. ... .... -r j,; - ' M - - ' ! , f' L-'&'V,S 1 It -I ' - x h ' ' " ' - ! - . - : ' 1 A - i - i . :!' - : 1 " i I ! . ! V-.';'- ' ' ' j . . .... ..A. Vv ' ' ' i m i! if f f v- . " 'J ' 4 t "?! i; ! 1 ; 5 1 t J, I ill Mi HI r ii outhern altway SCHEDULE. IN EFFEGr UAKCEI12, 1899.! This condensed schedulers pab lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public: i jj Trains leave Concord Jf. C i -5.52 A. M No. 8, daily, for Bich mond; connects at Greensboro for Baleigh and Goldsboro; at Goldsboro for Norfolk, at Danville for Washington and points North, at Salisbury for AFhevilleKnoxville and points West. 7. 19 A. M No. 33, the New York and Florida Express, oarrieR Pullman Sleep injr Cars between New York and Aiken. S. G., New York and Tampa, Fla,, ! and Norfolk to Charlotte. j ', 8;49 A. M. No. 37 daily, Wash ington and Southwestern limited ior Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Monst gomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and .all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis, Dining car, vestibuied coach, between Washington and Atlanta. i f 10:00 A. M. No. 36. daily, for Wash ington. Bichmond, Baleigh and all -points North. Carries Pullman drawing Toom buffet sleeper, New Orleans to New York; Miama, Florida, to . Now York: Pullman tourist cars from! San Francisco via New Orleans and South ern Pacific Mondays and, Thursdays. 11:23 A. M. No. 11, daily for Atlanta and all points SoutL. Solid tram, Kich mond to Atlanta. t 7:09 P. M. No. 12. daily, for Bich- mon d , Ashe vill e, Chattanooga, Baleigh, Norfolk, and all points North. Carries sleeper from Charlotte to Norfolk. 8;51 P. M, No 7. daily, from Bich mond, Washington, Goldsboro, Selma, Baleigh, Greensbcro XKnoxyille and Asheville to Charlotte, N. C. 8: 51 P. M. No. 38, dail, Washington and Southwestern limitedfl for Wash ington and all points Nortn Through Pullman car. Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York. Also carries vestibuied coach aiad dining car. Close connection at Greensboro with Nsleeper for Norfolk. 9.20 P. M. No. 35, daily, foi Atlanta and New Orleans, carries Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans. New YorkJto Miami j Fla., (via Columbia and Jacksonville) and Charlotte to Atlanta.! Also Pullman tourist car Washington to San Franc:sco,vin New Orleans Wed nesday and Saturday. I .- 8.45 P. M. No. 34, daily, the New York and Florida Express, carries Pull man Sleeping Cars between Aiken, JS. C. and New York. Tampa, Fla, and. New York and Charlotte to Bichmond. I First section of regular through or local freight trains cari passengers only to points where they stop according to schedule. Frank S. Gannon, Third Vice-Pres. nnd Gen'l. Man. Washington, I). C. John M. C alp, Traffic Manager, ' r Washington,! IX C. W. A. Turk, Gfctj'l. Pass. Agent, Washington,;!). C. S. H. Hardwick, Ass't. Gen'l. P. Ag't.' Atlanta, Ga. W. HTayloe, Ass't. Gen'l. P. Ag't., . , . Louisville. Ky. Gowan Dusenbery, Local Agent, Concord, N. C. LESS IS JUST AS GOOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50 etc. Jt , GALiTIA, ILLS., Nov. 16, 1893. Parts Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. j ,Stlemen:We ro,d la8t year, 600 1 bottles ot GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC and hare fcought three grosa already this year. In all our ax perience of 14 sehrs, in the drug business, have .never sola an article that gave such universal satis, taction as your Tonic Yours truly, , , All dealers guarantee Groves (Taste less Chill Tonio to cure ctiillaj V ' . fever and malaria in all ' ' - its form?- ; y - : All town taxeB mustbe paid?at once, or cost will be added. i Jno. K. Patterson, i tf. i Ton T Collector. A.'' 5jgSl!!Alf-. TASTE mMMtvitM oA iid ' mm f B&OOB PURIFIER SENT FREE A Care for Blood r and Skin Dis eases, Eczema, iimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, CanGor, Etc. j If you have tried sarsapanllas, patent medicines, and doctered, and still have old, prd8istent sores, pimples. distresings eruptions of the skin, painful j sores on hands arms or legs, itching sensation, irritating kin troubles, eczema, scrof ula, icdloers, contagious blood poison, fever j sores, mercurial rheumatism, catarrh, boils, face covered with little sores, cancer or any blood taint, then give B B. B a trial, becanse B. B, R Botanic Blood Balmis madoj for 'just such cases, and it cures to stay cured those stubborn blood diseases that other milder medicines fail even td benefit. All above named troubles are j evidence of bad. 1 diseased blood in the body, and B. B. $1 enres because it forces all the poisobibr irnpuritv or blood humors out of th body, bones and entire- system. Tojiremove all doubt of its tcj cre, we offer Jtqf send to, any sufferer a sample bottle I of B. B. B(. absolutely