not a blesBing. , '. i ' This great American nation has. been blessed above all the world and M doubtless owes duties to the world outside of herself, w, "Surely the wrath of man shall praise Thee; the remainder of wrath shalt Thou re strain." Some murderer was permitted to blow up the Maine and it did much ....... ., :; i - to precipitate the interference - and delivery of the oppressed Cubans. As soon as war, by which Providence has so often brought about His pur poses, was seen to be upon ub, the Spanish flept-in the Papij was,Been to be a menace, besidis Admiral Dewey needed a resting place for his Heet. It seemed a mysterious1 lead ing. His unprecedented achieve ment need not be reiterated t here. Who will be so bold as to ascribe that Victory to aught than a force more mighty than his guns?;; Can such a victory be gained against the choosing of Hici who rules all things? ' . - , , Think of the solicitude if this nation leet Cerv era's fleet bring sore calamity upon us, and yet, just see how events - seemed to follow 1 a line - " i" . marked out. He went into the bay at Santiago as a bird into a snare or 4nto ihe mouth of its charmer. This story needs no telling over here. Can we open our eyes to the wondrous things wrought and not see the Di vine benedictions therein ? Again we turn our eyes to the Philippines, and, while our successes nsxs ! into the world anddiiTe.out this I young Western nation, . the recognized leader of the vrerld, was deubtsj chosen tpy reetpelevate, to blej;s .thos? bsnighd ;islanderi i k yonhatjwennotlkili Jhe rebeUioas speprdingq Divine will . l The Jfraelitea .if eg et' required to kill men, women and'Children . Do you 'inquire oCthe deitmy of the souls o' he-. alain tnqpire the Li ' " ' i same for those who are dying not in battle1 and inquire the same for ages on agSB with environments that ads miti of little amelioration. Bnt aeain see the natives ' enjoying the better light and the benign in flaencea of the world's greatest na- tion or vieldinxr as the C anaanites and the American Indian tne goodly on whioh the kingdom of lands is righteousness shall come. Freedom, is sweet, very sweet to hosejespecially who can enter fully into ita jojs, but to be governed by others is oqbthss .better for all these people than to be left to them selves. Much of the' problem is to H - f be solved as the unfoldings 'dioiate. We mourn the death of some sol- try we woald think that tKe people should . pronounce . it right and -not arbitrarily Wrong iljwofilcl bi'wttl if, to avoii? misgoidihg ech other? we could' have better" oppbrtonitif for calling attention to our errors. diers,1 we might mourn their death as bit z-sns. Life imaraace table?. v r i ' we believe, show that the death rate is regular independent of wais. If the loause is by Divine will the life is an acceptable sacrifice. M Ijij We trust that the course the United States has taken has the ap- ii (if j . proyal of the Omnicientj and that when we shall be wiser we shall see more clearly the unfolding of His purpose. J If ;the wars have been costly this nation is well able to bear it. She if l owes.mncb. Beside most of the 'i money taken from the United States ii " " - - j treasury is dispensed among her own citizens and will return in! their cir cmU That , bestowed on! the lees fortunate outsiders may be, and more than! probably if, as bread cast on the; waters. , We cannot join in the popular vein in the consideration of our re cent national experiences. ! HE BEST .PBHqRiPTION, EOB , CHJXiIjS . and fever is atUe oi. Giroye'a ..Tastcij fechiliTonicr "Never taus to 4re; Then why. experiment with worthless nutations? Price 50 cents, your mone v hack if it fails to cure. Unfinished Wor. An unfinished struotoTe of any kind is always suggestive and often pain ful to look upon. i We never piss a house that has remained unfinished for any length of time without thinking tbat somes thing unusual must have occurred after the building was begun . '; It is a great satisfaction to lock upon anything tbat we have under taken and say that it is finished. Habit has a great deal to do with thoroaghness. In like manner the disposition to complete one thing before beginning another is largely due to babit. The pupil who drops out of ecnbbl before he has finished the course can ne?er retrieve the loss. When ever he reverts to his school ' days he sees there an unfinished work that is net pleasant to contemplate. He not only misses the knowledge and discipline that come from pur suing; the studies, but he starts out in life by leaving a work not finished and, rounded up as it should be. I Circumstances may sometimes be such that it is not possible to con tinue to the end of the course. But for the most part when pupils drop out it is for lack of perseverance and determination. No matter if a child is not intend" ing to enter college . or study for a profession, he can not well afford to leave school till the last lesson of the required course has been recited. 