i I1 - : y-yy--, - yy y"-y ---.' x".y'"- : yy.H '-'y-yy; yy-y yv- :y --"o-y ..- v....V;-:,:y;;.,:;y r:-,v. V" ,v.;-i-';y-! -y, -'y y 5 . . , : Price $4.00 Per Yoar. CHANCES NOT GOOD. 1 lieesior Meia-s Aiie js nt Ntabe and jle win rroDaoiy nave to SnflTcr . " the Dentil Penalty Th 'Witnesses -7 Discharged. v . " Dr. R S Young returned home Friday night from Washington Vyfllj WUDIO VTCkO oliiULUUUOU as a witness in the case wherein Keesler Reid, a negro of this place, is being: tried for his lifa for the killing of a negro woman on the streets there some months ago, The plea of insanity was put in by the colored attorneys . . ! J.T ll ' . but it seems mat mey were not competent to mate tn aelense. Alect Ried, a brotuer of the cHarged murderer, thinking that there wera no more hopes of saring his brother's life, and de siring to get away before death sentence was pronounced, re turned home today (Saturday). The trial was not finished when he left though he felt that he knew what the verdict would .. be. Keesler seem3 to take no interest in the trial himself. After he committed his death deed on the street he walked on to his board ing house in an unconcerned way, which together with the fact that he 'inherits insanity, makes it seem that he was not sane at the i. - - time. I Dr. Tracy's Lecture 'Friday NiffHt. Dr. Tracy's lecture was largely attended Friday night. Standing room was lacking. The thoushtful mind could an ticipate the line followed by the topic announced, but the instauce3 used to demonstrate it and the illustrations on the can vas were of course new to most of the audience, especially was the-lecturer's way of presenting them unique. The fearful Stealth by which alcoholism grows on those who veLture unconsciously within its realms and the awful awakening to a relization of the' depths to .which the physical and mental organisms become involved were brought to eve and mind. Strange as it may seem that such subjects could be handled in any other than the very gravest manner, the doctor, in a way peculiarly his own and doubtless approved by his experience, some times convulses his audience in jolly laughter and even takes a chuckle himself. The subject for tonight is, "Two Sides ot the Temperance Ques- , tiurl.', Stereopticon and animated pic tures will accompany all the lec tures. On Sunday night the subject cr theme of the lecture will be, "Obstacles in the Way of Pro gress to the Prodigal's Return. -The canvass scenes will present the footsteps of the prodigal With it will be rendered Sankey's famous " song, "The Ninety and Nine" and "Rock of Ages." A special feature of Sunday night will be an offering rendered by those who inter the door. In this the lecturer is strictly a sil-. yer mono-metallist. Silver only is indicated as an acceptable ofierin. , 4 ! . CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY j Take Laxative Bromo Qoinine Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fails to cure.- 25c. The genuin has L. B. Q. on eachjablet. . . I - M i ,' ..... . . : . 1 '' ', ' r r r -t! . ' : I CONCOKD, PEAIS Hi TO HIM. Tomorrow the Day Whew Alt Shonld Worship ih Their Bespce five Bouses of Qod. Tomnrrnte morning at the" Tirst church Dr. ; C A deliver a sermon. presbvteriaJ Munroe will Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Suniay school Rev. A T Graham will make a talk to the members. jTbmorrow night . the pulpit will be filled by Rev. Gra ham. .1 - f y Bev. O H E Ranch, e the assist- ant ot Dr. Tracy, the lecturer, will preach at Trinity Reformed chUrch tomorrow morning at II o'clock. There will also be special musieby Rev, Rauche and wife. Sabbath school at 10 : n .. ., .j o'clock. All are cordially wel come. The pastor Rev. B Lacy Hoge will deliver (his first sermon on the i H t Second Coming of Christ tomor- row morning at the Baptist church at 11 .o'clock. On account of Dr. Tracy's lectures, he will deliver nol sermon tomorrow night. Regular Services at All Saints It s ? church in the morning at 11 o'clock, and