free. B. Bl! B, is an old, well-tried remedy. hence we know that itcures to stay cured for tne people cured by ii. x. i. years ago are well to-day and iree irom ail blood imparities. Cflcer Itleedlnir, JEtins: Sore. Cancer of Nose, lip, face, ear or neck, external or internal cancer, bleeding, eating sores, are all cured bV B. B. B , the moist powerful blood purifier made. All druggists sell B. B. B: at $1 per large bottle. For I trial bottIe of B. B. B., address BLOOD BALaJ CO., Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ga. and a sample bottle will be sent by return mail free (Describe your personal medical symptoms advice will id e given EI.XS CREAM BAIiM Is apositivenre. Apply Into the noetrils. It ia quickly ataor bedJ ! 60 cents kt PrncjriBts or bv mail ; samples iOc by maiL LY BROTUERS, 6 Warren St. New York ClUt nv one wismncr ijite inRnranrt will id O Velrto write me. giving, date of birtnjfind get a copy of a Life Insur ances Policy showing the Iciwest rate ! and jbist guarantee of any cojmpanv in the Sate.. f : represent the iTrayelers Insurance Company, of Hartford, Con neticntt and can write Accident Em- ploy Liability and policies. Sick Benefit 'ER JDRjEM, CHARLOTTE, N. C. SMI: IF Wl PROPERTY FOR TAIES. ! rV-V J" ax Collector for the to:wn of Con- Ad: cordi alhd by authority of , Section 51, laws of North Carolina,' 1897J Chapter 169. 1 will eejlat the Court Hjrae door in Cfcbord, C, on Fridaf, the 5th day MfMav. 1899, the foUowibg tracts or ldtsiof land, in said town), for the taxe que thereon, viz : .'I ' Ward 1. 6 acrN! adjoining Jno. Bulla and R. PfLj'Jesisft Misenheimer owber $2.11 l lot on v aney or., u vv owes owher ! 6.8G 1 lotfnear Buffalo Mills, J II Wil liams owner 4.97 1 J ' .Ward 2. . Hot on East Depot St., W C J Caton owner . 11.54 1 loljj near Presbyterian Chapel, Daniel Stiller owner 1.83 jj Ward 3. 1 lot, residence, Andy Eury owner 3.05 1 lot hear Elkin lot, Marian Foard : owner 1.1G . Ward 4. 1 lot in' Love Town, Walter Alex ander owner i 1 4.84 1 lot in Love Town, Joseph Bru ner owner a 8.35 1 lot In Love Town, Mack Boger owner 3.27 1.06 .91 3.26 1,16 1.34 1 lot on; Broad St., Sam Black owner 1 lot on Broad St, Geo. Cagle owner 1 lotjioh Broad St., Kobt. Coltrane owner j 1 lot in Colebnrg, Allen Freeman owner - ' ). 1 lotat Harris lot, Bobt. Kenedy owner 1 lot on Spring St Hannah liinn owner I 1 lot onTonng St.,Hammitt Mont 1.25 gomery owner j 1.63 1 lotJI residence, Amos Partee owner i i.i6 1 lot ;inf Love Town, Amzi Eobin- sori owner 1.20 1 lot jblar TO Strieker, AM Shu- . man owner ' I .77 bale to oommence at 11 o'clock. JNO. K. PATTERSON, ' Town Tax Collestor. WANTED To bujr 100,000 pounds of old cast-iron scraft, de livered at the foundry at 6rice,'for which we will nav a fair ririce. Nrt ourni iron wanted. ii I -- . ' JlSClpV it Vml" j 1 A alGt Concord FoundAy Co. Karl Jahnsan Ilnrt. The worst; part tof the baseball game Friday afternoon was the ac cident which befell Karl Johnson. While taking his ! turn at the bat the ball accidentally bit him near the bacjc of the head, almost knock ing him down. It was a hard blow and the lady pitcher instantane ously realized that! Karl was hurt. He became yery sick for a while, but rallied and returned to tbe grounds. He seemed as sane as any one then, but that night he became unconscious and a physician was called. j During the latter part of the night he rested better. Our Growing Needs. Uncle Joshua "We've got ter have some more coaling station." Uncle' Jedediahr-f What do we need 'em fer?' ; Uncle Joshua 'Why to accom modate our navy. We're goin' ter have a bigger navy, ye know." Unole Jedediah-f "A bigger navy? We don't need that either." Uncle Joshua "We don't,, eh? How'd we defend bur new coaling stations, then V Judge. A Clever Trick. It certainly looks! like it, but there is really no trick about it. nybody can try Jt who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himFelf right away by taking iSlectric Bitters. This med icine tones u3 the whole system, acts as a, stimulant to Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting! spells, sleepless ness and melancnojy. It is purely vegetable, a mild j laxative, and re stores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric BiUers and be convinced that they area miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Oolv50o a bottle at P B k?tzer's drugstore. 1 his ought to be a, prety w pickled country if it be true, a stated, that, the American people c nsume 4 000. COO bottles cf pickles every week. Morning Star. We give no rcioardsl an offer of this kind is t!he meanest of decep tions. Oarp!aQ:is to give every one a chance to try the merit of Ey"e Cream Balm the original Balm for the cure of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in the Head, by mailing for 10 cents a trial eiza' to test its curative powers. We mail the 50-cent size also and the druggist keeps it. Test it and you are sure to continue the reatment. Relief is immediate and a cure follow?. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street, New York. There is one negro on the jury that is to try Senator Quay, of Pdnnfiylvania, and his sjn. This is probably to give color to fhe pro ceedings. Morning Star, THE BEST PBESCBIPTION EOR CHILLS v and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. NeyerV fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless mitations? Price 50 cents. Your money back if it fails to cureY Judging from the rate theAppli cations are now pouring in, Com missioner of Pensions Evans ex presses the.; opinion that one-third of the army of 1898 will expect to be on the pension rolls before the end of the war. Ex. REMARKABLE CURE OP THE RHEUMATISM. Kenna,' Jackson county, W. Va., Abont three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for oyer a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mr. . S Maddozf insisted on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a filty cent bottle and used it according to the directions and the, inext m orn ing she ..walked to breakfast without assistance m any, manner, and she has not had, a similar attack since. A. B Parsons, For sale by M. L Marsh & ' I ' ! J - j ri Kind You Have Alwajrs use for over 30 years, in and sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations ZAi-'t f i r xi vi f w u VS I i II f 1 I ' 1.1 III 111 I J 111 f M . 1 periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience j against Experiment, What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a substitute for and Soothing Syrups, It is contains neither ; Opium, Morphine nor otker Narcotic substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays IFcverishness. Jit cures j Diarrhoea andj WhwV, Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural The Children's Panacea - The GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS 9 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For .1:1 THC CKNTAUfl COMPANY, TT And New Goods, "WE are daily adding: to. our stack of New Hardware the latest and m&st complete line of Farming: Machinery! WE haye the Bonnie Binder which can not be excelled. It IS ht iraft nnd guaranteed to do the work! iwer which can not be beaten. Good won and litfht draft, kTHE TIGER DISC PLOW is the latest Mtent. I Ei TIGER DISH HARROWS and HaylRakes. Averyfs XiJorn Drills and Syracuse hilled Flows. I All these jgqods we now have on ex hibition!. Were also adding Buggies and .Harness to ur stock. Don't forget our line of Mastic Paints and Oiis. I ! All Building Matteal-Blinds, Doors, Sash, CjrlassJ etc. , All nice, clean stock just from factory. RitchieHardwareCo. i I - : I Next to the KackerStore. Offers the business public a reliable. manent, conservative and accommod4 mg banking instution. j We solicit your patronage with the assurance of honorable treatment and due appreciation of your patronage. ; If we can serve you any time we w 11 be glad to have you come and see us. LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS. - . - - - 1 Capital ani Snrnlns j - - $70,000. I .V. Jt (JoiiTbane, Chashier, J. M. Odell, President. STATE OF OHIO. City op Toledo, Luoas County, j Frank J Cheney makes oath thai ie ia the senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney & Co.; doing business in the City of Toledo, 'County arid State aforesaid, and that said fim will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars; for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.- i a IN.-- ' Fbank J Cheney- , Sworn tobefore me and subneribs ed in my presence, the. i 6th day of December, ibq, ; i A: WaT.w.karwi Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken ins ( ternally and acts directly on t the blood and mucous surf ces of the sytem. Send for testimonials, free,-' F. d; UMJUWJUY & CO., 1 ' '-" . ...iiiMl.f,:--t i.V.-art.-miiiiW NEW p HARDWARE a STORE i J. ! 1 C d 1 llM per-1 .! . . Toledo, O. I Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per supervision since its infancy. no one to deceive you in this. and Substitutes are but Ex Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops Harmless and Pleasant. It sleep. Mother's Friend. Signature of Over 30 Years. 1 ! - . MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. ODETLL MANUFACTURING CO MANUFACTURERS Fine Ginghams, Outing Cloths, Plaids, Sheeting and Salt Bags. o D V -r-m I T -riT) TVTi i IENERAL - MERCHANDISE i BUYERS OF TRY PRODUCE ALL and 4-jfdpt wood always wanted Best pricekJor sam. We invite an insiec tion bf all the goods we iactunng CJoncotd N. 0 AOI -. , coMi K ell Matin N- : uo., druggist. Sold by druggists, 75c. V