0. 8. Coler. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. . We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in tne world, A few weeks aco te sunered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and hay- 1 1 J 1L.' A? ing reau .iceir aaverusemenis in our own and other papers we purchased a bottle to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used, It is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald, Andersonville, Ind. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co., Druggist, v . i IT IS EAST TO EBB. AS an illustration of how easily we! grow up in habits without sus pecting error and, by continuing teach them' to others and they still to otherp, just think of how often yoti have heard people reading the twenty first chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel and the first verse a word sounding as if written Bethpage. Yes, ;about nine out of ten will say Bethpage :. and we suppose that pronunciation: has given rise to the namesjof a numbet of churches over tb i country ejpelled Bethpage f The name of that village hear Jerusalem, hdwever, is spelled' Bethpnage and by all arthoepists .that .we; have con sulted is pronounced Jeth-fajee with the accent on the s rt sy liable. Walker's . dictionary is quite eevere on the common pronuhciatibn cf the word; A : '-x'- ,. Ittwould seem to matter very little how j we call proper names and yet if it were . our own name or! the name of bur town, county, State or coun- The Time For Synod Yet Undecided.. On account of the; repairs being made on the Lutberaa churbh in Salisbury, it was some time ago de cided that the LutheranSynod be not held on the 4th day of May, which date was fixed at the adjournment of the last sessionv but that it be held on the 25th of May. This date was found to conflict' with the com mencement of the college at Mt. Pleasant, and so the date was again changed . This date conflicts, how ever, with the commencement of E I i z beth college an d so another has been agitated which is the 4th of May. the time which was first fixed. The petition to the effect was started Wednesday at Mt. Pleasant, and the required number of petitioners ones fifth has been secured. GOOD BOOKS FOR YOU. - Mr. J. K. Coit, the calporteur, ha aTery nice linevof bbdks' ih the ve8i tibule of the Presbyterian church. While Mr. Coit is' Presbyterian he has a general variety of books by authors in the various churches suitable for home and Sunday school libraries. He will be pleased to have you call. He will probably be with us some two weeks. - In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has . been cured of chronic diarrhoea. by the use of that medicine. ; Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever ; opporf tunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saying other lres. 1 For , sale by M. L. Marsh & Co,, Druggist. . r( f . rixpi rLuuij r. . ; .1 ... .' ...... V 8 tBtel8 of Toilet 8oap 1 '' STOC&kea at Id Worth 2f o. nifrfTtrrkish Bath Soa'p3 cakes Smyrna Boquet 3o, worth j UOia uream ana tutiycerine 3' caltesih a box, at 126 per ; A t DinleLeadr Soapr 3 cakes Uin a. box, only 4o per box. a i l 9 kinds of, t seen ted , Soaps t . at 5c per cake or 14c U box. 1 ' 0 1 kinds of highly scented jj dsip8-worth-10- to 25c at j 8c per case. ; ;- : : ilarnees boaps do pel cake. i()0inch sheeting at 25c 0 I Nice assortment of Towels it and'Table Linen.' IS I Beautv Pins 2 1-2 and 5c 2i eaon. SECOND FLCjOR j i' New lot' of Novelties for the kitchen in today at 1, 2, 3 and 4o. ' J' 4 Lamps, Wicks, Chinmey a and 'Burners. j 1 Tumblers at 2 cents. .7 Gups ' and Saucers 40c pert set up. j .PJates at 35 cents and PHchers and Bowels 78 add 98c. smarbles for 2(j Jf J Big assortment of tops at IC. ;: X Rubber Neck Tops at 4o. A Respectfully D. J B OSTIAN. R it U A SUBSCRIBER TO THE STANDARD. A Home"Paper Other News That Is Containing Home and est to Our Readers. HOD 111 YOUR SUBSCRIPTION of Inter- In order that a Paper may thrive in bur city it must baye the hearty co-op-eration and patronage of its people. Price of Daily Standaed : One year Six months ' Three months One month One week Single copy 84.00 2.00 1.00 35c. 10c. 5c (utfiiiliiiliii&iiliulmliiitiiiliirfi us with your next order for Job Printing. r 0 2 II 9 & 8 8 J '- 2

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