at 5 o'clock in the ' it !i i afternoon, j Ac the afternoon services the music will be led by the vested jchoir. of boys. Dr. C A! Munroe will conduct the services at the Forest Hill S ( Presbyterian church tomorrow nicht. He will also preach at Patterson's mill tomorrow after- ii i i noon at 3 o'clock. ! Rev. A !T Graham will deliver a discourse tomorrow morning; at Cannonyillej Bresby terian church. Commtini.jn services will also be held at tho tnorning services. There wil 1 be regular services at St. James! ii Lutheran church to morrow morning and night by the pastor, iRev. C B Miller. Services! tomorrow at Central ii if j M. E. church bv the pastor, Rev. J E Thompson. There will be no services tomorrow night. Usual .services will bs held; at Forest Htll Methodist church ito- morrow ttjouiug and night by jthe pastor, RivJ J D Arnold. 'Regnlarf services' both tomorrow morning and night at Epwcirth Methodistjchurch by the pastor, Rev T VVlSmith. ' Rev.W B Oney will conduct services I at St. Andrews Lutheran fihnrch tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Keep Yonr Eye On Sim. Ii iii The Gastonia correspondent to the Charlotte Obseryer says: "A man passed through jiere Friday advertising Mr. Geo. Means game chickens, and jroll- innr a. XV hppil harrow, headed for Yancouyer, British Columbial'' Millions Given Away. j It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land J who are not afraid (to be iTftnerouB to the needy and sutler- ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery ior uonsumpuou, Hnnchs ahd Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this vYaiA;tiria And have the isatis- faction !of knowing it has absolutely rinred thousands of hopless 'cases. AsthmaJ Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all ! diseases of the Throat nhftst and Lunes are surely ;cured k t llflflll at. P. B. Fetzer'si drug otnrA and set a trial bottle free, Reg ular size 50c. and $1. Every (bottle rrnarantlfid. or mice refunded. rrz 1 N. C, SATURDAY, APBIL 15, CommltteeA on tne Reception for the 1 , '-, ', Noldlers. f The committees appointed to manage the finance and decora- tions werfe left over yesterday afternoon and we insert them to day. They are as follows : FINANCE COMMITTEE. Mrs. It. Ei Gibson, Chairman, Miss Annie Young. Mary Ella Cannon, IrmaKimmons. Lizzio Willeford. Jesse Sims. GolcUton. J Cassie Watson. Chaisie Brown. CorriBoyd. j Maude Johnson. ti DECORATIONS. Mrs. D. B.jColtrane, Chairman. Hiss Kate Smith. ' Grace- Fisher. Mrs. J.D. iHatciett. Miss Mary tontgomery. Mr. Wade Barrier. Miss Delia Sims. " Miss Sadie Fisher. Mrs. Coler. Mr. Robt. Benson. , Frof. J. D. Lentz. There is some danger wa are informed, judging from the be ginning that this movement will not meet with the amount of encouragement desired in order to give our boys a hearty wel come on Saturday night when they return home. Other places are making considerable prepara tions towards the movement and our boys are equally as dear to us as are any others. The manager hopes for a liberal response on the part of both the people and he committees. Tbey Conldu't Stay With Us. A comparatively large crowd attended the baseball game Fri day afternoon between the Bos on Bloomers and oar boys. The first three innings of the game were good Dan, noinmg ,puc i t n 1 1 1' i ciphers having been scored, but the latter halt of the game brought victory almost at each inning. The pitcher, Miss Lucy Hall, is an excellent player and needed bet- ter support. The score stood 10 r to 1 without our boys taking their last turn at the bat. A party ol ladies of pur town was present and, together with the entire au dience, enjoyed the game. More than the wearing of their bloom ers there was nothing unlady like and immodest on the part of the Boston girls. Only a small crowd attended the bull fieht that night. As was stated beforehand this part of the show is a hunibuer. Tor Over Fiityl Years MrB. Win3low's Soothing Syrup haa been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess It soothes the child, softcLS the gums, allaysall pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty-five eents a bottle. Be ssre and ask for 'vMra. Winslows Sooth ing Syrnp," and take no other kind. . In almost every neighborhood there is some one whose life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic; Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy, or jwho has been cured o chronic diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever oppor tunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of saving other lives. For sale by M. L. Marsh & Co. , Druggist. 1899 They Will Came On the 22nd. A communication from Cant. Hill to Adjutant Er win says that the captain has closed a contract with the Southern Railway to bring Company L home,' and they will arrive at 9 pi m., Saturday, the 22nd. Announcement will be made later providing: for a reception of our soldier boys by the Veterans ar the depot suited to the act ot consigning them to, the fates of war a-year ago; i v Concord News in Stanly. The following news from the i ' Stanly Enterprise we clip : Capt. R A Brown, of Concord, has his brick machinery hard at it, and will soon commence the new com pany store Mr. E D Swaringen and. family have moved back to Concord. The family of Mr. T J Robinson now occupy the house vacated by the formtr. Consular Resume. The Secretary of State has ordered all consular officers to resume their da ties in Spain. Some of the sub -A flC ' I I ' left their stations all the while of i the war, and were undisturbed. No ill-feelings seem to have been en gendered and there will be no coo sular changes war. on account of the PERSONAL POINTERS. Mr. Jno. Fisher and Dr. Kluttz, of Albemarie, were here yesterday afternoon. Miss Eila Belle Shirey went oerto Mt. Pleasant yesterday to spend Suudayj. 7 " Mifes Ina Barringer, of Mount Pleasant, is spending Sunday here at the Sc. Cioiid "hotel. Mr. and Mrs. J W Blair, of Arc'adale, arrived here thjs morning to spend Sunxlay at the uome-o' Capt. Chas. McDonald. Green Mountain I fiaple Syrup. Quart Bottles at 30 cents. Pint Bottles at 20 cents. Sweet Pickles per Bottle 10 cents. j Canned Kornlet at 20 cents per can. Ervin & Morrison GR0CER5 To. c 1 1 We extend a WELCOME our city you make make the B ELL, HjiRR1S & COMPANY Jfradauarterd We will take pleasure in showing you through the best, stock of Furniture to be founl in CAR LOTS for SPOT CASE that will convince you that procession. - . Come and see us and you Bell, Harris & opy 5 Cents Shirt Waists in, all sizes ; Pla n, Cord an 1 Fancy eflects. Its a new lot just come in and the correct thmg for an early spriiig i i -i y Waist. Ifhey are well made, nicely tucked and the correct style. The pricJ of the waist complete is only 750. JUSF WDaXXDe material would ordinarily cost c you. Onr ready to wear I Waists and Ski re ! money salvers. ARKS i : We ustWasn "We may L live without emusSc, poetry and art. We may live without conscience, may live without heart, f "We may live without loyers; live without hope, But civilize.d wonirn cannot live without soap.;' We tPayl live without boo r's, what is knowledge but sorrow. jWe may lijre without beauty it t tades on the morrow. We mayive without law suits; indictments are quashing, I But where jis the one who can without washing. nve -I- Pfttrouizc the Concortl Siem Lftimtlry & Dye ' Works. By sending us your Shirts, dol lars, Ouffsj Lace Curtains, Blank ets, Waists, Skirts, Suita andj all Woolen G6ods. j OXTTTJrPQ hjP"D A TTJT7TY "C1T?TT?Ti! Flione Jfo 2. ----- Aii ----s -msiemz-r j 1 and ash that while in, fubaIiture STORE of North Carolina. We buy in and wecan give youprices we are at trie Head of tne- will do us good- Company. bingie u y:j & !y!? lliyyt y 1 f?i nu: y; iir.i ' y -Mi if U 1 1 t -Ji i- -'-A' ... t ' 1 A) "' ' ! ' r - ' ' - ,"yy -'. ' . , y' : -l'.rry""";.- I '..':,' y . -h . :,'--.- r. v ;y. ,'. j ,1 i. If ;M - , - .- , .-

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